Family Vacation: We Must Be Crazy - A November PTR **11/06 - Conclusion!**

Big Changes Coming!

Alright, so there's been a bit of a stand still in the trip planning because... well, because we're still a little over a week from our FastPass+ selection and Online Check In dates, and most of my crafting is either done or waiting for another lull in planning to be completed, so there's really not much to be done!

Next week I'll probably post what we hope to get for our FastPass+ selection - in certain cases, it'll be very different from what we usually go for - but I'm waiting until that's all settled before I start talking of day schedules. I've started working on them, and they're pretty ambitious, but I'm writing them as more of a guideline than a Must Follow Perfectly, because it's hard to know when people may want to take a break, and who will stick around all day, and what the people taking a break won't want to miss, and so on.

For right now though, I didn't want to leave this PTR without an update for a full two weeks, so I'm doing a short real life update!

Tomorrow, Amber and I are going into Montreal with the hopes of signing for an apartment lease.

That's right, we're moving!


That is exceedingly exciting news to us, although also very anxiety filled. But mostly exciting.

See, when Amber got sick and I left home and work for six months, without getting paid, but still having expenses over there (and well, okay, we went to Disney, but that was a post chemo treat so I can't really regret it) that did away with the gross majority of my savings.

We then still had our May 2014 trip planned, and we didn't want to do away with it. My parents being the generous souls that they are, knew we'd need to fall back on our feet after what had happened anyway, so they offered to let us stay home longer than planned.

Amber landed as a Canadian resident in April 2014, and then we figured we'd wait until the new year to start looking, and keep saving up.

Then my mom started talking about how we should wait a bit longer, maybe try and see if Amber would be able to get a job in the summer, because she didn't feel comfortable with us moving out only on my salary. So she told us if we wanted to stay until summer time, that we should do so. We decided to take the offer, since that would allow us to save up more money, and also give Amber more time to learn French.

We started looking for a place a few months back, but with Amber doing full time French classes all summer, we figured it'd be better for her to wait until we come back from Disney to get a job, so it came back down to finding a place that would fit out budget with only one income. And in Montreal, that's more than a little tricky.

All of this to say, we have now, finally, found a place!

We went to visit it last weekend, and at first we'd talked about trying to move in mid September, but they weren't sure they had anything for us. The guy was supposed to look to try and find something this week, but nothing came up available, aside from one semi basement with a very small bedroom.

The reason we were aiming for mid September was because Amber is starting night classes this coming Monday, because she's applying to be a Nurse, but courses in the States and Canada are different, and she's missing some things that would be the equivalent to what is required here for Science. The advisor also recommended she re-do some Math, so that other people who graduated more recently don't have an advantage over her.

That would have meant leaving home at 7 each morning to get to French classes at 8:30, until 3:30, then having nothing to do for three hours in Montreal, before finally heading into night classes until 9:30, catching the bus home at 10:30 and only getting back here at 11:30.

Four days a week.


But with nothing available for mid September, she made the decision to stop French classes for now, and she'll pick right back up in January, since she won't start Nursing classes til the Fall.

So we called the guy back and told him October 1st would do for us if that made it easier to find something, and he said it definitely would.

As such, we have an appointment tomorrow to go see a few more places that will actually be available to us, and make a decision based on that! Meaning tonight I need to get a money order and all my other papers in order.

We're definitely looking forward to finally being able to live as a couple, even though there will most likely be some stressful moments as well. We've already started looking into decorations idea, and I had a canvas print made through Photobucket with the following design.


We also printed these four quotes on a 5 x 7 photo print, which will go around an enlarged pictures of our trip in May, with the six of us girls in front of the castle.





I also really really want to put this in our bathroom, but we haven't printed it yet.


And then there's a bunch more pictures we printed as well because apparently over the years I accumulated a lot of frames to use for when we'd move out!

So that's it for today. If we visit 'the' place tomorrow, and we're able to take pictures, I'll give you guys a peek on Sunday!
How exciting for you guys! Having your own place is so nice. DH and I lived with my in-laws for 3 years during a rough patch in our lives and as much as we love them, we were so ready to be back on our own. Good luck with everything!
How exciting for you guys! Having your own place is so nice. DH and I lived with my in-laws for 3 years during a rough patch in our lives and as much as we love them, we were so ready to be back on our own. Good luck with everything!

