Doing July a Whole New Way...

After that snack the kids were still was Cary...and I can almost always eat...

So we strolled around the African way just taking it all in as we went...






...enjoying the sights and sounds along the way. It was already really humid out. We came upon Pizzafari and we have not been there is a long time (because we had been on the Deluxe Dining Plan so often, we just never stopped) but Tyler remembered it as a favorite form when he was little. We love all the different rooms and the décor. The food has changed somewhat though.

SO we got in at about 11:40am and it was pretty empty when we got in line. Skye decided on...


...the kid's Mickey Pasta - with Turkey Marinara Sauce. Served with two selections of: Grapes and Fresh Steamed Broccoli and an apple juice. She must not have read it completely because she did not realize it had "meat" in it. So she ended up picking most of the pasta out of it and leaving the marinara with the turkey in it. But ate everything else and loved it. It was actually a lot of food for a kid's meal. I ate some of the turkey with the sauce and it was decent...without the turkey, she would have gobbled it down...LOL! Cary and I helped her with the broccoli too. All part of the "everyone eats as cheaply as possible" plan.

Cary and I split a...


...Baked Pasta Bolognese - campanelle pasta in a hearty tomato meat sauce, topped with mozzarella and parmesan, served with tomato and cucumber salad and a garlic knot. It was very large! Skye tried to scam on some of it too...until she found out it had meat in it! The pasta was really hot and fresh. Not like it had been sitting under a warming lamp (although it was still early), the garlic knot was garlicy and had to be split three ways...meat, no...garlic, YES! And the pasta salad, while is not the kind I would normally see/make/eat, was really good and Cary and I fought over it...until we realized we didn't have to because...

Tyler went with the...


...Meatball Sandwich (which is not on the current allears menu) ... with chips and pasta salad. The chips were chips, and we already went over the pasta salad...and since Tyler wouldn't eat it, Cary and I each got one! And he inhaled the sandwich...and asked for another! He is tall and skinny but can put it away when he likes something. We had to talk him down. This is one of the reasons the Deluxe Dining Plan works for us! He loved the sandwich and it looked good. I couldn't tell you iof it was or not because he wasn't sharing!

We also got a...


...Pepperoni Flatbread - freshley baked flatbread with tangy tomato sauce, mozzarella, and spicy pepperoni slices to share. We each got one piece. And it was a good flatbread. Fresh and hot. Enough pepperoni for every piece to get some but not over powering. And it was enough to tide my pizza lovers over.

As we were sitting a Brazillian tour group of kids came in and sat down in our same room and kinda ruined our quiet but as we watched we were very impressed with the way Pizzafari handled their large group. It looked like all orders were placed ahead of time. A cart loaded with salads came out and everyone got one. Then a cart with the chosen entrees came out (well, multiple carts) and they called out what they had and anyone who ordered that raised their hand and was brought it. Drinks were done in the same manner. They were teenagers and other than it being annoying because there was so many of them crowding around a utensil cart or blocking a walkway on your way to the bathroom, they were very well mannered inside the restaurant.



They love a table in the corner with a window.


So overall, we had a great meal in an air conditioned mostly un-crowded restaurant that we really enjoyed. On the way our they had a table set up in the entry way with a tap of iced water and cups there for people to grab. We filled up our water bottles there.

When not on the dining plan, we would return to Pizzafari in a second!

Our total here was $44.63 and I think we were finally all full.

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After lunch we headed to the Safari.


It was a walk on...









Skye's Favorite Tommies on the Safari.





Tyler's favorite ALWAYS!








We were told one of these guys is a mud hog and they often fight over the mud puddle!



We saw a lot of animals this time but no lions at all...not even laying down.

When we got off it was raining.

We headed over to check on the Lion King show that was starting soon and as we were rounding Tuskerhouse a CM came over and asked if we were going to the show. We told him we were and he said to follow him. He led us right to a door that had an overhand to remove our rain ponchos and then took us into an almost full theater three rows back in the Warthog section! Not the beat seats but it certainly beat standing in line for another show since the theater looked just about full and there was still a large line outside! Plus, this show is great from anywhere! We love this show and Skye wants to be the bird who flies or a Tumble Monkey some day!
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When Festival of the Lion King was over it was still raining. We headed over to Asia.






