Following Dr. Seuss to BCV- a November 2011 TR Updates 6/11

Wow! So impressed you tackled the kitchen sink! :worship: I love Beaches 'n Cream... always such a great meal. I could go for one of those burgers now... yes, it's ~7am.

The lineup for "what's next" (BCV, BW, BCV etc.) looks great!! Who needs the parks? :confused3 ;)
Does that kitchen sink look good or what???? I couldn't even imagine trying to tackle that thing. Just seeing it I know that we would need at least 3-4 others to eat on it with us. :laughing:

And the Beach Club is so relaxing. We have never been able to stay there, yet - we keep trying, but we have walked around it and toured it and would love to be able to get a room there some day.
I love how you tell your story - Thank you for sharing the trip report - - as well as pictures of your backyard. Love how the wildlife encroaches on "our' homes!

Looking forward to the "rest of the story"

YAY Dr Suess!! :wizard:
The kitchen sink looks sooo good!!!


Thank you about the name... Cici is the nickname my grandpa gave brother couldn't say Shelly when I was young and it came out see-see, and the Woowoo part is a spin on my maiden name...somehow we got onto a mailing list as the Woo family, so we ended up getting quite a few Chinese ads. :rotfl2:
I'm loving reading your report and seeing your pictures! Thanks!

My heart sings when I reach the end of the Garden State Parkway, Exit 0! I love NJ. DH and I moved because of his work, but every chance I have to go back, I do!:goodvibes
Brian is an awesome server! He's been there for years. Darlene was great, too, but Brian told us she went to another restaurant on property. I can't remember where now!

Well, lucky us for scoring Brian- he was a GREAT, GREAT CM! :thumbsup2 I hope I get to know him well over the coming years-

Love the report. Thank you for sharing your family with us over the years. The boys are getting so big.:)

Awww...thanks! :goodvibes And thanks for reading and posting over the years. Yes, you are right- the boys are getting so big- everyone is taller than me in my family except the dog! It's a little upsetting!;)

Tinks "SS";43357875 said:
yeah!! another podsnel trip report. i like it when you post them on here. I always forget to go over to the trip report board. So glad you got to the world with all in tow.

Enjoying your trip report so far and keep it here please so i can follow along :worship:

My boys just got a glimpse of your kitchen sink and we had one for the first time in october and they loved it. My youngest looked at the pic and said it looked my my oldest son. Actually your timmy and tyler remind me of my 2 boys in looks also. Glad Sean got his fries. Did he venture much from fries this trip?

waiting for more. :surfweb:

Hi old friend! :cheer2: Don't worry- I'll continue to post over here-:goodvibes

Yes, Sean actually DID venture from the fries (but he never ate that cheeseburger although he is eating them now at home). That was one of the most exciting things for me during the trip- whenever Sean would eat something other than fries. :yay: He has made a lot of progress with new foods this past year- but with his medication issue, we didn't want to push him too much in WDW, because he was often so tense to begin with.

And you KNOW I need to see pics of your boys now! Please? :goodvibes

Wow! So impressed you tackled the kitchen sink! :worship: I love Beaches 'n Cream... always such a great meal. I could go for one of those burgers now... yes, it's ~7am.

The lineup for "what's next" (BCV, BW, BCV etc.) looks great!! Who needs the parks? :confused3 ;)

Go ahead! Have a 7am burger! I won't tell if you won't...;)

Glad you like the upcoming schedule for the evening- it was a nice way to ease into vacation...

Does that kitchen sink look good or what???? I couldn't even imagine trying to tackle that thing. Just seeing it I know that we would need at least 3-4 others to eat on it with us. :laughing:

And the Beach Club is so relaxing. We have never been able to stay there, yet - we keep trying, but we have walked around it and toured it and would love to be able to get a room there some day.

