DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Good Friday Morning. Nothing on the agenda for the entire weekend. Of course that means I'm waiting for that call from the wife with a list of things that need to be done this weekend.:headache: Looks like our softball team made the playoffs as the #8 seed. Monday we play the top seed. Should be interesting. Is it OK to only tell the girls you want to show up that we have a playoff game?:confused3:scratchin Yeah, I didn't think so.:sad2:

It's like a fall day here today. Mid 40's in the morning and supposed to get into the 60's.

Hey guys,

Still dealing with house crap stuff. Plumbing is not completely fixed but I do have water. Yesterday a transformer blew and I was without power for most of the day. Ready to get a can of gasoline and burn this place to the ground.

Did get some good news, the Pirate Princess is now a Cane (god it hurts me just typing that). Package arrived today from UM on her acceptance to their Master of Professional Science Program. Happy until I looked at what it would cost. Tempered my enthusiasm a bit but they did give her a partial scholarship though.

Burn, baby, burn.....That leaves more room for the RV's.:rotfl2::rotfl2:

Congrats again to PP on the continued success. It's called "THE U" by the way.:lmao::lmao:

Happy Friday boys, from Sunny London. I have 9 1hr meetings booked into a 7 hour day. Go figure.

It's Friday and I don't plan on doing math, but not sure that's how Fridays are supposed to work.

Morning folks. Just one more hour to go then I'm off for a week!! Woot!


Morning all.

Only one meeting scheduled here for this so so weather-wise Friday.

One basketball game for DS this weekend and probably some yard work I have been putting off for me.

Have a good one.


Good luck this weekend. All done with sports for a week or so then on to the summer seasons.
Top O the Mornin Dads! Boat load of work to get done over the next few days for 3 year planning cycle.
Happy Friday boys, from Sunny London. I have 9 1hr meetings booked into a 7 hour day. Go figure.

Morning folks. Just one more hour to go then I'm off for a week!! Woot!

Morning gents! It's finally Friday. I tell ya, the weekends feel like they are three days too short and the weeks feel like they are three days too long. We need to do something about that.

Morning all.

Only one meeting scheduled here for this so so weather-wise Friday.

Noticing a trend here among us, too much work talk going on.............. Can you believe Cars was released 10 years ago yesterday? Even DS says he feels old when hearing this.
Happy Friday. Going to a friend's surprise 50th birthday party tonite. Should be fun. Lots more amazing views on campus today. Yeah, and the weather is nice too. :lmao:

Better than happy camel toe day.

Wow, that is the view I was just talking about.

My unofficial assistant got his 90 day notice. Work load increased, budget cut, and behind as usual. Family is up at the "vacation" :headache: home so the bachelor life for me. Been painting bedrooms for fun in the evenings and getting rid of some of the homeschooling materials.

Because you are the husband. SWMBO found a citation from the Code Enforcement Officer when they got north to the other house so she wanted to run out and buy a new lawn mower. I said that was fine, DS is old enough to mow. Then she changed her mind. Today she called and said we need to save money so I suggested just hiring someone to mow the lawn up there once a month @ $20 for 3 month = $60. For some reason that is a bad idea so she decided to go buy a lawn mower now which will be significantly more than $60. :rolleyes2 Married 21 years...you can't win, you can't lose, you can't even quit the game.

Sorry to hear about the budget cuts and code violation/ money saving situation. We haven't heard still about next year's cuts. So far, everything is being absorbed by current empty positions. But, there is a major construction project about to break ground, and it will look bad to fire a bunch of people and.go forward with that. My guess is that we will get double cuts next half year after everyone forgets this time.

That's just it, you're (we're) are ALWAYS wrong. FIL told me on my wedding day, "Mal, you can be right or happy, but never both"



I wonder why we continue to put up with it. Oh yeah, they have :goodvibes:goodvibes

Top O the Mornin Dads! Gee it's so nice to be back at work.......................>:(


Welcome back and good luck to DS on his career choice/ field.

Yeah, good luck with that one. I held out as long as I could with both kids. DD13 got one last year under strict orders from DW that she needed it and had to keep it with her for sports and school stuff. Ever since, DW has been fighting with DD about all the texting, having her headphones on all the time, sneaking to text when should be sleeping, etc.... I 'd lie to say I told you so, but afraid of :duck:. DD dropped the phone a while ago and the screen is cracked and it sometimes "glitches" by her definition. I have refused to get her a new one at this point. I'm sure I'll lose that battle as well.:sad2:

DW tried that emergency cell phone call with me as well. I always asked why dd couldn't use a land line phone at the pool. There was never an answer.

As for the values, I liked All Star Movies and All Star Music really well. Sports and PoP may have just been bad room locations.

