Disboutiquers Part 28 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Yay - finally made it with you all! I'm not a regular poster, but I do check in nearly every day to drool over everyone else's designs. I have started sewing a bit more recently. My DD just got an American Girl doll for Christmas and another for her birthday last week and has asked for matching outfits, so I am getting back into sewing. I finished one dress for her birthday and have another downstairs waiting to be cut out. I'll post photos when I am done.
Andrea - Tigger is doing pretty well.....I am so paranoid about the smell of our house right now. If he does have an accident, we clean it up right away and use that spray etc.....but I feel like if Im on the floor, I can smell it!!! Once he is trained, that carpet is going in the TRASH!!! Fortunately, its an area carpet that we got at the discount carpet place - so not a huge deal. Whew!!!

He is being picky with his food. Having a hard time to get him to eat dry food. We were doing Purina Pro as that was what he was on, and are now switching to Blue Buffalo as I have read alot of good things about it. We were doing a spoonful of wet mixed in with his dry, and he would pick all the wet out and leave a mess of the dry on the floor - lol - gave me a laugh, as Zoey would pick through her dry food and pick out the flavor of kibble she liked the best! Crazy dogs!!!!:goodvibes
Yeah, a weekend off, a move, and loss of multiquotes = WTMTQ but Love, love, love it all!

I did decide I'm going to do the Meghan peasant for my Minnie Mouse blouse. Just need to finish Kaity's customs before I start on it. ;)

Now, I have a QUESTION Has anyone tried four tiered ruffles on the back of the Grace dress?

Background: One of my dad's favorite Disney Hawaiian shirts (Tiki Room) got a hole in it that is irreparable, so he gave it to me to make something for Kaity. I was going to do a Feliz, but I found out last night when I started disassembling the shirt that there's not enough fabric to do a full overdress, so I'm going to do a Grace instead since I have enough to piece out a bodice front, sash front, and it LOOKS like I can get three skirt panels. I have red, green, orange, and blue fabric for butt ruffles to pay homage to the Tiki Room birds. I'm eyeballing the sketch for View B, and it seems like I should be able to fit all four, but I was wondering if anyone could speak from experience.

Yay - finally made it with you all! I'm not a regular poster, but I do check in nearly every day to drool over everyone else's designs. I have started sewing a bit more recently. My DD just got an American Girl doll for Christmas and another for her birthday last week and has asked for matching outfits, so I am getting back into sewing. I finished one dress for her birthday and have another downstairs waiting to be cut out. I'll post photos when I am done.

Glad to see you post!! :goodvibes
Hi Everyone!!
I sure wish I had a Disney trip planned. Just today at lunch though, Bill says out of the blue - I want to see the Christmas stuff at Disney again this year!!!!!!!! Sooooo, I'll keep my fingers crossed that this happens!!

Yesterday, Bill and I worked at a fundraiser - someone sponsered us to help them with that fundraiser, and they would donate $100 in each of our names towards our expenses for Camp Promise this year. It was a LOOONGGGG day and we were exhausted. Well, today, I was in my Sunday School room playing with the kids (someone gave us an appliance box and we were making it into a house ( : ) and the person who sponsored us came down and said that they appreciated how hard we worked, and instead of $100, they donated $200 in each of our names!!!!! I started to cry! Just our tickets alone were about $750, so this was a HUGE help!!!

Would anyone consider making something Lilo and Stitch for Mitchell's big give? Ohana was requested by him (he doesnt even eat much - allergic to everything in a really bad way) and so as part of his wish, his parents are doing this character meal for him - it'd be super cool to have the babies and him dressed up for this ( :

Also could use some baby bibs!!!!!

Thanks for considering everyone!!!!!:hippie:

That was a very nice surprise indeed. How wonderful. :hug:
I haven't been on here for a while. It made me miss Disney to much! This July we will be heading back to the World and i'm so excited! :banana::banana::banana:

Last time I went little man had just turn 2 and now he will be 4! :scared1:

Even better, it will be our fisrt trip in many years that I will have NO diaper bag!!!!!!!!:cool1: I tell you i'm thrilled about this! lol

So now it's to plan the outfits for all of the kiddos!!! My 8yr old actually said she wanted dresses!:yay: My 5yr old always wants to wear dresses, but is such a tom boy, lol!! She is excited to see repunzel!

