Disney Enchantment is a hard fail and 1 OCT was a disaster

Or how about a push notification on that handy dandy communication device they have highly encouraged guests to use all day?
I agree. I set my alarm for 4:00am, came on the DIS to get the live reports, and realized I was already behind the 8-ball, so I reset the alarm for six and went back to sleep. I was inside the park just before 8:00. If I had the information that they were actually opening earlier, I may have set my alarm earlier to be ahead of the game. Or not.
I think the OP’s post is a perfect example of how everyone’s experience in the parks is different. For those people who wanted merchandise and couldn’t get a spot in the virtual queue, or who mobile ordered their food, only to wait upwards of three hours to receive it, they didn’t have a great day. They have every right to vent to us about their bad day. I do feel Disney dropped the ball by not informing people about when they really planned to open (they could have put it on resort tv or something) so that people could make an informed decision about when they wanted to head out.

I had a great day though. I had purchased the merch I wanted at DS a couple days earlier, and the last piece of merch I want doesn’t get released until November. So I didn’t have to worry about the virtual queue. I had an ADR for a later lunch, so I would be sure of having food at least once during my day in the park. My plan was to enjoy the atmosphere and reminisce about all the trips I’ve experienced there (I have gone at least once a year, every year since the very first). I feel like I got a bonus, because no one was riding attractions, so I got to celebrate by riding my favorites. The only place I experienced any crowding was on Main Street.

My perfect day doesn’t make the OP’s horrible one invalid, or vice versa. We went into the park with different goals and expectations, and this time, circumstances worked in my favor. Next time, they may be in the OP’s favor.

BTW- I am not fond of either of the new fireworks shows, but I will take Enchantment over HarmoniUS any day. Not only does it have no story or heart, but the mashup of songs is really annoying. I miss Illuminations 😭.
I know its just a small segment, but they were making some announcements in the Pop lobby/food court Thursday evening what time the buses would start. Not over a speaker or anything, but a manager was walking around telling pretty much everyone he walked by as well.
I know its just a small segment, but they were making some announcements in the Pop lobby/food court Thursday evening what time the buses would start. Not over a speaker or anything, but a manager was walking around telling pretty much everyone he walked by as well.
We were there for Marathon weekend 2020. We got many push notifications through the app regarding operational issues and transportation. Absolutely no reason they couldn't have done the same for this. Except that I assume they chose not to so they wouldn't have a big influx early. Which just isn't fair to guests.
I know its just a small segment, but they were making some announcements in the Pop lobby/food court Thursday evening what time the buses would start. Not over a speaker or anything, but a manager was walking around telling pretty much everyone he walked by as well.

I went to Epcot from Pop the day before, so I wasn’t near the lobby. Good to know that someone at least tried to get the info out there.

They could have also done a phone blast to the room phones. My message retrieval wasn’t working (several conversations with the hotel about that and even they couldn’t get into it), so I wouldn’t have heard that way either. It worked out fine for me, but I do feel bad for people who trusted Disney to give them the correct info, and they didn’t get it.
We were there for Marathon weekend 2020. We got many push notifications through the app regarding operational issues and transportation. Absolutely no reason they couldn't have done the same for this. Except that I assume they chose not to so they wouldn't have a big influx early. Which just isn't fair to guests.
I agree. And I think that likely is why. Which I can understand them not wanting anything to be overloaded more than it already was. With the front of the park/Emporium as full and insane as they already were at 6:15, I can't imagine how much worse it would have been if more people got there early. Also the buses, they can only run so many, and can only transport so many at a time. My bus driver said they had like 550 buses running at 5:30. They can only hold so many, so I'm not sure if people would've gotten there early anyway. I also saw several people trying to get out of cars (Uber/Lyft most likely) at the Contemporary and several cops telling them to get back in the cars. I really do feel bad for the people who didn't know and I'm really not trying to give Disney a pass on this, I'm just not sure they could've physically gotten more people into the park earlier if they had known.
Chapek is on stage talking about how technology innovative Disney is, then the very next day the have to shut down WiFi in MK because their infrastructure can’t handle a full parks worth of guests using their phones. How’s that gonna work when they roll out Genie+?

