Getting fit & losing weight before our next 2015 Disney trip!

Welcome Flav, Finny1981, & Myadventurebook! Corrine, I'm hoping you are feeling better!

I don't have much progress to report but I'm pretty happy about that actually. I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks mainly because of vacation & then late work days. But I've been able to maintain my weight so I'm just happy that there's been no gain even though I've missed out on a few weeks. I'm still walking a minimum of 5 miles a day. I'm happy to say when I was on vacation my weekly step total climbed to 117,000, which is about 58.5 miles for the week. Really happy with that. I also did a lot of heavy lifting that week with building a few retaining walls & planting beds. Back to the gym starting Monday.

I've updated everyone's progress into the post on the 1st page. Please check to make sure I got all correct. We're starting to get a lot of color on that board, looking good! Let's keep it moving!
Cynister - That is a big accomplishment to miss the gym for two weeks and be on vacation and maintain!!! I am proud of you!

My weekend was pretty good, eating wise, I stayed under my goal all weekend and ate pretty healthy. Saturday I came close to my calorie limit because I didn't plan in our popcorn Disney movie night, but I will make sure I do this week :)

Nothing much on the weight side today, still at 10 lbs down, hoping to see some change by mid week!!

Can't wait to hear everyone else's successes!
Well I have less than 70 days to my 2015 Disney trip... but I still want to join this group and try to get as fit as I can!

-First name: Sara
-Date of 2015 Disney trip goal: Jan 1, 2015
-Reason for the goal: Feel better about myself for photos that will last a lifetime
-Target approach for the goal (walk 5 miles/10,000 steps everyday, walk 35 miles/70,000 steps per week, weight training 3x per week, etc.): Running 3x week, weight training 2x week, 10000 steps per day
-Progress to date/Total goal (i.e. 25lbs/100lbs lost, or 2in/10in lost, or 1size/3sizes lost, etc.): Just starting.
So I was pondering weight fluctuations this morning. I need to do better about not weighing everyday it drives me nuts. However with that said I still do it and my weight can change as much as 2 pounds either way on any given day. For instance last week one day I was down 2 pounds, then the next I was back up the two pounds; two days later I was up another two pounds then Wednesday I was back down to the weight from the beginning of the week.

Now I know scientifically you cannot really be gaining and losing two pounds in a day, heck I don't even eat enough calories in a day to equal one pound let alone two. So with all of that being said what things have you heard that affect weight like that? I will start out saying I have heard that too much sodium can cause you to hold water and therefore have more weight on a given day.
Welcome to Sara! :)

Cynister, way to maintain! That is so tough. I feel like the minute I stop exercising and don't track calories, I gain.

Finny, I'm right there with ya on the weight fluctuations on a daily basis. It's mentally healthier for me not to weigh myself every day because it was frustrating me so much!

The past week has been challenging. I actually had a great loss of 3.8 pounds as of last Thursday, but then I had one business overnight trip, and I'm on another business trip at a conference now. Plus, I managed to catch another cold. I haven't been working out, even though I brought workout clothes with me. And I haven't been as mindful of calories. I'm going to work out tomorrow night, I'll arrive home too late tonight to work out. I could also walk around the airport today, even if I have to drag my laptop wheelie case behind me. :)

I do have exciting news, though... I decided to do a last-minute trip to WDW! :yay: I desperately need a vacation from work, and I'm starting a new assignment that kicks into high gear in December, so I won't have the chance to take another week off for quite some time (excluding Christmas, when I'm going to see my family). So I booked 3 nights at AOA in a Little Mermaid room. I used points for free airfare - all these business trips paid off! I leave in less than 3 weeks! It will be a quick trip, but since I know I'll be back next September for a week for my 40th birthday, I'm going to take it easy, soak in all the holiday decor, and relax as much as possible. I don't want it to be GO GO GO. I'm going to start a pre-trip report, I'll put a link in my signature if anyone wants to follow along. And I'll find healthy foods (with an occasional treat thrown in). But I'll log my calories and will plan for those occasional splurges. There's also a lake around AoA and POP that has a 1.3-mile path, so I could get in some power walking, or some swimming for exercise. :banana:

I need to get to this conference. More soon! Have a great Tuesday, all!
I weighed myself this morning because my plan of only weighing myself once a month wasn't working. I also needed to get a weight in my ww app so I could start tracking my points etc. It says I gained since the last time I weighed in months and months ago but I'm still down from my original weight which is what I'm using as my starting point so my total so far is

10.2/100 - onwards and downwards lol!
Hi everyone! I hope your week is going well.

