Disboutiquers Part 27 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

I made Flag Mickey Head jeans for my trip.
Here's my photo-journal page so you can see a pic:

I printed them on iron-on transfer paper (I fit two MHs per 8.5x11 sheet) and then ironed them on to the jeans. I don't have an embroidery machine either. If I had to do it again on denim, I'd probably save up and figure out a way to buy the patches or get with someone that has a machine that I could pay. However, if you want to make a skirt and plan on using cotton or cotton knit, you'd be fine. The only reason it's not working great on my jeans is the ridges in the denim make it hard to get a great application of the iron-on. Some of the edges are peeling up after washing. You definitely wouldn't want to satin stitch around the edge of the iron-on paper though!
As far as which brand of paper to buy for iron-on transfers, I HIGHLY recommend www.amymickey.com . Her paper is AWESOME (and I've tried several!) and I cannot say enough good things about it!!! Plus, she happens to be a fellow DISer ;)
Hope that helps! I agree with you, doing appliques of all the Epcot Flag MHs would be tough. . . I thought about it and then thought better of it!

So cute!!!!

Okay y'all! QUESTION:

If you were going to make a "fake" corset top, would you shirr the back of it or would you do casings for a few rows of elastic? Think 6 year old girl. I'm sort of leaning towards the casings, only because I don't know if the shirring would be itchy? It will have a top to go underneath it though, so I don't know if that matters?:confused3
Which would be easier to do if I'm having to wing my pattern? The casings or the shirring?

love the jeans!

Shirring for DD's shirt (red dots) couple of posts back.....I've never seen her pick at it or complain about the feel...the elastic thread is pretty soft. DD3 is kind of sensory sensitive to anything itchy (and she has worn it without the under shirt before)....she's a good tester :) If the pattern is sized for casings or shirring either way you should be ok.
Hello everyone....

got news tonight from Kris (Mom2MitoKids) that Kylee will be having her surgery on Wednesday .... they will be putting in a tube so she can get her meds to keep her colon functioning better and hopefully keep her out of the hospital for all the clean outs.
please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!

thanks :goodvibes
Hello everyone....

got news tonight from Kris (Mom2MitoKids) that Kylee will be having her surgery on Wednesday .... they will be putting in a tube so she can get her meds to keep her colon functioning better and hopefully keep her out of the hospital for all the clean outs.
please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!

thanks :goodvibes

Prayers sent their way!

so today i sewed for 5 hours and finished my dd dress! this is our Rapunzel dress :)
I made Flag Mickey Head jeans for my trip.
Here's my photo-journal page so you can see a pic:

I printed them on iron-on transfer paper (I fit two MHs per 8.5x11 sheet) and then ironed them on to the jeans. I don't have an embroidery machine either. If I had to do it again on denim, I'd probably save up and figure out a way to buy the patches or get with someone that has a machine that I could pay. However, if you want to make a skirt and plan on using cotton or cotton knit, you'd be fine. The only reason it's not working great on my jeans is the ridges in the denim make it hard to get a great application of the iron-on. Some of the edges are peeling up after washing. You definitely wouldn't want to satin stitch around the edge of the iron-on paper though!
As far as which brand of paper to buy for iron-on transfers, I HIGHLY recommend www.amymickey.com . Her paper is AWESOME (and I've tried several!) and I cannot say enough good things about it!!! Plus, she happens to be a fellow DISer ;)
Hope that helps! I agree with you, doing appliques of all the Epcot Flag MHs would be tough. . . I thought about it and then thought better of it!

Thank you! Thank you!
How stinkin cute are you rockin' that outfit!!
It inspired me to make something for myself as well as the kiddos ;) Thanks

Ok, I had others I wanted to say thank you to, but I forgot how to multi-quote. There is a lot of info to take in when you are a newbie.

If you decided to go with the printable fabric I was also use Heat&Bond lite.
I think the Printable fabric already has a sticky back to iron on or just sew it. So if it does, then iron it to the heat&bond then to the skirt?

I used the tut on the first page to do the Mickey face applique on my DS's bag on my basic Singer machine from a downloaded pic. I traced out the different parts on heat n bond and applied that to the different coloured materials and then applied them to my main material and zig zagged away. It actually isn't hard once you practice a few times.
Yup, this is how I usually do my appliques. It just seems impossible to do this with some of the flags, like the bird on the mexican flag, I am positive I could not cut that out and zig zag it with out looking like a mess, Lol.

Thanks. I am actually toying around with the idea of trying to make the Canadian one into a patch (I just don't know if it will work) and sew it to backpacks, hats, etc. It may be a Canadian thing - we like to put our flag on our travel packs. It often serves as a conversation starter when we travel.

