Digital Photo Album


DIS Cast Member
Apr 6, 2000
I've finally gotten some of my digital photos from our WDW trip/Cruise loaded in an on-line album. I still have a long way to go, but I'm making progress.

These pictures were taken with an Olympus 3040. I loaded them on a web setting, so the files are smaller and the quality isn't all that great. The original files were huge and the quality was awesome.


Disney Photo Album
Would someone please help me out? When you visit my album, are you seeing the the "View, Manage, and Settings" tabs? Do you see my name anywhere? Thanks.
I'm seeing just visit albums - it does have your name on it and a list of albums.
Thanks Janette. The objective behind buying a digital camera, was having the ability to print "the best" pictures. The problem with that plan is that I can tweak my digital images and now I have tons of good ones to choose from. Oh well, to have such problems.


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