Disney Pins-on board


Earning My Ears
Mar 10, 2006
My son is collecting disney pins and I noticed that you can buy special ones for 1 hour each night. Is there a different one each day? Can you buy pins in the gift shop? Any info would be greatly appreciated. We are less then two weeks away from our second cruise.
I'd like to know too. We just got back from Disneyland last Tuesday and DS8 got totally hooked on buying pins - he spent most of his money on them and then someone already offered to trade with him. He was sooooo excited. :woohoo:

Scrapbookmailbox: Thanks for the great question!!!
They have pins to buy iin the store on board and at the gift shop at CC there were a few. Then once a night the time will be posted in your navigator paper when to go. it is in the Atrium and there are some that are special offers. So you should have a good selection. I have a few myself from past cruises. Be on time for the special ones in the Atrium as it can get really crazy sometimes with lots of people.
mom x4,grandma x4
Is the the "one hour" that you are referring too the ones listed in the Navigators for the trading session in the atrium?

They hold these sell and swap sessions periodically during the cruise and sometimes have cruise specific / special release / limited edition pins there on a small, portable stand that they bring out. Other collectors / traders how up to these events as well as larger ones sometimes organized in the various clubs.

Generally the cruise specific items, if any, as well as all of the other pins can be found in the shops as well.

Castaway Cay has pins also, specific to the island.

For the once in a lifetime items, like the repo pins ( see the Panama Repo forums ), the cruise line ( I think they learned their lesson ) will stick to the new system of allowing each stateroom an allotment, which if not sold out, will then be available to anyone who wishes to acquire them.

We were able to purchase 3 or 4 extra sets of the August repo pins, which will make GREAT trade goods for the next time.

I looked on the Disney pins website yesterday looking for pins that would be one the cruise. I did not find many, but that makes sense if there are a lot of special issue pins. Out of the pins that I did find, I decided that I must buy a Daisy Duck luggage tag pin. The Disney pin website is www.odpt.com If you do an advanced search, you can find pins that are specifically offered on the cruise line.
I would suggest that you or your son purchase a lot of pins on Ebay or if you have time to wait...on disneydirect when they have their semiannual sale. I end up getting them for around $2.00 each with the discounts & sales so they are fantastic for trading. The CMs like them because they are so different. They don't last long on their lanyards...or they end up keeping them for their own collection. The usually asked DS if he really wanted to trade a pin because it was a LE. (Last time we had the Merry Melodies set & the 20000 Leagues Under the Sea set to trade.) This way I can afford to let the kids have a full lanyard by the end of the 7 days with 15-20 pins. They are free to trade for whatever they want to.
Oh yes, there's nothing quite like having your little darling come running up to you to show you that they traded that $12 pin you bought for them for an obviously cheaper pin. I learned my lesson. A big bag of inexpensive pins off the internet. I'll probably still buy some pins from the shop, but I'll make sure they know that those are not for trading. I think we used Mousepinsonline.
LOL! Yup! That is what DS would do. One time he traded for one of the 4 pins in the mount rustmore set. OY! I told him that he was to get rid of that pin next. :) I now use the pin locks to put on the really nice ones so that they can't trade them. ;) The CMs understand that too & get the kids to switch to another pin.
This reminds me of our friends' young daughter, when she began to trade pins. She traded with a cast member one pin for an identical pin. The cast member traded but was puzzled. When asked, the young girl said she liked her own pin, but wanted to trade!

I'm new to the disney pin concept....I'll be going on my first Disney cruise with the family in November. What is the price range for these pins?
On the ship or at the parks you will pay $6.50 - 12 for each of the regular pins. The special pins can get higher than that. This is why we buy in bulk on sale for the kids to have traders. They aren't in it for the valuable pins...they just know what they like. :)
I wasn't with my son when he did his first trade, but I suspect he was "taken" with a less expensive pin - he traded a new Pirates of the Carribbean pin for a 2005 California Adventure pin. But, he was so happy that he traded that I didn't say anything. We don't cruise until September, so we have plenty of time to stock up before we go. :thumbsup2 Thanks for all the great advice! :wave:
Thx for the info on Pins on board, I will tell the kiddies about it.

Funny (but Expensive) story about last trip to WDW.
We come back to CBR after a commando trip from park hopping then DS7 & DD6 are just beat..we had a blast pin trading all day + park hopping.

I had originally purchased 25+ pins apiece for the children, when we came back to the room, somehow the lanyards were missing and for the life of us we could not find them,we tore the room up, the kids wanted to look at there pins before bed,no where to be found, of course they went to bad sad, thought there hard work of trading was for naught, here we are at the happiest place on earth, Dad can't have sad children can he?? So after a 12 hour day, Dad goes on a search & replace mission......Hit's DTD, Port Royale, MK :moped: and thinks he has them all replaced.....this is after reviewing video of the days events and video of the lanyards the last time we saw them on the kids....he thinks he has all replaced, back to CBR around 11:30ish...time to get the lanyards together for them...review the film again, try and get them in the order as the last film shows.....get rid of the evidence.

Children wake up and we tell them Pixie dust :wizard: has been bestowed upon us and here we are back in the Happiest Place on earth :yay: , Lanyards are hanging there, Here we go, out for another day of fun.. we get back to CBR late in the day and to our room and there on the made up bed are the original lanyards, apparently the kids took them off in the bathroom and they were wrapped up in the dirty towels and the maid had found them and left us a note.....

Dad, Please explain , we thought Pixie dust was bestowed upon us......
What....whose... are these......

