Disboutiquers Part 13 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Did I mention I am HIGHLY emotional today (again) man, whats WITH this emotional junk? I stood up at MOPS today to speak about all the neat things i have experienced over this year with other women and kept crying. Oy vey.

And Im at the point where I dont want to go out in public anymore- EVERYONE keeps asking me how much longer in that sad sympathetic voice that says- "Oh man, you just look so uncomfortable" and then Im faced with deciding to answer the EDD question or explain this is not NORMAL for PG women to walk (AKA hobble) this way and that I in fact have a seperated pubic bone. Or today- I cant tell you how many women asked me 'Are you in pain?" Ummmmm- hellllllloooooo- who chooses to walk like this if they aren't in pain?????????????? Am I missing something?
Update on Gram- thought she was going to pass around midnight last night, but then she opened her eyes, they will move her and bath her today, but it's starting to look like Im going to miss the funeral. My parents (who live 3 hours closer) left today to go up.

I've been crying with all sorts of TV shows - but my excuse is that the latest ones were Grey's and Private Practice and those are usually emotional, right :)

Anyhow, with the EDD - one of the midwives at my first appointment told me to tell people two weeks after my EDD. Her logic, people won't make you feel bad or concerned if nothing has started by your EDD and by law (in FL at least) you are not permitted to go more than 2 weeks past EDD without intervention/induction. I've just told most people the month, and DH keeps thinking it would be great to have a Halloween baby - I don't because that is the 2 weeks past EDD!! :lmao:

Hopefully you will stop getting all the intrusion. . . and get just more kindness instead of pity. Also, I hope the baby comes soon now that you are 37 weeks!! Here's some baby good vibes :goodvibes
Okay, Mecca yesterday!!! This fabric store is huge! I forgot to take pictures but I did find some on the internet. They have tons & tons of Micheal miller, moda, Henry Alexander, plus everything else you can imagine. I saw at least 25 DIFFERENT strawberry shortcake fabric. Polka dots in any color and sizes and all price ranges. Gingham was an entire row of all colors and all sizes. They even had the hungry caterpillar! The main floor has rows & rows like a Joanns but each row is 4 fabrics deep. THEN you hit the flat folded area. Its about 1/3 of the store and is packed probably 25 deep per row. And it goes on & on. Then there is the back room. Along one length of the building is flat folded knits. Every color imaginable, except the red & white stripped I wanted. :confused3 They have stacks of brocades and corduroys. Oh and all the corduroy is 3.99 a yard! And rows and rows of jungle prints and rows of skull prints and it just goes on & on!
Okay, here is a picture I found on the internet. Keep in mind there are rows & rows like this!

Ok.....remember when I said we needed a sewing retreat!!!! This is where I want to go.....Anyone else in?

I would be in heaven there, and the pictures look like it is a nicely kept place!!
I need HELP! I finished the swirl stripwork skirt with the directions Leslie gave, and it is very cute. I was so excited to finish the outfit tonight, but I have a problem..... I was putting a simple mickey head on the tank top.... my practice one was fine, but now my embroidery machine is jacked up and I don't know what I did. It won't stay threaded, it stitches a few stitches and the thread just falls out of the needle. I thought maybe it was the shirt, but now that I just went to practice on fabric again it is still doing it. I have changed thread, changed bobbin, changed needles and it still keeps doing it, anyone know what my problem is?

I had no problems when I did the Boo applique last week, or ballet slippers this weekend, I thought a mickey head would be a breeze and now it has taken hours.
:cheer2: Tick, Tick, Tick!!!!! Disney here we come! :dance3: I am so excited and I want to make sure I share it with my fellow Disney lovers! :banana:

I was wondering if anyone had any last minute, can't forget, don't forget, can't live without, packing advice? :idea:

We are flying and carrying everything on with us so I can't pack too much but I know I am going to forget something! This is only our second time flying so I am not an expert packer. I like to over-pack the van and drive down! That way I can be sure I have everything!

WOO HOO!!! have a GREAT trip and take lots of pictures!! how is Julia packing all her heels in such a small bag!!:rotfl:

Enjoy your special time with your family!!!!

I don't post here too often. I am mostly a lurker. I am going to try to do better. I have a question. I have made a few of the round neck dresses lately. I have a very hard time getting the top stitching perfect. I ripped the last one I made about twenty times:scared1:. Do any of you have any tips for top stitching?????? Thanks

I have a tricky time with this too - but I LOVE it!!! I have a hard time where the binding meets the yoke - how do you get that smooth???? it always looks weird on mine!!!

