Food, Fun and Sun-Live Trip Report

too bad about Lululemon-in aug they had tonnes of men's hoodies for around 50 in all colours that men wouldn't wear (bring pink, lime green for example)
We did lulu at Vineland outlet and no hoods there either and no deals in my opinion. Basically the same price as Canada. But Coach was awesome.

How are the crowds this week. Boardwalk was very quiet last Thurs/fri but it was also 50 degrees these nights
We did lulu at Vineland outlet and no hoods there either and no deals in my opinion. Basically the same price as Canada. But Coach was awesome.

How are the crowds this week. Boardwalk was very quiet last Thurs/fri but it was also 50 degrees these nights

Yea, my friend in Oakville told me the Lululemon Outlets were where really sick yoga wear went to die--sad to say, she was right:eek:
Boardwalk is moderately busy, but the parks are insane:scared1:
Weather is perfect though--can't win em all:rolleyes1
So I am really far behind on my "live" report--sorry


We were planning to go to Animal Kingdom today, but DS was very anxious to get to Typhoon Lagoon, so we changed up the day, and went there instead.
Weather was nice, not as hot as it was later in the week, but fine.
No crowds-we arrived at 10(opening), and left about 4:45.


Back to the hotel, shower, change and headed to DD where we had Cirque du Soleil 9 pm show.
Had eaten at Wolfgang Express in Marketplace several times and loved it, so ate at the WestSide location before show---did not love it here, but it filled us up.:confused3
Scored 30% off DVC discount on Cirque tickets, and it was very good, something you should do at least once--back to room for much needed sleep.

Agree crowds are crazy this year. As a warning, they closed WWoHP at 9:30am on Thurs do to capacity so that tells you what it's like at the parks!
Sorry all, looks like I am going to continue my "LIVE" report when I get home.
Leaving tomorrow-check out at 11am, but ME comes at sad:sad2: but had a great time.
The best thing about owing DVC is you know you're always guaranteed you'll be back:lovestruc
If anyone is reading, I'll post more the beginning of the week.
Bye for now:thumbsup2
Sounds like you had a great trip...looking forward to reading the rest.
So, it's been a week since we've been back to the grind and I'm finally sitting down to do an update, so I will just continue from where I left off:confused3


Disney Studios today. We walked over, only about 10 min as our room was at that end of BWV.
Our hope like everyone, was to go straight to Toy Story Mania ,get fast passes, then maybe ride once and return.
Park was to open at 9-got into gates at 8:50 and were held on the main street until rope drop--OMG:scared1:, hundreds of people heading the same way we were.
By the time we got there, the line for fastpasses was unbelievable, they really should have a standby time listed for the fastpass machines at this ride. We decided to brave the standby line posted at 40mins and get fastpasses after.


I do love this ride, even the stuff in the line is fun--all the toys from my era. I always have to tell the story of how when I was little, I wanted Tinker Toys, but my Mom wouldn't let me have them 'cause they were for BOYS;)
Alas, I had no brothers, so never did get to have them:rolleyes1
We were on and off ride in 30 minutes-not bad- but the fastpass line was still out of this world, so we left for Rock n Roller coaster-got fastpasses for later. Did the usual things. Got kids pizza at Pizza Planet, and got an outside table while I hoofed it back to Starring Rolls for two of the sandwhiches for DH and I ,and a brownie for the kids to share. Sandwhiches were big and good.
We decided to do Lights, Motor Action since we hadn't done it for a few years. It was hot and loud, but a good show.


We had dinner at Prime Time Cafe for 5:15, thinking we would then make the 8:30 Fantasmic show.
We all agreed that Prime Time was our worst meal--kids HATED it, I didn't care for it, and DH liked it. We had done it before, and I remember it being better but this time :crazy2:


We had done one show of American Idol during the day, and the kids really wanted to see the finale so we decided not to do the 8:30 Fantasmic, but wait and do the 10:30 show.

Headed over towards the Fantasmic area at 8:00, and the 8:30 show was filled, they suggested to stay in a line already forming for the 10:30 show:scared1:
We did get in, but I don't think I'd ever wait that long again......we hadn't done Fantasmic in 3 years, and it's still the same--good, but can wait at least another 3 years to see it.
Walked back to resort exhausted, and got ready for another day.
Nice TR and pictures. I don't think I'd even try live updates - just too much happening.

Do you think you will go back to DDP on your next trip or did not using work out better for you?
Can't wait to read your reports. You had the vacation we were going to have but with the sun, heat, and anticipated crowds, we saved our park money and did waterparks and shopping instead.

Sounds like my assumption was correct? Was it really as busy as I have heard. That's all people were talking about on the plane home.
Nice TR and pictures. I don't think I'd even try live updates - just too much happening.