I will say I did love my waterproof camera...not having to worry about keeping it dry in the rain and it did take some really good pictures too!

We walked onto the Nemo line just as it was to about the last check point. They had us wait a minute and then we walked in and got seats on the bleachers up in the back on the right side. Not the most comfy seats but there isn't really a bad seat here. But being a little wet, it was pretty cold in there!

After the show we headed back the Africa way. We stopped at the Anandapur Bus for 2 vanilla cones and an orange the rain.



The ice creams are huge there and with the rain we had to eat kinds quickly but it worked out. Ty drank most of the float and liked that he could get the orange soda with it.

Total here was $13.61.
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It was still raining so we headed off to the buses.




We hopped a bus back to Pop around 3:30pm. We went back to the room...



...changed for the pool (it had stopped raining by now), grabbed our mugs and headed to get a fill up and to the pool.

We were in the pool for about 20 minutes when we were called out for lightening. Now, I understand it but it sure does put a damper on things. I mean you have to get off the whole pool deck. So you can't even wait it out if it's not actively raining at the time...which it wasn't. And they call it for an area of like a five mile radius or something like that and the lightning may never actually be able to be seen! But anyway, we got out of the pool and headed back to the room. We showered off and took naps until about 6pm.
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We got up and ready to go. Filled our mugs and headed to the bus stop again. We were on a bus pulling away form Pop at 7:26pm and arrived at Animal Kingdom at 7:37pm.


We headed back to the walk way between Africa and Asia for something Cary had been waiting for since our last trip and the truck was CLOSED! No Teriyaki Beef Sliders for us! And it seems like it no longer is on any menus for our next trip either...BOO!

So we headed back around Asia and hit up The Smiling Crocodile.

We got a Pulled Pork Grits...


Ooohhh...the BBQ mixed with the grits was a great combo. No one else will eat grits so other than Cary picking some pork off the top, it was mine! The pickles were a little odd but in general I like dill pickles and no on my food.

And Tyler got the Chicken Leg with Potato Salad...


... and made us wipe the white stuff off the leg! He said the leg was really good. Cary and I shared the potato salad and it was good also.

And a coke.

This is a small cart but there were no lines around. They were getting ready to close up soon but nothing seemed or tasted like we were getting whatever was left.

Our total here was $16.29.

Then right across the walk way a tiny bit further up was Eight Spoon Café.

This was Skyler's truck of choice...


She got the Baked Three Cheese awesome thing for a mac & cheese lover like Skye! This did have the feel on the top of having sat around a while under the heat lamps. But, I suppose a good baked mac & cheese can stand up to a little bit of heat lamps because she wished she hadn't gotten the last one so she could get another one!

We got a Mickey Pretzel to share also.


And another Coke.

This area was a great little section for food. We are looking forward to using snack credits for these items (although some of them are not longer on menus) in the future.

Our total here was $13.50.

After securing some snacks, we headed to line up for the Jungle Book show.


We had pulled fast passes for it just so we wouldn't have to wait around forever. And without the fast passes, we would have had to wait around forever! We liked it ok but we hadn't seen the live action Jungle Book and some of it was hard to see. But anything with music, dancing, lights, lasers, and water seems to be a good thing for us. So we enjoyed it and are looking forward to Rivers of Light soon!















We rounded back through Asia towards Africa and the safari was a walk on at night. But, at that point there was not much to see...I hope they have figured some how to make it more ...well, just the future. Parts were pretty but other parts were just dark and bumpy. But we still had a decent tour!
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After our night time safari we watched some of the entertainment. It was quite lively back there but not super crowded.

At about 9:50pm we stopped at Tamu Tamu for a Dole Whip with rum and a Mickey Sundae.