I know what you mean!!! Being a Texan, we add the TX flag to everything!! My Mickey flag heads I will be putting on skirts will have one extra head with the Texas flag :)
I made Flag Mickey Head jeans for my trip.
Here's my photo-journal page so you can see a pic:

Okay y'all! QUESTION:

If you were going to make a "fake" corset top, would you shirr the back of it or would you do casings for a few rows of elastic? Think 6 year old girl. I'm sort of leaning towards the casings, only because I don't know if the shirring would be itchy? It will have a top to go underneath it though, so I don't know if that matters?:confused3
Which would be easier to do if I'm having to wing my pattern? The casings or the shirring?

I don't have any suggestions for your question but I like your jeans!

so today i sewed for 5 hours and finished my dd dress! this is our Rapunzel dress :)

This dress is beautiful!
I know I've missed a bunch of quotes... My sincere apologies! :lovestruc

Love all the stuff that has been posted lately. I've been in kind of a slump, lots of ideas but no time to finish any projects.

I did manage to do this for a first birthday present for my daughter's best friend's little girl. I made it a little big so it will fit next summer.


Totally adorable! I love that little Zebra... I really need to make a zebra shirt for myself... :lovestruc

My dd says Chip and Dale are her boyfriends:lmao: and they are the only characters other than the princesses that she will interact with, or even stand next to for a picture. So, I made this shirt for her yesterday. The hug I got for it was just priceless!!

Need to do some sewing not just embroidery. Want to make some pj pants for the two older kiddos. hmmmmm....think I can ignore the to do list today:laundy:and sew instead?

This turned out adorable! I just love C & D!

we were at wdw in May last year and i made minnie head tee's for my dgd's Kensliegh,Gracie 6 and Chloe 4...i used a skirt form the thrift store { $1!!} for the head and got petties on clearance at wallywolrd after halloween in the costume section! $2 each... they loved the outfits and looked so cute!

hope this is inspiration for you!

Too cute! And great deals too!

:cheer2:The picture should show in my Avatar - can't figure out how to post a picture within this message!

I used a twirled skirt pattern from youcansewthis, a purple Tinkerbell fabric with some pink and green from my stash. Lexi loves it! I need to put on a ruffle to finish the hem, but I'm going to wait for some help from my mom. I'm awful at ruffles. I'm also thinking of a coordinating T-shirt with the Tinkerbell cupcake design from froufrou.

So, first attempt is done and I'm hooked! My son saw the skirt this morning and asked me to make him something, so I purchased the bowling shirt pattern. Laundry and cleaning can wait, right?

Love the skirt! It turned out awesome!

Sorry I was literally running out the door and I just had to tell somebody I was so excited..... I totally would love to share.

I got instructions on how to do the Duct Tape Double for DD from the book Sewing Clothes Kids Love BUT if you don't have the book you can go hear http://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/3659/clone-yourself-a-fitting-assistant/page/all there are also a ton of tutorials .....but you should SO have that book in your sewing library....

For the upsizing I used this tutorial http://sensibility.com/tips/how-to-resize-a-pattern/

This was a great reference chart as well.... It was spot on in my case....http://www.fiber-images.com/Free_Th...arts_standard_measurements.html#ChildrenSizes

I printed out the upsizing instructions and the reference chart started an Upsizing binder/journal. You will need to write down what measurements you are using at each step. Expect to make minor adjustments to your muslins until you get the perfect fit.

I also got a tip on how to accommodate a bit of a tummy for a better fit....

Simply - add length to the center of the bodice (you'll have to play around with how much) and a little width to the last 2" of the side seams to flare out the side seams a bit....

OK sorry guys for such a long post, feel free to PM me if you have any more questions I am happy to help.......

I love that book! I Have it in my sewing library - and it is just a great book! So worth the full price. :) Thanks for the pattern upsizing - I just had to upsize a pattern for dd, and I didn't upsize it enough (just barely), so it's back to the drawing board for me.

I am so far behind in the Disbou thread - sorry everyone... I have just been so busy getting stuff ready for our trip that I can barely keep up! Hopefully I'll be able to spend more time here once we return - and I can't wait to start doing BG again! :lovestruc

Hi Everybody,
Just caught up with the past 5 pages...cute outfits:) Also, hope all goes well with the little ones surgery that I read about.
After a few weekends (definitely not this past one - too sick to do anything - caught a cold from my granddaughters that knocked me off my feet all weekend) I finally got all of my fabric organized and put together instead of in several different places. Here's a couple of photos...
Oh D, the first picture is for you....what do you think I'm going to try and sew with this fabric:confused3

Bag Fabric by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr
Now for my sewing area...I used part of a bedroom.

