Disney’s MARVELous Super Hero - New You - New Year Celebration – January 2017!!

Good morning all! Just a quick moment to say hello and then I must dash to work. I ended last night with the worst headache I have had in ages.... I think it was a true migraine.... and I haven't had one of those in ages. I had all of the classic symptoms so that would be my guess. THANK GOD that my WW receptionist had 800 mg Motrin with her (I had NOTHING.... not even an aspirin) and DD was with me and was able to drive me home and tuck me in bed and bring me tea and toast... it was all my nausea could handle. Just super thankful I woke up today able to function without much of a migraine-hangover. I have to work today because we ate administering standardized testing and it's "all-hands-on-deck" during these times. That being said, I know I am only testing in the morning, so I may beg to be let out before lunch.

I don't see the QOTD posted yet, but I'll be thinking about my "woohoo Wednesday" response to post later! .............P
What migraine meds did you switch to that are working? I'm finding what I have is also just making it less, not completely gone. Last time, a couple weeks ago, it was 4 days of misery!

So, I remembered that I owe you a reply!! I always used to take ibuprofen, 400mg. With that the headache never went away totally and I kept taking another pill every 8 hours for about 48 hours. My migraines always seem to last exactly 48 hours.

When I first went to the neurologist to get the migraine checked out she gave me a prescription for a triptan (sorry, don't know exactly which right now). The first few times I took it, it was amazing. The triptans are nore pain killers, but kind of block the migraine. They need to be taken at the first signs of a migraine. When they work, they immediately stop the migraine. However, after a few times I got the feeling that ths only made the migraine go away for a couple of days and then the next one was starting. As if my body needed the migraine and was fighting for getting it. So, I went back to ibuprofen. Now she gave me a different type of triptan that I am supposed to use (but I have not filled that prescription yet) and told me to take it at the same time as one Naproxen 500mg pill to prevent the recurring head ache. Those I still had at home from a previous prescription. So what I did when the migraine started was to take the Naproxen (US brand names are Aleve, Naprosyn,Flanax(Belmora) according to wikipedia). And it was very successful. My doctor is very big on taking the pain killer as early as possible. However, I am kind of afraid that I will end up eating them every day because I get in panic that I am about to get a migraine. And I am sure that that is not helpful in any way.

I would suggest to discuss this with your doctor, if what you have is not working for you then you need something else. My doctor was very big on that the goal needs to be to be pain free. And 4 days sound horrible!!
So thanks to @pjlla reminding me .... today is once again that special time of the week where we get to celebrate our success big or small from all areas of our lives. So lets get this WOOHOO party started!! Star Lord is so excited to celebrate he is breaking out his dance moves...


So thanks to @pjlla reminding me .... today is once again that special time of the week where we get to celebrate our success big or small from all areas of our lives. So lets get this WOOHOO party started!! Star Lord is so excited to celebrate he is breaking out his dance moves...

So..... I'll make it easy on myself. I am going to say WOOHOO that my headache is gone and I am only having a bit of residual fogginess! And DOUBLE woohoo that DD was with me last night....otherwise my ride home would have been a nightmare. And on another note.... last night's WW meeting was even BIGGER than last week's AND I sold a lot of product! Loving the bundle sales we are offering right now!! That's all! Have a good day everyone!...............P​

So, I remembered that I owe you a reply!! I always used to take ibuprofen, 400mg. With that the headache never went away totally and I kept taking another pill every 8 hours for about 48 hours. My migraines always seem to last exactly 48 hours.

When I first went to the neurologist to get the migraine checked out she gave me a prescription for a triptan (sorry, don't know exactly which right now). The first few times I took it, it was amazing. The triptans are nore pain killers, but kind of block the migraine. They need to be taken at the first signs of a migraine. When they work, they immediately stop the migraine. However, after a few times I got the feeling that ths only made the migraine go away for a couple of days and then the next one was starting. As if my body needed the migraine and was fighting for getting it. So, I went back to ibuprofen. Now she gave me a different type of triptan that I am supposed to use (but I have not filled that prescription yet) and told me to take it at the same time as one Naproxen 500mg pill to prevent the recurring head ache. Those I still had at home from a previous prescription. So what I did when the migraine started was to take the Naproxen (US brand names are Aleve, Naprosyn,Flanax(Belmora) according to wikipedia). And it was very successful. My doctor is very big on taking the pain killer as early as possible. However, I am kind of afraid that I will end up eating them every day because I get in panic that I am about to get a migraine. And I am sure that that is not helpful in any way.