Is that what happened? I noticed I lost my wifi connection yesterday morning and I didn’t get it back until I connected to the transportation wifi as I was leaving the park. I don’t have a data plan on my phone, so I rely on their wifi in the parks. I don’t plan to pay for Genie, but they really need to upgrade their wifi infrastructure before all the international guests, many of whom also have to rely on wifi, come back this fall.
I’m at Geyser Point and they pumped in the music for Enchantment… that main song might be the worst thing I’ve ever heard in my life.
We were there and had an amazing day. We got to our OKW bus stop at 5:20 and were on a bus by 5:30. Our bus driver dropped us off, and we were among the first 50 or so people in the security line.

Once we moved to the turnstiles, my DH and I were fifth and sixth in line. At 6:15 am, we were among the first 100 people on Main Street. We scanned the virtual queue card for Big Top and got #87 and then went into Emporium and got the backpack and ears I wanted. We were about six people back in the checkout line.

Headed outside again and got a pre-sunrise photo in front of the castle and then made our way to the entrance near Tea Cups, where they held us a bit. Once we were in, we rode Dumbo, got a gold popcorn bucket with minimal wait and then got called into Big Top to shop. Afterward, we clicked “I’m here” on the Sleepy Hollow order I’d placed at 5 am. We enjoyed our Nutella waffle and people-watched. Then we made our way around the park for a bit getting lots of photos. We met Bob Chapek and Jeff Vahle on Main Street and snapped a quick photo.

By then, it was about 11:30 am, and we were getting tired. So we made our way to the bus stop where a bus was waiting. We stepped on board, and it immediately pulled out once we were seated.

Back at our villa, we napped, enjoyed a takeout dinner from Olivia’s, went to the pool and relaxed. Decided not to go back for the fireworks, as we knew how crowded it would be. We plan to be back in December and will catch them then.

Basically, we had a perfect day - the final day of an eight-day perfect trip. We almost didn’t go because of COVID. Even once we decided to go, we expected the whole week to be crazy crowded. It was anything but. We had a ball at Boo Bash Sept. 24, loved our AP Ratatouille preview Sept. 25, rode ROR twice on the 26th (the second time with a 5-minute posted wait time and a complete walk on), rode FOP multiple times with no wait on Sept. 27, enjoyed low waits at MK Sept. 28 and loved the preview of Harmonious Sept. 29. We enjoyed a resort day on the 30th to be ready for the 1st. And we came home today.

It really was one of our best trips ever. I’m so happy we were there for the 50th!
I know people keep saying “ But we’re still in a pandemic, cut them some slack”. Honestly, I’m over that sentiment because they are charging full service prices and it’s not wrong for people to expect all services/shows to work.

I would give them more slack IF the problems were related to the pandemic. Not enough places to eat because they're still spacing? I understand! Not enough people who want to attend can because the capacity is still lower than 100%? Totally get it. Still don't have the international CMs back so EPCOT is on a bit of a shoestring? Fair enough, be kind to those who have been moved over. But the pandemic doesn't have anything to do with creating lackluster shows - not when their profits are as high as they are. The pandemic doesn't have anything to do with not properly training the jetski drivers or testing things enough in advance. It certainly has nothing to do with their overburdened, underperforming wifi that they chose not to upgrade even though they're supposed to be rolling out a new tech system that will require everyone to be on their phones all day. And while it had something to do with the lack of parades in the beginning, the point at which they're packing the hub and International Gateway full every night for brand-spanking-new shows is the point at which they are no longer concerned about crowds sitting in proximity for a long time. I get that they still have lingering challenges because - newsflash - the pandemic isn't over yet. But that's not an excuse for some of the ridiculous choices that leadership has made and priorities they have set.
What’s crazy about all of the merchandise lines is that all of that stuff is for sale on the Disney store online as well. And the 50th anniversary thing is going on for like 18 months. So the merchandise isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

people lose their minds over popcorn buckets!