My Sewing Area by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr

Extra thread/ribbons/patterns by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr
Hoping I'll feel up to some sewing this coming weekend...
Hello everyone....

got news tonight from Kris (Mom2MitoKids) that Kylee will be having her surgery on Wednesday .... they will be putting in a tube so she can get her meds to keep her colon functioning better and hopefully keep her out of the hospital for all the clean outs.
please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!

thanks :goodvibes

Praying all goes well.

Hi Everybody,
Just caught up with the past 5 pages...cute outfits:) Also, hope all goes well with the little ones surgery that I read about.
After a few weekends (definitely not this past one - too sick to do anything - caught a cold from my granddaughters that knocked me off my feet all weekend) I finally got all of my fabric organized and put together instead of in several different places. Here's a couple of photos...
Oh D, the first picture is for you....what do you think I'm going to try and sew with this fabric:confused3

Bag Fabric by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr
Now for my sewing area...I used part of a bedroom.

My Sewing Area by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr

Extra thread/ribbons/patterns by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr
Hoping I'll feel up to some sewing this coming weekend...

I like your sewing area and the Fabric too!

Hope your getting well quickly.

Forgot to quote the Repunzel dress but it is just adorable!!
Embroidery machine questions coming up.

I have been bugging DH for an embroidery machine so that I can make nicer looking appliqued items for my kids. I have done some by hand, but I have a hard time with tight curves as well as minute details. Like, I can do a plain old big Mickey head outline, but when I did Grinch shirts, some of the details don't looks as nice as they could.

So, what does an embroidery machine do that I can't do with my regular sewing machine? I obviously have no clue what they do and have never seen one in motion. I don't want to get one and then find out that it doesn't do as much as I thought to simplify the process or make more professional looking things.

I saw the link a couple of pages back to the Frou Frou digital pattern website. So, if you use one of those patterns (or any digital pattern), do you upload it to the machine, cut out your fabrics the same way you would with one done by hand (you can use different fabrics, right? Some of the designs look like they have used fabric, but others look more like it's just the design sewn directly on a tee-shirt as opposed to having fabric sewn with that stitch design), iron them on the clothing article, and then the machine sews everything for you? Do you have to move the fabric to follow where you want it to sew? How does the machine know, for example, that you want to do the outline of Minnie's bow in pink, but her outline in black? Do you give it instructions or do you have to manually stop it and change threads and adjust where it is sewing? Will it adjust the stitch width if the design calls for thinner stitches for a detail?

I'm assuming that there is a program that you can use to take your own design and make it into a digital file so that the machine will then automatically sew that for you? I say this because someone recently said that she "digitized" her own designs and it worked. How hard is it to digitize your own designs? Not that I can draw, but I've found pictures of things on the web that I thought would be nice on a shirt. I usually print them out and then resize them with my printer and follow the directions on how to hand applique. It would be nice to not have to freehand the stitches.

Finally, I'm assuming that the biggest design that you can do on your machine is the size of the embroidery square or ring. So if it says that it has a 5x7 ring then you can't do anything bigger than 5x7 with that machine. Correct? Let's say you have a Mickey head outline that is bigger than 5x7 in total, but the head part fits. Can you do it in pieces like the bottom of the head, then the ears (and bow if it's minnie)? Starting and stopping at the bottom of the ears instead of doing it continuously doesn't seem like it would look weird in terms of the stitches, but can it actually be done. Same question with other more elaborate designs: if individual components of the whole design fit within the ring, can you do it in pieces or will the machine not accept that design in the first place? Are there machines that you can buy additional larger rings if they don't come with them or do you have to get a machine that comes with what you want in the first place?

I know that's a ton of questions, but I figure that you guys are the experts. Thank you for any help you can give!
Embroidery machine questions coming up.

I have been bugging DH for an embroidery machine so that I can make nicer looking appliqued items for my kids. I have done some by hand, but I have a hard time with tight curves as well as minute details. Like, I can do a plain old big Mickey head outline, but when I did Grinch shirts, some of the details don't looks as nice as they could.

So, what does an embroidery machine do that I can't do with my regular sewing machine? I obviously have no clue what they do and have never seen one in motion. I don't want to get one and then find out that it doesn't do as much as I thought to simplify the process or make more professional looking things.

I saw the link a couple of pages back to the Frou Frou digital pattern website. So, if you use one of those patterns (or any digital pattern), do you upload it to the machine, cut out your fabrics the same way you would with one done by hand (you can use different fabrics, right? Some of the designs look like they have used fabric, but others look more like it's just the design sewn directly on a tee-shirt as opposed to having fabric sewn with that stitch design), iron them on the clothing article, and then the machine sews everything for you? Do you have to move the fabric to follow where you want it to sew? How does the machine know, for example, that you want to do the outline of Minnie's bow in pink, but her outline in black? Do you give it instructions or do you have to manually stop it and change threads and adjust where it is sewing? Will it adjust the stitch width if the design calls for thinner stitches for a detail?

