Fastpass Enforcement coming?

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You know what amazes me about this thread?

...that of the bazillion previous threads about Fastpass times starting to be enforced, this one actually looks to be TRUE! :scared1::laughing::eek:

Having said that, I have a very hard time seeing this policy last long term. :confused3 It may work temporarily, but I see it failing in the end. It's going to come down to precedence, and expectations. Right now, it sounds as though dining reservations and ride downtimes are the two acceptable excuses to use them late, with the additional option of the CM to allow it on a case by case basis... well, that just opens a can of worms. So a CM lets you thru because you say your kid scraped his toe and needed time to get it taken care of and calm him down. So then others see or hear that and it becomes precedence... then another excuse comes along, like my kid overheated and needed a break, or we had to run back to the resort because someone in our party forgot their room key, or ..... any number of excuses. At Disney, the CM's try to keep you happy, and I see as more and more give in to any number of excuses it is going to be VERY difficult long term to keep this enforcement in place. Just my guess though.

So much speculation...and why is it that doconeill automatically seems to assume the worst and that he and the rest of the DVC owners are going to get screwed? Nobody knows jack about squat regarding X-pass or the future of FP. Just settle down until you have something concrete to rail on about.

For now, it seems that the only change is that Disney will likely begin asking you to stick to the printed time window. If you run into a snag (ADR running long, stuck on a ride etc) chances are they will try to accommodate you.

As for the memo posted contradicting existing posted policy...the way I read that earlier thing about how CMs should treat FP was how to handle problems related to FP use. Problems like; one guest is missing his while the rest of the party has one, or a guest tries to get in FP before his time...ALL ways the FP were not intended to be used but DIsney must be prepared to address. One of those misuses is returning after the window, and the way they were prepared to handle that misuse was to let you through anyway.

That's how I read that document. Clearly OMMV.
So much speculation...and why is it that doconeill automatically seems to assume the worst and that he and the rest of the DVC owners are going to get screwed? Nobody knows jack about squat regarding X-pass or the future of FP. Just settle down until you have something concrete to rail on about.

For now, it seems that the only change is that Disney will likely begin asking you to stick to the printed time window. If you run into a snag (ADR running long, stuck on a ride etc) chances are they will try to accommodate you.

As for the memo posted contradicting existing posted policy...the way I read that earlier thing about how CMs should treat FP was how to handle problems related to FP use. Problems like; one guest is missing his while the rest of the party has one, or a guest tries to get in FP before his time...ALL ways the FP were not intended to be used but DIsney must be prepared to address. One of those misuses is returning after the window, and the way they were prepared to handle that misuse was to let you through anyway.

That's how I read that document. Clearly OMMV.

I think the worse is that we actually do not know when xpass will hit and it kind of complecates plans. I would hate to plan a trip only to learn that now I need more to budget for Xpass. Or maybe it will be free, or I do not even know. Point is I want more info.
So much speculation...and why is it that doconeill automatically seems to assume the worst and that he and the rest of the DVC owners are going to get screwed? Nobody knows jack about squat regarding X-pass or the future of FP. Just settle down until you have something concrete to rail on about.

For now, it seems that the only change is that Disney will likely begin asking you to stick to the printed time window. If you run into a snag (ADR running long, stuck on a ride etc) chances are they will try to accommodate you.

As for the memo posted contradicting existing posted policy...the way I read that earlier thing about how CMs should treat FP was how to handle problems related to FP use. Problems like; one guest is missing his while the rest of the party has one, or a guest tries to get in FP before his time...ALL ways the FP were not intended to be used but DIsney must be prepared to address. One of those misuses is returning after the window, and the way they were prepared to handle that misuse was to let you through anyway.

That's how I read that document. Clearly OMMV.

I'm really not sure why you have such a problem with my post.

IF the rumors are true that it is only going to Deluxe guests, and IF the post I was responding to is that it is to drive up occupancy of Deluxe resorts, then I don't see this rolling out to DVC members any time soon, plain and simple. I've been saying all along that what is being reported as fact about X-Pass is actually speculation and conjecture, fercryingoutloud!

How is that "assuming the worst"?

As for the memo vs. the operational document...they contradict. You read the document just the same way I did (although as far as Disney's intent neither you nor I were in the Fastpass implementation and design meetings). But the recent memo says that not accepting late FPs is not a change in policy. The two contradict.
I think the worse is that we actually do not know when xpass will hit and it kind of complecates plans. I would hate to plan a trip only to learn that now I need more to budget for Xpass. Or maybe it will be free, or I do not even know. Point is I want more info.

I too want more info. I'm feeling a little psychic here.. and I am willing to predict nothing about Xpass will be free:rotfl:
That's almost a certainty. Nope I am willing to predict we will get to pay dearly to have the privilege of riding the rides in the theme park we have already bought tickets too.:rolleyes1

Has there been other instances of perks/amenities/whatever being available to deluxe guests and NOT to DVC guests?

I'm just wondering why you feel this is a possibility.
I'm really not sure why you have such a problem with my post.