Okay, Mecca yesterday!!! This fabric store is huge! I forgot to take pictures but I did find some on the internet. They have tons & tons of Micheal miller, moda, Henry Alexander, plus everything else you can imagine. I saw at least 25 DIFFERENT strawberry shortcake fabric. Polka dots in any color and sizes and all price ranges. Gingham was an entire row of all colors and all sizes. They even had the hungry caterpillar! The main floor has rows & rows like a Joanns but each row is 4 fabrics deep. THEN you hit the flat folded area. Its about 1/3 of the store and is packed probably 25 deep per row. And it goes on & on. Then there is the back room. Along one length of the building is flat folded knits. Every color imaginable, except the red & white stripped I wanted. :confused3 They have stacks of brocades and corduroys. Oh and all the corduroy is 3.99 a yard! And rows and rows of jungle prints and rows of skull prints and it just goes on & on!
Okay, here is a picture I found on the internet. Keep in mind there are rows & rows like this!

So in all that, the fabric I was looking for was not there. :scared1: I had a customer request a certain fabric. So after going there (its 25 miles away!) and 2 Joann's, I redesigned what I was going to make for her. Then as I laid in bed trying to fall asleep I thought OMGosh, I bet Wallyworld has it. And sure enough they did!! So I got to visit my favorite place & got what I was looking for, though not in the same trip!

I cant believe they didnt have what you were looking for! Any cool disney stuff? Did you get anything? How were their prices?????? I want that caterpillar too - did you get some?

I have been busy but not with sewing very much. Today I did finish the Give give shirts for Matt. I felt called to make shirts for Matt. The Star Wars shirt was designed by Dom13 on the Disign forum. He has been a great help in teaching me photoshop. Thanks to Jessica for teaching me my first applique the Jack head. This one didn't come out as good as I planned but I am out of shirts.


April, these are GREAT!!! I had a designer on the disboards help me too!! They are such a nice group over there!!!! Good Job!!
I've been crying with all sorts of TV shows - but my excuse is that the latest ones were Grey's and Private Practice and those are usually emotional, right :)

Anyhow, with the EDD - one of the midwives at my first appointment told me to tell people two weeks after my EDD. Her logic, people won't make you feel bad or concerned if nothing has started by your EDD and by law (in FL at least) you are not permitted to go more than 2 weeks past EDD without intervention/induction. I've just told most people the month, and DH keeps thinking it would be great to have a Halloween baby - I don't because that is the 2 weeks past EDD!! :lmao:

Hopefully you will stop getting all the intrusion. . . and get just more kindness instead of pity. Also, I hope the baby comes soon now that you are 37 weeks!! Here's some baby good vibes :goodvibes

Adi, I just love your posts! You are too funny.

One of my dear friends is visiting from CA and popped in for a visit today- she is a CNM, so she totally gets it when I say "you have to forgive me for being emotional!" so I got to share some of the grievences I had to deal with yesterday and today.

I had a Mom at MOPS make me a meal today- she sent a big container of Tortellini-spinich soup and grape-pistachio salad- YUM!!!! And such a blessing- and tomorrow is finally the day (between 1-5pm) that the repair guy comes to fix my dish washer!!!!:cool1:

Okay- photos....
Birthday photos (from mid April)

i was really disappointed my gel tube "exploded" on her name- but she then promptly touched it- so guess it didn't matter

I really wish I photographed these with one cut open- these were SO COOL!

the dark is really a bright purple- photos just dont do them justice

DH would not love that I'm posting a pick that shows the top of his head....

DH told me he had a deal with God- he prayed every night that God would let him keep his hair at least until he met his wife. He's convinced God agreed to this because he lost his hair VERY rapidly right after he proposed to me....
I think my camera battery needs charging, i kept getting awful pics- and ya'll dont know me well- but I have a lot of weight to lose (if you look at my arms and face you can sort of tell)

and fabrics I finally chose for the cupcake purse- I have the "top" cut out.
I need HELP! I finished the swirl stripwork skirt with the directions Leslie gave, and it is very cute. I was so excited to finish the outfit tonight, but I have a problem..... I was putting a simple mickey head on the tank top.... my practice one was fine, but now my embroidery machine is jacked up and I don't know what I did. It won't stay threaded, it stitches a few stitches and the thread just falls out of the needle. I thought maybe it was the shirt, but now that I just went to practice on fabric again it is still doing it. I have changed thread, changed bobbin, changed needles and it still keeps doing it, anyone know what my problem is?

I had no problems when I did the Boo applique last week, or ballet slippers this weekend, I thought a mickey head would be a breeze and now it has taken hours.

I would check the bobbin case. It may have some lent in it. Another thing could be that that the t-shirt is thicker than the test fabric. I hope this helps some.
I am new around here and don't know you or seen before pics of you BUT I have had lots of babies and been around lots of mamas to be and that is SWELLING WOMAN!!!!