That's what gets me! Why in the world would people spend HOURS waiting to get into Emporium on the 1st and get into literal shoving matches and fistfights over items they can get already at Disney Springs or any time in the next 18 months? The handful of items at BigTop that were only for the 1st, I can understand. But the Starbucks cups that caused the meltdown? Those are available for a year and a half, people! Calm down!
Because apparently Disney’s new leadership is placing more importance on the social media image that they want to portray instead of actually providing great guest experiences. I’m not saying that I still don’t love WDW, but it’s clearly a shell of it‘s former self. Think about it, Chapek is on stage talking about how technology innovative Disney is, then the very next day the have to shut down WiFi in MK because their infrastructure can’t handle a full parks worth of guests using their phones. How’s that gonna work when they roll out Genie+? Over at EPCOT, Harmonious debuts with no projections on it‘s main feature and at AK, Kite Tails gets shut down because of overturned jetski‘s and malfunctioning kites. My point is, Disney’s Marketing/Social Media portrayal of the current Disney experience is not living up to actual guest experience. I know people keep saying “ But we’re still in a pandemic, cut them some slack”. Honestly, I’m over that sentiment because they are charging full service prices and it’s not wrong for people to expect all services/shows to work.
Yeah, the rededication the night before with the media only annoyed me
I've actally considered that Christina Aguilera and the rededication were meant to be for the actual day-of. (Why hire Christina for just a livestream?) but they changed the plan because they seriously feared Chapek getting booed. Maybe that's a little out there, but it's the only thing that makes logical sense to me about why they would do the rededication the night before.
Huh. Interesting thought! I did notice (I believe) that Christina was also in a video clip for the Friday night show and it made me wonder if they filmed that partially on Thursday (though that would've seemed late, to me) to reduce travel costs, etc. In which case, it might not make sense of the same people to work the next morning. Personally, I feel like expecting the CEO and Exec Chair to speak at 10 on Thursday night and 8 on Friday morning isn't completely out of line for, well, The Walt Disney Company on the anniversary of one of their biggest properties - but I also realize I don't know how much other work their jobs take.
That's what gets me! Why in the world would people spend HOURS waiting to get into Emporium on the 1st and get into literal shoving matches and fistfights over items they can get already at Disney Springs or any time in the next 18 months? The handful of items at BigTop that were only for the 1st, I can understand. But the Starbucks cups that caused the meltdown? Those are available for a year and a half, people! Calm down!

Because it's a payday and it literally helps them to drive up the illusion of scarcity. The blue Starbucks tumbler is currently listed on on eBay starting at $50. One seller has it listed at $130 and they've already sold 15.
What’s crazy about all of the merchandise lines is that all of that stuff is for sale on the Disney store online as well. And the 50th anniversary thing is going on for like 18 months. So the merchandise isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

people lose their minds over popcorn buckets!
There actually isn't that much on ShopDisney. Disney could have made this day much easier by putting more online, maybe offering free shipping if you're in the park that day. Maybe only have the limited edition "day of" stuff in person only.

This is 100% Disney's fault. Because there are alternatives and they choose not to use them. It's always like this. Because Disney wants it that way.
Shouldn't there have been a one time only spectacular parade and a one time only fireworks spectacular to end them all? Maybe it was the pandemic that prevented this from happening. But I thought it was going to be a very special day not Black Friday as other people have said. Also I didn't know Chapek spent his career in sales and distribution. That explains a lot.
I’m kind of comparing this to DL’s 60th anniversary celebration. On the actual day, DL had a big ceremony in front of the castle and it wasn’t a generic castle-opening thing. It was focused on the anniversary. I would swear they had Richard Sherman come out, too, and played a couple of songs on the piano. They had an anniversary-focused fireworks show which included projections at the beginning of the original orange groves in Anaheim. The fireworks show included audio of Walt Disney speaking.

They also did the fireworks show such that you could watch it from different locations and still have a great experience…in front of castle, on Main Street, on Rivers of America right after Fantasmic, or over in front of IASW (we saw it there a couple of times).

On the actual anniversary day, shops in DL had some exclusive merchandise like Limited Edition pins and such, but the rest of the stuff for sale ended up being available for sale for the entire year.

I’m disappointed in how Disney messed this one up. I fault Lex Luthor for that.
Because it's a payday and it literally helps them to drive up the illusion of scarcity. The blue Starbucks tumbler is currently listed on on eBay starting at $50. One seller has it listed at $130 and they've already sold 15.

THIS is exactly the reason. It’s scalpers taking advantage of the illusion of scarcity and people with FOMO online. In that kind of game you have to strike while the iron is hot, and the merchandise loses value over a period of time and only the truly scarce items go up.
THIS is exactly the reason. It’s scalpers taking advantage of the illusion of scarcity and people with FOMO online. In that kind of game you have to strike while the iron is hot, and the merchandise loses value over a period of time and only the truly scarce items go up.
I'll just laugh when in like 6 months (give or take) they'll start having to sell things at a discounted price just to get rid of them. I see that all the time with rD merch.


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