Can't wait to look through all of the post and outfit ideas.
Look at these sweet faces!!! This is the trio that would LOVE Lilo and Stitch outfits, plus these babies need some disney bibs ( :

Would anyone like to help out with Mitchell's Big Give? If you haven't joined us before, we'd LOVE to have you!!!! It takes a village to keep this project rolling!!!!:goodvibes

There are other things availble too!!


TheBeesKnees, I love your screen name and would love to see pictures of your projects! Come and hang out sometime.....


I just picked the kids up from school about an hour an half ago when DH called and said "Meet me at the house" and I knew what that meant :cool1::cool1::cool1: It's all here and appears to be in one peice. I spent a few mins of my lunch hour unpacking all the fabric/notions/supplies from the boxes. I'll hopefully take the machines out of the boxes tonight!

I'll post pictures when I clock out and go home....I feel like I could make FABRIC ANGELS on the floor in my sewing room....:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc
Wendy, I would LOVE to sew something for the cuties. HOWEVER, I need to start to relearn first;) !! Hopefully someone will sign up.


I was looking through the photobucket account and found a wheelchair bag I LOVE. This will be the first for us going anywhere with a wheelchair and I wanted to dress it up a bit for Alli. Does anyone know who made it? Or what pattern was used???

Any help would be great!! (hope it was ok to post the picture?!?!?:confused3)

Thanks in advance. By the way, I plan to start my shorts project for my boys tomorrow. Will post pics when I am done!:cool1:
TheBeesKnees, I love your screen name and would love to see pictures of your projects! Come and hang out sometime.....


I just picked the kids up from school about an hour an half ago when DH called and said "Meet me at the house" and I knew what that meant :cool1::cool1::cool1: It's all here and appears to be in one peice. I spent a few mins of my lunch hour unpacking all the fabric/notions/supplies from the boxes. I'll hopefully take the machines out of the boxes tonight!

I'll post pictures when I clock out and go home....I feel like I could make FABRIC ANGELS on the floor in my sewing room....:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

YAY!! Can't wait to see the pictures. Fabric angels away!!!:goodvibes:cool1:
Look what I got in the mail today! My youngest daughter has been BEGGING for a Peter Pan skirt, but I couldn't bring myself to pay $10/yd. Well I finally decided to just break down and buy it when I found it for $7/yd. Now I am terrified to cut it!

Look what I got in the mail today! My youngest daughter has been BEGGING for a Peter Pan skirt, but I couldn't bring myself to pay $10/yd. Well I finally decided to just break down and buy it when I found it for $7/yd. Now I am terrified to cut it!


I Love it......can't wait to see the skirt.....
Woohoo! Caught the move on page 10! Much better than page 180! *LOL*

Now, I need to go back to Part 27 and catch up on that!

I'm still working on adult clothing--boring office stuff!--and am getting anxious to start on things for Miss Abigail in May. She already has tons of stuff for summer--two grandmothers enjoying the only grandaughter!--so I'll be concentrating a bit more on things that are suitable for school. She'll be attending kindergarten at a parochial school (K through 8 plus 9 through 12). No uniforms, but the dress code is considerably stricter than the local public schools. Should be interesting!

Way too much gorgeous stuff to quote. And I don't remember what belongs to whom, of course! :rolleyes: The updated Cinderella dress (peasant version) and the new Pocahontas outfit is terrific! The Amigos outfits for EPCOT are incredible!

My brain is overwhelmed at the moment. I'm heading back to Part 27...
hello all ,gotta go back and catch up on some post but i wanted to share these pix while i was online...i finished all the SuperHero capes and gave them to the kids in my class to celebrate our lil friend who had his cerebellum operated on almost 3 weeks ago,he's back in school and right as rain! so good to have him back and the kids loved their capes and couldn't wit to take them home!

Wow, I love this picture of all the kids in their capes. GREAT JOB.

