Front Tires



Headed to the World in a couple of weeks, and I'm definitely in need of good crosstraining/"tennis" shoes. Will be getting them real soon so as to break them in here at home (hopefully!)

But what kind of socks have you found to work really well (May temperatures) for a long day's travel around the parks (times 6 days). Have already decided to take the old shoes, too, so as to let each pair dry out!

Let the Games Begin
I found these socks at Wal-mart (I'm sure you can get them other places) that have extra padding in the toes and heel. I believe they're actually called runner's socks, but I'm not sure. They had anklets but the ones I bought were, I don't know what they're called, but they're very short, barely came above the tennis shoe line. (I hate to wear socks and shoes to begin with and didn't want to be hot and sweaty.) Now, I don't know if it was the socks or the peppermint lotion I massaged into my feet every night but my feet were in great shape this year (last year I was miserable--wore the same shoes, Nike walkers, but didn't have the socks or the lotion). I also bought the special athletic insoles for my tennies, so that helped too.

WDW:Offsite '85
Offsite '90
Offsite '96
DI '00
DI '01
S/D Nov. '01
DL: '00
Thor-Lo socks! They are awesome! But they are pricy, about $10 a pair. But oh so worth it. I have not had ANY blisters on Disney trips since using these socks. I only use them on my Disney trips, so they last me forever. Got mine at Just For Feet.
Thorlo socks get my vote, too. This last trip (my 1st with Thorlos) was the first time that I did not get blisters. They are so cushiony.
Haven't come across the Thorlos yet. Any suggestions on where to locate? Need to shop this weekend!
JD, Dick's sporting goods aroung here has them for buy 3 get 1 free. They were 9.99/pair for the regular and 7.99 for the lite.
I had never heard of Thorlo socks until these boards but I was at the mall yesterday looking for tennies for DD and saw them at all the athletic shoe stores we looked in (Foot Locker, Finish Line etc.) I think I'm going to pick up a couple of pairs for me and DH. :)
Does anyone know where to find the peppermint lotion? I had gotten some great stuff from Fuller Brush (I think) years ago, but haven't seen anything like it since! and of course - no Fuller Brush people either!
Try "The Body Shop" for peppermint lotion. They are located in just about all of the malls around here (NY/NJ).

i got some with the padding on the bottom from footlocker and they are great!

7/88 Disneyland
3/92 DXL
3/95 Off-site
3/00 Off-site
12/00 Disneyland!! (Where I got engaged)
6/2/01-6/4/01 ASMu
11/7/01-11/22/01 DXL and BC - WEDDING & HONEYMOON!!! :)


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