Earliest check in at AKL?


Meowmy to Tuxedo Cats
Sep 7, 2000
We are taking the "red-eye" from Seattle to Orlando on Sunday May 5 - our flight puts us in about 10:45 am - after getting the car etc - we'll probably be at AKL by 12:00 pm....

Is there any hope of getting into a room that early? (Savannah view - standard)

I'm not sure just how much real rest my DH and I will get on the flight...and his feeling is that he'll want a nap when we get there...

I was thinking that we'd have our swim stuff ready in our carryon and layout by the pool for a few hours until the room is available...then shower go have some evening fun at EPCOT or Downtown Disney, then make arrangements for in-room dinning.

So AKL experts - what's the earliest you've checked in and had the room ready?

I think officially you can check in after 7 AM. We checked in at 8:30 AM on our Nov trip, and our room was ready right away (what a pleasant surprise). On other WDW stays we have had to wait, so packing a separate bag with swimsuits, etc is a great idea. Bell services will store the rest of your luggage for you if the room isn't ready, and there are towels by the pool dring the day, as well as plenty of places to view the animals.

Sounds like you have a great plan for your first day! Have a wonderful trip!
On our last WDW vacation we arrived early at AKL from Vero. We checked in aound 11-12 and our room was ready. I really don't think it's a AKL thing, it's a WDW thing. On most of our Disney vacations (we go at least 2X a year) the room is not ready early, but sometimes we are pleasantly surprised. It's a hit or miss thing. We usually just have lunch and wander around the resort while we wait for our room. Other people like to store their luggage at the desk and take off for the parks. Some like to change and go for a swim. Whatever works for you will be fine.

Have a Wonderful Vacation!!! We love the AKL!!!
thanks to you both for the info...

I'm hoping for a little luck and pixie dust -

any ideas on what trail to request & what floor?

thanks to you both for the info...

I'm hoping for a little luck and pixie dust -

any ideas on what trail to request & what floor?

thanks to you both for the info...

I'm hoping for a little luck and pixie dust for an early check in.

Any ideas which trail and what floor we should ask for roomwise - we have a regular Savannah view non-smoking/King bed on our confirmation?

thanks again,
Ihave checked in on two seperate times , both early and once the room was ready and once I waited maybe about 1 hour. I love AKL, it is my favorite.:) Zebra trail is wonderful, no complaints at all, its just... well, perfect to me!!


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