So I have finished another day...The day that we eat at the San Angel Inn and hunt down Senor Donald.

The shirts look amazing and I love the fabric you found for the shorts and skirts. I think Donald might be looking for you guys instead of the other way around.

The updated Cinderella:


And Pocahontas:

Too cute. Pocahontas is perfect.

Embroidery HELP!
Sorry for the drive by posting. I've been so busy lately. I should have known I'd never be able to keep up with all you ladies. There are soooo many cute things that have been posted.

I need some serious help. I started an embroidery design last night, but didn't finish. I left it hooped and just tried to pick up from where I left off and the stitches are not in the right place. They are about 1/8" off to the side. The design fills the hoop, so I can't adjust the layout. I can't figure out why this would happen. Has anybody done this before and is there a way to fix it or do I need to start completely over?
Sorry I'm just getting around to finding the new thread. I'm not sure if you fixed this or not but sometimes if turning the machine off and on again doesn't work you can re-load the design onto the machine. Sometimes I even re-download the design from the website or designer I purchased it from and it fixes problems like this.

Hi! I feel priviledged to make my first move with you guys.

I haven't been on in 3 days because i have been trying to sew a skirt and enjoy some beautiful 60 and 70 degree weather in northern Minnesota.

I need to go back to the other thread and catch up.

Here is what i was working on and have sworn off making another one for a few months. All the while my 9 year old is begging for one. I am going to try and figure out how to make this into a skort so Abbeigh can wear it to school.

Very cute.

Just popping in to say hi. I finally figured out the multi-post thing so will be able to do that next time, but I am not feeling well tonight so going to just drop by. I have another non-Disney dress finished.


Tomorrow going to work on taking some of my son's old jeans that have holes in the knees and turning them into shorts with Disney borders along the bottom. I hope everyone has had a restful weekend!
What a beautiful dress.

I just knew the thread was gonna jump while I was away! Thankfully, I caught it and am here now. Way, way, way TMTQ while we were gone. So many beautiful projects have been posted that I don't think I'd catch everyone if I tried to quote/mention them.

tinkerbell3747 - Just wanted to give a special :banana::banana::banana: YAY!!! :banana::banana::banana: for your delivery tomorrow! Can't wait to see what you make for your trip!

Yesterday on our drive home, DH told me he has decided that 4 years is the perfect length of time between Disney trips. :sad1: :scared: Since we just finished this one, I'll let him think I am in agreement with him :sad2: for a few months before I start working on changing his mind. We had a good time, although I do have to say that we will likely never do another trip with BIL/SIL. They just have a completely different idea of a vacation than we have. Nothing wrong with that either, but I'd rather just go ourselves and have a great vacation. Definitely can't complain about the weather we had last week - sunny with highs from 27-30 C (80-86 F for those of you on the other side of the border!) and no rain other than the Sunday we arrived. We all wore our Canada Mickey shirts on Monday in MK and had several people ask where we got them. Lots of comments on the kids' pirate shirts too (DS and DN11 wore them on our second MK day, DN8 didn't wear hers at all) and a lady on the bus back to the resort one night wanted my Tink bag in the worst way. DH wants us to have matching shirts for every day next time (it certainly makes it easier to keep track of everyone!) so I have lots of time (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) to plan that out. It was a good week overall and I'm not going to complain because we were in the most magical place after all was said and done.
Glad you had fun on your trip. :)

TheBeesKnees, I love your screen name and would love to see pictures of your projects! Come and hang out sometime.....


I just picked the kids up from school about an hour an half ago when DH called and said "Meet me at the house" and I knew what that meant :cool1::cool1::cool1: It's all here and appears to be in one peice. I spent a few mins of my lunch hour unpacking all the fabric/notions/supplies from the boxes. I'll hopefully take the machines out of the boxes tonight!

I'll post pictures when I clock out and go home....I feel like I could make FABRIC ANGELS on the floor in my sewing room....:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc
:dance3: Can't wait to see what you make!
Look what I got in the mail today! My youngest daughter has been BEGGING for a Peter Pan skirt, but I couldn't bring myself to pay $10/yd. Well I finally decided to just break down and buy it when I found it for $7/yd. Now I am terrified to cut it!


