Emirils Restaurant qquestions


<font color=blue>beagle boy mom<br><font color=tea
Dec 15, 2000
For those of you who have dined here, any suggestions for a lunch entree. What do you recommend? What is the ambience like? Would a l7 yo dd enjoy this restaurant?
We just dined there for lunch. I would recommend one of their daily specials. I ordered a BLT special. It doesn't sound like much but it was unbelievable. The waiters commented on how good it looked. My husband ordered off the menu and he thought it was ok. I think their daily specials are probably a little more special because they are different than what they are serving all day. I ordered the lobster cheesecake appetizer and that was ok. My son had the soup of the day (some kind of Lentil). He loved it. He is 9 so I was surprised. My daughter ordered a fruit plate. It was more like a salad with fruit around it. Very pretty. she pretty much picked out a few rasberries and blueberries and that was it. Not practical for a 5 year old. My other son is the bread eater. No appetizer. The bread was a variety and very good. My 3 kids had the pizza for the entree. That is about all there is for young kids. Didn;t have any room for dessert. Restaraunt is fairly uneventful as far as ambience. Maybe since your son is 17 I saw some people eating at a counter. I don't know if you get to watch them cook (it might just be the pizza oven), but it looked like more younger people there. Hope this helps.
Thanks for your response. My dd is a picky eater, but she thinks Emeril is cool on tv, so maybe we'll give this place a try.
Was the menu at lunch different than at dinner? Less expensive? The menu on the website seems pretty pricey with entrees in the $20-$30 range. I assume that the lunch menu is less. Was it?
I have never watched the show but my daughter in law wants to know if you eat there, are they filming at any time and do you get to see Emeril?
We have eaten there twice. It is just a restaraunt. No filming that I know of. The waiters told us that Emeril's daughter lives in Florida and he sometimes stops by but we have never seen him. When he does stop by they say he helps in the kitchen. He seems so busy on tv I doubt he has much time
PS I don't know if the dinner menu is more expensive than lunch. I never saw a dinner menu. Appetizers at lunch were around $7.95 and entrees were in the 15.00 to 20.00 range for lunch. I don't know how much the kids pizza was. I can find out from my husband if you want to know.


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