Groups skipping through lines...

And yet nobody here cars about VIP groups being allowed to bypass the lines.
They are paying for that special access, not randomly pushing their way through to join their friend waiting ahead.
We have had this happen with character meets before and it is so frustrating. There will be one person waiting in line and as soon as they get to the front around 10 members of extended family magically pop up out of nowhere. Of course they all want to do a million different poses along with combinations of family members (ex: one with grandma, one with just the kids, etc.). When this happened to us at Animal Kingdom they ended up taking so long it was time for the character's break afterward. The CM looked bewildered and clearly knew this was wrong but did nothing.

Yet time and time again here on this site people will defend that it's ok to hold a place in a character meet and greet line because "it takes no more time for one person than for a family." Oh, yes it does! And, as said upthread, it teaches children that other's time is more important than yours. My child can wait in a line for 20-30 minutes, so can yours, and if they can't, then you shouldn't bring them anyplace where that's part of the deal.
I'm not sure what the "rules" are about lines at either Disney or Universal, but we did have a little situation at Hollywood Studios last month. My group of 7 were in the standby line for Great Movie Ride. After about 10 minutes, Goofy came out. The baby/toddler in our group got really excited and wanted to go see him. So 2 people in the group left the line with the baby, did a quick picture with Goofy and returned to the line, which had moved maybe 20 feet. Since it was GMR and we were still in the building part, they were able to duck under the velvet ropes to get in and out, and the other guests around us could see we had all been in line together.

Anyway, once they rejoined the group someone in line behind us started grumbling that they cut the line. We explained what had transpired and the complainer said it didn't matter, once you left the line for any reason, you lost your place. We did not agree, so we just ignored said grumbler. But the exchange did get me thinking about line rules vs line etiquette.

I don't think it's okay to join a line and try to "save" places for members of your party who are absent, but I don't think there is anything wrong with stepping out of a line for an urgent potty break or quick picture. Especially if you can slip in and out of line without forcing others to step aside for you to rejoin your original party.

It is very funny how our minds work. Most of us do not go to the absolute. We look at things with these shades of gray. I have never seen anything posted about line rules, I just made them up in my own head.

To me, I tend to follow the 50% rule. Mom and daughter rejoining Dad and son in line, that is ok. One or two people rejoining a larger group, that is ok. A group of 5 catching up to one or two, not ok. But again, this is what takes place in my mind, right or wrong. I never said I am right.

I remember getting on line in a supermarket behind a woman with three or four items in her hands. The lines were very long. About 10 minutes later, her husband showed up with a cart full of groceries. Again, in my mind, not right.

Sadly, today we seem to have a thing about saying anything to anyone. Nobody wants to get involved. My personal pet peeve is getting on a monorail or bus and having teenagers rushing in to get a seat. When the almost 50 year old guy is getting up to give his seat to the elderly couple, you would think the teenagers and twenty-somethings would realize.

I am not sure how to go about making sure people follow the rules of our civilized society. I try to live by that golden rule, yet I must also admit, I do get a little happy when I see that the person driving on the shoulder was pulled over.

I am ok with the quick service restaurants not allowing you to sit down until you have your food. I get it. But I have seen more than a few exchanges over tables as well.

Sadly, in this case, I have no answers…
To me, I tend to follow the 50% rule. Mom and daughter rejoining Dad and son in line, that is ok. One or two people rejoining a larger group, that is ok. A group of 5 catching up to one or two, not ok. But again, this is what takes place in my mind, right or wrong. I never said I am right.

This is pretty much how I role. If it's one person catching up to their family, I figured they just hit the restroom or something. I usually don't blink at it and politely let them by. If it's a person and a kid, again I figure bathroom and politely let them by.

I don't think i have had a case where 5 people tried to catch up to 2. I would be upset about it - I would give them rude looks. I am not sure I would "confront them" necessarily. But I would feel like it's not okay.
I was surprised by how much this happened when we were on our first trip this past January. I had read that it was against the rules and had warned my family ahead of time that if anyone had to go to the restroom, we would all need to step out of line and rejoin later. I wasn't happy to see line jumping happening and had to keep reminding myself not to let others' lack of manners ruin our trip. The worst case we witnessed was when we were in line for Rapunzel. It was supposed to be a 20 minute wait but almost 1.5 hours later, we were three groups from the front when this teenage boy ran past everyone saying his family was at the front. He stood next to them while they waited, chatting, so we all thought he was telling the truth. When it came time for the front people to go in, though, they informed the CM that they did not know him and he was attempting to sneak through. He ended up being escorted out of the hall.
I really don't mind. To me, it falls in the category of "Do you want to be right? Or do you want to be Happy?" And on vacation I would much rather be happy. Calling someone out (especially in front of others) rarely makes me happy.