We're definitely very excited! It'll be different for sure, but a good kind of different. I see what you mean there! I love my parents, but it's gonna be good both for us and for them that we've headed off. They need time for themselves too. We've been really blessed though - as crazy as family can get at times, we've had the luck of Amber's family allowing me to stay with them when she was going through treatment, and my parents welcoming her here when she moved.

Thank you so much, I'm hoping all goes well!
Let's Do A Game Plan!

Five days until our 60 days mark!


Well, to be fair, five days until our *first* 60 days mark. Then it'll be another two days til the bulk of it, but still!

It's so hard to believe we started talking of this trip in July of 2013, and now we're 65 days from landing into Orlando. The family is 65 days from getting on the road.

Every week feels like it's getting longer and longer, yet it feels as though time has flown by! Where have these two years gone?

I'm definitely glad we've gotten this far. I think I can safely speak for Amber and I when I say 2013 was the worst year of our lives. 2014 was a long road to recovery, and obviously there'll always be little things that won't ever be the same again, but we're still here, we're doing good, and we're going back to Disney!

In a week's time, we will have selected (hopefully successfully!) all of our FastPasses!

Honestly, it couldn't have fallen on a better week either. Our first window, for our first two nights reservation, opens up on Sunday night - Monday is Labor Day, and so we're both off of work/school, meaning we can freely stay up until midnight to try and snatch what we want!

Our second and biggest window (which will comprise everybody's FastPass selection for the rest of week) is a bit less ideal as it is a week day, falling on Tuesday night, but I'm scheduled the evening shift next week, meaning I don't have to be into work until 1:15 PM, and Amber now will only have night classes, and as such only leaves home late afternoon/early evening. Meaning, we can easily stay up late and sleep in!

We have 9 days' worth of FastPasses to make. I'm hoping we won't encounter a glitch, as we only have 8 days tickets, but then we have the party tickets as well, and technically that should count as 9 days of tickets overall, no? Worse comes to worse, we'll just wing it that day and not make any FastPasses for it. I figure it's better to plan for it anyway! (If anyone has experience with this, whether it be the Christmas or Halloween party, please let me know!)

So that makes a total of 3 days for which we'll need FastPasses for just Amber and I, and then 6 days with FastPasses for 11. Yikes!

Here goes nothing!

November 7th - Magic Kingdom (Amber & Marie)

  • The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1:30 - 2:30)
  • Princess Fairytale Hall - Anna & Elsa (2:30 - 3:30)
  • Space Mountain (3:30 - 4:30)

November 8th - Magic Kingdom (With familia)

  • Peter Pan's Flight (9:15 - 10:15)
  • The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (10:15 - 11:15)
  • Jungle Cruise (11:15 - 12:15)

November 9th - Epcot (Everyone)

  • Character Spot (9:15 - 10:15)
  • Turtle Talk with Crush (10:15 - 11:15)
  • Test Track (11:15 - 12:15)

November 10th - Hollywood Studios (The whole clan)

  • Toy Story Midway Mania (9:00 - 10:00)
  • Tower of Terror / Voyage of the Little Mermaid (10:00 - 11:00)
  • Frozen Sing-Along Celebration (11:00 Showing)

November 11th - Animal Kingdom (The entire pack)

  • Finding Nemo: The Musical (2:00 Showing)
  • Expedition Everest (3:00 - 4:00)
  • Festival of the Lion King (4:00 Showing)

November 12th - Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party (Marie & Amber)

  • Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (3:30 - 4:30)
  • 7 Dwarves Mine Train (4:30 - 5:30)
  • The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (5:30 - 6:30)

November 13th - Epcot (Everybody)

  • Soarin' (9:00 - 10:00)
  • Journey into Imagination with Figment (10:00 - 11:00)
  • Mission: SPACE (11:00 - 12:00)

November 14th - Magic Kingdom (All the people)

  • Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin (1:30 - 2:30)
  • Festival of Fantasy
  • Wishes

November 15th - Epcot (Amber & Marie)

  • Spaceship Earth (9:00 - 10:00)
  • Character Spot (10:00 - 11:00)
  • Soarin' (11:00 - 12:00)

So that's it!

It was definitely different, especially with the Magic Kingdom, to try and plan FastPasses that everyone would be able to use. I didn't want to have to start dividing our FastPasses selection too often - if anything, that'll happen more with the additional FastPasses we make after using the initial three at the park.

I'm already anticipating which will be the hardest to get.

Obviously, Anna & Elsa - we'd like to meet them as we have a Disneybound, and we've never met them separately, but we won't be hard broken if we don't. We love Rapunzel and Cinderella just as much.