I'm assuming that there is a program that you can use to take your own design and make it into a digital file so that the machine will then automatically sew that for you? I say this because someone recently said that she "digitized" her own designs and it worked. How hard is it to digitize your own designs? Not that I can draw, but I've found pictures of things on the web that I thought would be nice on a shirt. I usually print them out and then resize them with my printer and follow the directions on how to hand applique. It would be nice to not have to freehand the stitches.

Finally, I'm assuming that the biggest design that you can do on your machine is the size of the embroidery square or ring. So if it says that it has a 5x7 ring then you can't do anything bigger than 5x7 with that machine. Correct? Let's say you have a Mickey head outline that is bigger than 5x7 in total, but the head part fits. Can you do it in pieces like the bottom of the head, then the ears (and bow if it's minnie)? Starting and stopping at the bottom of the ears instead of doing it continuously doesn't seem like it would look weird in terms of the stitches, but can it actually be done. Same question with other more elaborate designs: if individual components of the whole design fit within the ring, can you do it in pieces or will the machine not accept that design in the first place? Are there machines that you can buy additional larger rings if they don't come with them or do you have to get a machine that comes with what you want in the first place?

I know that's a ton of questions, but I figure that you guys are the experts. Thank you for any help you can give!

I can't answer all your questions, because I still haven't bought my Embrodiery Machine. Alot of the boutiqers have the Brother PE 770 machine. You mentioned you hadn't really seen one in motion before.

Here is a video to show you how Applique is done with an Embrodiery machine. It is really quite simple. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whwsYFWnhwA there are a few others out there as well.

I would google the Brother PE770 and read the manual to see if it meets all of your requirements and expectations. You can download the pdf of the manual for free online.

Digitizing has a learning curve but I always say if your interested you'll learn it eventually although there are so so many digitized designs for sale you are sure to find almost anything.....

When you do machine applique with an embroidery machine the machine will stitch out all the details including the eyes....etc. Most home machines like the PE770 will prompt you when to change the thread color at each step of the design. And Yes you can use different fabrics in your appliques for each layer...

Good luck with everything. You certainly came to the right place!
Here is the newest project. It is almost done. I still have to sew on the buttons. I'll do that while I watch a little tv later tonight. These are two more the of the designs that I have been working on. I started on a new design today but I scrapped it because I'd made it too complicated. I am going to simplify it and try again tomorrow.

Side 1:


Side 2:

My dd says Chip and Dale are her boyfriends:lmao: and they are the only characters other than the princesses that she will interact with, or even stand next to for a picture. So, I made this shirt for her yesterday. The hug I got for it was just priceless!!

So cute! Are you going to eat at Garden Grill? There is some great interaction with them.

Sorry I was literally running out the door and I just had to tell somebody I was so excited..... I totally would love to share.

I got instructions on how to do the Duct Tape Double for DD from the book Sewing Clothes Kids Love BUT if you don't have the book you can go hear http://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/3659/clone-yourself-a-fitting-assistant/page/all there are also a ton of tutorials .....but you should SO have that book in your sewing library....

For the upsizing I used this tutorial http://sensibility.com/tips/how-to-resize-a-pattern/

This was a great reference chart as well.... It was spot on in my case....http://www.fiber-images.com/Free_Th...arts_standard_measurements.html#ChildrenSizes

I printed out the upsizing instructions and the reference chart started an Upsizing binder/journal. You will need to write down what measurements you are using at each step. Expect to make minor adjustments to your muslins until you get the perfect fit.

I also got a tip on how to accommodate a bit of a tummy for a better fit....

Simply - add length to the center of the bodice (you'll have to play around with how much) and a little width to the last 2" of the side seams to flare out the side seams a bit....

OK sorry guys for such a long post, feel free to PM me if you have any more questions I am happy to help.......

Thanks for the links:goodvibes

I made Flag Mickey Head jeans for my trip.
Here's my photo-journal page so you can see a pic:

As far as which brand of paper to buy for iron-on transfers, I HIGHLY recommend www.amymickey.com . Her paper is AWESOME (and I've tried several!) and I cannot say enough good things about it!!! Plus, she happens to be a fellow DISer ;)
Hope that helps! I agree with you, doing appliques of all the Epcot Flag MHs would be tough. . . I thought about it and then thought better of it!

Okay y'all! QUESTION:

If you were going to make a "fake" corset top, would you shirr the back of it or would you do casings for a few rows of elastic? Think 6 year old girl. I'm sort of leaning towards the casings, only because I don't know if the shirring would be itchy? It will have a top to go underneath it though, so I don't know if that matters?:confused3
Which would be easier to do if I'm having to wing my pattern? The casings or the shirring?