We once saw 2 couples each with THEIR OWN kitchen sinks (per couple) and they FINISHED!!!! :scared1: :worship: They didn't eat burgers and onion rings first though, so maybe that was the key. :rolleyes:

I hope you do get to stay at BCV someday- I think it's doable at 7 months as long as it's not a super busy time of year- good luck!! pixiedust:
I love how you tell your story - Thank you for sharing the trip report - - as well as pictures of your backyard. Love how the wildlife encroaches on "our' homes!

Looking forward to the "rest of the story"

YAY Dr Suess!! :wizard:

Thanks so much- I'm so glad you are entertained! :hug:

I love wildlife in the backyard, too- although I was not crazy about the dead fox in the street a month ago, and those wild turkeys were VERY agressive- but it was CRAZY to see them fly to the tops of trees 75 feet high! :scared1:

The kitchen sink looks sooo good!!!


Thank you about the name... Cici is the nickname my grandpa gave brother couldn't say Shelly when I was young and it came out see-see, and the Woowoo part is a spin on my maiden name...somehow we got onto a mailing list as the Woo family, so we ended up getting quite a few Chinese ads. :rotfl2:

Great story!! Thanks for sharing- I'm sure I'm not the only one who was wondering! :)

I'm loving reading your report and seeing your pictures! Thanks!

My heart sings when I reach the end of the Garden State Parkway, Exit 0! I love NJ. DH and I moved because of his work, but every chance I have to go back, I do!:goodvibes

Hi Bobbi! :goodvibes I'm so happy you are enjoying it- and thanks for supporting the Cape May state! :thumbsup2
Ellen - loving all of it. :love:

Thanks for the pictures of your backyard - wow - how lovely. And I forgot to say that I hear you with the entranceway of the suite. Those tiny details are so important to me. And I think - not sure - but I think it's AKV :confused3 where they dropped the ball on the entrance area/detail. And I noticed. :rotfl2: BIG TIME. :lmao: I honestly would put entranceways in my top ten reasons why I LOVE MY DVC!!!!

Will catch up soon.
I'm hungry - and planning our Jan Boardwalk Villa week -

I guess every time I look at your pictures, I know I've got to have that cheeseburger and onion rings :rotfl2: I've never wanted to "wait" but the more reports I'm reading, the waits arent as bad as I'd imagine - I may just put this on our list!! :goodvibes

Last week we found a fox using our backyard as a 'shortcut' for her and her twin cubs! Then the dog discovered a squirrel, dh thinks it (the squirrel) expired from a heart attack. The dog was fascinated! The turkeys have stayed down the way - they are fascinating, who knew they did fly!

Glad you are sharing your adventure! Love that Dr. Suess book!
I will be back to post replies in a bit, just wanted to get a quick update in before I attempt to straighten my "Christmas has thrown up all over the place" house....

Sean & I walked back to the villa, and on the way we stopped in the Marketplace- I wanted to pick up butter & milk so I could make mac & cheese for Sean over the vacay (I brought a few boxes from home). Took a few pics of what they were offering that Wednesday night-




And one of a shop window-


Back in 438, our luggage had arrived :goodvibes so I was able to do some unpacking and bed-making for Sean. Since they allow 5 in a 1BDRM at BCV, but don't provide bedding for #5, we had packed one of our suitcases with an aerobed, his blankets, and a sheet. (Sean likes sleeping in this bed- we bought it last year for Thanksgiving in Tennesee, and I think this bed was the only thing he LIKED about that holiday...:sad2:) Anyway, here is how a single aerobed fits in the villa-



Of course, we always have to bring his favorite stuffed pals-


When he sees everything familiar on that bed, he is VERY happy to sleep there. :cloud9: (and sorry thumper looks like he has seen better days- that is the cleanest he gets, and Sean won't accept ANY of the new ones we've tried.) Sean really wanted to go swimming, he kept asking the whole way back. Which is kind of weird, because he NEVER wants to swim at home. :confused3 No complaints from us- we are THRILLED, of course,when he wants to swim!! So when the rest of the family returned, we decided Pods would go in the pool for a bit with Sean, and I would take T&T over to the BW to see the entertainment and shoot some hoops. So Sean & Pods decided on the quiet pool-



Which was REALLY quiet, because it was a bit chilly out there, everyone! So they moved over to the hot tub-



T&T&I headed over to the BW via the BC quiet pool-



About two steps before we got to the basketball kiosk, I realized I had messed up.