I would suggest to discuss this with your doctor, if what you have is not working for you then you need something else. My doctor was very big on that the goal needs to be to be pain free. And 4 days sound horrible!!

@5disneykids - I have gotten migraines in the past. They seem to be much better now. When I first wen to the doctor they gave me Maxalt. I loved it but it would knock me out and I was only able to take it after the kids went to bed or if my husband was home. Thankfully they were both in a crib at the time. There were times my husband had to carry me to bed because I was out. Insurance decided that it was not a preferred drug and I had to switch to Imatrex. That works for the most part and I was at least able to function. I have been able to control a lot of my headaches/migraines with my diet. Aspertame is a big culprit. Even chewing gum will give me a headache. So I stay away from it the best I can. Also, after I quit taking birth control pills I got them much less. I am back on them again for issues I have been having so we will see how this goes. I hope both of you can find relief from the migraines. They are horrible.

So thanks to @pjlla reminding me .... today is once again that special time of the week where we get to celebrate our success big or small from all areas of our lives. So lets get this WOOHOO party started!! Star Lord is so excited to celebrate he is breaking out his dance moves...


I have lots of woohoo's today. It has been a good week.

1. My son got his cast off and the doctor thinks that he will have his range of motion back in his finger. She has some exercises to do 3 times a day to get his range of motion and strength back. We have to watch him with this though. He wants to do them all day.

2. I had a co-worker ask me if I have lost weight. I was so excited. I feel smaller too and my sweatpants that got too small last year now fit again.

3. I have had a new vanity for our bathroom for about a year and a half sitting in out garage waiting for my husband to put it in. He is finally going to do it this weekend.

4.My husbands uncle is doing really good. He has been gain more use of his leg each day. Yesterday he was able to lift it onto the bed without using his hands.
TGIW! A few things going on over here to be woohoo-y for!

1. I'm rejoining WW. My company does a subsidy for half the cost of the monthly online plus and the meetings. I'm torn between meetings and online only. I've only ever done online only but it may be nice to have a new community of like minded people I see face-to-face. It's just hard for me to get out of my comfort zone. It's also $10 more a month. So I have some decisions to make. I'm just having a hard time with MFP and being accountable.
2. I'm choosing gym over happy hour tonight!! This is a major victory for me because a) I love happy hour and my happy hour people and b) drinking is waaaay more fun than working out haha. But I desperately need to workout and I set money aside specifically for happy hour every two weeks so that's money that gets put in my little savings jar until I find something better to do with it.
3. I was in a low place mentally yesterday but making some of these positive changes is really helping me to get in the positive mood!
can I be super cheesy and steal one of the lines for dis unplugged!

I am just happy to be here!

I did great last year haha. But I seem to lost my modesty somewhere. I am not in weight loss mode, I am content and I feel the focus should be on keeping it happy and sustainable for me. I am leaving weight loss goals behind. I am not leaving the group though, I just won't be reporting progress towards goal.

My Whoo Hoo - I am really happy with my weight, how I eat and exercise. Maintenance is awesome! not every day but today I feel great
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Oh my gosh, that is so terrible about your neighbor :( I will pray for them. We are in a similar situation, our dear friends & neighbors just found out their 12 Y/o daughter has a mass - found it because of recurring sinus infections. It will have to be removed, which is going to be require a large amount of facial reconstruction & we are all praying like crazy it's not cancerous. SHe also has some abnormal blood work so....

My son also is getting his cast off -tomorrow morning! Perfect timing for water polo which also starts up tomorrow!

What migraine meds did you switch to that are working? I'm finding what I have is also just making it less, not completely gone. Last time, a couple weeks ago, it was 4 days of misery!

