Digital Camera docking station question


Feb 18, 2000

I just received a great birthday gift from my sister (kodak 4.0 dx7440) digital camara.

My question is regarding the docking station for these....I've been looking around on-line but can only see a printer docking station. I do not want the printer so my question is....where can i find just the docking station for the kodak 4.0 dx7440.

Any idea if there is a universal docking station that could be used?

Thanks in advance
You won't need a docking station. The camera will connect to your computer via USB cable, or you can purchase a card reader that attaches to your computer.

Images can be stored within the DX7440's 32 MB internal memory, or on optional Secure Digital (SD) or MultiMedia (MMC) memory cards. It connects to Macs and Windows-based PCs via USB 1.1 connectivity.
KathyTX said:
You won't need a docking station. The camera will connect to your computer via USB cable, or you can purchase a card reader that attaches to your computer.

USB 1.1? That's rather slow...
I bought a docking station from Best Buy - it was 79.99, with a $50 rebate. Not sure if that was only a Black Friday thing, but it wouldn't hurt to check it out.
Help someone!!! I'm learning about my digital camera...someone explain to me what a docking station is used for. I just learned that my camera has a smartmedia card and that I need to buy more memory. Now I read about this docking station. Boy, so much to learn is so little time.
Docking station is a gimmick. Basically it's a camera battery recharger and USB port built into one.

Get a USB card reader for your PC (about US$10 on eBay) and use whatever current battery recharger you're using and use the savings to buy a larger memory card.


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