7 Dwarves Mine Train. Those do go pretty fast! Again, it won't be disastrous not to get it though. We'd just like to experience it again, but ultimately, it tends to be a bit more uncomfortable than pleasant.

Wishes / Festival of Fantasy. Those should be a bit simpler though in the sense that we're getting them for the last day, and that'll be the first day of the trip I'll do a selection for.

Everything else should hopefully go pretty smoothly! The specific times we're aiming for might be the other bump in the road, but I'm gonna stay optimistic!

In one week, it'll be all done with, and I'll be able to move on to days schedule, with less than sixty days to go!
Meaning, we can easily stay up late and sleep in!

Yeah, I'm not that great of a wife. I went to sleep and let Marie stay up. To be fair, even without having to get up at 6:30 to do French classes anymore I'm still up earlier and in bed earlier as a result. And I did cleaning, so I think it's okay.

I'm so excited that FPs are made! We're getting so close! Ahhhhhhhhhh, let me try and deal with my feelings. Wait, I cannot :banana:
Yeah, I'm not that great of a wife. I went to sleep and let Marie stay up. To be fair, even without having to get up at 6:30 to do French classes anymore I'm still up earlier and in bed earlier as a result. And I did cleaning, so I think it's okay.

I'm so excited that FPs are made! We're getting so close! Ahhhhhhhhhh, let me try and deal with my feelings. Wait, I cannot :banana:

It's alright, you probably would have cramped my style anyway :P Though no I was getting pretty anxious, I wished you'd been awake still when I came across the couple of minor issues XD Oh well, it all worked out in the end. And you did do cleaning so you are forgiven.

I knoooooooooooooooooow gaaaaah I can't I just cannot my feels are too much and eeeeeeeeeek :hyper:
FastPasses: Phase 1 Completed!

Last night at midnight, our first FastPass window opened up!

It actually opened up for the whole duration of our stay, which now that I think about it makes a lot more sense than how I had anticipated it would open (split stays are a pretty common thing after all), so we were able to get all of our days' FastPasses situated!

Best of all, we got them for all 9 days, meaning the system did count our party night ticket as an extra day ticket!

We were also able to get the FastPasses for Boston and Ramsey, as I booked them in the room with us for the first couple of night, so phase 2 will merely consist of copying the FastPasses onto everybody else.

That could still make things go awry, but I'm hopeful everything we selected will work for everyone!

Not everything turned out the way I had planned. Ironically enough, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios were the days that gave me the most trouble, but that was based on bad planning on my side.

In all cases, here is the result! Along with a comparison of planned versus what we actually got, so you don't have to scroll back up the page ;)

Day 1 - November 7, Magic Kingdom (FastPass+ for 2)

Planned for:
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1:30 - 2:30)
Princess Fairytale Hall - Anna & Elsa (2:30 - 3:30)
Space Mountain (3:30 - 4:30)

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1:30 - 2:30)
Seven Dwarves Mine Train (2:30 - 3:30)
Space Mountain (3:30 - 4:30)

As expected, Anna & Elsa was not available for this date, as it was the first date of our trip and so has been available to many other people for selected for probably a week already.

Day 2 - November 8, Magic Kingdom (FastPass+ for 4 // Will need to copy for 7 more)

Planned for:
Peter Pan's Flight (9:15 - 10:15)
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (10:15 - 11:15)
Jungle Cruise (11:15 - 12:15)

Meet Cinderella & Rapunzel at Princess Fairytale Hall (9:20 - 10:20)
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (10:25 - 11:25)
Jungle Cruise (11:25 - 12:25)

Peter Pan's Flight was not a FastPass I had expected to encounter a problem with, but it was completely distributed for that day! However, it was showing in Refurb for the 7th, so that may have had an affect on people selecting it for the first day it goes back into operation.

Day 3 - November 9, Epcot (FastPass+ for 4 // Will need to copy for 7 more)

Planned for:
Character Spot (9:15 - 10:15)
Turtle Talk with Crush (10:15 - 11:15)
Test Track (11:15 - 12:15)

Character Spot (9:10 - 10:10)
Turtle Talk with Crush (10:10 - 11:10)
Test Track (11:10 - 12:10)

Tiny discrepancy in time on this one, so nothing to write home about. This one went like a charm!