So, my goal for this week is to stay low carb, and lose 3 more pound. Hope it's not too steep!
Sending prayers.
@5disneykids. I am sorry about your neighbors girl. I hope it's something that is easily treatable and not C.

Don't forget, many C are fully treatable right now. Worrying times, my thoughts are with the family
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Woohoo Wednesday again... I really need to get out of winter hibernation mode and do some woohoo-able things. Let's see, bought the airline tickets yesterday for the April trip to Texas. My brother said not to bother getting a rental car as they'll come pick us up at the airport and will be doing all the driving while we're together. We will need a car for the last two days when we'll be on our own but it will be really nice to not have to do all the navigation... although I do like driving in Texas because you get to go really fast. No walks have been posted for the weekend yet, but I've decided to go walk Green Lake if no group walk comes together. My eye is much better today... something was going on yesterday with itchy/scratchy in both eyes and one of them ended up with an actual scratch. I finished knitting my second sock last night, well almost. I'm not happy with how I closed up the toe and will probably have to do it a couple more times before I get it right. This time I used a pattern for thicker yarn and larger needles and liked that better... they are going to be house/slipper socks, which I really need as there always seems to be a draft at floor level.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone.
So thanks to @pjlla reminding me .... today is once again that special time of the week where we get to celebrate our success big or small from all areas of our lives. So lets get this WOOHOO party started!! Star Lord is so excited to celebrate he is breaking out his dance moves...


Hi friends - been busy at work, but in a good way! Starting to feel confident in my job and I start the hiring of my specialist - a full time direct report!

This weekend is the first race weekend of the year - the Star Wars 10k and Half Marathon. I'm excited to get back to it... if only the rain would clear up.

So far I'm sticking to my schedule and things are good. I'm happy. I'm relaxed. It is a very odd feeling and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop but I think I'll be okay. :)
Hello everyone! Even though I haven't posted in a few months, I still check in every once in a while to see how everyone is doing. Glad to see everyone doing well! We have our cruise/disney world trip coming up in a couple months and I'm starting to get excited. Our 60 days out fp reservation day is Sunday and that's when it gets real for me.

I've spent the last three months holding steady between the 190 lb/195 lb mark. I'm going to try and lose about another 10 before the trip - easier said than done, I know. I haven't done much running over the last month, but I'm going to start that up again soon to try and knock off a couple more lbs.

Anyway, just want to check in and say hello. Keep up the good work!
My friends I am very sad today ... this morning my beautiful, wonderful, bubbly 13 year old neighbour went to heaven. Her name is Bella and she is the biggest SUPERHERO I know ... she fought a valiant battle against cancer. Her wonderful mother and younger brothers came over to tell me themselves this morning. Bella was at times shy but also had a big personality and a smile that just lit up her whole face and was contagious and we had some wonderful water bomb fights this time last year. Bella, before becoming ill was the embodiment of a young healthy girl playing netball and was involved in the surf club amongst other sports.

So I am going to ask that any Mums on here give their kids and extra tight hug tonight and look into the sky for the brightest star there because her name is Bella.

This is a reminder to embrace your life, live it to the fullest and go after your health and wellbeing ... so this week whenever you get active - think you are doing it for you and for Bella and for all the other people who inspire us everyday.

After reading this it makes my problems seem trivial. I will definitely hug my kids extra tight today and everyday that I can!

In fact I'm going to make that my Woohoo this week. I am struggling this week and that is a really good one to focus on. For the most part my kids are all happy and healthy so WooHoo!!!

I was not expecting to hit such a low this week after such a high. I am feeling lost after focusing on that race since pretty much April. I am trying to figure out where to go from here and what goal to go for next. All of the marathons on my bucket list are close together so I have to choose one and am scared to make the wrong choice. I know it is such a first world problem but I can't seem to pull myself out of the funk.

@courtneybeth I hope you have a great race weekend and may you PR at every race :)
I have lots of woohoo's today. It has been a good week.

1. My son got his cast off and the doctor thinks that he will have his range of motion back in his finger. She has some exercises to do 3 times a day to get his range of motion and strength back. We have to watch him with this though. He wants to do them all day.

