Disneyland Girls Only Trip thread

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Yeah, but you love it.

And for what it's worth, I feel your pain!! I've got a few friends from the original ladies WDW trip, who are going back to WDW for a few days in December for the Christmas decorations, and I can't go. :(

Hey, since you can't make it in October, maybe they will bring a doll to represent you too! But instead of Barbie, I think it should be a Bratz doll. See, she's got the hat and everything!! ;)


OMG I love it!!!
Ok--so had dinner with the Ex Sat. night and he IS charming, funny and always has interesting stories to tell.

My favorite: I told you all he was a gambler (funny for a CPA, right?) He's actually quite a big gambler and gets comp'd quite a bit of things from the casinos in Vegas (I don't wanna know how much he loses--he claims not that much--right). anyway, one of the latest things he got comp'd were two suits from Brooks Brothers, custom-made by their head tailor out of NYC. so the tailor was out here last week for the second fitting (on Rodeo Drive of course!) and who should also be getting his fitting at the same time?

No really, guess.

You'll never guess.

Scroll down.

David Hasselhoff! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Hof himself was in the building. So the really funny thing is that the Ex-BF is extremely eccentric, like I said--a sharp dresser, but long hair (on a 55 year old--go figure). so, the tailors thought it would be funny to have the Hof guess what the Ex did for a living . . . . . he guessed Hollywood producer. He was apparently pretty amused when he found out the Ex was a CPA. (that would be the last thing most people would guess!)

Anyway, just thought it was a funny story out of the mainsteam-I get my little fixes of "Hollyweird stuff" when I see him since I live my dull, boring existence in the OC (of course, I have DLR and he can't understand why I find it fun). :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Hiya gals! I'm back at work again tonight and bored outta my mind. Luckily, they pay me pretty well for being bored outta my mind. :rotfl:

Wish I could hop over to DLR in June for the mini-meet. But our house will be newly listed and I will no doubt need to be slaving over it keeping it clean to show.

The only way I may make it to DLR is if I win AP Preview passes to TSMM and then I'll be swinging by and picking up Stacie on my way to Anaheim! ;) But I'm not even sure if that coincides with the mini-meet. Anyway, all that to say, dang, I wanna get back to DLR!

Did anyone watch Survivor last night? I'm sooo disappointed at the outcome. The only redeeming point was Ozzy admitting his love for Amanda on national tv. :lovestruc So cute.

Ok, I'm gonna go heat up my tamale and check back in with y'all in a bit. Just love these evening hours here at the firm. NOT!
Hiya gals! I'm back at work again tonight and bored outta my mind. Luckily, they pay me pretty well for being bored outta my mind. :rotfl:

Wish I could hop over to DLR in June for the mini-meet. But our house will be newly listed and I will no doubt need to be slaving over it keeping it clean to show.

The only way I may make it to DLR is if I win AP Preview passes to TSMM and then I'll be swinging by and picking up Stacie on my way to Anaheim! ;) But I'm not even sure if that coincides with the mini-meet. Anyway, all that to say, dang, I wanna get back to DLR!

Did anyone watch Survivor last night? I'm sooo disappointed at the outcome. The only redeeming point was Ozzy admitting his love for Amanda on national tv. :lovestruc So cute.

Ok, I'm gonna go heat up my tamale and check back in with y'all in a bit. Just love these evening hours here at the firm. NOT!

One of these days you will have to clue me in on Lost--I guess I just should rent the old episodes and get caught up. Sorry you're bored. And wish you could come out again--I haven't heard anything about the AP contest--haven't heard anybody say they were on the preview list. I also thought they might have a DVC preview for it but not a peep! A local radio station is advertising a contest where they are going to close DCA for their listeners to go on Toy Story Mania--I think June 10th.
One of these days you will have to clue me in on Lost--I guess I just should rent the old episodes and get caught up. Sorry you're bored. And wish you could come out again--I haven't heard anything about the AP contest--haven't heard anybody say they were on the preview list. I also thought they might have a DVC preview for it but not a peep! A local radio station is advertising a contest where they are going to close DCA for their listeners to go on Toy Story Mania--I think June 10th.

