Figaro30, can you believe the can of worms that you opened?


<font color=green>"if he doesn't believe in fairie
Jun 18, 2000
Just wanted to point out the thread that you opened and thought was put to reat is still active. I am surprised the debate is still going on. You are a wonder. Where is the Dead Posts Society when you need them? Anyway, I guess it is good that the discussion keeps on ticking like a Timex watch. I think it has opened many eyes on bus etiquette and bus rights. Wait a minute, do we have bus rights?
I had to LAUGH so hard when I saw this bumped back up again. Well at least the last couple of entries seemed to be more on "my side".

I'm still thinking about the one entry that said that any woman holding a child would definitely qualify for a disabled seat. That woman is pretty naive. I don't know what country she's from but it DEFINITELY doesn't constitute being a DISABILITY on any form of public transportation in the UNITED STATES!!!! HA!

And I still can't help laughing that the people who keep saying she's HOLDING the child when she wasn't....Like I said people can't read. And to Jennybobenny.....well....she got mad at me for saying that a few people on here were illiterate....WELL....THEY ARE!!! They are still referring to the mother HOLDING the sleeping infant.

IT WASN'T AN INFANT PEOPLE!!!!! AND SHE WASN'T HOLDING HIM!!! OPEN UP YOUR EYES PEOPLE!!! This is so funny now nothing anybody says is bothering me any more.

It's like that game of telephone...where each person adds something post will be referring to the Blind, crippled, pregnant mother, holding the severly mentally retarded child and nobody gave up their seat...especially that nasty FIGARO30!!! LOL!!! :D


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