Pants are so cute:love:

Since I don't know how to shir I vote for the casing:rotfl:

Hello everyone....

got news tonight from Kris (Mom2MitoKids) that Kylee will be having her surgery on Wednesday .... they will be putting in a tube so she can get her meds to keep her colon functioning better and hopefully keep her out of the hospital for all the clean outs.
please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!

thanks :goodvibes

Prayers being sent.:goodvibes

so today i sewed for 5 hours and finished my dd dress! this is our Rapunzel dress :)

So cute.

I think the Printable fabric already has a sticky back to iron on or just sew it. So if it does, then iron it to the heat&bond then to the skirt?

I didn't realize it already had a sticky background so I think you could skip the HBlite

Hi Everybody,
Just caught up with the past 5 pages...cute outfits:) Also, hope all goes well with the little ones surgery that I read about.
After a few weekends (definitely not this past one - too sick to do anything - caught a cold from my granddaughters that knocked me off my feet all weekend) I finally got all of my fabric organized and put together instead of in several different places. Here's a couple of photos...
Oh D, the first picture is for you....what do you think I'm going to try and sew with this fabric:confused3

Bag Fabric by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr
Now for my sewing area...I used part of a bedroom.

My Sewing Area by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr

Extra thread/ribbons/patterns by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr
Hoping I'll feel up to some sewing this coming weekend...

LOVE that fabric and your sewing area looks so nice and cheery.

Embroidery machine questions coming up.

1. I saw the link a couple of pages back to the Frou Frou digital pattern website. So, if you use one of those patterns (or any digital pattern), do you upload it to the machine, cut out your fabrics the same way you would with one done by hand (you can use different fabrics, right? Some of the designs look like they have used fabric, but others look more like it's just the design sewn directly on a tee-shirt as opposed to having fabric sewn with that stitch design), iron them on the clothing article, and then the machine sews everything for you? Do you have to move the fabric to follow where you want it to sew? How does the machine know, for example, that you want to do the outline of Minnie's bow in pink, but her outline in black? Do you give it instructions or do you have to manually stop it and change threads and adjust where it is sewing? Will it adjust the stitch width if the design calls for thinner stitches for a detail?

I know that's a ton of questions, but I figure that you guys are the experts. Thank you for any help you can give!

Yes you would upload the file to your machine. If you are doing a mickey head for instance the first stitch would be the outline stitch to show you where to place your fabric. The next stitch would be to tack down the fabric. You would then remove the hoop off and snip around the tackdown stitches. Place back on hoop and finish up with the nice satin stitches. Depending on your design you could have many thread changes to match the color of your fabric. There is usually a stitch guided to follow but the colors could be totally up to you.

Embroidery machine questions coming up.
2.I'm assuming that there is a program that you can use to take your own design and make it into a digital file so that the machine will then automatically sew that for you? I say this because someone recently said that she "digitized" her own designs and it worked. How hard is it to digitize your own designs? Not that I can draw, but I've found pictures of things on the web that I thought would be nice on a shirt. I usually print them out and then resize them with my printer and follow the directions on how to hand applique. It would be nice to not have to freehand the stitches.

I know that's a ton of questions, but I figure that you guys are the experts. Thank you for any help you can give!

There is many software programs out there but it does take alot of practice and I have yet to try to make my own.

Embroidery machine questions coming up.

3.Finally, I'm assuming that the biggest design that you can do on your machine is the size of the embroidery square or ring. So if it says that it has a 5x7 ring then you can't do anything bigger than 5x7 with that machine. Correct? Let's say you have a Mickey head outline that is bigger than 5x7 in total, but the head part fits. Can you do it in pieces like the bottom of the head, then the ears (and bow if it's minnie)? Starting and stopping at the bottom of the ears instead of doing it continuously doesn't seem like it would look weird in terms of the stitches, but can it actually be done. Same question with other more elaborate designs: if individual components of the whole design fit within the ring, can you do it in pieces or will the machine not accept that design in the first place? Are there machines that you can buy additional larger rings if they don't come with them or do you have to get a machine that comes with what you want in the first place?

I know that's a ton of questions, but I figure that you guys are the experts. Thank you for any help you can give!

If you purchase the Brother PE770 the biggest hoop size is 5x7. You can buy some smaller hoops but you can never go bigger than the 5x7 design. If you think you would like a bigger size I would invest in that since you might get hoop envy very quickly:lmao:

Here is the newest project. It is almost done. I still have to sew on the buttons. I'll do that while I watch a little tv later tonight. These are two more the of the designs that I have been working on. I started on a new design today but I scrapped it because I'd made it too complicated. I am going to simplify it and try again tomorrow.

