Disney's Club Level (CL) Information & Questions

I haven't kept up with this thread, because Christmas and a Non CL New Years Stay kept me pretty busy! I'll catch up from December on over the next few weeks, but now I'm looking to book a June CL stay, and I thought I would get some opinions because my "perfect" stay isn't lining up, and the options for second choices (which are still pretty darn good, lol!) are making it hard for me to decide.

Important info:
* we have 4 kids, ages 2,2,5,and9, so we have to have a room that sleeps 5 to fit
* this will be our last major trip before the twins turn 3, so our last chance to fit in most CL rooms
* I really want to do CL for all of the trip if we can
*the AP discount is 40% at the GF, YC, BWI, and AKL. But AKL and YC are out, because their CL rooms don't allow 5 adults
*AP discount at the Poly and CR is only 20%, BC is 30% but it also doesn't allow 5 in CL rooms anymore
* We love Poly CL, GF RPC, and like YC CL, BC CL and in general was just ok. Haven't tried BWI CL or GF SL.
*we plan to do a 3 way split with 4 nights each resort, and cannot do the same resort (even in a different room category) twice in a row, but can do the middle 4 nights at a second resort and then return to the first resort
*ideally we would do Epcot and MK resorts, and my preference would be 8 nights at MK resorts and 4 at Epcot resorts, but we could do 8 Epcot 4 MK

Ok, here would be my perfect split, but it isn't working out due to availability and room occupancy rules that changed - 4 nights GF RPC/4 nights YC CL or BWI CL/4 nights GF RPC (in reality ideal would be Poly CL as the first 4 nights, but the difference in discounts is substantial, so twice at the GF became the preferred)

However, for the middle 4 nights the BWI doesn't have CL availability with the AP discount and the YC no longer allows 5 adults in any CL rooms except suites. So here are the options I'm debating currently:

1. 4 nights GF RPC SV/4 nights YC regular room/4 nights GF RPC TPV and I would watch to see if the BWI had CL rooms open up for the middle 4 nights
2. 4 nights BWI CL/4 nights Poly GV CL/4 nights GF RPC - this is ideal, except the Poly GV CL room is actually a few dollars MORE than the GF RPC SV room because of the different discounts, and as much as we love the Poly it seem crazy to pay the same for a GV room there than an RPC room. But this does give us all CL, and 2 resorts we love and one CL (BWI) we haven't tried yet.

We could also do scenario #1 but do the first 4 nights in SL (which would save some money also), we haven't stayed there before, but I'm wondering if the whole time we were there in SL I would be looking at RPC and wishing we had stayed there.

Any thoughts, recommendations, other ideas I'm not thinking of? Do you think the BWI is likely to have a CL room open up with an AP discount for our middle 4 nights? What would you do?

Personally, I would not want to move that many times with little ones. I would just do a split stay instead. I also would not choose the option that returns your family back to a resort you started with.

You stated several times that Poly is your favorite. I would definitely choose an option that includes that resort. BWI is outstanding and your kids would love the pool area as well as the boardwalk activities at night. SL has a great location being close to the pool and it has the same food as RPC. In my opinion, That would be a great option.

If your set on doing a three resort stay, I would choose BWI, Poly, and SL GF. The money difference at the Grand would allow you to stay at your favorite...the Polynesian. Good luck and have a great trip.
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Back at the lounge now. We are not brave enough to do the parks today. We just resort hopped for a bit. We rang in the African new year already...that was fun. They're setting up the DJ in the lobby and word on the street is that "friends" will appear! The chef made dishes were different tonight from the menu, maybe a new years eve thing? We had seared scallops and something with lamb, I don't eat lamb so I didn't give that one a second look.

@NicoleLarson , I'm researching AKL CL a bit and have enjoyed reading your recent posts about it! Any more insight/ thoughts/ photos to share on your stay? Thanks in advance! :flower1:
If I had to choose a CL based on food offerings alone, I’d pick AKL over GF any day. For me, AKL gets the nod for variety, fresh and interesting flavors/dishes, relatively healthy items, etc.

But like I said, I’m probably in the solo camp with that opinion!

