Did first solo trip report!

Molokai Gram

<font color=green>DIS Veteran<br><font color=magen
Oct 12, 1999
It's payback. After enjoying years of trip reports from so many of you (first one I remember
reading was Robin's when she stayed at Radisson), I finally posted one from our visit. I am also
playing tag team trip report with Barry and adding on posts to his reports that are about the times when we were all together. ;)
Now after having done one myself, I am even more grateful to all of you that spent the time posting reports that made me so happy and helped me during the wait until my own visit. And I feel a little guilty for all the nagging I did. (Renee, I am sorry). Writing reports is hard. How do you guys remember everything? I tried to pay attention, because I knew I would be writing reports...but I should have taken notes. ;)
Wish we could have all been there.
Mine was your FIRST? WOW!

I'm just glad that SOMEONE read it, much less REMEMBERED it!

You are so cool, Donna!

I'll read your report when I get to work. I think that's what they pay me for... (?)


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


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