Don't forget the March meets from 3/9 to 3/12!


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 1999
Please attend the March meets if you will be in the Orlando area from 3/9 to 3/12. Sign up for the meets at the Magic Meetings page at:

Please note that the 3/11 and 3/12 8:30 am Hard Rock Live meet has been moved to 9:30 am.

We will have a group picture at each of the meets. I am bringing my tripod! Also, the MiB shoot-off will take place at 12 noon on 3/10 and around 4 pm on 3/11. I am buying the prizes as we speak!

I hope to see you all there!


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Thanks for the reminder and the updates! We are looking forward to meeting everyone :) We are not "signing up" for the meets but we will try to make them when we can. We are trying to be "laid back" this trip!!!
See you soon!!!!!
Sandy, Tim and Megan :) :) :)
..yeah,yeah, yeah...I know - they are probably wrong again, but I couldn't take the chance of being stuck at an airport, so I will have to postpone our weekend trip! The kids really need to be in school on Monday, and I also need to be at work on Monday as well.

So, I wish you all a wonderful time!!! (Boo, hoo...I really wanted to be there! :( )
Likely can't be more than a day trip for us now, if things still work out at all.
Hate to hear the weather cancelling somes' plans. Old Man Winter just won't give up easy this year, the mean old cuss!
Do hope Saturday remains open for us. I'd like to have the chance to meet & thank those that provided the wonderful info that's made all our trips so much more enjoyable!
If you can't make it, try to make the webcam meets. I will post information on this shortly.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Only four days till we leave for Universal! We really look forward to meeting everyone that can make it.
Linda, boohoo is right! I understand about the kids and school. We are lucky, next week is our districts'spring break. I really looked forward to meeting you and the boys perhaps we will see you at a future meet.
We plan on making several of the meets. I am positive we won't make the sat. morn due to the fact we will be heading directly to MIB, for some target practice in anticipation of the shoot-out later that day!



Oh Valarie, I was so looking forward to meeting you too!

Lucky you! 4 more days! I hope you and your family have the best time and the best weather!!

((My kids go on spring break the week before Easter (Apr 6th-16th)! ))
I hope you make it H2OJAG!! Have a wonderful time!

Barry - thank you for coordinating everything and I am sorry I am bowing out. I will be looking for you all on the web-cam and if I can figure out how to e-mail a pic from it I will!
So sorry to hear you cannot make this trip!! :( Thank you sooo much for all the great info you have shared with me, I do appreciate it!! :)
We'll be thinking about you and we will let you know all the details for YOUR next trip. :)
That is very nice of you! Yes - I can't wait to read about your trip! Wishing you the most wonderful, magical vacation!! :)

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