So my test last week came back negative. there are no gallstones. there are nothing.

when the pain first started, i noticed it happened after eating almonds. I had first suspected I developed an almond intolerance.

Apparently the only thing alarming in my blood tests was that my levels showing a food intolerance were elevated. they were not when I did my physical back in Sept and I wasn't having stomach pain. :confused3 So for no I have been avoiding almonds and almond milk, and haven't had pain since last Tues:thumbsup2

So, back to the grind I guess. I ordered 21 day fix. it should be here this week, so I'm starting next week. I walked yesterday and my stamina sucks. I would get back to piyo, but my big problem is my eating. I want to start with 21df to help monitoring my eating. it's just 3 weeks! I can do it!
I do have exciting news, though... I decided to do a last-minute trip to WDW! :yay: I desperately need a vacation from work, and I'm starting a new assignment that kicks into high gear in December, so I won't have the chance to take another week off for quite some time (excluding Christmas, when I'm going to see my family). So I booked 3 nights at AOA in a Little Mermaid room. I used points for free airfare - all these business trips paid off! I leave in less than 3 weeks! It will be a quick trip, but since I know I'll be back next September for a week for my 40th birthday, I'm going to take it easy, soak in all the holiday decor, and relax as much as possible. I don't want it to be GO GO GO. I'm going to start a pre-trip report, I'll put a link in my signature if anyone wants to follow along. And I'll find healthy foods (with an occasional treat thrown in). But I'll log my calories and will plan for those occasional splurges. There's also a lake around AoA and POP that has a 1.3-mile path, so I could get in some power walking, or some swimming for exercise. :banana:

Oh how exciting I am so happy for you!!! And actually that sounds like a wonderful way to spend a short stay at Disney. Sometime I would like to go and see the Christmas decor without feeling like we need to do it all.
I have completed my third week of Weight Watchers. Only down 0.4 pounds again. I know some weeks won't be as good, but it stinks when 2 weeks in a row are less than 0.5 lb loss. Getting in strength training 3x per week and running 3x per week. At least it is a loss and my average for the 3 weeks is 5.8 lbs :thumbsup2 But I do have about 29 lbs to lose in 33 weeks, so I am hoping I can see another big loss.

So I believe I am at 71.4/100 lbs lost.
Hi, I am happy to see such positive energy in your comments!

My name is Flav and I'd like to be in the same shape for my fourth family trip to WDW in April 2015 as on my first in 2009.

So I finally broke a plateau and I am now at 155 pound down from 158 pound, 30% of my goal to achieve 148!

My ADR are done and I can look forward to the trip with confidence that I will enjoy the fun AND keep the shape!

Have a good week,
So had a great week of workouts last week! Food was still a struggle, but I managed to lose 1.2 lbs.

So here's where I am at now:

3.0/45 = 6.7%

I am inching forward. :)
So had a great week of workouts last week! Food was still a struggle, but I managed to lose 1.2 lbs.

So here's where I am at now:

3.0/45 = 6.7%

I am inching forward. :)

Congrats, that's terrific!

Cynister, that is a lot of steps! I'm going to wear my FitBit One when I go to WDW and see how many steps I get in each day! :thumbsup2

Flav, welcome to the group, and congrats on being 30% of the way there already!

smiths02, you're so close! Congrats!
SO I just need to express my frustration with my body! First of all I am very overweight so my troubles are not to do with not having a lot to lose.

I have been tracking EVERYTHING I eat on my fitness pal and I have it set to 1 pound per week to lose which is 500 under my maintain each day and in addition everyday the past few weeks I have been an additional 500-700 under that. Now with that being said let me give you the background, before I started this I was eating whatever whenever and not gaining or losing. I took the time the day before I started this to track everything for 1 day and I was a whopping 1,200 calories above my maintain goal. This means I am averaging around 2,200 calories less per day right now than what I was. However with that being known let me tell you about my week...last Thursday weighed myself and was down 2 more pounds for a total of 10...Friday is the day that I chart my weight at home so I weighed myself...down another 2 pounds so 12 total...Sunday weigh myself and I am up 6 pounds so 8 pounds lost total...Tuesday weigh myself no weigh myself 1 pound loss for a 9 pound total....that means that I actually gained a pound this week. I just don't understand how I can be consuming so many fewer calories and be just makes no sense. In addition to all of this I gave up pop two weeks ago and as a family we gave up red meat 2 months ago.

