Do you think DVC should be a little more open to people moving dates without penalty because of corona?

I agree. I bet the majority of owners are trying the best they can and if they can accommodate renters to reschedule and have the points, I am sure they are.
I had renters booked from 3/11-18 and called David's on Friday to see if they checked in or not.The woman I spoke to couldn't answer the question but promised to get back to me.I understand they are busy but do want to try and do something if I could. Alas I haven't heard back from them yet.
I had renters booked from 3/11-18 and called David's on Friday to see if they checked in or not.The woman I spoke to couldn't answer the question but promised to get back to me.I understand they are busy but do want to try and do something if I could. Alas I haven't heard back from them yet.

Does the reservation show in your account as canceled? Or still there?
So what would cause Disney to close a resort? How does this compare to people living in a high rise. Probably similar number of people in both.

And could Disney shut down the resort because they want to without a direct order from the government. Cause technically wouldn't they be in breach of contract to the owners.

This got me thinking about dues. If the resort closes, what type of impact could it have?
This is not damage to the resort. This is breaking the rules we all agreed to. We own the property and are responsible for the upkeep and management expense. We are not obligated to share the burden if you decide you do not want to go because something has changed. It sucks I know but we all have choices and we are responsible for those choices.

What This is, is owners canceling reservations at resorts that are staying open. Never were we guaranteed access to any parks, just a resort stay. That as of now is still avaliable. This is above and beyond generosity possibly at the expense of other owners. I feel no obligation to share the burden if you cancel you resort reservation when the resort is still avaliable to you. I also will be quite upset if banking and borrowing are limited due to pixie dust for just a few members.

Call me mean if you like but Just my opinions.

Thankfully for the many families who have to reschedule, Disney doesn't share your opinion.

This is just such a great example of why we all pay the Disney premium. Even if we do complain every time they raise ticket prices, we go along with it because we know they will have our back.
Thankfully for the many families who have to reschedule, Disney doesn't share your opinion.

This is just such a great example of why we all pay the Disney premium. Even if we do complain every time they raise ticket prices, we go along with it because we know they will have our back.

Just keep in mind that what is happening with DVC is not Disney having our back. Ultimately, all members will have to deal with any fallout from the changes being made,

For whatever reason the decision was made, it was. There is already a post where a member was told they weren’t eligible for borrowed points to be returned. When they start enforcing rules again members who decide its still unsafe to travel are going to be upset.

They opened a can of worms that I have no idea how they’re going to close without upsetting many members.
Thanks! So, I guess this means they did check in and are there or it means that DVC isn’t going in and automatically canceling reservations for no shows.
In the past when I've checked in on the date I did my reservation disappeared ,so I wonder if they did? That's why I called David's.I do know that the day before the ressie they called David's and asked me to cancel their dining plan, which I did.
Thankfully for the many families who have to reschedule, Disney doesn't share your opinion.

This is just such a great example of why we all pay the Disney premium. Even if we do complain every time they raise ticket prices, we go along with it because we know they will have our back.

This in my opinion is going to negatively effect more members in the future than be a positive for a small percentage of members. Call me what you will but I have no obligation to mitigate the loss of others. This is a business arrangement. Nothing more, nothing less.

Don’t for a minute think they are doing this to be “ nice” . They are thinking about the optics for future sales.

Think what you will about me but no one has ever given me anything. I got what I have with literally sweat and blood. And I do mean real blood.
Oh and to be clear this is not Disney giving these things away, it is we, the owners. So I will be waiting for my thank you card. Remember member services doesn’t work for Disney, they work for us, the owners. Remember we are owners, not customers.
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Well, with the CDC recommending no gatherings of 50 or more people for 8 weeks, I think we may have just been told how long the parks will be closed. :( Bye bye MM at MK on 4/29. That’s what I get for being spontaneous and planning an adult trip.
Well, with the CDC recommending no gatherings of 50 or more people for 8 weeks, I think we may have just been told how long the parks will be closed. :( Bye bye MM at MK on 4/29. That’s what I get for being spontaneous and planning an adult trip.

I saw that just now and figured, there goes Aprils trips!
I’ve been putting off canceling my April trip. It’s just too heartbreaking. I’ll actually be relieved if the parks extend their closure because then I won’t have to make the decision to cancel. This was going to be my first trip using my very own DVC points 😭. I have another trip booked for July. I really hope we can take that trip!
Well, with the CDC recommending no gatherings of 50 or more people for 8 weeks, I think we may have just been told how long the parks will be closed. :( Bye bye MM at MK on 4/29. That’s what I get for being spontaneous and planning an adult trip.
The Pentagon has banned all travel for troops, contractors and families of both until May 11. I would assume that is the first day we might get back to normal if the restrictions work as hoped.
I’ve been putting off canceling my April trip. It’s just too heartbreaking. I’ll actually be relieved if the parks extend their closure because then I won’t have to make the decision to cancel. This was going to be my first trip using my very own DVC points 😭. I have another trip booked for July. I really hope we can take that trip!

From a March trip, Disney closing the parks was the best thing for us. Having to make the call ourselves would have been so hard I genuinely don’t know if I could have made the right decision for us, which would be to not go. I’m glad they took it out of my hands.

As hard as it is to lose it, it would be devastating to be sitting here at home in the snow with newly “homeschooled” kids knowing we could have been in WDW instead.
I’ve been putting off canceling my April trip. It’s just too heartbreaking. I’ll actually be relieved if the parks extend their closure because then I won’t have to make the decision to cancel. This was going to be my first trip using my very own DVC points 😭. I have another trip booked for July. I really hope we can take that trip!

I have been putting it off as well, but I thought it was more likely than not that the trip wasn’t going to happen. :( I bet we see a ton of rooms open up in the next 48 hours as this news gets out. Hopefully, WDW releases a statement sooner rather than later about what they plan to do.
I woke up to a closure from my dentist and a closure from my gym where I swim BOO HOO....both until further's going to be a long, weird year... :hourglass
So now with resorts closed... How will Disney sort out dvc and more so what will happen with 3rd party point rental vacations when no lodging per contract is available...
My guess is it depends on the contract the renter and owner signed.

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