Do you think you will go back to DDP on your next trip or did not using work out better for you?

Not using it worked out best for us, this trip especially.
With 2 kids over 10, our total for DDP would have been $200/day.
So, I figured anything under that was a savings.
With DH arriving 2 days later, that was the deal sealer for me.
We have done DDP all other trips, except the first one with my Mom-she wanted what she wanted, when she wanted it, and way paying so, that's what she got:thumbsup2
Our next two trips was when DDP really was a deal-included appetizer, entree and dessert, and TIP:banana: Plus, we had DD under 10.
As we all know, those days are long gone:sad2:
The next trip, we still used DDP and found some pluses-you pay up front, so that part of trip is done, but otherwise, a bit too much food, especially for DD-11, and no variation from the entree, drink and dessert format.
I often prefer 2 appetizers rather than a main meal, and DH seldom wants dessert.
The tip not included adds approx. $20 to every sit down meal, so you really are spending $220/day.
Also, with the full kitchen, we tend to eat breakfast and more substantial snacks in the room-- the occasional alcholic beverage--wow, I could really have a drinking problem with $6 bottles of Austrailian wine;)
I still booked a TS resturant almost every day, except the first night we arrived(ate off site at a great place), the night DH arrived, and our last day.
DD wanted to to the Tea at the Grand Floridian, which isn't included on DDP, and I wanted Sushi at California Grill for my splurge meal, which also is not included in DDP, and the entrees that are included would be 2 TS meals.
So, that long story was my rationale for not getting DDP
Did it work out, YES, would I ever get DDP again, yes, but it depends on the situation--if we didn't get a rental car, maybe, if just DH and I went, maybe.
I kept all my receipts, so I will get you guys a total at the end.:)
Can't wait to read your reports. You had the vacation we were going to have but with the sun, heat, and anticipated crowds, we saved our park money and did waterparks and shopping instead.

Sounds like my assumption was correct? Was it really as busy as I have heard. That's all people were talking about on the plane home.

Yes, it was busy, but managable. We know all the tricks-get a fastpass as often as possible(a trick not everyone knows is you don't have to return in the given window-you can return any time after the start of the window until park close) Example if your fastpass return time is 10-11 say, you can't get in before 10, but you can come back any time after 10 until park close. I explained this is several people over the length of our stay. Get to the park as soon as it opens, some fastpasses are gone by 12pm at the more popular rides. We chose to return to the hotel several days mid-afternoon for a shower and rest and return to the park later. This was easy as we could walk to EPCOT and Disney Studios, and had a rental car for easier transportation.
I did not find the temperatures too hot. I love the heat, and although the temp. was high, there was no humidity. We have done Disney in August--man that's even too hot for me.
We had a fantastic time even though it was busy and would not hesitate to return again at March Break.:lovestruc
That's great to hear. We certainly know all of the tricks too - we swear by the fast passes and the fact that you can use them anytime after the posted window time (however TSM has turned some away).

I'm missing the weather. It was so nice to have sun on our skin. I can't wait to get rid of the winter coats. Still enjoying your TR.
That's great to hear. We certainly know all of the tricks too - we swear by the fast passes and the fact that you can use them anytime after the posted window time (however TSM has turned some away).
Never had that happen, but last time at TSM was November/09 and did return past time, but it was not nearly as busy. I am always worried that things have changed and a CM will not let us in later than the posted time, so I sometimes will check--just ask at the Fastpass Return Line. Did this a couple times this trip with RnR and SM both time was told, yes, no problem and both rides had a Standby time of over 60 mins.:scared1:

I'm missing the weather. It was so nice to have sun on our skin. I can't wait to get rid of the winter coats. Still enjoying your TR.

I am so with you there--thank God I was able to get some sun for the 9 days, otherwise I would be stir crazy. We got back on the Monday, and had a storm on the Wed.-20cm of snow here in Hamilton--not much in Ottawa terms, but it was wet snow that then froze on the roads overnight. My kids got another snow day-they were happy:banana:
Thursday--Magic Kingdom Day

DH picked two places he wanted to eat this trip-Prime Time Cafe--Yuck:eek:
and 1900 Park Fare for Brunch. Had this booked for 8am-1 hour before park was to open, but after I booked it, they changed that to EMM.
Anyway, I really like this breakfast--really nice food, a few different characters, and it's at The Grand Floridian:love:


We took monarail over to Mk. It was getting crowded already but rode SM, and got Fastpasses for later, rode HM, small wait, then seperated from DS and DH. DD has been getting autographs and photos with Characters for the last 5 years. She has many, so only is after a select few. On the list for today were Tiana from Princess and the Frog, and Rapunzel, from Twisted.
Headed over to where Rappunzel(and Flyn) were at about 12:15 to find a line for the 2pm show-they do a little dance and talk to the kids, then sign. They only let in 75 people/show. DD decided she really wanted to do this, so there we stood:rolleyes1 I think this was the source of my tan for the trip as it was directly in the sun:lovestruc
Did meet some new friends in line, who turned out to be from Oakville, and DD was happy--sometimes that's what it's all about.