Both of which had to be eaten quickly because it was still so humid out. I am not one of those people who can't go to Disney without getting a Dole Whip. I mean they are good. I like them. But I'm not usually going to wait in that line at Magic Kingdom for one. BUT, if I were going to wait, the one over here with rum, is the way to go! It was really good...and I'm not even a drinker like that! And Skye's sundae was ice cream, mint cookies, and mickey head sprinkles...what's not to like???

Our total cost was $12.24.

We headed up to the Tree of Life...



...and found spots right in front.






We were some of the only ones around. Every once in a while someone else would stop by to see what was going on but otherwise it was nice and quiet around there. We watched for about 40 minutes just hanging out enjoying Animal Kingdom at night.

We were at the Pop bus stop at 11:05.
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We arrived back at Pop at 11:32pm and of course some of us were hungry, some of us were sleepy, and some of us needed to go hunt Pokémon...

So we stopped off at Everything Pop. It was kinda crowded in there. Which is to kinda be expected. I never understood why the food courts close anywhere near the time the parks close. Especially since during the last few hours, especially if it is EMH, most of the places to eat or grab a snack are closed too! I think the food courts should stay open at least a couple of hours after the latest park closing. If they need to close to regroup, clean, begin again, fine but do it at a time when most people are asleep nit just coming back from the parks hungry! It's not just guest convenience (and lets face it it wouldn't leave people hangry!) but they'd make money too...and the drink stations close too??? So I can't even fill my refillable mug if I get back too late.

Anyway, we looked at what was available. And watched what people were coming out with. Tyler gave us his order and left to go hunt. We stood in line...a pretty long, slow moving line. We watched as one of the people making plates put a ton of food on the plate and one did not.

Tyler ordered the Chicken Parmesan - with cavatappi pasta, marinara garlic bread with chips and green beans...but there was no garlic bread.


He liked this. We did, however, get the server who was skimping on the pasta. The chips were an odd choice but they were the same chips. And Skye and I ate the green beans...they were really good!

Cary got the Sesame Chicken ... chicken breast nuggets tossed in a sesame honey glaze with rice and vegetable...but with two sides of mashed potatoes.


He had been having teeth issues (long story and finally getting resolved on Monday!) so he was looking for something different than what he had been able to eat. He liked these. They had good flavor but they did get harder as they cooled off so he wasn't able to eat them all. And the mashed potatoes were pretty good.

Skyler got Macaroni & Cheese.


Which ticked her off! She sat there watching person after person ahead of her get a plate the size of the boys' plates full of mac & cheese and our server gave her a little bowl. And not even much cheese on it! She was so mad! She did not ask for a Kid's meal. She really, if you are used to a menu where kids under 10 are kids, does not look like a "kid". But if you were serving someone who ordered simply "mac & cheese" and you were questioning if they wanted a kid's or an adult's portion, wouldn't you just ask??? Plus, we did not get all the other options that go with a kid's meal. Well by the time we got through the line we were being shoved off the other end and our server was already on to the next victim. So we just carried on. She did end up liking it, what's not to's noodles and cheese??? And it was plenty for her at that time. And when I looked at the receipt we were only charged for a kids meal but rather than the $5.99 it usually is, it was only $2.99. So I assume that was because we did not get the kid's drink or sides...I never even knew that was a possibility but I guess it is! So all in all, it didn't end up as bad as it made her mad but it really was something that the server should have asked since Skyler did not say she wanted a kid's mac & cheese she just said "mac & cheese". I was intending to eat some of hers too but once it was a kid's portion, ya, that wasn't happening.

We also had grabbed a Sugar Cookie again ...


...which are always good!

And a box of brownies...


Which I think he inhaled so I assume they were good but wouldn't know because I didn't get any.

We used our mugs for refills.

It was 11:59pm when we checked out.

We took our trays back to our room and ate there. Tyler met us there just about the same time we arrived.

Our total was $33.29.

After we ate we all passed out for the night!

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July 19th dawned for us at 6:15am. We all got up and showered and headed to Everything Pop for breakfast.

Cary had a Bounty Platter...scrambled eggs, POP waffle, potato casserole, buttermilk biscuit, sausage, and bacon...and he traded Skyler for her pancakes.