Did get some good news, the Pirate Princess is now a Cane (god it hurts me just typing that). Package arrived today from UM on her acceptance to their Master of Professional Science Program. Happy until I looked at what it would cost. Tempered my enthusiasm a bit but they did give her a partial scholarship though.

Supposed to say the "U". Is it more or less expensive than out of state tuition at Seton Hall?

Happy Friday boys, from Sunny London. I have 9 1hr meetings booked into a 7 hour day. Go figure.

Lonely? Have a meeting. :lmao:

Good Friday Morning. Nothing on the agenda for the entire weekend. Of course that means I'm waiting for that call from the wife with a list of things that need to be done this weekend.:headache: Looks like our softball team made the playoffs as the #8 seed. Monday we play the top seed. Should be interesting. Is it OK to only tell the girls you want to show up that we have a playoff game?:confused3:scratchin Yeah, I didn't think so.:sad2:

Sounds like that's one way to win. Or, go out and get you a few ringers. Think David Ortiz would be available for your squad? :lmao:
Found Randall's friends...
Is it OK to only tell the girls you want to show up that we have a playoff game?:confused3:scratchin

You have to tell them.

Of course you don't have to tell them where it is, do you?
"Where were you???? Ohhhhhh.... you went to the wrong park.... my bad."
Morning Dads, I hope you are all enjoying the weekend. I'm catching up on the conversation after a few days away.

Youngest DD has a sleepover birthday party tonight and oldest is going to a friends house to "study for exams" that start on Monday. I put study in quotations because, I wonder, is there really any studying going on? Anyway, that means DW and I have the house to ourselves tonight. Hmmm...trip to the liquor store for some cocktail mix and then, well, let's see what happens... Most likely will involve one of us (me) falling asleep in front of whatever chick flick she has decided to "celebrate" our night of freedom with.

Welcome to Wednesday. Had a little power struggle over the oldest and cell phone yesterday. Her phone died (it was a Go phone smartphone) and she had it for a 1.5 years. I was against kids having cell phones, but DW insisted so they could text when they get home from school, swim practice, etc. So, I bought her a nicer replacement phone, and she chipped in 1/2 the money from her chore money as it was the phone was an upgrade, however, still a go phone. DW is not happy with me. She thought dd should go without phone or just pay for whole thing. I said, why was I wrong 1.5 years ago?
So interesting that you had this experience. I bought a new phone for DD16 on Tuesday as well. I wish I could say it was a cheap phone, but for some reason her phone now has to be an iPhone. Her iPhone 5 had been "dying" frequently and deleting messages on her apparently. I wondered if we could get a new battery but apparently Apple prefers you shell out money for a new phone instead (FYI, I could care less about cell phones and know very little about them, so DD and DW may have just suckered me into buying a new one for the heck of it). Anyway, we ended up getting the more expensive iPhone 6s as opposed to an iPhone 6 because it has an extra letter, so it must be better, I guess? DD did pay for half. I'm just hoping to hold off on getting DD8 a phone for as long as I can. Some kids her age already have phones :sad2:

I always asked why dd couldn't use a land line phone at the pool.
This reminds me of those videos where they give kids old(er) technology, like a typewriter, Windows 95 PC, or rotary phone, and see if they can use it. It's good for a laugh.

This will be our first value stay. First world problems. Our first two trips were paid for by the grandparents (my parents) and were at POFQ. We usually go moderate, have done deluxe, but never value. DD chose AoA for the underwater music in the pool I am guessing.
I was impressed with AoA, although it was in a Nemo suite. Not sure how the LM rooms would change my opinion since they are farther away and smaller. But the resort itself is great. Fantastic theming, good food court, and the pool is impressive.

Did get some good news, the Pirate Princess is now a Cane (god it hurts me just typing that). Package arrived today from UM on her acceptance to their Master of Professional Science Program. Happy until I looked at what it would cost. Tempered my enthusiasm a bit but they did give her a partial scholarship though.
Congrats! Obviously the cost is a bummer, but at least there's a partial scholarship. I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end.

Can you believe Cars was released 10 years ago yesterday?
Wow. I never realized that. Just watched Zootpia Blu-ray with the family last night and it's pretty impressive how far the animation has come. I was watching the "extras" (yes, I wave my geek flag proudly) and they mentioned that in Frozen, Elsa had 800,000 hairs. Each animal in Zootopia has about 2 million, each one individually mapped in the computer (to blow in the wind, etc.). Amazing.
Top O the Mornin Dads! Gonna be crazy hot here over the weekend. Have a great weekend gents.
Morning all. Tennis this AM for me, and then I'll hit to youngest dd. Oldest has a friend's birthday party to go to followed by another birthday party for our godchild. Lots of birthday parties this weekend. Speaking of birthdays, my friend last night received a VIP package for a Dallas Cowboys home game, autographs, meet the cheerleaders, etc. He ended up being surprised, although some idiot blew it as he was outside smoking when he arrived.