IF the rumors are true that it is only going to Deluxe guests, and IF the post I was responding to is that it is to drive up occupancy of Deluxe resorts, then I don't see this rolling out to DVC members any time soon, plain and simple. I've been saying all along that what is being reported as fact about X-Pass is actually speculation and conjecture, fercryingoutloud!

How is that "assuming the worst"?

As for the memo vs. the operational document...they contradict. You read the document just the same way I did (although as far as Disney's intent neither you nor I were in the Fastpass implementation and design meetings). But the recent memo says that not accepting late FPs is not a change in policy. The two contradict.

It's a whole lot of IF's. I don't think (or rather hope?) they'll ignore their DVC members. Heck they started offering DDP to DVC members (finally). I can't see them leaving you guys out of the X-Pass whateveritis. I've heard your reasons for thinking they might, and I prefer to er on the side of positivity.

Now I'm still not sold on X-Pass but it's probably due to the spate of "the sky is falling" type rumors swirling around about what it is and how it will operate. When we get some actual information, THEN I'll have my freak out.

Has there been other instances of perks/amenities/whatever being available to deluxe guests and NOT to DVC guests?

I'm just wondering why you feel this is a possibility.

DVC resorts are often classified as "Deluxe" or "Deluxe Villas" when you are looking for a room.

There haven't been any real perks/amenities/whatever available to any class of room before that were not available to all, beyond what was contained within the resort itself. At least I can't think of any. This would be a first.

DVC occupancy is driven by their own sales, and points schedules, etc. which don't actually follow the typical occupancy patterns for CRO (non-DVC) occupancy. DVC peak seasons are different than CRO.

DVC does have perks not afforded general guests - but DVC actually has to negotiate for those, and those that actually cost are generally paid for by maintenance fees, etc.

Offering X-Pass to DVC might entice additional DVC sales, but for current members it would be just an add-on perk and wouldn't likely change occupancy rates at that level.

Again, this is all speculation (as I've said time and time again but I need to keep saying). If the other rumor is true and it is strictly pay-for-play, then it would probably be available to everyone. Then DVC could potentially negotiate discounts on it, etc.
I would not pay extra for special FP or XPass or whatever it's going to be called.

I wonder if they would make it an add on to the MYW tickets for an extra fee?
I too want more info. I'm feeling a little psychic here.. and I am willing to predict nothing about Xpass will be free:rotfl:
That's almost a certainty. Nope I am willing to predict we will get to pay dearly to have the privilege of riding the rides in the theme park we have already bought tickets too.:rolleyes1

I also think it will not be free but how much? Will they introduce new types of tickets with option build in for the rest of the trip or i will have ability to get Xpass for particular days? What will happen to current FP system? Will it be even possibleto get on popular rides without Xpass or line with start on arrival day and my turn will be on departure day:eek:? So much unknown and depending on those question we can decide what do and when to go. I am so sorry for all people who booked Spring Break and now do not know what to do. it is crazy.
Unlike now, when you can just keep collecting FP's... as long as there are some to collect... and the park remains open... to use at the end of the day.(THAT number could be up to 5, 6 or more.)


This why I think the new enforcement will work better.


Has there been other instances of perks/amenities/whatever being available to deluxe guests and NOT to DVC guests?

I'm just wondering why you feel this is a possibility.

DVC resorts are often classified as "Deluxe" or "Deluxe Villas" when you are looking for a room.

There haven't been any real perks/amenities/whatever available to any class of room before that were not available to all, beyond what was contained within the resort itself. At least I can't think of any. This would be a first.

DVC occupancy is driven by their own sales, and points schedules, etc. which don't actually follow the typical occupancy patterns for CRO (non-DVC) occupancy. DVC peak seasons are different than CRO.

DVC does have perks not afforded general guests - but DVC actually has to negotiate for those, and those that actually cost are generally paid for by maintenance fees, etc.

Offering X-Pass to DVC might entice additional DVC sales, but for current members it would be just an add-on perk and wouldn't likely change occupancy rates at that level.

Again, this is all speculation (as I've said time and time again but I need to keep saying). If the other rumor is true and it is strictly pay-for-play, then it would probably be available to everyone. Then DVC could potentially negotiate discounts on it, etc.

There's never been a perk/amenity on this scale before, assuming there's fire to the X-Pass/deluxe resort rumors -- so it's an unprecedented situation that can't really be compared to how resorts have treated other perks until now.

Also, DVC is so large and has so many members now that adding something like this as a perk would dramatically change the nature of the perk itself and how it's implemented within the parks. It's no small thing.

Does anyone know how many DVC beds there are, resort-wise, and how they compare to the number of Deluxe resort beds?
Does anyone know how many DVC beds there are, resort-wise, and how they compare to the number of Deluxe resort beds?

I've seen room numbers, but those don't reflect beds because of how DVC rooms are arranged with 1BR, 2BR, 3BR and studios...there are some numbers out there that break it down better, but I can't find it...

I think there is somewhere around 6,000 deluxe rooms, with a typical occupancy limit of 4.

There are around 4,000 DVC "rooms". The minimum occupancy of those rooms are 4, and as high as 12. It's conceivable that the total number of guests for DVC equals that of deluxe.