He liked all of this and I got to share some of the potatoes! Everything was good. But it is hard to mess up breakfast.

Skyler had the Kid's Pancakes ... with fruit, turkey bacon, and sausage.



This was before she started eating breakfast sausage so I got that. It was sausage. I prefer links but just a personal preference. She said the Pop waffles were good but they are not Mickey Waffles. She ate all the bacon and strawberries so I assume she liked them. She also got a chocolate milk with her meal.

Tyler got 2 Cinnamon Rolls.


And inhaled them.

I got Oatmeal.


With brown sugar and raisins. I love Disney Oatmeal...even at buffets I get it. SO along with Skye's sausage and some of Cary's potatoes, I was good!

We used our mugs for drinks. It was not crowded when we arrived. We were early. and we ate quickly and headed out.

Our total was $28.80.

At 8:10am we were at the bus stop. At 8:14am two busses came in. There were five wheel chairs waiting. We ended up on a bus with only one wheel chair at 8:16am. We left Pop at 8:20pm and arrived at Epcot at 8:34am.





We were past security and through the gates by 8:57am and in line for Soarin' at 9:06am.


The sign said it was a 15 minute wait. At 9:16am we were in the loading zone and ay 9:33am we were walking off of Soarin'. I think I actually like the old one better. Not that I don't like seeing the world, I just think the smells and the actual film was better on the old one...weird, I know.
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After our trip over the world we headed to the other side of Future World. These guys were setting up to start their first set of the day.


At 9:49am we were in the single rider line at Test Track. We decided that I would go first, then Skye, then Ty, and then Cary. That way, even though the kids (mainly Skyler but neither one would have had a problem riding without me or Cary) might have to ride in a car without us, I would be done first and Cary would be the last to leave the loading dock. It ended up that Skyler and I were in the same car. Ty was alone and Cary was alone. Tyler didn't mind. Cary said it would have been more fun with someone he knew but it was good to not have to wait hours to ride! At this point, the single rider line said 10 minutes.


We were all off the ride by 10:04am. At the end, we played with the cars for a bit and Skyler found her future Figment-mobile...


Then we headed across Future World again and headed into Nemo. The sign said 15 minutes. We got there at 10:31am. There was a small wait up by the loading area but we were in line for our Turtle Talk Fast Passes at 10:47am so was not bad at all. The inside is so well themed, I really wish they had done more with the short ride though...I mean, I have NEVER (and now I probably just jinxed myself for our next trip) seen the line area at the ocean beach with even people standing waiting...we have always walked at least into the dark section of the ride...they could have made more non-aquarium parts of the ride using that space better. But it is a really cute line area. We never seem to have enough time to explore The Seas. We waited about 10 minutes for the doors to open.





And then we were let in. Skye went to sit on the floor up front (she is big enough to need an adult's mac and cheese but not too old to want to talk to Crush!). She and Cary got to talk to Crush. We were outta there at 11:17am.


We then went back across Future World. I know, I could have planned this better but no one was complaining so couldn't have been too bad. We had Fast Passes for Mission : Space. Cary and Skyler went to the Orange side and Tyler and I went to the Green side. Skyler called me and Tyler babies when we all got off. They both said the Orange side was much better and neither of them had any issues with the spinning. Skyler got to be the Commander (ya, not too far from real life there!) and Cary was the Engineer. Tyler was the Pilot and I was the Navigator (also, not to far from real life!). We were off by 11:54am and they came out at 11:28am. Stand by for green was at 15 minutes and orange was at 44 minutes...that's crazy!

After going to space, we headed to World Showcase and decided Mexico would be where we'd start.






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We decided food was the first order of business and La Cantina de San Angel was our choice.

We all decided what we wanted and the kids and I went to find a seat. It was starting to get crowed out there since it was prime lunch time (12:19pm).



Oh and obviously we stopped at Cool Wash for a Strawberry Lemonade and a Blue Raspberry (not pictured because it was sucked back pretty quickly!) frozen was $9.05.

We grabbed some salsas and napkins, etc...


And enjoyed our view while we waited. There was a bit of a line at all the windows.