I guess that's where some of us differ. It's not about calling someone out or about being right. It's about making my wait for the ride/character an extra 30+min and possibly my kid having to miss a character meet all together. Or what if the weather changes and the ride is closed for X amount of time?

Neither way is right or wrong per se. It's simply a matter of our perception of whether others should be held to the same standards as the rest of us who waited patiently. Some people are like you and don't care to bother with it. That's okay. Others of us feel differently. And that's okay, too.

Although if you see a short lady in her 60s telling random kids/people what to do (stop running, quit spitting, etc) that would be my mom. She has always done it and she always will. No filter.
I've only read half the replies but I keep thinking, "Remember the umbrella incident, remember the umbrella incident, remember..." Does anyone remember the woman hitting someone with her umbrella in line for Test Track last summer?

I hate it when 10 (or 7, or any more than 2) people show up to "join their party" - - I always want to tell them their *party* is welcome to join *them,* behind me. But I'm also afraid of the excitable person reacting to me in a bad way...
We were at a different theme park a few years ago on a day when there were a lot of school groups, all wearing various t shirts that had the name of their school on them. A huge group of teens tried to push through us in line for a coaster, and my DH, who is kind of a big guy and can be a little intimidating, told the teens that not only would they not be passing him, but if he saw them jumping the line anywhere else that day, he'd make sure he'd call their school principal and tell him/her about it. Those kids left in a hurry, and the people around us thanked him because the line jumping had been going on all day.

A little off topic, but a huge pet peeve of mine is the people who are so busy playing with their smartphones that they don't notice the line moving and end up leaving huge gaps. If they're right in front of me, I give them a few chances to pay attention, but eventually, I will pass them in line while they're busy crushing candy or posting to Instagram. You snooze, you lose!
I think it is a big problem at Disney and the CM make it worse by not stopping it. At Cedar Point in ohio there is zero tolerance for line jumping or saving a spot in line. If you need to leave for a bathroom break you leave and must go to back of line. I once saw a teenage boy try to catch up with friends a half hour after park opened and was escorted from the property and no refund. This policy has really stopped the problem and is the fairest way for ALL people. We always told our kids when we went to Disney if there was a long line they better use bathroom BEFORE we got in line or we would ALL get out of line if someone had to go to bathroom. Worked very well.
I've only read half the replies but I keep thinking, "Remember the umbrella incident, remember the umbrella incident, remember..." Does anyone remember the woman hitting someone with her umbrella in line for Test Track last summer?

I hate it when 10 (or 7, or any more than 2) people show up to "join their party" - - I always want to tell them their *party* is welcome to join *them,* behind me. But I'm also afraid of the excitable person reacting to me in a bad way...
I remember that - it was only a few months after the reported corn incident at TT, which was decidedly less violent, but just as bizarre.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but to me, if someone wants to be a jerk about something, I let it ride. In most cases, the people that are jerks really aren't worth my time or energy to get in an argument with. If it's SO important that they get in front of me in line, or whatever, then that's fine. I have way more important things in my life to worry about.

From my experience, the universe has a way of sorting things out. Maybe not immediately, but eventually.

Who knows, maybe his kids will have a really hard time learning how to read.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but to me, if someone wants to be a jerk about something, I let it ride. In most cases, the people that are jerks really aren't worth my time or energy to get in an argument with. If it's SO important that they get in front of me in line, or whatever, then that's fine. I have way more important things in my life to worry about.

From my experience, the universe has a way of sorting things out. Maybe not immediately, but eventually.

Who knows, maybe his kids will have a really hard time learning how to read.
You're equating bad manners with a possible learning disability?
wait I can use that as an excuse! Because I am useless without at least 2 cups. My kids know it. They check my cup when they get up to see how much I have left.