Hi Cheryl! Yeah, it's kind of hard to fill someone in on Lost. It's one of those things you have to experience from the beginning. But hey, if you start watching now (they have Seasons 1-3 online for free), you will probably be caught up by the time the very last episode plays 2 seasons from now! ;)

Did you enter the AP contest? I thought you were the one that posted about it here at the Dis. I don't even know why I entered, it would take a HUGE miracle for me to even go if I won. Well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Loved the story about your ex and the Hoff. How funny that he was comped suits! I've never heard of that before. Did he get any photos of them together? That would be funny!

Ok, so I actually did just blackline a document so I'm not completely bored here. Just mostly bored. popcorn::
Ok, so I actually did just blackline a document so I'm not completely bored here. Just mostly bored. popcorn::

Well, assuming you're using DeltaView to blackline, that should have eaten up a good, say, 45 seconds of your time--LOL
Hiya gals! I'm back at work again tonight and bored outta my mind. Luckily, they pay me pretty well for being bored outta my mind. :rotfl:

Wish I could hop over to DLR in June for the mini-meet. But our house will be newly listed and I will no doubt need to be slaving over it keeping it clean to show.

The only way I may make it to DLR is if I win AP Preview passes to TSMM and then I'll be swinging by and picking up Stacie on my way to Anaheim! ;) But I'm not even sure if that coincides with the mini-meet. Anyway, all that to say, dang, I wanna get back to DLR!

Did anyone watch Survivor last night? I'm sooo disappointed at the outcome. The only redeeming point was Ozzy admitting his love for Amanda on national tv. :lovestruc So cute.

Ok, I'm gonna go heat up my tamale and check back in with y'all in a bit. Just love these evening hours here at the firm. NOT!

Hi Callie! Sorry you're stuck at work. How was the tamale?

I wish you could make it in June! It would be great to see you again.

I am actually watching Survivor right now. Ruben worked last night so we're watching it tonight. But I stumbled across who wins on another thread, and I am NOT happy either. But I am glad it wasn't Natalie. I did not like her. She was scary! :scared1: :rotfl:

This season started out kind of boring for me. I felt like they didn't show mush of the fans, so it was hard for me to get into what was going on with them, and who they were.

But the last few episodes have been awesome. So many blind sides!!!

I thought it was funny how Cirie was saying how it was always supposed to be the 3 of them at the end when if it wasn't for Amanda having the idol that one time, she'd have been out. :rolleyes: That was so great when she produced it. Shocked the hell out of them all! :lmao:

Have you been watching the behind the scenes at Ponderosa? I love those little clips. It's cool to see what they do once they are voted out.

Anyway, enough rambling. Back to watching.......:happytv: (even though I already know the ending, it's still good tv!) LOL
Oh, and Cheryl that was too funny about the "Hof" and your Ex-BF. :rotfl2:
I bet it's fun to listen to all his Hollywood tales.

I used to have a friend who used to work at this little out of the way frozen yogurt shoppe in Malibu. The kind you wouldn't know was there, unless you knew it was there, kwim?

Anyway, she served SO MANY celebs! It was nuts. Everyone from Oliva Newton John and her kids, to Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford back when they were a couple, to Elizabeth Taylor!! Of course, she always had to play it cool and not fuss over anyone that came in, so no autographs or pics. LOL

Once I went to Malibu with her to one of her AA meetings, and some guy got up to speak, and says, "My name is Rob and I'm an alcoholic." I was reading some brochure and not paying attention, so she nudges me and says "You know who that is right?"

I looked up and it was Rob Lowe. :rotfl: That was a long time ago. Hopefully old Rob is still staying clean. ;)

OK, I'm off to finish Survivor!!
Well, assuming you're using DeltaView to blackline, that should have eaten up a good, say, 45 seconds of your time--LOL

Ok, so you got me there. ;) I'm tellin ya, these attorneys are avoiding me! It's not like I'm not capable. They must know I'd rather be on the Dis than editing their nasty old purchase agreements. :laughing:

Hi Callie! Sorry you're stuck at work. How was the tamale?

I wish you could make it in June! It would be great to see you again.

I am actually watching Survivor right now. Ruben worked last night so we're watching it tonight. But I stumbled across who wins on another thread, and I am NOT happy either. But I am glad it wasn't Natalie. I did not like her. She was scary! :scared1: :rotfl:

This season started out kind of boring for me. I felt like they didn't show mush of the fans, so it was hard for me to get into what was going on with them, and who they were.