You can fly!

Nice find! :)
My latest and last dress for this trip!



I still need to make a hat, a headband, a necklace and some "skin" tank tops and short sleeve shirts. Skin shirts are a very light tan that the girls can wear under other clothes. They love their long sleeve skin shirts but probably too warm for April in Anaheim.
Just wanted to say "Love all the shorts, shirts and dresses" ... really cute!!!! Also, can't wait to see the shirt out of the Peter Pan fabric. I really like that fabric.

Wendy, I remember when our dog Henry had to take a pill...the Vet told us to put it in with his food and it would be easier than trying to put it in his mouth. We'd always find an empty bowl except for the pill...LOL.

Just wanted to say "Love all the shorts, shirts and dresses" ... really cute!!!! Also, can't wait to see the shirt out of the Peter Pan fabric. I really like that fabric.

Wendy, I remember when our dog Henry had to take a pill...the Vet told us to put it in with his food and it would be easier than trying to put it in his mouth. We'd always find an empty bowl except for the pill...LOL.


Shelia - doggies are just so funny!! Ugh, Im a little worried about Tiggy because he is only 5 months, and I want to make sure he is growing and nourishing his brain!!! Lord know's he needs that!!! lol.....we have an appointment with the Vet next week for another shot of something or other. Puppies sure need alot of shots!!! And then on Tuesday he has his first grooming appointment - I have a feeling he will have to get totally shaved down because of his terrible mats - he came that way, and I cant get them out. Brushing Tigger is like the worse thing ever! I wonder if maybe someone hurt him with a brush at some point? I wish I knew his history, my poor little puppy boy!!!!!!! I am lovin him though for sure - he is soooo sweet! a bit barky at times too!!! Loves his toys!!

Today we planted a pink dogwood tree over Zoey's grave in our backyard. We wanted to honor her special furry life and the years we shared together. She was such a special dog to many people. Its going to be hard when we go to Camp Promise this year, and the campers dont understand where she is. I imagine some will think that Tigger is Zoey ( :
Shelia - doggies are just so funny!! Ugh, Im a little worried about Tiggy because he is only 5 months, and I want to make sure he is growing and nourishing his brain!!! Lord know's he needs that!!! lol.....we have an appointment with the Vet next week for another shot of something or other. Puppies sure need alot of shots!!! And then on Tuesday he has his first grooming appointment - I have a feeling he will have to get totally shaved down because of his terrible mats - he came that way, and I cant get them out. Brushing Tigger is like the worse thing ever! I wonder if maybe someone hurt him with a brush at some point? I wish I knew his history, my poor little puppy boy!!!!!!! I am lovin him though for sure - he is soooo sweet! a bit barky at times too!!! Loves his toys!!

Today we planted a pink dogwood tree over Zoey's grave in our backyard. We wanted to honor her special furry life and the years we shared together. She was such a special dog to many people. Its going to be hard when we go to Camp Promise this year, and the campers dont understand where she is. I imagine some will think that Tigger is Zoey ( :

Poor Tigger :( Our dog was abused before we got him . . . lord help the man that wore workboots around him - he'd freak out! :(

I love the pink dogwood. What a sweet way to remember Zoey.
TheBeesKnees, I love your screen name and would love to see pictures of your projects! Come and hang out sometime.....


I just picked the kids up from school about an hour an half ago when DH called and said "Meet me at the house" and I knew what that meant :cool1::cool1::cool1: It's all here and appears to be in one peice. I spent a few mins of my lunch hour unpacking all the fabric/notions/supplies from the boxes. I'll hopefully take the machines out of the boxes tonight!

I'll post pictures when I clock out and go home....I feel like I could make FABRIC ANGELS on the floor in my sewing room....:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

Excited for you and your new machine... Fabric angels. -giggle!- That's cute!

I love dogwoods... I don't think we have very many pink ones around me. What a sweet way to remember Zoey. :)

If Andrea doesn''t have the fabric for the bibs I'll be glad to embroidery them one that are already pre-made. Or pick up the Disney ones from Walmart... just let me know.


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