Hard Rock 30th Anniversary Membership...Free!

Still haven't gotten my package yet either. We leave next week and I'm hoping to have before then.

Take care,

Dear Jessica, I followed the 2nd link you had listed. I can't find what to click on when I get to the Hard Rock Page. I would really like to sign up, and sign up my family too. I'm a teacher and we're having a "Snow Day." I'd like to use my time wisely. Can you help me find what to click on? Thanks so much! Pomcoach <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
I used my card the other day. I gave it to the server when we received the bill. She indicated it was the first one she had seen so far. We received $10.00 off, which she indicated was a one time thing until we reach $200.00 then it's another $20.00 off. Also on the receipt she returned there is a code and web address printed, which if you go to and fill out a survey they will send you $5.00 gift card.

Hi All,

Just wanted to let you know - that although it took awhile to get my card it came today. Yippee!
I leave tomorrow and was hoping I could use the discount this trip.

Take care,

Okay! Believe me we usually don't go to HRC that often. It just happens we were at the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City and there is a Hard Rock in the hotel. We needed a quick dinner before a show, so we decided to go there. Anyway the line was out the door but we just showed the card and we seated right away. Really saved time. Hubby was even impressed. So far our two experiences have been good.

Shelia I am so happy to hear you got your package from Hard Rock! There is still hope for the others :D I'm wondering if they will make good on all the people that signed up prior to running out. I sure hope so! I am still waiting to see if my husband's comes.

Re...wow! You have already used it twice! Good Deal. The perk of no waiting for a table is terrific. How was the food at the AC Hard Rock? I go there once or twice a year and havent tried it. Thanks:)

Signed up for both Loews First and Hard Rock membership in early January and haven't received either. I sit and wait and hope. Did get the Universal planning video within a week though!!

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I just checked the website and the free membership expired as of 1/31--it now costs $24.95 to join but you get $20 on your card so it may still be a good deal if you expect to go Hard Rock Cafe.
I am still waiting for mine and I leave Mon. I hope they make good on all the people who signed up during the promotion too. Well 2 days left for the mail. We will see.
I haven't received it yet either!! Boo, hoo, hoo... :( I also signed up the same day JessicaR posted the info!

The food at the AC HRC was good but the service did leave a little to be desired. Though to be fair, it was very crowded with most of the restaurant trying to get out in time for the show.

I do find the portions to be large. This time my husband and I shared an appetizer and a chicken club sandwich which was more than enough for the two of us. They didn't give us any trouble with this and even brought a second plate for me to use.
Thank you for the reply, Re. It seems its always so crowded there! I will give it a try next time. :)

I ordered mine at the end of Dec. or early Jan. I guess I should have gotten mine by now. Sounds like I won't be getting the package, even though I signed up on time. :(
Guess I might as well give up hugh? I ordered mine Jan 17th it never got it. Also my Loews First card. I read the report from someone about the internet site not working at that time for Loews First card so I will call. What do you think happened at HR? Guess it's too late now!
Wow, I finnally got my pin and membership. Yes, it took almost 7 weeks. Those of you still waiting do not give up just yet!
Missed you guys! I have been out of town. Lots of reading to catch up on.



Took mine about 7 weeks to get here,too. Good to see you back, Taff! :)
I'm happy to see they are still sending them after all this time! I hope everyone that got in before they ran out will get theirs! :D

I got mine today and it had to get all the way to Scotland. It was a very nice surprise especially as it free!! Can't believe all the wonderful advice I get at these boards. Thank you again


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