The kids both got an order of the Kid's Empanadas con Queso...Empanadas con Queso - served with tortilla chips and nacho cheese with a water...


These were a lot of food! With the two empanadas and the chips and the cheese and the grapes, even Tyler was satisfied. ANd they both loved them! They have loved empanadas ever since the Hannah Montana episode that Rico starts selling EM-pan-AHHHH-duhs...if you've seen it, you probably know what I'm talking about. Chips and cheese are always good. so these were a hit.

Cary and I shared the Tacos de Barbacoa - seasoned beef, homemade corn tortilla, Mexican rice, refried black beans and red salsa.


There were three of them and they were GOOD! I got one, Cary got two because he doesn't eat beans and I those were all mine. We split the rice. These were really good (but I firmly believe anything wrapped in a tortilla is better!) and if we did not have further plans for the day, we would have braved the lines for another order. We also had a large drink to share.

Our total here was $34.52.
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After lunching, we headed into the pyramid. I love it in's so pretty but it is so hard to get good pictures without a flash and if you flash you miss the ambiance of the place!


We looked around in there and rode el Rio del Tiempo. It is still a sales pitch but a much more enjoyable one with the addition of the Three Caballeros! We off of that at 12:55pm.

From there we headed to Norway. And you know what was waiting there, right? The whole area is really cute now. The sign for Anna & Else said 10 in we went. OMG, this is so cute! Skyler LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it! Talk about making the line not seem so long when you have all this stuff to look at!!! But there really was no line to speak of. I mean there were people in there but we pretty much kept walking until the very end. We got in line at 1:02pm.


We must have grabbed a Duffy in Mexico...Skye does not like Duffy much. She was never a typical Teddy Bear kinda girl though.



Knock --- knock, knock, knock, knock, knock...Do You Wanna Build a Snowman???

And of course the little girls behind us thought that was cool so they tried to get Else to answer them too!




















And then we headed out. It was 1:20pm all said and done...




As much as I wish Anna & Else was not in The World Showcase, it is done up really well. The whole area is cute and made to look very similar to the movie. I don't know if it is normally crazy over there or if the hype has died down or what but on this day in mid-July early afternoon, it was very NOT crowded!
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After that we had fast passes for Maelstrom...I mean Frozen.


We entered at 1:24pm.







Again, really well done. I wish there were not so many people in there though so I could actually look around! When we were in our last turn of the isle, I mean we could SEE the loading platform...the ride stopped!!! They made a couple announcements and a lot of people left the line. Unfortunatly, no one in front of us...obviously, we were almost there! So we sat.


And hung out...



And at 2:07pm the ride became operational again!!! This may have been the longest we have ever waited for a ride...and definitely the longest we have ever waited when we had Fast Passes. But I had heard this happens a lot so I figured, we may as well wait it out. All in all, it wasn't that long. We were out of there at 2:17pm so from entering to exiting about 53 minutes...ok, well, it was that long but it was hot outside and the line wasn't gonna get any shorter!


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After Frozen we stopped in the dump shop to say hello to our favorite Troll!


And try out some fashion...



And then we headed to Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe. I was outvoted for a School Bread...BOO...and Skyler and Tyler couldn't decide what to share. She wanted some pretty blue snow ball thing and he, of course, wanted a Cinnamon Roll.

We ended up with a Berry Cream Puff...


And a Cinnamon Loaf...


Both were very good and that loaf was huge. But Skyler was in witch mode so she would not try either. See, her argument was that Tyler is going to turn into a Cinnamon Roll and she was just trying to keep that from happening. But his was that she would take one bite of whatever the other thinking was and not eat any more...which is probably correct! It also didn't hurt that the pretty Norwegian girl behind the counter voted for the loaf.

The way it worked out, Cary and I shared the puff, Tyler ate what he wanted and then there was a bit left for Cary and me to try. It was very soft and fresh. Tyler could have done without the nuts but he was ok with them too.

We also got a coke.

We were able to grab a small table under the shade to eat.

Out total here was $13.82.

