Has anyone felt motion sickness from Flight of Passage

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The first few seconds on FoP were overwhelming to me. Then I remembered to focus on the "ride leader". Part of the story of is that you are being led on your ride by a ride leader. It took me a second or two to find the ride leader off in the distance. Once I focused my attention on following the leader's motion suddenly the ride went from overwhelming to exhilarating. Watching the ride leader allowed me to anticipate the motion. It made me feel like I was directing my motion. After I settled down I found that I could look around a bit and appreciate the complexity of the ride.

I encourage you to give it a try. Especially if you ride Soarin' with no problems. If it starts to get to you, just close your eyes. The physical motion is gentle.
I really hate this. I know that I am going to go on this ride and that it is going to make me feel so sick but I have to do it....ONCE!! Soarin is starting to bother me, unfortunately. And I've not done Star Wars or Mission Space, only because they don't interest me. But, this, THIS interests me!!!!
I get motion sick, can't do simulators....Star Tours or spinning ....tea cups.
I loved this ride. I could feel it on some of the sideways motion, but it was so worth it and I will do it again
I get motion sick fairly easily, but I've been able to handle FoP so far. I don't think I'd ride it twice in a row..but the standby times pretty much eliminate that possibility anyway. I've only ridden it twice so far and have been in position 15 or 16 both times (not sure if that's supposed to make a difference). I did follow the advice of trying to center my focus on following the leader and that does seem to help. There's a couple places where that's a bit difficult. If I remember correctly, the biggest "drop" is right at the beginning, so be ready for that. The experience itself is quite spectacular and I'd certainly try to encourage trying it...
I get motion sick, can't do simulators....Star Tours or spinning ....tea cups.
I loved this ride. I could feel it on some of the sideways motion, but it was so worth it and I will do it again

I forgot. I can't do the teacups either. Thankfully, I'm still able to do all roller coasters! I hope that never goes away!!
We did a baby swap at FoP. My brother, sister-in-law and two adult nephews went on while my nephews’ wives and baby girls went for snacks at Satuli Canteen.

My one nephew is very prone to motion sickness. He has been like that since he was little. He can’t ride the Friendship boats by Epcot. His wife gets queasy too, but his motion sickness is far worse.

So they got off the ride raving about how it was the best ride ever in the history of theme parks. I figured if my motion sick nephew was fine with it, I would surely be OK.

I am not very prone to motion sickness, but I avoid most things that spin like the Teacups and Primeval Spin. I can ride a carousel no problem tho, and I don’t ever get car sick.

The wives and I went on FoP together, and I was a mess on it. It was about 1,000 times more intense than I expected. The comparisons to Soarin really threw me off. That and the fact that my nephew wasn’t bothered by it.

One of the wives and I felt really sick when the ride ended. I had to sit for a solid minute or two and breathe hard to fight the nausea.

I’m on the fence about trying it again. What really got to me was the dropping sensations, but now that I know to expect them, maybe I can handle them. IDK.

But really, Soarin IMO is like riding a swing. FoP was more like the Tower of Terror.
I have no problems with Soarin' but Star Tours definitely makes me feel very sick even with things like Bonine.

The first time I rode FoP, the very, very beginning of the actual ride I briefly felt disoriented and I started to panic that I would get motion sickness. But when I closed my eyes I felt worse so I opened them and forced myself to just totally give in to the ride and not fight it at all. I honestly think that is what helped me. I just told myself that I was actually flying on a banshee. Surprisingly doing that actually made me immediately relax and I never felt ANY motion sickness at all. I have ridden it several times since then and I no longer feel disoriented at the beginning of the ride. I have read several other posts from people who say the same thing - if you keep your eyes open and don't try to "fight" the experience you will be fine.

It is really and truly an amazing experience and I think it would be a shame for anyone to miss.
I get motion sickness very easily. I even get queasy in the car wash because I feel like I am moving. Swinging on a swing with my kids makes me queasy. I definitely can't go on a merry go round at a playground. I am usually okay in cars now that I ride up front (when I was a kid I got sick all the time). Sometimes I can't read in the car and curves bother me. At Disney, Star Tours makes me queasy. Soarin doesn't bother me. Rock n Roller coaster can make me sick, but I usually recover within 20 minutes. Expedition Everest is okay, except the backwards part does me in. I usually recover in 20-30 minutes. FOP is the worse ride for motion sickness for me. I forgot to take anything and thought I would be okay based on reviews. At first I was fine, but as the motion really started in the ride, I felt that roll in my stomach. I tried to focus on the wind blowing on me, but I broke out in a cold sweat and was chanting to myself "don't throw up, don't throw up, just breathe." I don't know how long the ride actually is, but it felt like forever.

