Disney filmed Mulan in Xinjiang

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Jun 13, 2011
I'm kind of shocked that there is still no thread about this. Disney actively chose to film Mulan in a part of China where there are concentration camps with documented evidence of forced labor and sterilization. This is abominable and the type of thing that a generation from now will be looked back on and questioned how it was ever allowed to happen. For a company with such a strong reputation, I really am shocked they made this decision. I think the faults of the company are well known but this seems to take it to the next level.

The excuse from the CFO is that it was "merely background shots" but money to the government and a thank you in the credits for a $200m+ film are notable.

Does this change anyone's opinion or willingness to give money to Disney? How can we give them our money when they are thanking a government that imprisons innocent people, sterilizes them, and forces them into unpaid labor?

I'm linking to a story that seems to have a quote from Disney's CFO, which I find abhorrently insufficient but I thought would be relevant for this conversation:

None of this has ever been hidden information. If you’re surprised that China treated their citizens the way they do, and have for many, many years then I think its time to lift up the rock. There are many, many company’s that pander to China for financial gain, not just Disney. If you don’t own a pair of Nike shoes, you probably know someone that does. Many movies have been made, and have thanked China from various different movie studios.

Will I continue to give Disney money because they’ve done what many other company’s have done in the past? The answer is yes. Unless Disney has outright said that they agree and compliment how China treats their citizens, which I’m pretty sure they havent
Yeah. Can't too worked up about this. China is a know quantity as far as human rights are concerned. But we like our cheap stuff on Amazon.
BoycottMulan hashtags were trending in the uk for a few days around the launch because of this and because of Crystal Liu Yifei's support of police in Hong Kong.

It seems Mulan really hasn't done well here. I dont know anyone that paid to watch it.
I think that people are very good at ignoring social, political and environmental issues.

I for one are not okay with a lot of things that happen in the USA at the moment (immigration, deportation politics, not taking action to protect the environment, discrimination of quite a few minority groups, free speech issues.....) Still I'm not going to boycott any US firms, so why should I hold China to a higher standard? No country is perfect.

Every country has it's issues and if I only buy from those where there are no issues, then I will have to stay home and live off of my garden.
None of this has ever been hidden information. If you’re surprised that China treated their citizens the way they do, and have for many, many years then I think its time to lift up the rock. There are many, many company’s that pander to China for financial gain, not just Disney. If you don’t own a pair of Nike shoes, you probably know someone that does. Many movies have been made, and have thanked China from various different movie studios.

Will I continue to give Disney money because they’ve done what many other company’s have done in the past? The answer is yes. Unless Disney has outright said that they agree and compliment how China treats their citizens, which I’m pretty sure they havent

Money > Morality. Corporations like Disney and the NBA are no exceptions. The bean counters and the marketing folks figure this all out, and what they come up with is what you see. The Chinese government's brutalization of their citizens and enslavement of an ethnic minority is not a financial win for these companies, so it is ignored, and in the case of the NBA, social activism is actively suppressed.

Follow the money. It will almost always lead you to the truth, and almost always exposes the lies. Very few exceptions.
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I think that people are very good at ignoring social, political and environmental issues.

I for one are not okay with a lot of things that happen in the USA at the moment (immigration, deportation politics, not taking action to protect the environment, discrimination of quite a few minority groups, free speech issues.....) Still I'm not going to boycott any US firms, so why should I hold China to a higher standard? No country is perfect.

Every country has it's issues and if I only buy from those where there are no issues, then I will have to stay home and live off of my garden.

The vast majority of people just want to live their lives and sort out the issues in the voting booth and in the courts where they belong. Most don't want activism and politics infused into every aspect of their life, especially their entertainment. Feels preachy and pushy and often is very biased. Not what most people want in their entertainment.
They have to pay to film in China and acknowledging the country in the credits is standard. We see it in every movie credit. Am I all for it and how they treat their people? No, but this seems like just another thing for people to be offended by. It's no secret how they treat their people. This is happening with every. single. thing. these days and it's going to turn into a boy who cried wolf situation if people don't stop. No one is going to care about ANY causes if everything is a cause.
Money > Morality. Corporations like Disney and the NBA are no exceptions. The bean counters and the marketing folks figure this all out, and what they come up with is what you see. The Chinese government's brutalization of their citizens and enslavement of an ethnic minority is not a financial win for these companies, so it is ignored, and in the case of the NBA, social activism is actively suppressed.