Although I've never stayed there, I think I would like the food. Problem is there are some very plain eaters in my family so I always get vetoed on AKL :(
We also had shower gel on the 4th and not the 3rd. On our 3rd day we came back from the park at 3 and our room hadn't been made up yet.

In the lounge, beverages didn't come out until about 5:15 and during dessert service, they were turning lights out and packing things up at 9:45..

Housekeeping can be variable and is why I point out good housekeeping. At BWI and CR, we came back to rooms late in the day several times that were not made up yet.

I also don't like it when they pack things up early. We had that happen at YC and I commented on it on my survey.
Lots of Disney planning going on in our house today. Hubby and I have been going back and forth on if Disney will offer the nice spring room discounts in 2020 due to SWGE crowds (and not needing to fill rooms), soooooo we just booked RPC with the 30% room discount being offered right now for the last week of September 2019. We’re not 100% sure, but just wanted to lock in a discount. We are going to WDW in a few weeks (OKW 2 Br, going with a group), but Bounceback is also 30%, so no more savings there.
Are we nuts to go in late September? I’m not too keen on the idea of getting stuck in a hurricane!
P.S. Still thinking about trying AKL CL the following trip, but my sights are set on RPC for this one!
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So here are the options I'm debating currently:

1. 4 nights GF RPC SV/4 nights YC regular room/4 nights GF RPC TPV and I would watch to see if the BWI had CL rooms open up for the middle 4 nights
2. 4 nights BWI CL/4 nights Poly GV CL/4 nights GF RPC - this is ideal, except the Poly GV CL room is actually a few dollars MORE than the GF RPC SV room because of the different discounts, and as much as we love the Poly it seem crazy to pay the same for a GV room there than an RPC room. But this does give us all CL, and 2 resorts we love and one CL (BWI) we haven't tried yet.

I would choose option #2. All 3 CLs are great (IMO) and you get CL the entire time. I just tried both BWI CL and Poly CL this past year and both were amazing! I think staying 2 CLs you know you love and trying a new one will make for a great trip :).

In general, I book things myself. That goes particularly for special events. I've found that it's easier for me to adjust my plans (different time/date) rather than calls and emails to DSS.

I agree! I always book things myself as I also think it's much easier to adjust things at the time rather than having to give someone else alternate choices ;).
Hi! Trying again because I think my question got buried several pages back. We have never done CL before and are going for our first time in March! A new dining experience we want to try opens for booking this week. Do you think we’ll have better luck trying to book it ourselves, or if we ask DSS to help with the reservation? Thanks!
I personally have had better luck getting reservations on my own but that depends on how persistent you are. I will try several times a day. If you are too busy try DSS. Good luck!
Hi all,
We stayed CL at CR in August and loved it. I'm looking to book another CL experience at a slightly lower price point. For the dates we're looking at, the best options seem to be AKL and BWI. Can anyone offer me some advice about which one might be a better experience for me, my friend, and my 5-year-old daughter? We like to take advantage of the food in the lounges, and we also may use the CL fastpass (we used it in August and, frankly, it was a little exhausting to plan like that so I'm not sure yet). Anyway, is transportation from AKL to the parks a huge hassle? Are there particular pros or cons to either that you can share? Sorry if this has been covered, I tried to look through the old posts but got a little overwhelmed. Thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer!
We stayed there recently (12/23-12/27), and I posted a mini-review and some room photos upthread a bit. I didn't post food photos, though.

For breakfast offerings, my husband remembers them always having croissants, mini muffins, pastries, fruit, and oatmeal (he went and brought back breakfast to our D and I every day :lovestruc). He said they also had something "sugary and messy" (lol) that changed daily...I remember it being strawberry crepes once (he did bring those back for us). I'm sure they had things like cereal and other stuff too, but that's all he ever brought back.

We never went to the lounge during the lunchtime offerings.

At dinnertime they had a mac and cheese bar every day we went, mini caprese salads and/or skewers, cheese and crackers, sliced meats, and I think cookies. We were never there at the official "dessert" hours, and we rarely drink alcohol, so I didn't notice what those offerings were. Also, we're vegetarians, so we often don't pay close attention to the offerings that look like they have meat in them.