2. I had a co-worker ask me if I have lost weight. I was so excited. I feel smaller too and my sweatpants that got too small last year now fit again.

3. I have had a new vanity for our bathroom for about a year and a half sitting in out garage waiting for my husband to put it in. He is finally going to do it this weekend.

4.My husbands uncle is doing really good. He has been gain more use of his leg each day. Yesterday he was able to lift it onto the bed without using his hands.

So many great "woohoos" this week! That's terrific! And BTW, I can beat you.... DH bought me a new range hood (to match my then-new stove) 3 Christmases ago.... and it is still in the box. He offered to put it in one day about 6 months later.... the same day I was expecting company and working like a madwoman to clean! Not exactly the right time to start a project like that, so I said "NOT NOW!".... and he hasn't offered since. I am a pretty good DIYer and have done bigger projects than that on my own, so I suppose I should just put on my big-girl panties and get it done!

TGIW! A few things going on over here to be woohoo-y for!

1. I'm rejoining WW. My company does a subsidy for half the cost of the monthly online plus and the meetings. I'm torn between meetings and online only. I've only ever done online only but it may be nice to have a new community of like minded people I see face-to-face. It's just hard for me to get out of my comfort zone. It's also $10 more a month. So I have some decisions to make. I'm just having a hard time with MFP and being accountable.
2. I'm choosing gym over happy hour tonight!! This is a major victory for me because a) I love happy hour and my happy hour people and b) drinking is waaaay more fun than working out haha. But I desperately need to workout and I set money aside specifically for happy hour every two weeks so that's money that gets put in my little savings jar until I find something better to do with it.
3. I was in a low place mentally yesterday but making some of these positive changes is really helping me to get in the positive mood!

Well.... I think you know what I am going to say! I say MEETINGS!! They are so much fun and full of inspiration and news and comradery!

Wow.... I'd have a hard time passing up a fun time with friends for time in the gym... that's great!

can I be super cheesy and steal one of the lines for dis unplugged!

I am just happy to be here!

I was trying some things in the sales today, the weather is cold (but not freezing) and dry. I am wearing thermal leggings under the leggings and thermal top under the shirt, I feel comfortable and cozy and can I shamelessly brag - I feel happy with my weight. This is my own clothes, with all the heat layers - not what I bought at 70% off sale. I bought some cute tops in the sales

headless photo of me

I did great last year haha. But I seem to lost my modesty somewhere. I am not in weight loss mode, I am content and I feel the focus should be on keeping it happy and sustainable for me. I am leaving weight loss goals behind. I am not leaving the group though, I just won't be reporting progress towards goal.

My Whoo Hoo - I am really happy with my weight, how I eat and exercise. Maintenance is awesome! not every day but today I feel great

Feel free to be a bit "immodest" with your accomplishments here! That's what we are all about!! Don't hide your light under a bushel!! This is the PERFECT place to brag a bit (or more than a bit). We love to hear GOOD NEWS and NSVs!! Glad you are sounding POSITIVE and HAPPY!

Hello everyone! Even though I haven't posted in a few months, I still check in every once in a while to see how everyone is doing. Glad to see everyone doing well! We have our cruise/disney world trip coming up in a couple months and I'm starting to get excited. Our 60 days out fp reservation day is Sunday and that's when it gets real for me.

I've spent the last three months holding steady between the 190 lb/195 lb mark. I'm going to try and lose about another 10 before the trip - easier said than done, I know. I haven't done much running over the last month, but I'm going to start that up again soon to try and knock off a couple more lbs.

Anyway, just want to check in and say hello. Keep up the good work!

@Dr Gunnie You have been missed... truly! I was just thinking of you yesterday and was going to track you down this weekend and invite you to return to the flock!

After reading this it makes my problems seem trivial. I will definitely hug my kids extra tight today and everyday that I can!

In fact I'm going to make that my Woohoo this week. I am struggling this week and that is a really good one to focus on. For the most part my kids are all happy and healthy so WooHoo!!!