After the ride, I sat near the exit of River Journey, as some cold air was blowing outside the exit. I probably sat there at least 45 minutes to an hour as I waited for my family to ride on our rider switch. I was not feeling good at all and closed my eyes and sipped cold water. I eventually felt better, so my day was not ruined. I think I won't ride it until my youngest can ride, and I will definitely take something in hopes that it helps. I will try the advice about watching the leader. If that doesn't work, I will be done with it sadly.
I think it can affect everyone differently -- my son who very easily and quickly gets car sick did fine on this -- I think only one ride at Universal did he have to take a motion sickness pill (that was because he did the ride 2x in a row). My 4DD also gets car sick and did FOP fine. I think because it is such an immersive ride the motion easily goes along with what you are viewing so instead of worrying about or feeling sick you are in such awe of what you are seeing. If you are concerned then possibly try a motion sickness medication an hour prior to the ride. they have some which are less drowsy so it would hopefully not affect the rest of your day.
I get motion sickness fairly easily (seasick, carsick, most indoor intense attractions with the exception of Soarin'). I was really, really nervous about FOP. I made our FP's for 6:30pm so I wouldn't be left sick all day. I took a Dramamine about 1.5 hours before I rode. I actually felt really nauseous before I think from a mixture of nerves and being hungry. I DID NOT feel sick at all on this ride. It actually made my nausea go away? I felt like a million bucks after. It was much more smooth than I was anticipating. There was only one part towards the end that I thought I might start feeling sick but it was over quickly and I never felt sick.
I really hate this. I know that I am going to go on this ride and that it is going to make me feel so sick but I have to do it....ONCE!! Soarin is starting to bother me, unfortunately. And I've not done Star Wars or Mission Space, only because they don't interest me. But, this, THIS interests me!!!!
Im like you too! I knew FOP would get me sick but I had to try it anyway. At least once!!! And honestly....YES, it made me sick. :( Not too bad. I didnt have to go back to my room or anything. I never vomit after a ride, I just get queasy/nauseated. Still not a nice feeling.

To be fair, motion simulator rides do make me nauseous....soarin, mission space (yes even green), star tours, even the backwards part of Expedition Everest....so I went onto FOP knowing i'd get sick. Im so glad I tried it though. Its a great ride. But I did it once, good enough....probably never again. Unless the ride is literally a walk-on....which we know will never happen. :lmao:
"Soarin" makes me feel a little off--- ST makes me sick as a dog - was fine both times we rode FOP, and it was so amazing !!
Im like you too! I knew FOP would get me sick but I had to try it anyway. At least once!!! And honestly....YES, it made me sick. :( Not too bad. I didnt have to go back to my room or anything. I never vomit after a ride, I just get queasy/nauseated. Still not a nice feeling.

To be fair, motion simulator rides do make me nauseous....soarin, mission space (yes even green), star tours, even the backwards part of Expedition Everest....so I went onto FOP knowing i'd get sick. Im so glad I tried it though. Its a great ride. But I did it once, good enough....probably never again. Unless the ride is literally a walk-on....which we know will never happen. :lmao:

Isn't amazing what we do so that we can have an experience??? :) :) :) Glad you tried it!!!
I'm right in between where "regular" simulators like Star Tours and Wild Arctic at Sea World make me straight up nauseous, while I'm perfectly fine on Soarin' and most coasters. That said, I had a little bit of anticipatory anxiety on FOP which may have contributed to me feeling slightly off (comparable to mild carsickness) for about 10 minutes after riding, but not full on motion sickness/nausea.

There were a few points where the banshee flight was a bit intense, but enough mild breaks thrown in too. And I felt like the wind and water effects had a BIG positive impact on keeping me feeling ok throughout.

I would say if you've ridden Soarin' and had no issues, FOP is worth a try at least once. The immersiveness of the ride is amazing and was well worth the temporary discomfort for me.
After reading all this I just decided to walk through while my family rode it. I was a little leery to begin with. I’m fine with Soarin but I do have problems with Mission Space & Star Tours. I wanted to try it but that motion sick feeling is the WORST. I’m pretty bummed but I don’t want to ruin the rest of my day. 🙁

Maybe another time.
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