Day 4 - November 10, Hollywood Studios (FastPass+ for 4 // Will need to copy for 7 more)

Planned for:
Toy Story Midway Mania (9:00 - 10:00)
Tower of Terror / Voyage of the Little Mermaid (10:00 - 11:00)
Frozen Sing-Along Celebration (11:00 Showing)

Toy Story Midway Mania (9:15 - 10:15)
Frozen Sing-Along Celebration (10:35 - 10:50)
Star Tours (2:15 - 3:15)

This was my first bout of bad planning. In my mind, I somehow dismissed the fact that if the showing of something is at 11, the FastPass won't be at 11, it'll be prior to the start of the show (duh). Thus, wanting to catch the 11 showing of the Frozen Singalong made it impossible to get a FastPass between TSMM and the Singalong.

We decided to go for Star Tours instead, and hopefully by the time we're done riding TSMM (gonna try for the very beginning of the window), we can power walk down Sunset Blvd and get a decent standby wait for Tower of Terror.

Day 5 - November 11, Animal Kingdom (FastPass+ for 4 // Will need to copy for 7 more)

Planned for:
Finding Nemo: The Musical (2:00 Showing)
Expedition Everest (3:00 - 4:00)
Festival of the Lion King (4:00 Showing)

Finding Nemo: The Musical (10:30 - 10:50)
Expedition Everest (2:30 - 3:30)
Festival of the Lion King (3:30 - 3:50)

Other bout of bad planning - this time though, not entirely the same situation as with Hollywood Studio shows planning.

There is no 2:00 Showing of Finding Nemo: The Musical.

This schedule should still work out pretty well for us.

Day 6 - November 12, Magic Kingdom for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party (FastPass+ for 2)

Planned for:
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (3:30 - 4:30)
7 Dwarves Mine Train (4:30 - 5:30)
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (5:30 - 6:30)

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (3:30 - 4:30)
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (4:30 - 5:30)
Meet Anna & Elsa at Princess Fairytale Hall (5:30 - 6:30)

Seeing as we were unable to get FastPasses for Anna and Elsa on our first day, and they came up available for this one, it was a pretty simple decision to just switch them around. Plus, this works great for us as we wanted to start the party at Princess Fairytale Hall anyway.

Day 7 - November 13, Epcot (FastPass+ for 4 // Will need to copy for 7 more)

Planned for:
Soarin' (9:00 - 10:00)
Journey into Imagination with Figment (10:00 - 11:00)
Mission: SPACE (11:00 - 12:00)

Soarin' (9:05 - 10:05)
Journey into Imagination with Figment (10:05 - 11:05)
Mission: SPACE (11:15 - 12:15)

Again, only a very slight difference in timing. Epcot days were a breeze, as expected. I honestly don't even know that people will want to do Mission: SPACE, but considering the selection of the second tier, there's really not much to do.

Day 8 - November 14, Magic Kingdom (FastPass+ for 4 // Will need to copy for 7 more)

Planned for:
Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin (1:30 - 2:30)
Festival of Fantasy

Peter Pan's Flight (1:30 - 2:30)
Festival of Fantasy (2:45 - 3:05)
Wishes (9:35 - 9:55)

Buzz Lightyear was a filler on that day, really, because I figured the boys might enjoy it enough to want to ride it both days, but it should be doable standby. Since Peter Pan's Flight was not available for our first day, we just went ahead and switched it for this one.

Day 9 - November 15, Epcot (FastPass+ for 2)

Planned for:
Spaceship Earth (9:00 - 10:00)
Character Spot (10:00 - 11:00)
Soarin' (11:00 - 12:00)

Spaceship Earth (9:00 - 10:00)
Character Spot (10:00 - 11:00)
Soarin' (11:00 - 12:00)

Good job, Epcot. 10 out of 10. Best FP+ experience.


So there you have it - our FastPasses!

In two days, we'll be able to go back in and copy it all for those that are still needed, and if all goes well, we shouldn't have too many issues with changes in time.

The Online Check In is also completed for our first two nights' stay at the All-Star Music. It was a pretty simple process - we simply requested Ground Floor, in a Rock Inn building. That way, we can just walk right across the parking lot to the Sports.

I can't believe in 60 days we'll be landing into Orlando!

:mickeyjum :donald: :goofy: :dumbo: :tigger: :stitch: :figment: :simba: :hmghost: :maleficen

From this point on, we can just look forward to shorter countdowns to try and pass the time faster! We'll be starting our Disney Movie Countdown soon, and we have a few small things to look forward in between (I always try to focus on those smaller things to try and make it go by faster - like, Hotel Transylvania 2 coming out in a few weeks, Scream Queens premiering on Fox in late September, moving out the first weekend of October, our first coming over to visit during Canadian Thanksgiving, etc).