Side 1:


Side 2:


Great job. I love the HK with the glasses.
Love all the stuff that has been posted lately. I've been in kind of a slump, lots of ideas but no time to finish any projects.

I did manage to do this for a first birthday present for my daughter's best friend's little girl. I made it a little big so it will fit next summer.


Aww that is so cute. Love the zebra and the zebra print

My dd says Chip and Dale are her boyfriends:lmao: and they are the only characters other than the princesses that she will interact with, or even stand next to for a picture. So, I made this shirt for her yesterday. The hug I got for it was just priceless!!

Need to do some sewing not just embroidery. Want to make some pj pants for the two older kiddos. hmmmmm....think I can ignore the to do list today:laundy:and sew instead?

That came out fantastic

Sorry I was literally running out the door and I just had to tell somebody I was so excited..... I totally would love to share.

I got instructions on how to do the Duct Tape Double for DD from the book Sewing Clothes Kids Love BUT if you don't have the book you can go hear http://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/3659/clone-yourself-a-fitting-assistant/page/all there are also a ton of tutorials .....but you should SO have that book in your sewing library....

For the upsizing I used this tutorial http://sensibility.com/tips/how-to-resize-a-pattern/

This was a great reference chart as well.... It was spot on in my case....http://www.fiber-images.com/Free_Th...arts_standard_measurements.html#ChildrenSizes

I printed out the upsizing instructions and the reference chart started an Upsizing binder/journal. You will need to write down what measurements you are using at each step. Expect to make minor adjustments to your muslins until you get the perfect fit.

I also got a tip on how to accommodate a bit of a tummy for a better fit....

Simply - add length to the center of the bodice (you'll have to play around with how much) and a little width to the last 2" of the side seams to flare out the side seams a bit....

OK sorry guys for such a long post, feel free to PM me if you have any more questions I am happy to help.......

Thanks bookmarked all the pages cause Lorelei is in the too big for kids too little for tween area right now

I made Flag Mickey Head jeans for my trip.
Here's my photo-journal page so you can see a pic:

I printed them on iron-on transfer paper (I fit two MHs per 8.5x11 sheet) and then ironed them on to the jeans. I don't have an embroidery machine either. If I had to do it again on denim, I'd probably save up and figure out a way to buy the patches or get with someone that has a machine that I could pay. However, if you want to make a skirt and plan on using cotton or cotton knit, you'd be fine. The only reason it's not working great on my jeans is the ridges in the denim make it hard to get a great application of the iron-on. Some of the edges are peeling up after washing. You definitely wouldn't want to satin stitch around the edge of the iron-on paper though!
As far as which brand of paper to buy for iron-on transfers, I HIGHLY recommend www.amymickey.com . Her paper is AWESOME (and I've tried several!) and I cannot say enough good things about it!!! Plus, she happens to be a fellow DISer ;)
Hope that helps! I agree with you, doing appliques of all the Epcot Flag MHs would be tough. . . I thought about it and then thought better of it!

Wow those came out great!! Love the scrapbook page too. All you ladies are making it where I really, really want to make some things to go to Disney with for myself :)

so today i sewed for 5 hours and finished my dd dress! this is our Rapunzel dress :)

Love the purple sparkly fabric. Dress came out beatiful!!

Hi Everybody,
Just caught up with the past 5 pages...cute outfits:) Also, hope all goes well with the little ones surgery that I read about.
After a few weekends (definitely not this past one - too sick to do anything - caught a cold from my granddaughters that knocked me off my feet all weekend) I finally got all of my fabric organized and put together instead of in several different places. Here's a couple of photos...
Oh D, the first picture is for you....what do you think I'm going to try and sew with this fabric:confused3

Bag Fabric by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr
Now for my sewing area...I used part of a bedroom.

My Sewing Area by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr

Extra thread/ribbons/patterns by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr
Hoping I'll feel up to some sewing this coming weekend...

So jealous of your sewing area. My DH is building mine in my scary basement :) It was supp. to be for my birthday present, but seeing how that was Wed and he is no where near done dont think I will get it much before March :)

So I should get my machine tomorrow and my fingers are totally crossed it will work this time so Im sending myself some pixiedust:
I just bought the new modkids sewing book too, it has sizes that go up to I think 10 or so and comes with 20 patterns so Im hoping it will be an easy book to figure out :)
Bought the Meghan yesterday so Im gonna try that sometime soon to see how it comes out for my Wendy..thanks for all the hints!!
Thank you everyone for your help with the Shirring. I did a trial piece this morning and liked it!! I was kinda scared when it seemed like my machine was just as scared as I was. But once I got the hang of it I was on a roll. I made a quick little dress out of my trial piece. You can tell it is my first ever shirr, I was nervous and did the hem backwards, Lol


I hope my pic shows up
Here is a video to show you how Applique is done with an Embrodiery machine. It is really quite simple. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whwsYFWnhwA there are a few others out there as well.