Follow the money. It will almost always lead you to the truth, and almost always exposes the lies. Very few exceptions.

In the case of the NBA theres a lot you dont see them taking a stand against. At the end of the day, less than 1% of the players would give up their million dollar salaries to take a stand.

When you get to the upper ends pf society, people are generally less willing if it truly impsacts their life. The people making the actual stand and sacrifice are the day to day front line folk

Corporations at the end of the day are not people. Their goal is to make money and a certain level of expendable is built into the equatin.
Iger made a huge, huge deal with this park they built in Shanghai. So now they have to pay for their involvement by being nice to the CCP. I am not even remotely a fan of this and does scar Disney for me. I didn't like it when they were funneling all that $$ into building the park and now it's a real slipper slope for them of their own creation.
None of this has ever been hidden information. If you’re surprised that China treated their citizens the way they do, and have for many, many years then I think its time to lift up the rock. There are many, many company’s that pander to China for financial gain, not just Disney. If you don’t own a pair of Nike shoes, you probably know someone that does. Many movies have been made, and have thanked China from various different movie studios.

Will I continue to give Disney money because they’ve done what many other company’s have done in the past? The answer is yes. Unless Disney has outright said that they agree and compliment how China treats their citizens, which I’m pretty sure they havent

Yeah, Nike shoes, or iPhones, or almost any peice of consumer electronics - I respect someone who stands on their principles, but they may want to check the provenance of the devices they are using to do it. While I do get being critical of the government, I really don't understnad why it matters if they filmed in one province or another - it's all under one government. Would people have been as worked up if they filmed in ANY part of China? I mean, I get it, but I think it's a little weird where people draw the line.
Yeah, Nike shoes, or iPhones, or almost any peice of consumer electronics - I respect someone who stands on their principles, but they may want to check the provenance of the devices they are using to do it. While I do get being critical of the government, I really don't understnad why it matters if they filmed in one province or another - it's all under one government. Would people have been as worked up if they filmed in ANY part of China? I mean, I get it, but I think it's a little weird where people draw the line.
I understand your point, but I think for some, when this is juxtaposed against the fact that Disney has previously acknowledged publicly that they do pay attention to what is happening in the areas that they to choose film, and yet they chose to film Mulan in this particular province anyway, leaves some people with a less-than-favorable opinion of the company. Iger’s comments last year regarding any future filming in the state of Georgia might be an example of the perceived hypocrisy.

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I understand your point, but I think for some, when this is juxtaposed against the fact that Disney has previously acknowledged publicly that they do pay attention to what is happening in the areas that they choose film, and yet they chose to film Mulan in this particular province anyway, leaves some people with a less-than-favorable opinion of the company. Iger’s comments last year regarding any future filming in the state of Georgia might be an example of the perceived hypocrisy.


I guess I just think it should apply to all of China then - which I am not necessarily arguing against (though I think it is unrealistic). Their government probably commits human rights violations all over the country.
China is too big a market for corporations to ignore. So it's going to be a compromise. Anyone who thinks differently is deluding themselves. China needs to clean up their actions on human rights as they continue to integrate with the rest of the world, but there are an awful lot of countries that firmly believe the U.S. does as well right now. Stones and glass houses...
It's not a "compromise". China calls all the shots. Period. Take it or leave it.

And it's not a stones and glass house situation either. Nothing that happens here is even remotely comparable to the abuses in China. Not even in the same universe.
Yes, companies compromise. Consumers can choose to accept it or not, but there will be very few companies who willingly scorn the most populous country in the world with a growing wealth scale.

As for the rest, I didn't say comparable. I simply said we don't exactly have the high ground right now that many of us Americans pretend and wish we did. Better than China? Absolutely. It's not even a comparison. But the cracks are definitely known, becoming more known, becoming more apparent, and becoming a bigger issue for the rest of the Western World. Many of whom have their own issues of course as well, but he who thinks they have the right to preach is most likely to be scrutinized and resented for his own flaws.

Much like Disney huh? Who often claims, and does, many things that are beyond just simple moral and ethical minimums. They like to tout those moments, so it's no surprise they often get punched in the chin hardest in the moments they are perceived not to live up to those standards.
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