But the last few episodes have been awesome. So many blind sides!!!

I thought it was funny how Cirie was saying how it was always supposed to be the 3 of them at the end when if it wasn't for Amanda having the idol that one time, she'd have been out. :rolleyes: That was so great when she produced it. Shocked the hell out of them all! :lmao:

Have you been watching the behind the scenes at Ponderosa? I love those little clips. It's cool to see what they do once they are voted out.

Anyway, enough rambling. Back to watching.......:happytv: (even though I already know the ending, it's still good tv!) LOL

Yep, we watched all of the Ponderosa clips today. Enjoyed those almost more than the actual show. I would have been happy with Amanda or Cirie winning, but I totally forgot that she was about to vote Amanda out. Cirie was scheming this whole time. I really thought she had a good chance of winning it, only if she could have done better at the challenges. Amanda ruled there (once Erik was gone). Oh poor, poor Erik. :sad2: What a naive little boy.

Enjoy the finale! I thought it was "ok". But wait, aren't you missing Dancing With the Stars??
Once I went to Malibu with her to one of her AA meetings, and some guy got up to speak, and says, "My name is Rob and I'm an alcoholic." I was reading some brochure and not paying attention, so she nudges me and says "You know who that is right?"

I looked up and it was Rob Lowe. :rotfl: That was a long time ago. Hopefully old Rob is still staying clean. ;)


Rob has other issues these days--his ex-nannies are suing he and his wife for sexual harrassment . . . . .
Hiya gals! I'm back at work again tonight and bored outta my mind. Luckily, they pay me pretty well for being bored outta my mind. :rotfl:

Wish I could hop over to DLR in June for the mini-meet. But our house will be newly listed and I will no doubt need to be slaving over it keeping it clean to show.

The only way I may make it to DLR is if I win AP Preview passes to TSMM and then I'll be swinging by and picking up Stacie on my way to Anaheim! ;) But I'm not even sure if that coincides with the mini-meet. Anyway, all that to say, dang, I wanna get back to DLR!

Did anyone watch Survivor last night? I'm sooo disappointed at the outcome. The only redeeming point was Ozzy admitting his love for Amanda on national tv. :lovestruc So cute.

Ok, I'm gonna go heat up my tamale and check back in with y'all in a bit. Just love these evening hours here at the firm. NOT!

Well, I put my entry in so between the 2 of us, maybe we'll get to go!!! I've been feeling sorry for myself not being able to go in June, and thinking I could really do it!! But my dad is having some pretty bad health problems and I talked to my brothers tonight and he's basically out of it, completely. He's been an alcoholic for 50+ years, not that he'll admit it, and it's caught up to him and now he's been diagnosed with alcohol dementia. My grandma had Alzheimer's so I'm guessing it's that as well. He's only 74, which is the worst thing. I guess he didn't recognize my brother and SIL today. We already have plans to go back at the end of June for 2 weeks so I'm hoping nothing serious happens that I need to be there before that.

Other than that, I'm driving out to pick up Christine from school next week, Wednesday, returning on Thursday. Everyone asks me if I'm making a side trip to DL and I honestly don't think I'll be able to. At least I don't have to drive by the park and see it, that would really be disappointing!! :sad2:

Callie, are we still on for Friday? I haven't heard from Ellen this week. Let me know what time is good for you. I may have to take my DS somewhere so I'm thinking between 6 & 6:30, after I drop him off.
Well, I put my entry in so between the 2 of us, maybe we'll get to go!!! I've been feeling sorry for myself not being able to go in June, and thinking I could really do it!! But my dad is having some pretty bad health problems and I talked to my brothers tonight and he's basically out of it, completely. He's been an alcoholic for 50+ years, not that he'll admit it, and it's caught up to him and now he's been diagnosed with alcohol dementia. My grandma had Alzheimer's so I'm guessing it's that as well. He's only 74, which is the worst thing. I guess he didn't recognize my brother and SIL today. We already have plans to go back at the end of June for 2 weeks so I'm hoping nothing serious happens that I need to be there before that.