I would google the Brother PE770 and read the manual to see if it meets all of your requirements and expectations. You can download the pdf of the manual for free online.

Thank you so much for posting that video and for answering my questions! It was really helpful to see just how it works. I didn't know that you don't have to pre-cut the fabrics and iron them on the clothing before appliqueing! That was really neat to watch and it looks so easy! Now I REALLY have to lobby hard with DH to get one of these machines. Though, it certainly will not be the $6,000 (holy moly!!!!) one that they used in the video. :rotfl:

Yes you would upload the file to your machine. If you are doing a mickey head for instance the first stitch would be the outline stitch to show you where to place your fabric. The next stitch would be to tack down the fabric. You would then remove the hoop off and snip around the tackdown stitches. Place back on hoop and finish up with the nice satin stitches. Depending on your design you could have many thread changes to match the color of your fabric. There is usually a stitch guided to follow but the colors could be totally up to you.

There is many software programs out there but it does take alot of practice and I have yet to try to make my own.

If you purchase the Brother PE770 the biggest hoop size is 5x7. You can buy some smaller hoops but you can never go bigger than the 5x7 design. If you think you would like a bigger size I would invest in that since you might get hoop envy very quickly:lmao:

Thanks for the answers. I'll have to look into the different size hoops that are available and how much these machines are. There is a nice sewing machine store one town over that I know sells embroidery machines. I may check them out soon and get a visual idea of the size of the 5x7 vs other ones. I'll have to take a look at the grinch that I did on my oldest DD's shirt and see if that was longer than 7". It very well may be with the santa hat and collar. Lots to think about here.

I'm very impressed with the sewing skills of all on this thread. I love when someone posts an elaborate outfit and says that they just whipped it out in a couple of hours over naptime. :worship:
Hi Everybody,
Just caught up with the past 5 pages...cute outfits:) Also, hope all goes well with the little ones surgery that I read about.
After a few weekends (definitely not this past one - too sick to do anything - caught a cold from my granddaughters that knocked me off my feet all weekend) I finally got all of my fabric organized and put together instead of in several different places. Here's a couple of photos...
Oh D, the first picture is for you....what do you think I'm going to try and sew with this fabric:confused3

Bag Fabric by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr
Now for my sewing area...I used part of a bedroom.

My Sewing Area by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr

Extra thread/ribbons/patterns by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr
Hoping I'll feel up to some sewing this coming weekend...

I hope you will feel better soon! I can't wait to see the finished bag. The colours are so beautifu and happy!

Embroidery machine questions coming up.

I have been bugging DH for an embroidery machine so that I can make nicer looking appliqued items for my kids. I have done some by hand, but I have a hard time with tight curves as well as minute details. Like, I can do a plain old big Mickey head outline, but when I did Grinch shirts, some of the details don't looks as nice as they could.

So, what does an embroidery machine do that I can't do with my regular sewing machine? I obviously have no clue what they do and have never seen one in motion. I don't want to get one and then find out that it doesn't do as much as I thought to simplify the process or make more professional looking things.

I saw the link a couple of pages back to the Frou Frou digital pattern website. So, if you use one of those patterns (or any digital pattern), do you upload it to the machine, cut out your fabrics the same way you would with one done by hand (you can use different fabrics, right? Some of the designs look like they have used fabric, but others look more like it's just the design sewn directly on a tee-shirt as opposed to having fabric sewn with that stitch design), iron them on the clothing article, and then the machine sews everything for you? Do you have to move the fabric to follow where you want it to sew? How does the machine know, for example, that you want to do the outline of Minnie's bow in pink, but her outline in black? Do you give it instructions or do you have to manually stop it and change threads and adjust where it is sewing? Will it adjust the stitch width if the design calls for thinner stitches for a detail?

I'm assuming that there is a program that you can use to take your own design and make it into a digital file so that the machine will then automatically sew that for you? I say this because someone recently said that she "digitized" her own designs and it worked. How hard is it to digitize your own designs? Not that I can draw, but I've found pictures of things on the web that I thought would be nice on a shirt. I usually print them out and then resize them with my printer and follow the directions on how to hand applique. It would be nice to not have to freehand the stitches.