There's still a couple of crafting projects to look forward to as well, and now I'll be able to start updating with actual days schedules as well!

Please September/October, fly by! :hourglass
I see you did Winnie the Pooh and not 7DMT. Were all the 7DMT FPs all gone for that party day on the 12th?
I see you did Winnie the Pooh and not 7DMT. Were all the 7DMT FPs all gone for that party day on the 12th?

Actually, Winnie the Pooh was in the plans all along - we just switched the times around. Anna & Elsa is the FP+ we replaced 7DMT with, as we did a switch for those two attractions from Nov 7 to Nov 12. 7DMT was available for the 12th still. I think the odds of it still being available at this date are pretty good - I mean, obviously you never know, but it was available for the 7th when I did our selection, and our window opened at 60 days from the 6th, so people would have been able to select FastPasses for the 7th for almost a week already by then
FastPasses: Phase 2 Completed!

And now it's officially done!

Midnight was the opening window for the rest of the group, as their check in date is the 8th of November, and I was able to get everything settled for them, with not once change to our initial FastPasses!

Thankfully it was a pretty simple process even with the system acting up, but since I only had to go in and copy everything, rather than having to make the selections themselves and adjusting the times, it went rather quickly and smoothly.

Now I can officially firm up the rest of the plans, and start writing down all the details in my trip notebook!

From this point on, I'll also have quite a bit more to write updates about, because we are officially starting the last stretch! Starting next week, I'm planning on something around three updates every week up until our departure date!

In the meantime, here's a picture of the kids yesterday on their first day back to school, because they are such big kids and I can't even with how much Elsye grows all the time!


She's starting Pre-K, Ramsey is going into 3rd grade, and Boston into 4th! Ramsey is very much pleased that he's taller than his older brother, too, although we're not sure how many of the big rides he'll want to do. Last time they went to an amusement park, he didn't appreciate it quite so much, but Boston did all the big roller coasters. Elsye has never really been on any rides, so even if she does hit 40 inches by the time we're there (we're not really sure how tall she is right now), we'll probably have to take it in stride. Probably get her on Barnstormer first and then see from there how she'd do on slightly bigger coasters like Big Thunder.

We miss those kids so much and definitely can't wait to get a whole week of magic with them, and the rest of the family of course!

And we will see them in 59/60 days!
Congratulations on your Fastpass selections! It's so excited that you got everything you wanted, even though you had to switch some days around :)
Congratulations on your Fastpass selections! It's so excited that you got everything you wanted, even though you had to switch some days around :)

Thank you! Some of them were definitely stressing me out a little, and even now I kinda wonder if I made good choices here and there, but hopefully it all works out fine! :)
Disney Movie Countdown - Part 1

Today, we are exactly 55 days from leaving for Disney World!

As such, this marks the day for the beginning of our traditional, and longest yet Disney Movie Countdown!

One movie per day, every day until the day before our departure.

We always do things a certain way, usually picking a certain amount and each deciding on half the movies we'll watch, before establishing the order.

This year, we decided to go big and watch pretty much all the animated movies we own!

As such, it made sense to go in a chronological order.

At first, we toyed with the idea of going backward, from newest to oldest - but our countdown includes some sequels, and that wouldn't have made a whole lot of sense.

In the end, we just went from oldest to newest, meaning we are currently sitting down and watching...


Every Saturday, I'll give a short update of where we're at on our Movie Countdown!

Amber's also in charge of a different kind of 'countdown'. Not so much a countdown, as getting the family excited about the upcoming trip by posting something like this every Monday


So exciting! I can't wait to be in the Magic Kingdom again, and although I know Amber will drag me on Winnie the Pooh more than I'd rather, I'm still looking forward to it for sure right now!
Hi There,

Didn't realize you had a little PTR going here. :) Happy to read along and comment as I can.
Who's Hungry?!

Eight weeks to go! How crazy is that? Honestly, I look at what I have planned for the next few weeks, and although it still feels like Disney time is forever away, I have the feeling that it's all gonna fly by!

Amber and I started our packing process yesterday. We signed a lease for October 1st, but we're hoping that the place might be ready for us to start taking some stuff in on Sunday the 27th of September, as my parents (aka, primary movers as my dad will borrow a truck from work, thanks dad!) are going camping on the weekend of the 3rd and 4th of October.

