I used to watch them a lot, but then I realized the content is very repetitive. And some just started to annoy me.
Loved the DIS best and worst videos, but they stopped doing them and their weekly show has too much unrelated chit chat.
Tim Tracker; after a while I realized some of the things he reported were plain wrong, showing he didn’t know that much about Disney. Then they seemed to become very pleased with themselves, staying only at the most expensive hotels, and I stopped watching.
DFB: very basic info and highly repetitive content packaged in click bait titles.
PCD: I liked his vlogs at first because he wasn’t afraid to mention negative aspects as well, but then it turned into incessant complaining.
Mammoth club: I like the informative content but can do without all the games (winner picks dinner, etc). Ditto All Ears.
For some reason, my favorite are British vloggers’ trip reports. Nobody in particular, just that genre.