I know what you're all thinking at this point...those teetotaling vegetarians sound like a barrel of fun!:rotfl:

They also had an ice cream freezer that had chocolate and vanilla Edy's ice cream, as well as Olaf bars.

They had a small "candy bar" that had Starburst, Mini Reese's, Jolly Ranchers, taffy, and one other item I don't remember.

There is also a fancy coffee machine that maybe makes espresso or cappuccino (don't know, not a coffee drinker either) and an incredible tea assortment that I found heavenly.:cloud9:

Sorry I couldn't remember everything, but I hope that helps! :)
Thank you! And no, I don't think you're teetotaling vegetarians LOL.
So after much hemming and hawing, and loosely factoring in budget, we have selected BWI CL Standard for our Anniversary trip in May and AKL Savannah view CL access for my DD's birthday in July. I tell you, these APs are costing us big money (Disney Math at it's finest!) :rotfl2:

A little concerned that BWI rooms are not renovated. They look pretty outdated. But, the food sounded pretty good, and we've never stayed at BWI, so hoping for a magical stay!
So after much hemming and hawing, and loosely factoring in budget, we have selected BWI CL Standard for our Anniversary trip in May and AKL Savannah view CL access for my DD's birthday in July. I tell you, these APs are costing us big money (Disney Math at it's finest!) :rotfl2:

A little concerned that BWI rooms are not renovated. They look pretty outdated. But, the food sounded pretty good, and we've never stayed at BWI, so hoping for a magical stay!

The rooms could probably use a refresh, but I think the rooms are still charming in there own way at BW, have a great time!!!
Hi all,
We stayed CL at CR in August and loved it. I'm looking to book another CL experience at a slightly lower price point. For the dates we're looking at, the best options seem to be AKL and BWI. Can anyone offer me some advice about which one might be a better experience for me, my friend, and my 5-year-old daughter? We like to take advantage of the food in the lounges, and we also may use the CL fastpass (we used it in August and, frankly, it was a little exhausting to plan like that so I'm not sure yet). Anyway, is transportation from AKL to the parks a huge hassle? Are there particular pros or cons to either that you can share? Sorry if this has been covered, I tried to look through the old posts but got a little overwhelmed. Thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer!

Personally BW would be my choice of these 2, the proximity of BW to both Hollywood and Epcot IMO is priceless, I also prefer BW offerings over AKL, everyone is different though that’s just my preference.
@NicoleLarson , I'm researching AKL CL a bit and have enjoyed reading your recent posts about it! Any more insight/ thoughts/ photos to share on your stay? Thanks in advance! :flower1:

I think the only "cons" of the CL is that A) the lounge is on a different floor than the rooms, for the most part. And B) the food is very different from the normal lounge food, so if you are a picky eater or a not very adventurous one, you may not find very many things to eat. However both of these "cons" can be a "pro".

Although it's a walk to the lounge it's a very enjoyable one being able to view animals the whole way. Also the elevators are the fastest on property. I don't think I've ever waited for more than 30 seconds.

The food is actually a pro for me. We love Boma, Jiko and Sanaa so we love the lounge food. Also they always have a couple of normal things like corn dog nuggets, chicken nuggets, ham and cheese roll ups, veggies and dip, cheese tray.

If you have any other questions, I would be more than happy to answer them.
So after much hemming and hawing, and loosely factoring in budget, we have selected BWI CL Standard for our Anniversary trip in May and AKL Savannah view CL access for my DD's birthday in July. I tell you, these APs are costing us big money (Disney Math at it's finest!) :rotfl2:

A little concerned that BWI rooms are not renovated. They look pretty outdated. But, the food sounded pretty good, and we've never stayed at BWI, so hoping for a magical stay!

They really need to take better pics of those BWI rooms. I hear that a lot....that they look outdated. I personally think they are very nice. I don't think the pics they have posted do them justice at all. BWI is our favorite WDW resort on property, and we've stayed everywhere but FW so I think you made a great choice.
They really need to take better pics of those BWI rooms. I hear that a lot....that they look outdated. I personally think they are very nice. I don't think the pics they have posted do them justice at all. BWI is our favorite WDW resort on property, and we've stayed everywhere but FW so I think you made a great choice.

This. All of this! :thumbsup2


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