Found Randall's friends...

Ahhh, a picture of Canada. :lmao:

Sounds like you are having a great day - enjoy!

So far so good. The weekend is looking good.

Youngest DD has a sleepover birthday party tonight and oldest is going to a friends house to "study for exams" that start on Monday. I put study in quotations because, I wonder, is there really any studying going on? Anyway, that means DW and I have the house to ourselves tonight. Hmmm...trip to the liquor store for some cocktail mix and then, well, let's see what happens... Most likely will involve one of us (me) falling asleep in front of whatever chick flick she has decided to "celebrate" our night of freedom with.

So interesting that you had this experience. I bought a new phone for DD16 on Tuesday as well. I wish I could say it was a cheap phone, but for some reason her phone now has to be an iPhone. Her iPhone 5 had been "dying" frequently and deleting messages on her apparently. I wondered if we could get a new battery but apparently Apple prefers you shell out money for a new phone instead (FYI, I could care less about cell phones and know very little about them, so DD and DW may have just suckered me into buying a new one for the heck of it). Anyway, we ended up getting the more expensive iPhone 6s as opposed to an iPhone 6 because it has an extra letter, so it must be better, I guess? DD did pay for half. I'm just hoping to hold off on getting DD8 a phone for as long as I can. Some kids her age already have phones :sad2:

Yeah, there isn't much studying with my girls, but just am grateful when they don't want to have those type of things here. Hope you enjoyed your night of freedom or at least able to see a decent movie.

I can't imagine a phone at 8, but I had to convince DW to wait until age 13, although, I was hoping for 16 when they started driving. I suggested we just get a basic phone, or even use the dumb flip phone and not give them Internet access, which would then truly be something to be used in an emergency. Glad to hear she paid half of it.

Top O the Mornin Dads! Gonna be crazy hot here over the weekend. Have a great weekend gents.

On that note, I let myself be talked into a USTA Team tournament which goes over three days at the end of June. So, I'll have to play twice a day, for at three consecutive days, with at least one match being in the middle of the day. I may not survive that weekend.
Morning folks! Is it still morning? I slept til almost 9!!!
(When the dog insisted she needed out and food.)

So this is what a day off feels like.

But I like it.

Anyway, we ended up getting the more expensive iPhone 6s as opposed to an iPhone 6 because it has an extra letter, so it must be better, I guess?

:laughing: Yup! (I have no idea.)

I'm just hoping to hold off on getting DD8 a phone for as long as I can. Some kids her age already have phones :sad2:

Ah yes. The cell phone for little kids craze.
Courtesy of serial killers everywhere.

I mean how many Moms (at least it was the Mom in our house) insist their little one absolutely must have a cell phone in case they get lost or abducted or whatever other evil event they can think of?
Happy Saturday,

The kid is driving home from Disney today. I'm still stuck here.

Just heard of the killing of Christina Grimmie. Never heard of her before but you have to be sad over this senseless act. She is my daughter's age for god's sake.

With your luck you won't be able to find a match.

Funny, good one. And probably true.

Sorry to hear about the home owner challenges and additional school costs but congrats to PP (gonna need a new tagline now). Will she be living at home while doing this program?

Yes. No way we are spending money on an apartment. That is unless I burn the place down.

Congrats again to PP on the continued success. It's called "THE U" by the way.:lmao::lmao:

Supposed to say the "U". Is it more or less expensive than out of state tuition at Seton Hall?

The only way I use that letter to describe the school is if the 6th letter of the alphabet proceeds it. Norm, grad school is WAY more expensive than SH. So was the scholarship money so it ends up only being a little more expensive. Hoping she gets a TA position or something to offset some of the costs.

Found Randall's friends...

I like it.

Youngest DD has a sleepover birthday party tonight and oldest is going to a friends house to "study for exams" that start on Monday.

Been there, done that so you have my sympathy. Still laughing at you guys with younger girls though. Can't help it.

On that note, I let myself be talked into a USTA Team tournament which goes over three days at the end of June

Good for you. Next you will be playing Federer at Wimbledon.
Looking like a busy weekend in one way or another for most. I got up early and knocked out a little field work before the heat set in. Not as much as I would have liked as my back decided to act up again. Happens about once or twice a year so I am spending the afternoon taking it easy. May go out this evening for the county Relay For Life Event. I've never taken part in the survivors walk and may do it if the heat, back, and my ambition all fall into line.
It is another beautiful Sunday morning here. Made it thru another birthday party for our goddaughter yesterday, pool party, with about 15 twelve year old girls. I don't think they ever stopped talking. :sad2: I've eaten quite a bit of birthday cake now these past few days. On the home front, DW bought one of those 6 foot long inflatable kiddie pools, however, it is intended for her to float in and relax this summer.

