For those who have stayed at HRH.....


Feb 4, 2001
Has anyone eaten at the Hard Rock Beach Club(the pool restaurant?) If so, can you tell me what the menu is like, if there is outdoor seating and whether you can just stay in bathing suits? Also if they have kids menu? Thanks for the info!
We ate there when we stayed the first week of Feb. From what I remember, the menu was one page, mostly sandwiches and was not outrageously priced (Cheesburger with fries was 7.95) and it was very good. My wife and I did stay in our bathing suits. It is an outdoor bar with seating at the bar and along the outside of the bar as well and they did have a kids menu but I did not look at it.
We ate there 2x's while on vacation. The view is beautiful over looking the pool. The menu isn't your "same old menu". It offers a lot of different things. The potatoe salad was great. priced at about $8.00 a meal. Drinks are a little high $7.50, but all worth it.
They also have a kids menu...items like hot dogs, pizza, cheeseburger etc. Pricing about $5.00 and very generous portions. Drinks are great and the location reminds me of many Caribbean resort bars that we've visited. Enjoy


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