And this is a photopass pic from somewhere around the World. I could probably figure out where but I'm just gonna put it here because it fits in my not having to jump all over in my photobucket account later.

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We had decided that this would be an "eating around the World day". So we had out quest to finish. Along with Duffy coloring and stamping.

So next in line was China. We LOVE the China pavilion! It is just so pretty! No one wanted to go see the show again so we just walked around the shops and the outside of the pavilion. Skye ended up buying herself a fan and a purse here. This is one of the best places to purchase Elephants too! Skye's purse was elephant material. At this time Tyler had been dating a Chinese girl adopted form China so he was looking for something to bring back for her but was as of yet undecided.








We also hit up Lotus Blossom Café. We have never been tot he TS venue in China (one of the few we haven't been to) but I really like the Café.

We gave Cary our orders and when to find a seat and utensils.



Cary and I decided to share a Kid's Sweet-and-Sour Chicken - with steamed rice, apple sauce and a small bottled water.


It was good and basic. Nothing extraordinary but a simple, good dish. Cary also had a Tsing Tao beer. He liked it enough. I tasted it. It was a very light taste...sorry, I'm not any better with beer reviews!

Tyler decided on the Beef Noodle - Mongolian style.


This was SOOOO out of his comfort zone, he surprised me. But it is also why Cary and I decided to share the kid's meal. They did have a picture on the board so Tyler was able to see what it looked like before ordering it but the seasonings could make or break the deal. So when it came to the table it looked exactly like the picture. And he took his first tentative bite...and then ate most of the rest of the beef! We did get some though. The beef was very good! it has a little spice but not overpoweringly so. Tyler really enjoyed it. The noodles, not so much...and he's a noodle freak. I think he just did not appreciate the same seasoning/sauce from the beef on the noodles. He's not a mixing food kind of guy. Skyler tried the noodles and sais they were ok. I thought they were really good. The sauce is a light dressing almost...and it has the same bit of spice the beef does. But there were A LOT of noodles so some did go to the garbage can. But not for lack of trying!

Skyler ordered the Potstickers.


She has recently become a lover of Potstickers...see what I mean, she's weird. She knows what the filling is and she knows it's all mixed together but these she loves...turkey in her marinara, not so much! Anyway, this is a really small portion...three. That's it. But I suppose Potstickers are generally an appetizer or side dish not a meal so... Needless to say, I got one bite of one of them. That was it! The sauce was very vinegary she she does not use it anyway. My one bite was divided into two tiny so I could taste the potsticker and one so I could taste it with the sauce. I was not a huge fan of the sauce but it was ok. Cary liked the sauce on his chicken. The potsticker was really good. The outside was noodle like (we have a few places around home that the outside is more like a bread than a noodle and we don't' like that kind as much) and there was enough filling in each of them. They held together really well too. These she would definitely get again! Too bad they are not a snack credit!

This is someplace we have frequented before so I am sure we will be back.

Our total here was $32.65.

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After hanging in China we headed to the Outpost. It is always fun to watch the man doing the wood carvings. Tyler bought a waling stick here one year when he was little. It has animals carved all the way up. It is beautiful.



Cary and I grabbed a seat along the water because the kids were looking around but it was H-O-T and we needed a rest.


When they were done looking around we headed towards Germany.



Of course we had to stop at what is listed on my receipt as Glas Und Porzellan but is actually Karamele Kuche.

We got a dark chocolate sea salt square...



And a cut green caramel apple...


MMMMMMM...that caramel square was really good! I could eat seven of them...I don't NEED to eat seven of them but I could! We all had a bit of it and everyone loved it even if I routinely have to convince the kids they like dark chocolate when it isn't JUST chocolate.

The apple was kinda messy even though they cut it for us. And they ended up with a large chunk of caramel at the end...which is not a bad thing at all!

Our total here was $10.95.

We actually took out caramel goodies over to Sommerfest to sit at a table in the shade and eat it. We were able to grab a small table...




...and Cary went up for a coke and a Nudel Gratin...



