Do you pack more or less as DVC members?

Patricia, you're gonna HAVE to cut back on those shoes when you go on the cruise! How else are you gonna fit that spare inflatable life raft in your suitcase? And the battery operated air pump, or course!

Good God! Poor ohioDD will NEVER be at WDW for her birthday?! That's horrible! July 8th? It's not so bad then! It's a great time to visit! So what if it's 102 degrees in the shade with 80% humidity? Who cares if the line for the Haunted Mansion is a 2 hour wait? And it's really not that uncomfortable to eat your lunch sitting on the floor at Cosmic Ray's Cafe, you know. But you'll NEVER go on July 8th or December 28th? PLEASE! THose days are a piece of cake! My b-Day is actually ON the Fourth. Yessiree! Dad's is June 29th. you wanna talk about lockers! Do you folks use the ones in the parks? We use them all the time. We get a big backpack and stuff it with sweatshirts, in case it get's cold, spare shorts, in case they get wet, tissues, sun block, hats, spare batteries etc. Sound familiar? I guess you could say it's like a mini version of our "just-in-case" suitcase packing. Then we'll often search for like, a half an hour for an empty one, then cram the thing in there. Naturally as soon as I close it and pull the key out someone says, "Where's my sunglasses?" "What did you do with the sunblock" "Do you have my hair clip?" And the answer to all these questions???

"It's in the backpack!"

I always get twice as many quarters as I need.
Originally posted by Mary Anne
Sometimes I wish you could just rent a locker down there and KEEP some of the stuff in it so it would be there when you came back!

When we joined and first stayed at OKW in June 92, we suggested that very idea on our comment cards. Too bad they haven't done it yet!

We pack two suitcases. They start out about half empty on the way there, but end up full on the way home :) We also pack a shipping box complete with labels and a roll of packing tape. The stuff we don't want to carry home goes directly into the box, and we ship it the day we leave.

One of the suitcases is just vacation clothes and bathroom stuff, and it stays perpetually packed. That way we don't have to worry about what clothes we forgot. We also have a checklist of what to bring.

I also carry my laptop and a digital camera as carry-ons.
How can all of us be so very different and yet so very much alike. You sound exactly like my family. We always promise--not dragging that down here next year, but wait, it's next year and here we go again with the same old stuff and new stuff on top of that.

My husband and son just roll their eyes when they see all I make them pack in the car, and we only stay at a studio.

This has been the funniest thread.
Our favorite response to the "should we pack this or not?" question is...

They've got stores in Orlando too! :)
to just turn around and take it back--maybe some of us should rent one of those self-storage units and divide the space up. That way we could leave it all there and not have to worry about packing it up again. Monthly rental on a small unit wouldn't be that bad. :D
A storage locker in Orlando would be great! Then you get Bell Services to go to the locker...pick out which things are yours...and take them to your room. At the end of the trip, Bell Services takes the stuff back to the storage locker.

Wait a minute....LIGHTBULB...who in the world needs Bell Services?

Why not start such a service for the busy traveler? Rent some storage lockers. Then start a service where you pick up and drop off peoples stuff. Not just DVC, but ALL the timeshares in central florida!

Sound like a crazy idea? But whoever thought those Town Car services would take off?
LOL!! A self-storage unit...great idea! Think of all the stuff we could jam in there! Hoo-boy! We might even be able to fit all of Patricia's family's shoes!

The only problem is, I need most of my junk with me, so I'd still be trucking a lot back and forth. Still, I'm sure I could fill my share of the unit.

I think we're on to something here....
I would just end up bringing other, different stuff. *sigh*

Did anyone read the post somewhere else on the DIS a while ago by a guy who brings his really old underwear to Disney World so he can just throw it out each day when he's done and has less to bring home? :earseek: And here I was, always buying everyone new underwear special for WDW! :rolleyes:
We definitely pack less clothing. I pack half of the number of days I'm staying...if I'm going to be there 10 days, it's 5 shirts, 4 or 5 prs of shorts, 5 sets of underwear etc. It can be washed, and we also tend to buy a few things there;) !!!

As far as kitchen items, I bring already ground Starbucks coffee, some coffee filters, laundry soap and dryer sheets. We don't do a lot of cooking in our room. We go to the local Publix (MUCH better prices than Goodings!!!) and pick up some cereal, half and half, milk, bananas,soda, munchies.

Thanks for the info on TravelTracker. In the old days of the Prodigy Disney BB, they used to call people like you and me DORK's, i.e. Disney Organized Record Keeper. I must try that program for my Palm III even though I have only the 2 MB version. Now I know what I want for Father's Day! Thanks again for the tip!! ;)
Paul in CT...

Travel Tracker takes up 200 KB of RAM, but is WELL worth it!! Maybe for father's day you could ask for a Palm M505....hmmmm....then you would have plenty of room :)

Thanks for the tip about Deb's menus. I am going to have to stop by that link you posted as soon as I am done writing this. Gee I guess I am a DORK!!!!!!!!!


I haven't seen anything for the Palm regarding Disneyland. Perhaps others know of something....
I have important price information from a few posts back:
at Disney World, a package of 10 diapers is $7.
Compared to 24 diapers (size 4) for $7 at Kroger.
How do I know this? Because DS DID get a "stomach virus" (I'm being polite) last year and went through more diapers than usual (and wipes too!) for a couple of days.
We always have a kid get sick. I'll be taking kids tylenol, motrin, benedryl....hopefully I won't need it, but you know that if I don't take it one of them will need it.
This is our first trip coming up, and I'm hoping to take fewer clothes and laundry tablets. DH doesn't think I will, but I'm hoping!
Robin M.
We pack half the clothes we used to. We're going for 12 days in October so I think I'll try just packing 4 days worth of clothes. We do pack fitted sheets for the beds and bath crystals for the jacuzzi. In addition, it is easy to put some extra laundry soap and dryer sheets in. We head for Publix for our groceries, once we arrive. We always pack an extra suitcase, however, for all the souveniers we can't live without.
I like the idea of fitted sheets! I just don't like the way many hotels use flat sheets instead of fitted ones.
Another thing I must pack (or buy at Publix and then bring home) are Clorox wipes. My bathroom at home gets cleaned EVERY day, and I just can't stand living in a bathroom for 8 days without a cleaning! (shudder)

I'm NOT complaining about not having daily maid service!!

less clothes, using that space x2 for food. If we rented a car it would be way less. So saved dollars=bigger inconvenience. Still worth it.

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