I was not expecting to hit such a low this week after such a high. I am feeling lost after focusing on that race since pretty much April. I am trying to figure out where to go from here and what goal to go for next. All of the marathons on my bucket list are close together so I have to choose one and am scared to make the wrong choice. I know it is such a first world problem but I can't seem to pull myself out of the funk.

@courtneybeth I hope you have a great race weekend and may you PR at every race :)

Your funk is totally understandable. When you focus so much time and effort on a particular event, it can be quite a let-down when it is over..... even when it was a great day! I'm sure whichever one you choose you will do great in.... personally I'd pick the one the furthest away (because I like to travel) or the one with the best medal (cause it's all about the bling, right? ;) ).


Hey all.... found a bit of time here at work to pop on and play catch up. We are having a beautiful and unusually warm day here.... temps in the upper 40's F, so I am hoping and praying to have time for a walk outside this afternoon! I am covering Kindergarten here later today, so I will get out a bit later than usual AND I am working online at 5:30 pm, so I'll have to squeeze it in between 4-5pm. Hopefully it won't have cooled off too much by then..... but the sun will definitely be very low.

Not a CLUE what we all will be eating for dinner. I'm not used to shopping/cooking for a family of 4 any longer and despite having shopped many times, we are out of nearly everything again! No eggs, no milk, nearly no fresh fruit (there was 1 banana, 2 apples, 1 avocado, and a handful of limes when I left this morning), no pretzels, no grainy bread, no veggies except for 3 onions and 3 sweet potatoes, low on frozen fruit, low on meats, snacks, etc. I'm going to have DD throw the sweet potatoes into the oven this afternoon and I'll have those for dinner with some scrambled egg whites. I have a package of frozen pre-cooked chicken that I will offer to DD, and DS will probably get boxed mac-and-cheese.... things are really desperate when I have to pull that out! I will do a quick shop tomorrow after WW (have to be quick because I am working online 7-8 pm) and that will get us through to the weekend, at least. DS moves back to school Sunday or Monday and then my household milk and pizza consumption will drop to nearly none.

Anyhow, enough whining! I'm lucky to have food, a warm house, and a family that I love that are all HEALTHY! TTYL................P
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Sorry I've been away-- crazy busy at work. Plus The Boss (aka DFIL haha) said we can leave early Friday and have Monday off to really do up our birthday weekend at Disney (I say our because DH's is next weekend so we basically celebrate together). Anyway, I am scrambling to get everything done and taken care of. But it feels like there is a full moon because the craziest things keep happening that I have to "clean up".....

To that end, my woohoo will be extra Birthday time off!!!

Also woohoo-ing that since I am not going to the gym this week (some sort of h*ll week that I'm not about to do mental damage to myself over at this stage in my journey), I went to my yoga studio's lunch time meditation yesterday and WHOAAAAA!!! What a break through! So much of me and my blocks are mental,and it didn't occur to me that meditation could be so helpful. Anyway, I love it and will be going back tomorrow too and can see this being a regular part of my routine.

So sorry to hear all the news about Bella and the other little girl :( My thoughts are with them :grouphug:

@HappyGrape You look fabulous! Happy to hear you are in such a happy place!!!
1. I'm rejoining WW. My company does a subsidy for half the cost of the monthly online plus and the meetings. I'm torn between meetings and online only. I've only ever done online only but it may be nice to have a new community of like minded people I see face-to-face. It's just hard for me to get out of my comfort zone. It's also $10 more a month. So I have some decisions to make.

That's a great benefit from your employer! As someone who never did the meetings, I now think that if I would join WW again, I would do it with the meetings. I think they are a great way to focus your mind once a week on why you are doing what you are doing. And 10$ per month is not too bad of a difference. I think for me it would have been about a 30$ difference, that is why I never did it.

can I be super cheesy and steal one of the lines for dis unplugged!

I am just happy to be here!

I did great last year haha. But I seem to lost my modesty somewhere. I am not in weight loss mode, I am content and I feel the focus should be on keeping it happy and sustainable for me. I am leaving weight loss goals behind. I am not leaving the group though, I just won't be reporting progress towards goal.