Flyn was quite a hottie--DD was appalled that her MOM though so.:rolleyes1

More on this day to come-Tea at the Grand Floridian, Fireworks and more:)
We also find our children find joy and happiness in unexpected places at WDW so we're cutting back on touring plans and ADR's to go with the flow.

Where was the Rapunzel show? Did you know about in advance or something you stumbled upon? We were there in February but did not see/read anything about it.
Awesome picture of DD Rapunzel and Flyn. Sometimes I wish MK would go back to ride tickets because I would be fine paying for grounds admission and just sitting watching characters and guests.

Have you done 1900 Park Fare for dinner. Best value buffet meal - it's lovely, and it is Cinderella, the prince and the stepsisters who are a riot! This is a favorite for us and can be timed to enjoy a Grand Floridian stroll, ice cream and fireworks on the beach.

I heard about your storm. Completely missed Ottawa which has been the case all winter. Kids in the GTA had at least 3 or 4 snow days. My kids had 1!

Looks like warmer weather is on it's way.
We also find our children find joy and happiness in unexpected places at WDW so we're cutting back on touring plans and ADR's to go with the flow.

Where was the Rapunzel show? Did you know about in advance or something you stumbled upon? We were there in February but did not see/read anything about it.

Because DD is still obsessed with getting autographs(may not last a lot longer, although there was a girl behind us in line who had to be in her late teens/early 20s), we get the Time Guide and just check which characters are going to be out and about that day.
Rapunzel was at The Fairytale Garden--this is a covered small theater just at the bridge across from Cosmic Rays resturant. I have no idea how long they have been doing this little show/signing thing, but I'm sure it has something to do with the DVD coming out this week:confused3
Awesome picture of DD Rapunzel and Flyn.

I heard about your storm. Completely missed Ottawa which has been the case all winter. Kids in the GTA had at least 3 or 4 snow days. My kids had 1!

Looks like warmer weather is on it's way.

Thanks, I have a photopass picture of Flyn with his arm around me--just cause I'm over 40 doesn't me it didn't matter:love:
Yea, it was the 3rd snow day for my kids too. I went to school in Ottawa in the late 80s and the year I was there, the winter was pretty good--you never know though. I am hoping we are DONE now, but I had to brush the snow off my car window again this morning.:scared1:

Forgot to mention, while DD stood in line, I ran over to get us a Dole Whip. It was St. Patrick's day. so I got a twist-half pineapple, half green coloured vanilla--cute.
After we got the autographs, DD and I ran into this guy--one more for the album.


We then hit Space Mountain and used a fastpass.
We had driven to Grand Floridian and parked in their lot earlier for breakfast, so we took the monarail back there, retreived a change of clothes from car, quick change in bathroom, then to the Garden View Tea Room.

The atmosphere, here is georgous, hugh fresh flower arrangements, calm surroundings.
DD ordered the Buckingham Palace-we subed some more kid friendly sandwhiches(2 pb&j, 1 ham and cheese and 1 tuna), and the lemon verbeena tea.


I ordered the Prince Edward Tea which came with a glass of Port.:rolleyes1


I was indecisive about which tea to get so the server brought out two teas that had just came in and weren't on the menu yet. He let me look at the loose tea and smell it. Now I forget what I choose, but it was good.

I must say, I have had better tea and scones here, closer to home--Thompson rasins instead of currants in the scones, that DD had to pick out:headache:, but again, it's just the experience of being there.

It is rumoured DVC will build at Grand Floridian, and if my numbers ever come up, I will add on some points here.:rolleyes:

While we were eating, Cinderella's Carriage went by the window. A lady at the next table said she was a wedding planner, and that carriage rents for $3000/ 30 minute ride:eek:--seems a bit much to me, but could be.


More phots from GF


Oh yea, they gave each of us a long stemmed pink rose--they were still beautiful on Sunday when we left, but had to leave them behind:guilty:

Flowers on ledge behind DD at tea.


Cool Ride


DH and DS who had been doing things around MK met us in the lobby of GF, we headed back to BWV for a 2 hour rest, then returned to MK for more rides, and the late night Wishes--sorry, it never gets old:hug:


Left MK at 12:30am:woohoo:


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