Fireworks At IOA??


Dis Veteran
Feb 11, 2000
I believe that there will be a firework show at IOA again this summer (According to Screamscape).
Does anyone know any details?
i.e. Is it on in August? Is it nightly? What time?
etc etc.
Any info would be welcome. (The kids LOVE fireworks - not me , honest! ;) )


I think IOA will start up again the Adventure in the Sky fireworks show. The show is really good and is choreographed(SP?) with the music. It's not a Illuminations 2000 but worth waiting for. Wish I could tell you when the show is starting back up but let me dig a little more. It's around here somewhere. Anybody else see the show this past summer?


JP...when did you see that show? I would love to catch it sounds nice.
*Just did a it called adventure to the stars?
Here's what I found:

2001 - Summer Attractions - (2/2/2001) We’ve heard that the park may put up a temporary display in JP to promote the new film this summer. There is also the possibility of a tie-in in Lost Continent to the upcoming animated film, Shrek as well. You can also expect to see the return of a new and improved Xtreme Show as well as the Adventure To The Stars nightly fireworks show.

Jessica-- I saw the show this past August. It has some beautiful music and interesting fireworks displays. It is a lot like Fantasy in the Sky @ MK except you are at the waters edge when watching the show, I think it's a plus being so close. Thanks for name of the show I knew it had Adventure in the title.
:D :D :D

Anybody else?


Thanks for the info! I just love fireworks. :)

This is great news. Ioa and Universal Studios both need some night time entertainment to keep people in the parks at night. I know we left because we were done everything and there wasn't anything special to see at night.

Kevin's Disney World Website
The Adventure to the Stars fireworks show was perhaps the best I've seen, even possibly better than Illuminations. I will visit this summer just to see it again. :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Universal should keep fireworks shows in a more constant basis, maybe year-round ! Hope this ti happened in the near future.

Thanks people.
Do the parks stay open later to accomodate the show?
Maybe Earl or Coaster can tell us what dates it runs from/to?


I heard that Universal are unable to run a Fireworks show all year round due to local residents complaining about noise!! I don't know if this is true but it sounds likely.

I watched the show back in 1999 and have it all on video, it was a great show apart from we were in the fall out area for all the smoke. :D Oh well nevermind!



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