As such, we really need to get a move on as far as packing goes - we have a looot of stuff! :faint:

As it stands, there are currently five quite large plastic bins filled with books and movies, then a couple more slightly smaller ones with the same content. We put away some more random things today as well, like reusable bags and blankets and such, and then we filled my suitcases and a duffel bag with clothes we won't need to wear until then, plus another bin with winter wear.

Right now though, Amber's off in Montreal for school, so I'm taking a break and I figured I should write an update if I actually want to stay true to the three updates a week thing until we leave!

And what better to write an update about than Disney food? popcorn:: :drinking1

I've already talked about a few of the places we plan on eating at, but we do quite often do the planning as far as Quick Service restaurants, especially in situations where we pay out of pocket, so here is the current list as it stands!

Day 1 - Arrival Day

No Disney food, actually. We'll eat lunch at home, then grab dinner right before boarding to bring on the plane with us. Probably Burger King, since it's typically close to our gates and easily bagged.

Day 2 - Magic Kingdom

This is our Whispering Canyon Cafe lunch day! Woooot!

I found an old notebook earlier while packing that had planning notes from our November 2012 trip - a lot less notes than our current notebooks hold, with Legacy FastPass still in effect then. But it did hold the plan of eating at WCC on our first night, which never happened. Been wanting to go back since, and so I'm definitely glad that three years in the making, it's finally happening! Skillet, here we come!

Since that's bound to be a pretty filling lunch, we actually haven't established dinner for that evening. If we're full as expected, we may just each grab a Mickey Pretzel and call it good. Otherwise, there'll be a wide array of options to pick from so it's all good!

Day 3 - Magic Kingdom

This is the first park day with the whole family!

Lunch plans are for Peco Bill's Tall Tale Inn!

Kind of a bummer that they pulled the taco salad from the menu, but I'm sure everyone will still find plenty of good offerings for their first Disney meal!

Dinner will most likely take place at Capt. Cook's!

We love exploring other resorts, and even though this year we don't have a budget for too many table service meals, that never stops us from trying quick service options instead! That night is a party night at the Magic Kingdom, hence why we won't eat there, but we're hoping to maybe catch the fireworks from the Poly beach.

Day 4 - Epcot

Lunch is to be at a favorite of ours - La Cantina de San Angel!

Those churritos are to die for. I could drink the dipping sauce alone. Plus, the family quite likes Mexican food, so I'm sure they'll be more than happy to try this out! We also learned our mistake of lunch versus dinner for that restaurant - dinner is crazy with so little table space, so we now know to do lunch as the inside dining area is generally open then.

Dinner will be revealed at a later time for Amber and I! But the rest of the family will most likely eat at Sommerfest. They really enjoy bratwurst and sauerkraut, so that should be right up their alley.

Day 5 - Hollywood Studios

Second ADR of the trip, with Mama Melrose!

Lord are we excited to have that steak again! This is a favorite of ours, and I'm really worried about its fate with the upcoming construction for Star Wars Land. If it's going up to the point of tearing down the Streets of America, odds are that whole are is a goner as well. Unless Streets of America is to be used for Toy Story Land, but I don't see that they'd need much more space than what the Backlot Tour has given them as far as that goes. I guess we'll see what happens - in the meantime, every chance we've got to hit up Mama Melrose, we'll take!

Dinner thus far is being planned at Rosie's All American Cafe.

Main reason for that is the fact that it's one of the few Hollywood Studios Quick Service Amber and I haven't tried, so we might as well check it off our list. We might just end up grabbing nachos and/or a hotdog during Fantasmic though, who knows.

Day 6 - Animal Kingdom

Lunch pick here is for Flame Tree BBQ!

The food is delicious (and smells heavenly), and the seating area is always nice and ample, although it is obviously a popular pick. I think everyone will be satisfied with this one. Amber might split up from the group though, as she doesn't like ribs and wasn't that big a fan of their chicken last time we tried it, so she's thinking of heading to Yak and Yeti and getting something quick before coming back to join us. Maybe some other people will decide to go with her as well, we'll see what happens!

Dinner is currently planned for The Mara at Animal Kingdom Lodge!

Same logic as our decision to hit up Capt. Cook's. We've never been to Animal Kingdom Lodge, except once in May for a quick drive through that showed off a bit of the outside, so we're very excited to actually explore it! The rest of the family may or may not join us, we'll see when we get there. If not, they'll most likely just eat at the Sports food court.

