Did I get a good rate for the GF?


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Feb 15, 2002
I am by no means a Disney expert so I was hoping that you girls and guys could help me. After calling CRO many times yesterday with different codes, I got a rate of $229/night before tax for the GF for May 11th-May 18th. Did I get a good rate? Could I do better? If so, how? Is there a code out there that I missed? TIA!
$229/night in May is a very good rate! :) I've seen a lot of rates for the GF (some better than others) and I'd say that you have a pretty good one. :)
Hi Chrissy :wave: ,

Glad you decided to drop in, you're sure to find a lot of great information here! :D

Here's a link directly to the wdwinfo code page. Just clickHERE
The rate you got is about 35% off rack rate. Best rate I've seen so far this year!

BrianD :smooth:
Hi Beach_Bum! Thanks for the code link :) I am so happy to read everyone's relplies to my thread. I feel like I got a great rate now! Thanks everyone!
You're very welcome :earsgirl: !

It's probably good that things are crazy at MC :earseek: . I don't need to be shopping anyhow, I'm very behind in my trip planning LOL! Today I need to get busy making PS arrangements so we actually get to eat at WDW :D. I keep changing my mind about what park / restaurant to do on which day... I think I'm progressing backwards instead of forward LOL.
I posted the exact same question for the exact same dates, however my rate is $300 per night. Can you please email me with the code you used. I would really appreciate it since your rate is about $70 better than ours and we have to book 3 rooms. kenhlene@attbi.com Thank you so much.
Hi Chrissy, Just wanted to say HI & great job on the rate :D

HKR, you'll find all the codes over at www.mousesavers.com, there are a couple of codes that give this rate.... Good luck!


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