For You Priceline Experts:


Jan 9, 2001
Okay, I'm kinda new to priceline and I've got some concerns. So here goes-

I had checked airfairs out of SLC (Salt Lake City) on several different websites and found what I thought was a great deal to MCO on $171 pp/rt. So I printed out the page to show my husband before I comitted myself, and the next time I went to the price had gone up $300!!! :eek: I was shocked.

I had used Priceline last summer to purchase a ticket for my DH to go to Atlanta to visit his family. I bid $300 and received it. The thing is that his schedule was more flexible than our WDW vacation is and it didn't matter what time he left or returned on that trip. This time it does. I already have our Hotel ressies and I kinda have our itinerary lined out, so it's kind of important that we get the flight times we wanted.

Do you think I could use Priceline and just bid for the day before we really want to go so that we have a little bit of wiggle room? I may have to pay for an extra night at a motel, but if I can save that much on airfares it would be worth it. Or do you think I should wait longer to see if the rates go down again? (I've been checking expedia a couple of times a day and they haven't changed again!)

If I do use priceline, do they still have bonus $ available? How likely am I to get the flights I want with them? Do you thing the impending airline strikes will affect the prices and/or availability of flights?

I'm really concerned about this, since this may be a once-in-a-lifetime trip for my family. I want it to be a great vacation.:(

BTW- Our hotel ressies are for Aug 14-20, 2001, so I do have about 6 months to deal with this, but I am compulsive about having things planned as far in advance as possible. I just need someone to set my mind at ease.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Lola °Ü°
If you don't have wiggle room then yes by all means go the day before. You can even get a cheap 3 star hotel on priceline for $25 for the night. I am sure there is bonus money out there, but I'm at work and not home where I have the other board bookmarked. I also think that it is best to do Priceline either early like you are or at the last minute. I am paying $148.40 roundtrip from Boston to MCO in July. I bid early last month!

I hope you get a good price and let us know!


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<font size=3><font color=red> Happy Valentine's Day!</font></font>
<font size=3><font color=red><marquee>Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
<font color=red>15 times to WDW 13 off-site three on!
Next trip Dolphin in July & Swan in DEC. 2001
Well, I've only used priceline a couple of times, but I have been happy both times. There is no way to tell what flight times you will get and you will probably have to change planes.

You do have plenty of time to start low and inch your way up. Check out the Priceline Board for some good advice.

If leaving a day early is an option for you, priceline might work for you. You can also try to get a hotel close to the airport from priceline if you're getting in late.
If you're interested in getting airfare from PL make sure you visit TravelSheryl's Priceline Bidding site mentioned above. Sheryl will be able to help you work within the Priceline system to get the most rebids possible. Also, there is a link available there which will add $25 bonus money to your bid. Good luck!

-- Robin


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