Day 7 - Downtown Disney / Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party

Another one that Amber is very excited for - lunch at Wolfgang Puck Express!

Last time we were there with the girls, she devoured the BBQ Chicken Pizza, and she definitely wants some of it again. Plus, for the rest of the family with the dining plan, this is such a great value meal that it'd be silly to pass it up!

Midday, we will split from the group to head to the Magic Kingdom for our party evening! We'll give a few recommendations for dinner at Downtown Disney, though again they may just eat back at the resort.

Amber and I are planning on having dinner at Pinocchio's Village Haus.

I guess it's sort of become a party night tradition for us? Which is strange, because I'm never wow'ed whenever we eat there. Then again, it may have to do with my food picks - the first time, I had the Chicken Caesar salad, and I was just not expecting the chicken to be cold (and lost in a mountain of freezing lettuce), so that was a disappointment. Then, I've had the meatball sub, which I'm not big on in general, and finally chicken nuggets, which are standard as far as nuggets go, so nothing to write home about. Amber loves the meatball sub though, and this year I'm planning on trying the flatbread, so maybe it'll finally be redeemed!

Day 8 - Epcot

One more favorite for lunch here - Teppan Edo!

This will be for Amber, Kameron, Curtis and me. Teppan Edo is the one restaurant we have eaten at for every single trip we've taken to Disney, and I don't see that tradition changing any time soon. It's always a fantastic decision! And reasonably priced as far as table service meals go, as we don't typically get dessert. In this instance, we'll suggest either Yorkshire County Fish Shop, or Katsura Grill for the rest of the family.

Dinner will be at Liberty Inn!

For anyone that hasn't figured that out yet, Amber loves steak ;) And as a quick service location that serves steak, Liberty Inn is a pretty good winner in our book! Not those mention, those individual apple pies? Ah-may-zing.

Day 9 - Magic Kingdom

Last day with the family, so of course we had to go all out (within reason). This is our lunch at Be Our Guest!

Another great value meal for those on the dining plan, and it has such good options to pick from. Not to mention awesome desserts and amazing decor. This is another one that's becoming a pretty steady tradition for us, as the only time we did not eat there was in November 2012, when the restaurant was still not open. We'll be looking forward to eating our favorites yet again!

For dinner, we've decided to try out Columbia Harbor House!

Neither Amber and I like fish or seafood, so this is always a bit of a limited choice for us. However, since finding out that they have a chicken pot pie for dinner, Amber has wanted to eat there, and the rest of the family loves fish and such, so we decided to go for it! I might just pick from the kids' menu, or get chicken nuggets, but I'm still looking forward to experiencing it fully, as the only time we've eaten there has been during our Keys to the Kingdom tour.

Day 10 - Epcot / Last Day

Finishing up strong with another favorite (this one a bit more recent, but once we highly enjoy nonetheless) - Via Napoli!

This will be for just Amber and I again, as the family will hit the road early morning and then we'll head over to the park for a quick stay. We figured splitting a personal pizza (which is plenty big enough to share, really) will come about to the same cost as a quick service meal would, so obviously it was an easy decision to make! I could sing about that pizza all day long, but I'd rather my mouth be busy eating it!

That's it for Disney food. The Magical Express will probably come and pick us up somewhere between 5 - 5:30, so we'll be eating dinner at the airport.

Nonetheless, I think we're looking at a pretty stellar week of Disney food, in spite of the fact that we're on a budget and the family only has the quick service dining plan! I can't lie, I'm looking forward to a trip when I'll be able to go for a table service ADR each day, but until then, I'm glad Disney has such great options to offer even when it comes to the cheaper meals.
You have been a busy planning girl!! Your dining picks looks great; there are so many of them I've not ever tried, but out of all of them, we're planning to hit up 4 off your list. You're getting so close to heading out! FUN!
You have been a busy planning girl!! Your dining picks looks great; there are so many of them I've not ever tried, but out of all of them, we're planning to hit up 4 off your list. You're getting so close to heading out! FUN!

I looove planning things, so any excuse I get is good by me ;) And since we're not on the dining plan, we like planning our meals a bit more precisely to get a good idea of how much money we're expecting to spend.

A lot of them are favorite of ours, so if you have a chance at some point, I definitely recommend them ;) Some are new, because we do like trying out new things, but it's so hard not to go back to places we know we can count on to have great food!

I knooow it's getting so close! Today is exactly 50 days out!
Making A Schedule: Day 1 & 2!