Finally, I'm assuming that the biggest design that you can do on your machine is the size of the embroidery square or ring. So if it says that it has a 5x7 ring then you can't do anything bigger than 5x7 with that machine. Correct? Let's say you have a Mickey head outline that is bigger than 5x7 in total, but the head part fits. Can you do it in pieces like the bottom of the head, then the ears (and bow if it's minnie)? Starting and stopping at the bottom of the ears instead of doing it continuously doesn't seem like it would look weird in terms of the stitches, but can it actually be done. Same question with other more elaborate designs: if individual components of the whole design fit within the ring, can you do it in pieces or will the machine not accept that design in the first place? Are there machines that you can buy additional larger rings if they don't come with them or do you have to get a machine that comes with what you want in the first place?

I know that's a ton of questions, but I figure that you guys are the experts. Thank you for any help you can give!

The nice thing about machine embroidery is that you don't need to cut out each little piece and fuse them before stitching them on. It took a lot of convincing around here for me to accept that would be ok (I learned to do applique "by hand" so I thought the same rules apply in machine embroidery). You are limited by the maximum embroidery field, though you *could* combine 2 embroideries to make a larger one, like having "Mickey" on one line and "Mouse" on the second line. You will need to line them up correctly. I made a skirt with music notes where I had to hoop and position the skirt for each note. It wasn't that bad really.

For digitizing, I would say it is not too difficult for the few things I have done. The disclaimer here is that I am comfortable with playing around with graphics on the computer and the most difficult thing I digitized was a Lego man.

Here is the newest project. It is almost done. I still have to sew on the buttons. I'll do that while I watch a little tv later tonight. These are two more the of the designs that I have been working on. I started on a new design today but I scrapped it because I'd made it too complicated. I am going to simplify it and try again tomorrow.

Side 1:

Side 2:

Great job! I am glad that you are making such good progress on the software!

All you ladies are making it where I really, really want to make some things to go to Disney with for myself :)

Bought the Meghan yesterday so Im gonna try that sometime soon to see how it comes out for my Wendy..thanks for all the hints!!

Well all you have to do is to decide what you want to make for yourself! I look forward to seeing your Wendy dress. Meghan is quite easy to make. Actually, that's what I wear on the weekends instead of T-shirts now.
Originally Posted by tinkerbell3747
Here is a video to show you how Applique is done with an Embrodiery machine. It is really quite simple. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whwsYFWnhwA there are a few others out there as well

I hope Janome gives you a commission for this post - you have convinced me to buy this machine!

You guys are most welcome.

I google everything and YT has also been a great resource for research as well. I am very type A so I research things to no end at times....
That was me see my post a little further up......feel free to PM me with any
more questions...

So far I have finished the adjustments on the Jumper Bodice Empire waist. I'll post here what my experience was and how I fixed it since there seems to be others interested as well.

My only adjustment was the arm holes. After upsizing I found the arm holes more than 2" to big. To correct this I redrafted the pattern by removing the split in the arm hole area and adding that split evenly to the center and shoulder area. (since this patter doesn't have a shoulder seam (we add straps) this worked fine. See tutorials instructions regarding patterns with shoulder seams....I cut out another muslin and still had at least an 1" too much in the arm pit area even after sewing a 1/2" seam allowance. I then took the muslin and cut of 1" on each side seam to shorten the arm holes....THIS FIXED the problem...I went back to my redrafted pattern and cut 3"4 off the pattern side seam (leaving a 1"4 for a little extra room). I'll probably make another muslin to test it out and make sure it works. Then I am off to the Jumper pattern waistline.....

thank you so much for sharing:goodvibes

Hello everyone....

got news tonight from Kris (Mom2MitoKids) that Kylee will be having her surgery on Wednesday .... they will be putting in a tube so she can get her meds to keep her colon functioning better and hopefully keep her out of the hospital for all the clean outs.
please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!

thanks :goodvibes
Praying for sweet Kylee. Please keep us posted.

so today i sewed for 5 hours and finished my dd dress! this is our Rapunzel dress :)
This is just gorgeous. Great job! My dd loves it! the fabric is really pretty, too.

Hi Everybody,

Bag Fabric by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr
Now for my sewing area...I used part of a bedroom.

My Sewing Area by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr


Hope you are feeling better. I love your fabric. Can't wait to see your finished bag. Your space looks great.

Side 1:

Side 2:

Love the Glasses!!! Nice job! Can't wait til you are ready to sell your designs!

:) It was supp. to be for my birthday present, but seeing how that was Wed and he is no where near done dont think I will get it much before March :)

So I should get my machine tomorrow and my fingers are totally crossed it will work this time so Im sending myself some pixiedust:
I just bought the new modkids sewing book too, it has sizes that go up to I think 10 or so and comes with 20 patterns so Im hoping it will be an easy book to figure out :)
Bought the Meghan yesterday so Im gonna try that sometime soon to see how it comes out for my Wendy..thanks for all the hints!!

Wanted to wish you a belated birthday! Hope your dh finishes up your space quickly. Enjoy your machine!!! Hope this one works out for you!


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