No cash. DUH. :headache:

So back we went to BCV to get some. But on the way, I remembered that a little bird on the DIS had told me to get a Sangria at the window for the walk over to EPCOT from BWV- well, I figured the Sangria would work for a walk to BCV, too, so I got one. :rolleyes:



So....back to BCV via the outside walkway, got the cash, then back to BW-


Cont'd next post....

Then back to the basketball-



Where BOTH boys got one of their shots, so they pooled their winnings and instead of two little balls, got one BIG ball-


Yippee. Always fun to bring a basketball home on the plane. :laughing: Actually, this was the ONE time I was actually a little sad we were staying at BCV- no basketball court like at AKV, SSR & OKW. Oh well- I'm sure they'll figure out some other way to play with it at BCV...:rolleyes1

The magician was JUST beginning his act- I was SUPER excited, because T&T have NEVER seen the entertainment on the BW- really, Pods & I never had before last year, either, I guess we just never hit it right.


It was really, really funny (of course!) and so good, in fact, Tyler took those plugs out of his head to listen! :eek: Both kids enjoyed this, which speaks VOLUMES as to how wonderful the BW entertainment is- every child, teenager and adult in the audience were equally enthralled. Well, with the exception of that boy who was up there entertaining us, too- I'm pretty sure his family might have been slightly more excited- but only slightly. During the show, Illuminations went off over in EPCOT- here is the terrible awful photo I took-


Sorry, but my pics are just not the greatest when I'm on vacation with my family- I'm just too focused on my kids! Silly Mommy! :laughing:

After the show, we walked back to BCV....via the outside back path that we wore down totally on this vacation. The boys were all going to hang in the villa- Pods had put Sean to bed already (well, honestly, Sean puts himself to bed when he is tired and on this day, WOW, was he ever tired!), and we were going to go back to the BW because I really, really wanted to have that tuna appetizer at FF....even if I wasn't hungry AT ALL...but this was the only night I could figure it in, so off we went! After, of course, strict instructions that there was NO ball bouncing in the villa on floor #4- which both boys understood would be HORRIBLE for the family below us, and they promised not to do. :thumbsup2

We arrived at 9:45 and were seated at the bar, which was where we requested (we did not have an ADR, something to keep in mind if you really want to come here and can't get in)-


I wanted to try the pumpkin cocktail that was on the menu- I do love me some pumpkin!!


Well....I do love me some pumpkin, but this drink? Umm...not so much. It tasted more like eggnog to me than pumpkin- but the bartender was a DOLL- as she made it for me, she said I could have something else if it wasn't to my liking. SO...onto drink #2, a Grape Martini-


See the garnish? Frozen grapes- LOVE THAT!! I am soooo doing that the next time I serve grapetinis!


Then it was time for tuna! Yellowfin Tuna Tartare and crispy tempura tuna vegetable Sushi roll - Hijiki and wakame seaweed, yuzu, tobiko, and wasabi foam, with a sweet and spicy sauce - $16.00


I don't know if you have ever tried this, but...if you like sushi, you should. It's AWESOME!!



We asked for the check, and Lorna the lovely bartender at FF advised us we could get a 10% DVC discount at the bar- we explained we were 1 day shy of our TIW, since we were all getting new APs in the morning. Love that Lorna! :love:

On our walk back to BVC, we saw that the magician had just finished his final act of the night (which had begun at 10 right outside of FF). We also saw a huge line of people waiting at Boardwalk Joe's, no doubt because of this menu-


On the way, i noticed this HORRID sign at ESPN-


which I was NOT a fan of AT ALL since we were leaving on Monday night, and I certainly didn't need any reminders of THAT fact.