Other than that, I'm driving out to pick up Christine from school next week, Wednesday, returning on Thursday. Everyone asks me if I'm making a side trip to DL and I honestly don't think I'll be able to. At least I don't have to drive by the park and see it, that would really be disappointing!! :sad2:

Callie, are we still on for Friday? I haven't heard from Ellen this week. Let me know what time is good for you. I may have to take my DS somewhere so I'm thinking between 6 & 6:30, after I drop him off.

Hi Stacie! :goodvibes

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Is he in some kind of assisted care facility?

I haven't heard from Ellen either, but she said she would check in with me mid-week. I offered to have Dan watch Lauren (aren't I nice??) so that she could come out with us. Guess I better let Dan know about it, huh? :confused3 :rotfl: The timing sounds fine. I'll let you know when I hear from Ellen, ok?
Hi Stacie! :goodvibes

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Is he in some kind of assisted care facility?

I haven't heard from Ellen either, but she said she would check in with me mid-week. I offered to have Dan watch Lauren (aren't I nice??) so that she could come out with us. Guess I better let Dan know about it, huh? :confused3 :rotfl: The timing sounds fine. I'll let you know when I hear from Ellen, ok?

He is in one right now, my brothers are trying to figure out the Medicaid/Medicare/VA benefits he's eligible for, and where he will end up living. He's been on his own, and I think once he realizes what's going on, he's not going to be happy about it; he's been fighting us for quite awhile about not living by himself anymore. We've been trying to get him into even just a retirement apartment community but he just wants to be by himself -- so he can drink I'm assuming. He's really not speaking right now, and very fidgety and confused. He's fallen a couple of times and ended up with a big bump on his head. I'm glad my other brother and SIL are there. They're all in Michigan but they live in Denver and just flew in yesterday, for the week.
Yep, we watched all of the Ponderosa clips today. Enjoyed those almost more than the actual show. I would have been happy with Amanda or Cirie winning, but I totally forgot that she was about to vote Amanda out. Cirie was scheming this whole time. I really thought she had a good chance of winning it, only if she could have done better at the challenges. Amanda ruled there (once Erik was gone). Oh poor, poor Erik. :sad2: What a naive little boy.

Enjoy the finale! I thought it was "ok". But wait, aren't you missing Dancing With the Stars??
Yeah, poor Erik. But I really liked what he said in the reunion show about not having it in him to be mean and for him it was about making friends. Kind of naive, but sweet.

And Ozzy was so cute with what he said about Amanda! I ended up really liking this season, even if it got off to a rather boring start.

Next season looks like it will be in a really cool place! Surfing hippos! The elephants, and gorillas. So neat. When they first starting showing it, Ruben said "Well, it's either in Africa or at the Jungle Cruise in Disneyland."

(oh, and I've never even seen one episode of DWTS.....:rolleyes1 )
Well, I put my entry in so between the 2 of us, maybe we'll get to go!!! I've been feeling sorry for myself not being able to go in June, and thinking I could really do it!! But my dad is having some pretty bad health problems and I talked to my brothers tonight and he's basically out of it, completely. He's been an alcoholic for 50+ years, not that he'll admit it, and it's caught up to him and now he's been diagnosed with alcohol dementia. My grandma had Alzheimer's so I'm guessing it's that as well. He's only 74, which is the worst thing. I guess he didn't recognize my brother and SIL today. We already have plans to go back at the end of June for 2 weeks so I'm hoping nothing serious happens that I need to be there before that.

Other than that, I'm driving out to pick up Christine from school next week, Wednesday, returning on Thursday. Everyone asks me if I'm making a side trip to DL and I honestly don't think I'll be able to. At least I don't have to drive by the park and see it, that would really be disappointing!! :sad2:

Callie, are we still on for Friday? I haven't heard from Ellen this week. Let me know what time is good for you. I may have to take my DS somewhere so I'm thinking between 6 & 6:30, after I drop him off.

Stacie, I'm sorry to hear about your dad. :hug: That's got to be very hard on you and the rest of the family. :(

We will definitely miss you in June. I hope things work out for you to meet up with Callie and Ellen. Sounds like you could use a nice time out.
Stacie, I'm sorry to hear about your dad. :hug: That's got to be very hard on you and the rest of the family. :(

We will definitely miss you in June. I hope things work out for you to meet up with Callie and Ellen. Sounds like you could use a nice time out.

Thanks Beth! :cutie: I'm off to bed. Talk to everyone tomorrow!! :wave:
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