Has anyone seen HRH? It just opened!


Earning My Ears
Jan 19, 2001
I am planning a trip in March 01. I am debating between Port or HRH for 4 nights. Does anyone have an opinion about HRH?

We will be traveling with 3 small children and spending lots of time poolside. (only 2 days in parks) The atmosphere of the hotel is very important to us. We are looking for deluxe, without the "stuffy" feeling. (My husband wants to walk thru the hotel in his pool clothes without getting the "look" from employees, if you know what I mean)

Any thoughts?
We too are going in March 2001. We chose the HRH. My twelve year old daughter is really looking forward to it!! Much more than the PBH. We will only be doing the US IOA parks a few days, and we are looking forward to some leisurely pool time as well!
I am sure you will have a great time whatever you choose!

PS Lookup www.orlandosentinel.com today there is an article about the opening of the HRH!!

[This message was edited by Megsmom on 01-19-01 at 11:49 AM.]
Thanks for the link!

I wanna know, is it a coincidence or is the woman quoted, who happens to be from Winston-Salem, you?
Weird huh?

Will you be able to make some of the March meets?

Just reread it. It is YOU!!! Cool!


[This message was edited by taff on 01-19-01 at 12:07 PM.]
Yep, 'tis me!! (I had my sunglaases on so I wouldn't be recognized!) But you are soo smart you saw right through my clever disguise!! LOL
A very nice reporter emailed me after seeing my posts on this very board! Cool, huh?!! :)
We (husband, daughter and myself) hope to make at least one of the meets, but right now we are not scheduling anything!! I do hope to meet ya'll though! :)
Will take the schedule with us. I do want to try and be a float rider. What a kick it would be for my daughter!! :)
Take care!
Thanks for the link to the Orlando Newspaper. The article was great and so were the pictures!
You are a Star!!!

We are gonna try to get the kids on the float for Friday nite the 09th, cause DH and myself are thinking about an Adult nite on Sat. If they don't make it Fri, then that leaves a few more days.

We will definatly, be at the globe on Sunday!!
Gonna take the schedule also.

Moderater, sorry I am getting off subject a lil'.



Thanks so much for the link to the orlando sentinel article. This has been exciting waiting for this hotel to open. I have not told my two teens anything about it I just want to see the look on their faces when they experience it all.

Hard Rock 5/2001

Mom of teens
We are also arriving at HR on the 1st for 4 nights with our 3 children. I think the hotel will be fantastic for us&the kids. I'm actually thinking of adding a night so we can have some more time using the pool. Weve got 3 days at the parks so it would be nice to spead it out.
Maybe I'll see you there, Brenda
Hey hey WAY TO GO, MegsMom!!

Great article and, yes, you are a star!

It was nice to read that the Graceland suite would NOT look like Graceland!! :eek: Tacky was a NICE word for that place... (forgive me King fans!)

Thanks for the link.


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

I must be blind. I clicked on the link and I have searched everywhere for the article and have not found it yet. I will be staying at HRH early March and would like to read the article. Where is it located (the article that is). Thanks in advance.
Look again, midway down in the middle of the page. It even has two pictures attached to the article. Good luck!
Thanks for all the applause!! :) Think my "celebrity status" will get me an upgrade at HRH??!! :) LOL
Hey - it can't hurt!! Why not try it and "throw around" the fact that you "have connections with the media & with the internet" and the YOU ARE are a celebrity now while checking in!! :D :D


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