At home we watched a little tv before calling it a night- in the morning, we were having breakfast at Kona and breaking in some APs at MK!

Nice quick update, huh? Nothing like stalling cleaning by an hour and a half! :rotfl:

:rotfl2: stalling cleaning? Well, thank you for your sacrifice - ALL for me!! :love:

I was so looking for an update! and you have indulged me!! :worship: I do truly thank you for including the menus! When we first started planning our trip, we both had jobs, and I had visions of the chefs table at FF - now that we are scaling back our trip (and keep in mind it is our 30th wedding anniversary!) seeing the pictures and the tip about seating at the bar - :rotfl2: I cant wait for dh to come home so I can show him your pictures and say - we're so going to do this!!

Thank you for including all those pictures - I cant believe we're going to Disney!

just went back to page 2 - missed part 1!! DD 14 surprises me that everywhere she goes she always packs her "squishy" pillow (it is one that was popular a few years ago, filled with some kind of styrofoam beans - we cant seem to locate any anywhere!) that is held together in parts with duct tape - and a bear her brother got her on his first camping trip away from the family! I keep thinking she wont bring those on this trip or that trip - nope, she brought them on a High School Trip last weekend!
I love the photo of Sean curled on the bed reading his book lying on the floor.

What a GREAT TR! I'm totally in! You have awesome food porn, that roll at FF looks awesome, we have to try that some time (which probably means 2013 becuase I have my 2012 trips already planned! :rotfl2:) Unless we do like you and hit it as a late night snack during our F&W trip next year!

Weve never eaten at Beaches and Cream and it looks fabulous. With just two of us we would never attempt a Kitchen Sink.

I loved all your pictures of the 1 BR villa, we just closed on a contract at BCV in February and had planned a stay there last October, but due to severe illness we had to cancel the whole trip. The last time I stayed there was when they were tearing up the tennis courts to build the Villas. I can't wait to get back there next year to try and recreate my trip from this year for next year.

Thanks for showing my what an awesome place that I can look forward to staying at for years to come!
I love the photo of Sean curled on the bed reading his book lying on the floor.


:lovestruc He is always very focused on his reading material, I have to say. :lovestruc

What a GREAT TR! I'm totally in! You have awesome food porn, that roll at FF looks awesome, we have to try that some time (which probably means 2013 becuase I have my 2012 trips already planned! :rotfl2:) Unless we do like you and hit it as a late night snack during our F&W trip next year!

Weve never eaten at Beaches and Cream and it looks fabulous. With just two of us we would never attempt a Kitchen Sink.

I loved all your pictures of the 1 BR villa, we just closed on a contract at BCV in February and had planned a stay there last October, but due to severe illness we had to cancel the whole trip. The last time I stayed there was when they were tearing up the tennis courts to build the Villas. I can't wait to get back there next year to try and recreate my trip from this year for next year.

Thanks for showing my what an awesome place that I can look forward to staying at for years to come!

Hi there!! :wave2: Glad you like the food porn- as I recall, you take some mouthwatering pics yourself! That tuna is really fabulous- definitely worth the trip. They also make the BEST espresso martini, which I would have had, too, if it had not been after 9pm (I really can't do caffeine at night, I'll never get to bed). So, sorry you had to cancel your BCV trip, but congrats on your contract! :banana: I hope you have a fabulous recreated trip!! pixiedust: We feel so relaxed there, it's just wonderful. :cloud9:
On Thursday, I got up before everyone else to go take care of some business- we needed APs for all of us, and we needed a new TIW card as well. I thought I would just get my own AP right now, and we could get the rest of the family's when we went to MK later that morning. I wanted to try getting the AP from the BC Concierge desk with the hope that maybe things had changed and they would also be able to issue my TIW card- but, no such luck. I did get my AP though- and was handed the plastic card that looks just like a KTTW card. The concierge said that this was all they were able to issue at the hotels, they were not set up to print the tyvek cards. After that, I strolled over to the IG to get my TIW card- and asked the CM if I could get a tyvek AP from him to replace the plastic one I had just gotten moments before- I was worried that I might throw it out at some point after the trip, thinking it was an old room key.