This was weird...even for this mac & cheese loving family. It was very pudding-y. I mean, it was ok and we finished it but I don't think we would order it again. It was very cheesy but not very noodle-y. It did have a good crunch around the edges though.

My receipt says we were here at 4:08pm.

Our total here was $8.50.

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Continuing along our culinary journey...


That's her purse she bought in China...



Brought us to Italy...where there wasn't anything quick and easy to taste. So we opted to silp Italy for now since we'd be dining there later in the trip.


As we continued around the lagoon, we next came to the America Pavilion...I know a stretch for us, right???

But the boy was in desperate need of a steak. So in we Liberty Inn.

It was pretty empty in there so we walked right up to the counter and placed our order.

We got a NY Strip Steak served with demi butter, french fries and steamed broccoli....


...and a Peach cobbler and a coke.

Now I warned him that this did not get great reviews and not to expect high end sit down restaurant steak. But he thought it was actually pretty good. Skyler and I had one bite and it was a decent steak. The demi butter melted over it and made it even better. The fries were crispy and hot...we all munched on them. The broccoli was Skyler's and mine. Cary had the cobbler and I had a little. It was actually one of the better CS desserts I have tasted. It would have been better with a scoop of ice cream but it is what it is.

Overall, this is not a place we usually stop because, well, we live in America and they don't produce any food we don't generally eat at why waste a meal. But it really was not a bad choice for a boy who NEEDED a steak!

Our total here was $20.85 so it was not a cheap meal at all but would be a great use of a CS credit on a dining plan.

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This was weird...even for this mac & cheese loving family. It was very pudding-y. I mean, it was ok and we finished it but I don't think we would order it again. It was very cheesy but not very noodle-y. It did have a good crunch around the edges though.
Yep, exactly what DD and I thought of it. Not terrible, but I won't get it again. And we love mac & cheese too. We didn't have the nice crunchy edges though.

Now I warned him that this did not get great reviews and not to expect high end sit down restaurant steak. But he thought it was actually pretty good. Skyler and I had one bite and it was a decent steak. The demi butter melted over it and made it even better. The fries were crispy and hot...we all munched on them. The broccoli was Skyler's and mine. Cary had the cobbler and I had a little. It was actually one of the better CS desserts I have tasted. It would have been better with a scoop of ice cream but it is what it is.

Overall, this is not a place we usually stop because, well, we live in America and they don't produce any food we don't generally eat at why waste a meal. But it really was not a bad choice for a boy who NEEDED a steak!
Interesting. I never would have thought about getting steak at a QS place. I must keep it in mind.
So it was on to Japan. We also love the Japan pavilion!


Where we had to stop for a rainbow Kaki Gori at Kabuki Café.


We all seem to love different flavors. And there is just something about these that makes them no a simple snowcone. Must be the way the ice is crushed. We love these and have at least one every trip.

Our total here was $4.26.

Then we headed up to Katsura Grill. It was crowded in there but it probably wasn't really a lot of people though because the place is pretty small.


The kids and I found a table while Cary ordered.


And they ate the rest of the Kaki Gori.

We ordered a Tokyo Sushi Combo...4 pieces of California Roll and 3 pieces of Nigiri.


...and a Sappora Draft. The kids won't eat sushi (I know surprise, surprise!) so this was just me and Cary. I hate getting Sushi in the pre-made containers because you really don't know when it was made but this was pretty good and relatively fresh tasting for a pre-made tray. The beer was beer. It tasted different than the last one but I couldn't tell you how or why.


I wish we were feeling some of the other menu items because while Japanese, pre-made sushi is not something we can't eat at home but I think we were starting to feel full and still had more placed to go.

I would definitely come back here to try some more off the menu someday. It's hard to get here when on the Deluxe Dining Plan though so I don't know when that will be.

Our total here was $21.30.




And there's the fan from China.












And inside, Skyler bought herself a pearl...



He was teaching her to count to three in Japanese...which she immediately forgot!





She was hoping for twins and black or silver but she was good with this one...we even have others at home that are similar in size and color to add to.




Did I mention I love the Japan Pavilion? Could you tell?

But eventually, we moved on...
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