Edit: I did find some numbers from several years ago, so there could be variances. Take SSR:

SSR - 0 Dedicated Studios - 0 Dedicated 1Bdrm - 360 Dedicated 2Bdrm - 432 Lockoffs - 36 Grand Villas = 828 Units / 1260 Max. Available Rooms

If I were to break that down to "4 person equivalents" (Dedicated/lockoffs hold 8 so there are 2 rooms, GVs hold 12 so 3 rooms), SSR is the equivalent of 2,880 rooms. That's almost have of all the deluxes!
Frustrated that they are changing this at all because the existing FP system and policies are great:

- provides flexibility in touring for changes like crowds, attending impromptu shows or parades, ride breakdowns, late ADR seatings, kids needs, ...
- allows you to go during the busiest times of the year, ride headliners multiple times all day long and never wait in lines over 20 minutes
- easy on CM to administer (don't need to police times)

All of these benefits while having ZERO effect on ride capacity and standby lines

To those of you with the pom poms out in support of this change, I'd warn you to be careful what you wish for:

- right now you know what to expect and it will be interesting to see what happens when things change?
- how happy will you be if this is indeed just the first change in going to the next gen system that could include fees and preplanning your rides in advance of your park visit? Do you really want to plan your HS day down to the minute 3 months in advance of your trip?
I've seen room numbers, but those don't reflect beds because of how DVC rooms are arranged with 1BR, 2BR, 3BR and studios...there are some numbers out there that break it down better, but I can't find it...

I think there is somewhere around 6,000 deluxe rooms, with a typical occupancy limit of 4.

There are around 4,000 DVC "rooms". The minimum occupancy of those rooms are 4, and as high as 12. It's conceivable that the total number of guests for DVC equals that of deluxe.

So extending it as a perk to DVC rooms could potentially double the number of people using it, and at the very least dramatically increase the numbers of potential X-Pass users.

Like you said earlier, DVC negotiates for the perks given to DVC owners. But this really falls into a separate category -- if the X-Pass system isn't designed to handle these kinds of numbers, then all the negotiating in the world won't make it available to DVC owners.

That said, no one knows what the system is or how many people it can handle. If they phase the system in, then I'd guess that DVC owners would not be a part of the first phase.
Frustrated that they are changing this at all because the existing FP system and policies are great:

- provides flexibility in touring for changes like crowds, attending impromptu shows or parades, ride breakdowns, late ADR seatings, kids needs, ...
- allows you to go during the busiest times of the year, ride headliners multiple times all day long and never wait in lines over 20 minutes
- easy on CM to administer (don't need to police times)

All of these benefits while having ZERO effect on ride capacity and standby lines

To those of you with the pom poms out in support of this change, I'd warn you to be careful what you wish for:

- right now you know what to expect and it will be interesting to see what happens when things change?
- how happy will you be if this is indeed just the first change in going to the next gen system that could include fees and preplanning your rides in advance of your park visit? Do you really want to plan your HS day down to the minute 3 months in advance of your trip?

Many, not me, already do such plans and would be happy to know when exactly they can get out of TSM and RNR to make it to ADR on time. Many planners do not stop to smell roses, they march from ride to ride, according to their detailed plan and the only thing that messes those plans today is the fact that they cannot sometimes predict some lines for rides they have no FPs. So for many Xpass is actually a relieve. Trust me Disney knows how many planners are out there and counting on them.
Any changes to the system will most likely be necessary due to the introduction of additional functionality. It won't be about fixing broken systems or enforcing rules. Regardless of what any individual feels about the current system, Disney will do what is best for Disney. In this case, it seems creating a hard cap on the return times for fast pass windows will be necessary to achieve those goals.
So extending it as a perk to DVC rooms could potentially double the number of people using it, and at the very least dramatically increase the numbers of potential X-Pass users.

Like you said earlier, DVC negotiates for the perks given to DVC owners. But this really falls into a separate category -- if the X-Pass system isn't designed to handle these kinds of numbers, then all the negotiating in the world won't make it available to DVC owners.

That said, no one knows what the system is or how many people it can handle. If they phase the system in, then I'd guess that DVC owners would not be a part of the first phase.

This is why I think it should not be a perk but paid option with limited number of passes, but what do I know.;)
Do you really want to plan your HS day down to the minute 3 months in advance of your trip?

I do! And if it meant no waits I definitely do!

Right now I see so many potential problems with not allowing late FP returns...for instance if your return time is coming up you wouldn't be able to jump into a line or see a show because you'll be worried you'll miss your return time. I really don't want to have to be constantly calculating how much time I have before my window opens/closes.
Many, not me, already do such plans and would be happy to know when exactly they can get out of TSM and RNR to make it to ADR on time. Many planners do not stop to smell roses, they march from ride to ride, according to their detailed plan and the only thing that messes those plans today is the fact that they cannot sometimes predict some lines for rides they have no FPs. So for many Xpass is actually a relieve. Trust me Disney knows how many planners are out there and counting on them.
:scared1: Just reading this stresses me out! That is not my idea of a vacation (doesn't sound like yours either!)

FWIW........I've always thought that FP would be a great perk for resort guests only........but that's an entirely different thread!
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