Thanks for letting me vent about this, usually this is where I begin to falter because I start thinking that since before I could eat whatever and not gain, but now I am not and not losing why even do it. I don't want to get to that place so I think if I just throw a fit on here maybe it will help.
SO I just need to express my frustration with my body! First of all I am very overweight so my troubles are not to do with not having a lot to lose.

I have been tracking EVERYTHING I eat on my fitness pal and I have it set to 1 pound per week to lose which is 500 under my maintain each day and in addition everyday the past few weeks I have been an additional 500-700 under that. Now with that being said let me give you the background, before I started this I was eating whatever whenever and not gaining or losing. I took the time the day before I started this to track everything for 1 day and I was a whopping 1,200 calories above my maintain goal. This means I am averaging around 2,200 calories less per day right now than what I was. However with that being known let me tell you about my week...last Thursday weighed myself and was down 2 more pounds for a total of 10...Friday is the day that I chart my weight at home so I weighed myself...down another 2 pounds so 12 total...Sunday weigh myself and I am up 6 pounds so 8 pounds lost total...Tuesday weigh myself no weigh myself 1 pound loss for a 9 pound total....that means that I actually gained a pound this week. I just don't understand how I can be consuming so many fewer calories and be just makes no sense. In addition to all of this I gave up pop two weeks ago and as a family we gave up red meat 2 months ago.

Thanks for letting me vent about this, usually this is where I begin to falter because I start thinking that since before I could eat whatever and not gain, but now I am not and not losing why even do it. I don't want to get to that place so I think if I just throw a fit on here maybe it will help.
Virtual hugs

Just some ideas:
Have you tried measuring inches?
Also, have you tried just weighing once a week OR averaging your weight if you like to weigh more often?
Are you eating enough?

But I hear you, the last two weeks on WW, I have lost 0.8 lbs. This is with exercising 5-6 times/week and counting points. It totally makes you feel like it is not worth it.

I have to remind myself that every little bit helps AND doing healthy things are good even if they don't mean weight loss. Being overweight and exercising and not drinking soda is healthier than being overweight and drinking soda and sitting on the couch.
Virtual hugs

Just some ideas:
Have you tried measuring inches?
Also, have you tried just weighing once a week OR averaging your weight if you like to weigh more often?
Are you eating enough?

But I hear you, the last two weeks on WW, I have lost 0.8 lbs. This is with exercising 5-6 times/week and counting points. It totally makes you feel like it is not worth it.

I have to remind myself that every little bit helps AND doing healthy things are good even if they don't mean weight loss. Being overweight and exercising and not drinking soda is healthier than being overweight and drinking soda and sitting on the couch.

I think I am eating enough, I eat between 1,200 and 1,400 calories a day and a couple years back when I was heavier and my dr was fed up he told me no more than 1,200 calories a day. Back then I was more rebellious and switched dr's but now I am trying it.

I don't like weighing frequently it just seems to happen :confused3 I plan once a week and before you know it I am up to four times a week. DH seriously needs to lock that thing up!

I think I am going to measure for a while and see if that helps. I will not give up and I will lose this weight!!!
I'm right there with you. I go to the pool a couple of times a week, walk at least 2.5k most days and have been cutting out things I would have been inhaling before and I am not only not losing - I'm gaining. I also have a lot of weight to loose +100lbs so it isn't those "last few lbs" that everyone has a hard time with. It sucks! Hang in there though I have faith it will turn around for us.
Hello everyone! This looks like such an encouraging group, and I'd love to join in!

Here's my stats:
-December 2015
-In the year since I finished grad school, I've really dropped all my healthy habits. Not only am I actually quite a bit heavier, but I feel SO unhealthy. I want to take care of my body!
-Following the Daniel Plan (basically cutting out all processed foods and starting to cook more regularly) and re-starting the C25K program. I used to be able to run a 5k, but not having exercised in a year has totally ruined that!
-Just starting out this week, so 0lbs/40lbs!!

We just returned from a family trip in October to Disney, so there is no way I will be convincing anyone to go again before December of next year! But I am looking forward to having a chance to see the holiday decorations - Christmas is my favorite time of year!
Well today I got on the scale and Praise God I was not only back down that pound I gained, but three more as well. That makes me currently 13/40 lost! :bitelip:

Welcome HoneyBeeM!! I have always wanted to go to WDW in the Christmas, but DH is against the cooler weather, he says we get enough of that at home. He does work outside 10-12 hours a day all winter so I guess I understand, but's Disney!


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