I mean how many Moms (at least it was the Mom in our house) insist their little one absolutely must have a cell phone in case they get lost or abducted or whatever other evil event they can think of?

My thought was that if my child has an emergency at the swimming pool, it is located indoors at the Health Park facility. The facility is a business that has some terrific brand spanking new inventions - indoor plumbing, electricity, and yes, telephones. Not to mention all the other parents and children there that have cell phones.

The kid is driving home from Disney today. I'm still stuck here.

The only way I use that letter to describe the school is if the 6th letter of the alphabet proceeds it. Norm, grad school is WAY more expensive than SH. So was the scholarship money so it ends up only being a little more expensive. Hoping she gets a TA position or something to offset some of the costs.

Good for you. Next you will be playing Federer at Wimbledon.

Sorry you are still stuck at the house, but at least that gives you more hours to work to pay that tuition. I know grad school tuition is more, but I just wondered if it was more given the out of state rate undergrad tuition you had at Seton Hall. But, no dorm fees this time around. I still have that tuition benefit for my girls as long as I still have a job. We have some $ saved as well, but probably not enough. I tell them they will have to have employment to pay for things themselves. As for tennis, did manage 5 times this week. Sadly, I'll never contend for that title in Wimbledon.

Looking like a busy weekend in one way or another for most. I got up early and knocked out a little field work before the heat set in. Not as much as I would have liked as my back decided to act up again. Happens about once or twice a year so I am spending the afternoon taking it easy. May go out this evening for the county Relay For Life Event. I've never taken part in the survivors walk and may do it if the heat, back, and my ambition all fall into line.

Sorry to hear about the back. When I get home from tennis, I'm usually icing something down afterwards - foot or knee most often. At the Susan Komen 5K, I saw them set up for the survivor's walk. They played the theme song from the first set of Superman movies as the survivors walked out.
Don't know why there's no sun up in the sky...
Stormy weather

Man is it dark outside. Thunderstorms been rolling through past few hours.
The younger pup doesn't care, the older one is shivering and cowering.

Funny. That's how I feel when SWMBO gives me a chores list.

My thought was that if my child has an emergency at the swimming pool, it is located indoors at the Health Park facility. The facility is a business that has some terrific brand spanking new inventions - indoor plumbing, electricity, and yes, telephones. Not to mention all the other parents and children there that have cell phones.

::yes:: We're wayyyy too overprotective these days. We're teaching our kids to be afraid of everyone.

Horrific news continues to come from Orlando. Sad, sad situation.

I didn't know what else you were referring to, so I took a peak at the news.
:sad2: Just incredible. And so senseless.
Good morning everyone. Here's to another week in the trenches.

Horrific news continues to come from Orlando. Sad, sad situation.

I didn't know what else you were referring to, so I took a peak at the news.
:sad2: Just incredible. And so senseless.

Hearts go out to the victims, their families and the Orlando area - senseless and tragic.

Second that. Awful scenes.

Echo what everyone is already saying. I'm not naive to think this world is not full of hate. But, I still cannot understand how anyone can be filled with so much hate to bust up into a place and kill so many people other than to settle within myself that we live in a sick world.
The violence in Orlando is just horrible. I am praying for everyone even remotely connected to the situation.

On a lighter note, does anyone know what the cost is to upgrade a park hopper ticket to the water park option? Not sure that I want to do that, but we extended our stay by a few days, and I am wondering if we should go to a water park for one day. It is August, and really, the heat is horrid, so it might be something nice to do other than just the pool. Once I find out the cost, then I will have a little bit more of a thought on it. It was so cheap to add a few days onto our park tickets, that I now wonder how much for the 'next' level of ticket. :)

Also, hope everyone is having a great Monday.
Top O the Mornin Dads!
The violence in Orlando is just horrible. I am praying for everyone even remotely connected to the situation.

On a lighter note, does anyone know what the cost is to upgrade a park hopper ticket to the water park option? Not sure that I want to do that, but we extended our stay by a few days, and I am wondering if we should go to a water park for one day. It is August, and really, the heat is horrid, so it might be something nice to do other than just the pool. Once I find out the cost, then I will have a little bit more of a thought on it. It was so cheap to add a few days onto our park tickets, that I now wonder how much for the 'next' level of ticket. :)

Also, hope everyone is having a great Monday.
To add to a 4 or more Day Hopper it is $26.00


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