Thats good old fashion water weight.... I can see the swelling in your wrist!!! That ainte fat deposits :rotfl:

Have you been watching your salt? How is the blood pressure holding out? That is just swelling and water ~ don't sweat it even a second!
Adi, I just love your posts! You are too funny.

I think my camera battery needs charging, i kept getting awful pics- and ya'll dont know me well- but I have a lot of weight to lose (if you look at my arms and face you can sort of tell)

Glad you think I'm funny :cool1:

You look so adorable, though I know you are in so much pain. . . I am a "big girl" (thick, chunky, whatever you want to call it) to begin with and I just look fatter at this point (at least I think so), not like all the skinny people looking all preggo. I was sort of annoyed the other day at the maternity center. There were three other women there that are due in October (one was a student midwife). . .anyhow, they has their cute little baby bumps and here I am just looking fat. . . I didn't know how to feel. I guess it is this whole first time thing, but geeze. . . I know once I look it I'll regret wanting to because it won't be comfy, but some days I can't wait to look like you do now!! I know, you must think I'm losing it :rotfl:

Now. . . where to get maternity clothes in "plus" sizes (14 and up) . . . I am so mad at Lane Bryant for not selling it anymore (though their regular stuff is too expensive unles son sale, I'm a target/old navy on sale/walmart kind of girl usually), and I hate buying stuff blindly offline. . . ugh.
Adi, I always say I'm "Fluffy" hehe :)

Fluffy's good. . . I like that. . . I think it is a Miami thing, but thick is what we usually say around here for younger people. . . maybe it is a slang thing, dunno. . . I like fluffy though :)
Fluffy's good. . . I like that. . . I think it is a Miami thing, but thick is what we usually say around here for younger people. . . maybe it is a slang thing, dunno. . . I like fluffy though :)

Just think...Fluffy kittens, fluffy pillows...isn't everything fluffy cuter and cuddlier?
Thank you everyone! I know we will have a great time. Yes, we just carry on bags. One "big" bag each and a small, personal bag each.

Wendy, you had me :rotfl: about Julia. You know her sooooo well and you haven't even met her! Actually, she is bringing one wedge/heal flip flops, one Disney Princess light up healed pink strappy shoes, one pair of Minnie Crocs, one flat flip-flops, and she is wearing princess sneakers down (she needs them for the pirate cruise). She is bringing more shoes than me! Too funny!

I will be missing the boards when I am gone and I will be sure to post pics when I get back!
Thank you everyone! I know we will have a great time. Yes, we just carry on bags. One "big" bag each and a small, personal bag each. /QUOTE]

That sounds so much like my Hannah (oddly enough, the other "final two" name for her was...JULIA!) Every outfit needs at least one shoe option, hairbows, jewelry, a purse, oh my what if it rains I need a matching umbrella :rotfl:

Have a WONDERFUL time on your trip! I can't wait to see your pictures!
Now that my brain is ALMOST working tonight (we like to call it "Lupus Fog"),

Praline/Brook, how long will you be on your next trip? Ours is scheduled for July 20-24. I just wondered if I needed to keep an eye open for an absolutely stylish preteen rocking the parks in her amazing customs...
Now that my brain is ALMOST working tonight (we like to call it "Lupus Fog"),

Praline/Brook, how long will you be on your next trip? Ours is scheduled for July 20-24. I just wondered if I needed to keep an eye open for an absolutely stylish preteen rocking the parks in her amazing customs...

You know it:thumbsup2
We will be there July 17-27 :woohoo:
10 full glorious days of customs ~ my DH is thrilled :rolleyes:
I wanted to post pics of the Minnie dot dress and ds's mickey bowling shirt. I couldn't post before our trip because I didn't finish them until the night before we left.:goodvibes

Thank so much Jenny (Enchanted Princess) for the minnie dot fabric! I'm super happy with the dress! The bowling shirt is less than perfect. My machine kept messing up the button holes. UGH. It's so undependable!! But, I did figure out why the placket on the last shirt I did was too long! I forgot to cut the pattern piece to the right size. OOPS!


Hmm, Brook, I don't think I could get my husband and inlaws to extend their vacation...I can see it now.."But, but...we HAVE to! I have too many customs for only FIVE days!" hehe!

As it is right now we'll be at HS on Monday, MK on Tuesday, Epcot on Wednesday, Thursday split between HS (50's primetime)/LaNouba (OMG CIRQUE OUTFITS I MUST FIND SOME!)/LeCellier for ONLY The Husband and me, and then Friday I have no clue after Ohana breakfast!

Kara, that's too cute!

Hey Melissa, did you get the skirt figured? I thought it looked good!
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