It is so great that you are so happy with where you are! And I am very happy to hear that you have no intention to leave us! I love having maintainers in the group - it gives me great motivation that there are people who achieved what they wanted and I also think that you are able to add a different perspective that is really valuable!

My eye is much better today... something was going on yesterday with itchy/scratchy in both eyes and one of them ended up with an actual scratch.

Oh! Sorry that you had such eye problems!!

No walks have been posted for the weekend yet, but I've decided to go walk Green Lake if no group walk comes together.

It is a shame that we don't live in the same place! I am looking for a hiking buddy... Especially since you started posting about your new boots, I was thinking how much I miss hiking! I used to do a lot of hiking with my father, but since my mother's dementia has gotten worse, he really cannot leave her at home on her own much anymore. And all my friends here have small kids, so they don't go hiking either... Weekends are family time for them...

I'm happy. I'm relaxed. It is a very odd feeling and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop but I think I'll be okay. :)

Sounds wonderful! And don't think of any other shoes, just enjoy!!

Anyway, just want to check in and say hello. Keep up the good work!

How great to see you!! I was thinking of you a few days ago and was wondering if I should send a PM to see how you are doing with getting through the holidays. But you still are an amazing success story! Good luck with those 10 pounds! And have an amazing trip to Disney, you definitely have earned it!

I was not expecting to hit such a low this week after such a high. I am feeling lost after focusing on that race since pretty much April. I am trying to figure out where to go from here and what goal to go for next. All of the marathons on my bucket list are close together so I have to choose one and am scared to make the wrong choice. I know it is such a first world problem but I can't seem to pull myself out of the funk.

Sending a big hug! Sorry that you are in such a funk! I am sure this will pass and some of it might still be physical exhaustion. Your body still needs time to recover! Do you need to make a decision about your next race immediately? Can't you just wait two weeks or so? You might find it easier to figure out what your priorities are when you have a bit more distance from the previous race.

To that end, my woohoo will be extra Birthday time off!!!

Sending totally calorie free birthday cake for the big celebration!!

I have three woohoos today!!

First, I have now managed three nights in a row with more than 8 hours of sleep and it is soooo good for me!! I have therefore decided that my new goal for the month is to have 6 nights out of 7 with more than 8 hours of sleep. Since I started this on Monday, the 9th, there were 23 day left in the month, so I am making my goal 19 nights with more than 8 hours of sleep. Giving me that one extra night as a reserve and for when I forget to activate my fitbit or so.

Second, I love my new scale!! I talked about it before that it gives me readings of how much fat, water, muscle and bone there is in my body. It gives me specific kilos as well as percentage. And it does exactly what I wanted it to do: On Monday I had a nice loss on the scale. Then yesterday and today, I was up nearly two pounds. BUT: According to the scale, I kept losing fat, nearly two pounds of fat less today than on Monday. And yes, the water is up correspondingly. I have always suffered from those weird up and and downs (sometimes nearly 6 pounds from one day to the other) that did not seem to fit together with my efforts in exercise and eating. But now I actually see the part of my body that I am working on on its own. I could care less if I am up four pounds in water from one day to the other, it is the fat that matters. I am actually starting to wonder if when my body is using up the fat I am retaining more water than on other days... I need to watch that.

And finally: I think we are getting ready for booking a trip to Japan! Very excited about this!!
It is a shame that we don't live in the same place! I am looking for a hiking buddy... Especially since you started posting about your new boots, I was thinking how much I miss hiking! I used to do a lot of hiking with my father, but since my mother's dementia has gotten worse, he really cannot leave her at home on her own much anymore. And all my friends here have small kids, so they don't go hiking either... Weekends are family time for them...

I wish we did live close and could walk/hike together! A walk did get posted for Sunday, on a trail east of the city, so I signed up... I'm rather excited about it :). On my Instagram feed I am absolutely possessed by the pictures people post of walking down wintery paths. Plus I just picked up the book "How to Walk" by Thich Nhat Hahn, so I can practice tapping in to the meditative aspect of walking.

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