Well I think game night was a HUGE success - final score
Julia - 1
Kevin - 1
the rest of us - 0
we were playing a 3rd game however Kevin and Julia both exhibited unsportsmanlike behavior and the game was suspended -
Kevin believed the answer on the card to be wrong and felt Julia was unfairly awarded 3 spaces - he continued in the game but wanted us to know it was under protest
shortly thereafter - Julia declared her 10 or so space lead was enough to declare herself the winner - (at the time Kevin was in 3rd place) so I will have say that the evening ended in a tie
Julia greeted Kevin at the door and said "You were talking trash to me Kevin!!!"
Alyssa and Nick slowly learned how to co-exist during the evening - Amy told Julia that as they got older we could have sleep overs - I turned to see Nick and Alyssa kissing and hugging
- so maybe no sleepovers!!