Uhhh...uhhh....Mickey mouse knew you guys were so upset, he wanted to make sure you had duplicates just in case they were lost again....... :rolleyes1
I think they bought it. I know I did.......2 x..........

So we have plenty of pins to trade on board now!!!!!
DON'T START. If you don't collect them, don't start!!!

I call pins "tin crack". My dh used to drive me crazy at the parks. Lugging 10 pounds of pins, stopping every 5 minutes to trade--ACK. Then we became AP and it escalated. He realized how bad it had become. He now limited himself to just "Walt" pins. Very big fan. He's finishing his basement and it will be mostly Walt and Fantasia stuff.

Anyway. DH gave me the green light to ebay these other pins a few years back. Paid for my Hawaii trip from NJ. Scary.
lbgraves said:
I now use the pin locks to put on the really nice ones so that they can't trade them.

Where can you get the pin locks? DS almost lost several when we cruised last year, because the backs had come off.
Mickee said:
Thx for the info on Pins on board, I will tell the kiddies about it.

Funny (but Expensive) story about last trip to WDW.
We come back to CBR after a commando trip from park hopping then DS7 & DD6 are just beat..we had a blast pin trading all day + park hopping.

I had originally purchased 25+ pins apiece for the children, when we came back to the room, somehow the lanyards were missing and for the life of us we could not find them,we tore the room up, the kids wanted to look at there pins before bed,no where to be found, of course they went to bad sad, thought there hard work of trading was for naught, here we are at the happiest place on earth, Dad can't have sad children can he?? So after a 12 hour day, Dad goes on a search & replace mission......Hit's DTD, Port Royale, MK :moped: and thinks he has them all replaced.....this is after reviewing video of the days events and video of the lanyards the last time we saw them on the kids....he thinks he has all replaced, back to CBR around 11:30ish...time to get the lanyards together for them...review the film again, try and get them in the order as the last film shows.....get rid of the evidence.

Children wake up and we tell them Pixie dust :wizard: has been bestowed upon us and here we are back in the Happiest Place on earth :yay: , Lanyards are hanging there, Here we go, out for another day of fun.. we get back to CBR late in the day and to our room and there on the made up bed are the original lanyards, apparently the kids took them off in the bathroom and they were wrapped up in the dirty towels and the maid had found them and left us a note.....

Dad, Please explain , we thought Pixie dust was bestowed upon us......
What....whose... are these......

Uhhh...uhhh....Mickey mouse knew you guys were so upset, he wanted to make sure you had duplicates just in case they were lost again....... :rolleyes1
I think they bought it. I know I did.......2 x..........

So we have plenty of pins to trade on board now!!!!!

Great story, and what a wonderful dad to go to all that trouble to replace the pins!
I purchased pin locks from pinseller.com last year and was happy with their service.

"tincrack" is hysterical but way too accurate. My dd6 and dd7 both love trading and have a few hundred pins each. I've been tempted to trade a few times but have resisted the urge thus far. (Last fall youngest traded for both the 2000 dancer pin and the 2000 kodak pin -- each time the cm tried to steer her toward better pins but she knew what she wanted. Many a time they picked sedesma or propins from a lanyard that had LE pins on it -- as long as it makes 'em happy.... :) )
I will have to look into getting some pin locks. I am constantly pushing the backs in on all 3 lanyards every few minutes b/c I'm paranoid we'll lose one.

My kids know which pins are "non-trading" pins after an encounter at AKL. My DH took DD into the gift shop to look around while I stayed in the lobby with the boys. She traded in there and came out to show me her new pin. The problem was that my DH let her trade her New York Mickey pin...a pin I love b/c it shows where we're from and it's really cool. He saw the look on my face, grabbed the lanyard and traded it back as fast as he could. After that, we had a discussion about which pins were tradable and which pins weren't!!

Any pin that we've paid full price for in a gift shop is definitely not tradable. Anything else (besides the NY Mickey pin) is fair game.

This discussion reminds me that I need to keep searching the house for DD's pink lanyard. No one has seen it since she brought it to school for "sharer of the day." I know it came home b/c I saw it downstairs after that but right now it's still officially missing. I have 6 months to find it :rotfl: Of course the NY Mickey pin is on it!!
Yes, they sell pins onboard. We just got home from the Magic. I bought lots of pins during the trip. On the last night I bought 50.00 worth of pins for my DS (34) he was a great help with the children. I gave them to him at breakfast on last day. After early 6:30 BF he ran back to room for something & left the bag in the room. I missed them before we left ship, other DS said they were packed. Well when got home no bag of pins :( :sad: . I called DCL & they won't be able to tell me if they were left in room or not for a week. After last passenger gets off ship Security won't let nothing off ship. So hope there is some pixie dust out there. These where pins you could only get on ship.
mattmommy said:
DON'T START. If you don't collect them, don't start!!!

I call pins "tin crack". My dh used to drive me crazy at the parks. Lugging 10 pounds of pins, stopping every 5 minutes to trade--ACK. Then we became AP and it escalated.

I almost peed my pants when I read your post! :lmao: I am definately addicted to "tin crack" and that's what we will call our pin buying/trading and selling activities from now on... tin crack... :rotfl2: that's so funny!

BTW we get cheapy trader pins on ebay in lots of 48 at a time to trade in the parks and on board. I have spent $200.00 on cheapy pins, we should do well in the Atrium. :smooth: Of course, I have to put aside some $$$ for the pins in the gift shop.....Tin Crack....I'm hooked! :rotfl: :blush:


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