I am no good either, but at Disney I make my way to the CS restaurant and get one before the rest of my family gets up. I guess you and I been doing this wrong! LOL!!!
The line cutting I hate the most is at busses heading to and from the parks. I was so upset when my family and I got up early to go to rope drop at MK. The main bus loading area has no demarcation for different parks at Coronado Springs. We got there with just a couple of people waiting...we apparently just missed the bus.

We stood on what we thought would be a line but when Epcot bus pulled up we all backed up so as not to be rude and allow Epcot people on their bus. After that bus left people people started coming from breakfast and pushed ahead of all the people waiting. There was no way to know what bus they were there for.

The bus came and picked up all the rude literally last second arrivals and there was no room for the people waiting for 20 minutes. They absolutely knew they were cutting..there was no question. The bus driver announced the bus was full and there was one husband of one group of line cutters being told he could not get on. The wife screamed at him to get on the bus and ignore the bus driver which he did (stroller and all) she jammed herself backward to get him on. Bus driver said nothing. Bus supervisor said nothing.

It was infuriating. The bus supervisor called another bus to come that took another 25 minutes and needless to say we completely missed rope drop. Disney CM's will avoid confronting guests as much as they can regarding line cutting. I understand they do not want an image of getting into it with rude guests. I made a point of speaking with a Disney Supervisor at the end of our trip regarding the poor loading area at CS as well as to discuss another crazy thing that happened while we were at MK that day. The supervisor said they would take a good look at that system they have..I have no idea if that ever happened. Although I liked CS we will most likely never stay there again simply because of that really bad bus loading area.

Unless you formed a line at the end of the curb, no one cut you in line. I wouldn't expect anyone to try and keep track of who was at the bus station before them, nor pay any attention to it. As long as there was no pushing or shoving I don't think anyone did anything wrong. None of the moderate or deluxe resorts have lines at their resort bus stops, and I know not everyone likes that system. If you are in a hurry to get to the park you need to stand by the curb to be sure you get on the bus when the bus stop is busy.
Reading this thread made me want to share and positive story from my trip last November when I was at the MVMCP. I really wanted to see the second parade, so my son and I got a place on the curb early, about an hour or so beforehand. We sat and waited-really difficult for my son anyway, because he has ASD and does have some trouble with waiting and with lines-and sure enough, he decides he has to go to the restroom literally 10 minutes before the parade. So, I resigned myself and just told the lady behind me that her family could take my spot while I took my son to the RR near Crystal Palace. She said "no way!" and then proceeded to tell us to take our time, that she would hold our spot till we got back. That made me feel really happy, most people wouldn't do that, and I've had so many people acting nasty during parade times, that it just left an impression.
I guess that's where some of us differ. It's not about calling someone out or about being right. It's about making my wait for the ride/character an extra 30+min and possibly my kid having to miss a character meet all together. Or what if the weather changes and the ride is closed for X amount of time?

Neither way is right or wrong per se. It's simply a matter of our perception of whether others should be held to the same standards as the rest of us who waited patiently. Some people are like you and don't care to bother with it. That's okay. Others of us feel differently. And that's okay, too.

Although if you see a short lady in her 60s telling random kids/people what to do (stop running, quit spitting, etc) that would be my mom. She has always done it and she always will. No filter.
If it's not about calling someone out, then why are you calling me out by quoting my response? And if it's ok for us to feel differently (which I agree that it is), then again, quoting me in your response seems unnecessary. Just a thought.
I am no good either, but at Disney I make my way to the CS restaurant and get one before the rest of my family gets up. I guess you and I been doing this wrong! LOL!!!
I guess so! Although I don't think I would make it to a park without the coffee first. or at least make it to the park I wanted to be at.
I guess so! Although I don't think I would make it to a park without the coffee first. or at least make it to the park I wanted to be at.

ANd "Mom" did not make it without her coffee to the MK either. She simply sent the Fam and they held her place in the ETWB line for what seemed to be an eternity. We all let "Mom" through though, because by the time she got there we all figured she deserved to be stuck with the two monster she gave birth to.
If it's not about calling someone out, then why are you calling me out by quoting my response? And if it's ok for us to feel differently (which I agree that it is), then again, quoting me in your response seems unnecessary. Just a thought.
I quoted you so that if someone didn't read the entire thread they would know what I was talking about. Sorry if I offended you.

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