I am so, SO glad I wanted a tyvek card and I said something.

The CM at the IG (International Gateway- the back entrance to EPCOT) shook his head and said, "I can't believe they are still doing this."


He went on to tell me that the problem with getting an AP at the hotel is that their system is not interfaced with the parks' system, and if you lose an AP issued at BCV or any other hotel on property- they have no way of tracking it, and you are out of luck. :scared1: WOW- is THAT good to know!! Lesson learned- I will ALWAYS buy my AP at the park!

Back at the room, everyone was just about ready to go- we had a breakfast ADR at Kona. So off we went, and our very most excellent transportation mojo followed us to the bus stop, where we walked up, and a MK bus pulled in-


When we got off and were walking to the monorail at MK, the most excellent transpotation mojo follwed us AGAIN as a boat pulled right up and we got on her instead-



First we stopped at-


So excited they are building a DVC there!! I LOVE having options of trying more resorts (hopefully)! I wish it was being built at the Poly, though- I think I would have to add on a few of those points....anyway, we were arriving...



Look MEK!!


We checked in and were handed our pager. Meanwhile, we perused the pastry selection at the sushi bar-



After about a 15 minute wait, we were seated.


This is tied for my favorite breakfast at WDW- with Kouzzina, and wait- there's a new contender (for me) WPE- but for Tyler THIS is the one place he HAD to come to on vacation- Tonga Toast may just be his favorite brekkie of all time!!! First things first- even though it was only me drinking coffee, I HAD to have-


We placed our order, and waited VERY PATIENTLY to be served. The food is really, really yummy here, but I can promise you Kona will NEVER be confused with any fast food type of restaurant. Good thing the food is worth the wait.

We had asked Sean what he wanted when looking at the menu, and he said french toast- so we had him order the kids portion.


As you may have heard, Sean really only eats french fries when we are in WDW restaurants. So we weren't expecting him to actually eat this when it came out. But guess what? Sean LOVES french toast! Surprise surprise!!! He gobbled up every bite!


We were ecstatic- and also mad at ourselves for getting the kids portion (we would know better next time!). After reading Mickiniki's recent food report, I had been in a dilemma for weeks over whether or not to get the Pumpkin Pancakes that was a special when she was at Kona, or the Macadamia nut pancakes I had been craving all year. Well, I had worried for nothing, because they were not being offered the day we were dining at Kona. So I convinced the hubby to split our breakfasts. :thumbsup2 I had The Samoan - Poached eggs with Hollandaise served over smoked pulled pork hash - $9.99


And umm, yea, in case you were wondering, this is very, VERY delicious- although I would have liked for it to be a little hotter. Pods got Macadamia Pineapple Pancakes - Served with Macadamia nut butter, pineapple sauce, and your choice of ham, bacon or sausage. - $9.99


We split our entrees right down the middle and shared- OMG, those pancakes are the BEST!!! I can't WAIT to get to Hawaii this summer, I am going to OD on Mac Nut pancakes while I am there! Tyler couldn't wait to have Tonga Toast - Banana-stuffed sourdough bread, rolled in cinnamon sugar with your choice of ham, bacon or sausage. - $10.99



He was moaning the whole time he was eating!! He really loves that stuff!! Timmy went with Pancakes - Served with your choice of ham, bacon, or sausage. - $8.99


Which he couldn't pick which of the meats to have, he wanted them all, so we all shared ours with him. We all loved our breakfasts, and we will be back, most definitely, next year for more. :goodvibes

Up next- it's a beautiful day in MK!