This year, I've decided to do something I've never done before - schedule out our days!

It's been a little trickier than expected - for one thing, it's hard to keep in mind the group we're traveling with. Some of them aren't the fastest moving, and that's something we'll have to make allowance for. As such, the rhythm can't exactly be the one we typically go for.

I also wasn't sure how to plan breaks during the day for people who may want them, so I just decided to ignore it in the planning, seeing as just because some people might stop for a while, doesn't mean everyone will.

Basically, we'll be using these plans as more a guideline than anything else. Obviously, not everything will go as expected, and we will need to be flexible with things, but this is really mostly to avoid unnecessary going back and forth all over the place.

The first two days are pretty short days, and only for Amber and I's benefit, which is why I combined them together!

Day 1 (November 6th)
Arrival Day for Marie & Amber

We have an evening flight on this day, so not a whole lot of Disney time to plan for!

Start the day by finishing up all last minute packing. Post last couple of updates on this PTR.

Have lunch and leave apartment by 2. Walk to Metro, then take Metro for 15 minutes before transferring to Express bus to Airport.

Arrive at airport by 3. Check in, head to gate. Play 'Who else is going to Walt Disney World'!

A few minutes before boarding time, grab to-go dinner at Burger King to eat on the plane.

Depart Montreal at 5:15 PM
Arrive Orlando airport at 8:40 PM

Hurry over to the Magical Express area.

Hop on bus to All-Star Music!

Check in, bring carry on bags to room. Dump it all, don't unpack. Go catch bus to Downtown Disney!

This will be strongly dependent on how the timing for everything works out. I'm hoping we'll be at the resort within an hour of landing - that's probably pretty ambitious, but I like being optimistic!

Hopefully, by 10:15 we'll be checked in and ready to get going. So long as a bus comes by 10:30 at the latest, we'll be in the clear. Stores are open until 11:30 on Fridays, and we just need to run in and out real quick!

First priority, Once Upon A Toy. Buy Tsums for the kids!

If there's still time, go over to the Marketplace Fun Finds. Get Mystery bags, and maybe have a look at the other kind of promotions they sometimes have.

Once that's all done, if timing went well and it's not closing yet, stop by Goofy's Candy Co (if hungry). Grab a snack and head back to hotel.

Wait for ME luggage delivery. Go to sleep!

Day 2 (November 7th)
Magic Kingdom

Set alarm at 7:30. Be in line for bus by 8 - direction, Magic Kingdom!

Head straight to Frontierland. Standby wait for Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain.

Repeat at will if wait is minimal. Ride until last ride puts us at 10.

Head back toward Main Street. Explore!

Try to catch the Trolley Show.

Go into Crystal Arts, watch glass making. Try to catch the Dapper Dans.

Be our of park by 11. Take bus/boat to Wilderness Lodge!

Explore resort before Whispering Canyon Cafe ADR at 12:00 PM.

Eat a lot. Roll out of restaurant and back to the Magic Kingdom.

FastPass+ for The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, between 1:30 - 2:30. Ride whenever arriving back into the park.

Head into New Fantasyland. Wait for Gaston's next meet. Meet the best.

FastPass+ for Seven Dwarves Mine Train, between 2:30 - 3:30. Be slightly uncomfortable, enjoy nonetheless.

Watch PhilharMagic.

Make way to Tomorrowland.

Standby for Buzz Lightyear.

Ride the PeopleMover. Watch Carousel of Progress.

FastPass+ for Space Mountain, between 3:30 - 4:30.

See if possibility to make new FastPasses after this. Pick from whatever else is planned in the evening, or whatever other ride we want to do.

Head back toward Liberty Square.

Ride the Haunted Mansion.

Meet Tiana.

Start making way to Main Street USA.

Meet TinkerBell and/or Talking Mickey, depending on wait times.

Be out of park by 8. (If we missed out on Downtown Disney last night, we will head out earlier to go there before getting back to the hotel). Be back at resort by 8:40 at latest, hopefully, depending on bus wait.

Have boys dropped off for the night at 9.

Go to bed early - busy day tomorrow!

My trip is slightly earlier than yours, and I'm reading your report getting so eager for you, and I had to go, oh yeah, I'm going to.

Glad FP didn't give you too much trouble! I couldn't imagine doing it for that many people. I had stress for two people! I may see you at 7DMT! Our FP+ overlaps for 10 minutes. You seem much further on your day to day planning! After FP, I'm just letting everything figure itself out...hopefully!


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