DH got hooked on pin trading (OHH NOO) looking for


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 1999
Any pins with the Brer characters on them (Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, Brer Bear, etc.) Found a few on Splash Mountain pins but looking for more more more. What did I create????? DH is hooked!!!!
Brer Rabbit is on the WDW hinged Easter pin, with a whole bunch of other bunnies!
Sorry, no pins here Belle...But I wanted to tell you that my DW probably knows how you feel. Two years ago, she was the only pin nut in the house.

These days, I'm probably ten times worse than she is...lol

Good luck with the search :D
Belle1962, I know how you feel. My DH just got hooked too. He is collecting restaurants, spinners & sliders. He is always on the computer looking & I can't get on...LOL It's fun though having someone in the house collecting pins too.
I have a Splash Mountain pin if you want to trade. Peggy Anne


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