That Kona breakfast looks so good. I am so glad that we will be eating breakfast there when we go down in January for our quickie family getaway! We have eaten dinner there before but never breakfast. I want to try those pancakes and my daughter Brooke wants to try the Tonga Toast. It all looks just so yummy! :goodvibes
Sorry for the delay, everyone- life has been nuttier than usual around here! But now back to our regularly scheduled program....

We left the Poly (which is STILL the one resort both Pods & I have wanted to stay at our whole lives but never have...I'm going to have to do something about that someday when one of those codes comes out...anyway...)and hopped on the monorail to MK


We went straight over to Guest services to purchase 4 more DVC APs so we would all be covered not only for this trip, but also next year's BIG 9 night one. Very happy to save $100 per person with DVC, but yikes! Those passes are still expensive! Good thing most of it was covered by a Disney Visa rewards card. was time to go have some fun!


Ahhh...all decorated for Christmas on November 10th-


And look who welcomed us on Main St!



When talking with Sean about our trip for months beforehand, he made it very clear which ride he was most looking forward to- and T&T were very happy to make his wish come true-


This was actually the first time we couldn't all fit in one cup together as a family. :sad1:'s my happy boy-



Here's a little video of him, so happy at the end-click to play

I was having some tummy issues on this trip, and this was the one and only time the tea cups made me feel :crazy2:. I had to really make sure I kept my head up or else it was vertigo vomit city.

Sean's next favorite ride is Buzz, so that's where we headed to next. We passed an old friend on the way-



Sean was really happy, still-



Now, I don't know exactly what Timmy hit, but about 10 seconds after being able to play, this is what our scores were-


I think Timmy won! And apparently I lost it!




Pods was as exciting as ever-


At this point, Pods, T&T went on Space Mountain, and Sean and I went in search of some regular (as in not caramel) popcorn- which took us all the way to Frontierland to find-


But gave us a chance to see the progress over there in Fantasyland-




Pretty crunchy over there getting through. Can't wait until next year- I hope it will be finished by our November 2012 trip- have they announced an estimated date? All I have heard is late 2012.


Cont'd next post-

Back to wait for the boys-


And for the first time EVER we saw Push!


Click to play-

Click to play-

Next, it was time to go to the Barbershop- I had made an appointment (before we left home) for both Sean & Timmy to get haircuts while we were there. Did I mention how AWESOME it is that you can book appointments now? Put us right to the front of the long line- we still had to wait, but not as long as we would have had to. On the way there we passed-




That Main St entertainment always puts a smile on my face. At the barber, we waited outside-


But before long they had to move, because it was time for Move it Shake it!






Click to play-

Somehow we always manage to get haircuts when the parade is on. Anyway, they finally called our name and inside we went. I took a pic of this because that was my maiden name-


Thrilling, huh? Sean was in desperate need of a trim, but Timmy? He was just getting cut because - he really likes it there. LOVES to get all Pirate dusted up! Even though he won't EVER admit it in front of Tyler.



There was a photopass photographer there, which I thought was a great idea- even if her pics didn't look any different than mine!

Click to play-

Click to play-





The CM cutting Tim's hair was very nice- she pixie dusted me, too!


We put it all on our room EXCEPT the tip- that has to be in cash, so don't forget to bring some when you go.

Up next- more parade, more fun!

That Kona breakfast looks so good. I am so glad that we will be eating breakfast there when we go down in January for our quickie family getaway! We have eaten dinner there before but never breakfast. I want to try those pancakes and my daughter Brooke wants to try the Tonga Toast. It all looks just so yummy! :goodvibes

I am the opposite of you- I have never been there for anything but breakfast- I have had ADRs for it, but always they have ended up cancelled. What do you like for dinner? I can tell you that Tonga Toast is VERY sweet, being coated in sugar- but it is Tyler's favorite breakfast of all time. :thumbsup2 Can't wait to hear what you think of it when you go!

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