Does anyone use Ebay anymore?

I buy on eBay often. Just yesterday, I received two dinner plates in a pattern that is no longer available. I saw a coat on Coldwater Creek that I loved but was very expensive. I found the same coat on eBay, brand new, for a fraction of the price. I am currently trying to find a Disney wearable blanket that sold out when I was in Disneyland. There is someone on eBay selling one but asking a price that is three times what Disney sold it for.
I never sell on ebay and I rarely purchase. Usually only for things for a cosplay. For example, I am doing one for C2E2 this year (SCP researcher if you have heard of the SCP Foundation) and sometimes it is just much easier to buy something from someone who has already done it then try and do it yourself. So I will likely be buying patches and props on ebay.
I have stuff I'd like to sell on ebay, but I have heard so many horror stories that it's kept me from ever trying. I have some other selling avenues for some of these things, which I may eventually explore. I just hate the hassle of shipping. While I don't buy as much as I used to, I still do periodically make some purchases. Most recently, I bought a vintage album, but I've bought a little bit of everything on there. It was my go-to for Lenox ornaments and Disney bags for a while. I also consider it for books whenever the kids get an assignment. Although, most of the used book sellers on Amazon are now cheaper and faster for delivery than anything on ebay.
DH has joked that he direct-deposits his paychecks to ebay. We've found some great deals, which more than balance out the not-so great. Recently bought a gently used designer sweater -- much easier and cheaper than going to the mall.
I still buy on EBay. Just yesterday was looking for a specific Revol casserole dish. Last time I sold anything there was when we were downsizing. Found it profitable and easy although I used other outlets as well.
I absolutely refuse to use my personal credit card for any eBay purchases. If I wanted to buy something, I would get a Vanilla Gift Card. Lately, however, those types of gift cards do not work on eBay. So, even though there are a lot of items I'd like to buy, I'm unable to do so.
I absolutely refuse to use my personal credit card for any eBay purchases. If I wanted to buy something, I would get a Vanilla Gift Card. Lately, however, those types of gift cards do not work on eBay. So, even though there are a lot of items I'd like to buy, I'm unable to do so.
Just wondering why?
I mostly use Vinted.

On the subject of eBay, I was selling something for £450. Got an offer for… £1. HAH. Gotta be kidding, right? So, rejected the offer and achieved a counter-offer… £2. some people do try it on...
On the subject of the Facebook Marketplace, a MASSIVE number of posts are fraudulent. Indeed, a massive bank here in the UK estimated that a THIRD of all fraudulent purchases and sales here in the UK were rooted in the Marketplace...
I mostly use Vinted.

On the subject of eBay, I was selling something for £450. Got an offer for… £1. HAH. Gotta be kidding, right? So, rejected the offer and achieved a counter-offer… £2. some people do try it on...
I would have countered at 449.
I mostly use Vinted.

On the subject of eBay, I was selling something for £450. Got an offer for… £1. HAH. Gotta be kidding, right? So, rejected the offer and achieved a counter-offer… £2. some people do try it on...
This right here is why I turned offers off. I got crap like that constantly back when I was selling Nintendo games.
Can I pick your brain on that someday? I have a pretty valuable collection that was my mother's with some pretty rare pins. I don't want them and I would love to sell them on eBay for a fair price.
Sure! It's been a few years and it took a while for everything to sell but I made so much money that I was actually able to buy a WDW AP lol
I have never bought or sold anything on EBay. Know of two people who used to sell. I used to hear the word EBay often. I see this thread and advertisement on EBay on TV - have not seen one before. Maybe FB Marketplace is now more clue. Don't sell or buy anything from there either. I don't even browse.
I haven't sold on eBay for years, but I do buy things there sometimes. However, after a bad experience last year, I've become extremely careful and buy only from sellers with a substantial amount of feedback.

For me, eBay remains a good place to find discontinued items, like my preferred computer keyboard or a particular style of Jansport backpack.

I'm not on FB, so I've never used Marketplace. When I'm looking for an item of clothing, I also check out Poshmark.

OP, I think it all depends on what you're selling, its condition, its price, and how it's listed. I won't even consider something--even if it's exactly what I was looking for--if there aren't enough or good-enough photos and/or if the description is lacking. Sometimes sellers use stock photos and I won't purchase anything that doesn't have a photo of the actual item being offered.

I sometimes make offers and only sort of lowball when an item is hugely overpriced.

OP, I don't think there's a magic answer to your problem, but before you list something, check out sold listings of the same item and see what it sold for, its condition, etc. If you see a lot of expired, unsold listings for a similar item, that's good information.
I made my very first Ebay purchase back in 2000, when you could still mail a personal check – haha! It was a Ty Beanie Baby. Over the years I would buy or sell occasionally but not consistently. In 2015 we took our first cruise and I got into selling a bit to help pay for that. I stumbled upon vintage sunglasses at Goodwill that were Back to the Future themed ones that were sold at Pizza hut in the mid 90’s I think. Anyway there were multiple pairs and still in their plastic – I paid $.99 a pair and sold them for $25 each on Ebay. They were small easy to ship, brand new so easy to describe, and sold quickly I was hooked for a moment but I live in a smaller rural area so finding good things to “flip” wasn’t easy and I had a 4 year old at the time plus working full time so it eventually fell by the wayside.

Fast forward to January 2024 and we had booked a 7 day WDW trip and I don’t remember it being anything particular that got me hooked back on Ebay but I started dabbling with making some sells to pay toward that trip. And it’s grown a bit (but I’m faaaaar from a big seller – my goal for 2025 is to get to 100 listings and maintain that – I’m currently at 90). But with social media it’s a lot easier to “research” now and such. I follow several on TT and YT. I’ve found my niche is my Goodwill has a particular color tag for $.99 on Sundays so I will scour the clothing that day and then sell it for $10-20 on Ebay. Occasionally I will find something worth more, but that’s the general range I fall in with such a small investment. I am too chicken to invest a lot in an item and take the risk that it won’t sell. Am I making tons? Nope. But I figured out how to do all my shipping labels at home (prior to this year I would have to trek to the PO everytime I had a sale – that would NOT be worth it for smaller sales). Plus smart phones make taking photos and listing via the app so much faster and efficient than the original days of loading up a digital camera.

My daughter is now 14 and busy so I often am able to do my thrift trips while she is in her own activities. My life is just at a place now where I can dabble in it more and I truly enjoy it so it’s like a hobby that pays for itself and my vacations 😊

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