DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

And, that's the truth. <pbbbft>

wait, 10 channels???
Yes! We had cable! As far back as I can remember anyway. John Walton who it is claimed started the first cable tv is in Mahanoy City Pennsylvania in 1948. Which was Service Electric Cablevision. Somewhere along the line changed to Service Electric Cable Tv. I had SECTV my entire life up till three years ago when we moved to Florida.
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I bundle my streaming services (Disney+, Paramount+ for the NFL, and Peacock for ND, BIG 10 football, and The Office) to create my own cable service. It's neat. For $7.99, $2.50, and $4.99, respectively, plus $50.00 for Comcast internet, I can now pay the same amount as cable, but I don't have to click through a long list of channels I'm not interested in. Plus, I no longer have HGTV, TLC, and Hallmark. But those were my wife's channels, so I'm actually winning when it comes time to pick something to watch after the kids go to bed.

It feels good to get a win now and then.
We also had a machine, looked like a wood jointer, that you use slide the erasers over and it would get the chalk dust out of them.
I remember going outside and banging the erasers together to clear them. The big eraser made a nice loud sound when you slammed it on the ground.
They had it pointed towards the door. We would leave the door open, wait for someone to come down the hall and shot the eraser at them.
wait, 10 channels???
3. One in French, two in English.
Plus, I no longer have HGTV, TLC, and Hallmark. But those were my wife's channels, so I'm actually winning when it comes time to pick something to watch after the kids go to bed.
Morning, Fellas! Back to the work week we go. Keeping an eye on Hurricane Lee, and while most predictions show it staying out to sea, there was one weather forecast shows at least two of the spaghettis strings hitting Rhode Island. Back in 1991 Hurricane Bob hit Rhode Island and did a lot of damage to Cape Cod because Cape Cod was on the northeast side of the storm, where the strongest winds are. So we'll see what happens. I'm confident this will stay out to sea. If it does, I suspect we'll get some winds and rain out of it along with some strong surf.

Dropped the DD off at the in-laws yesterday for some fun while I was off doing things. After my DD went inside the house, I told my DMiL and DSiL about my upcoming trip to Disney World in January for the DDCC. Figured the DMiL was going to find out anyways, so might as well tell her. My DMiL and DSiL were both obviously surprised, and I could tell that my DMiL, while not upset, didn't approve of it. DSiL was happy for me. She was like, "A solo trip, nice." I told them both that I had talked to the DW about it first and got approval for the trip. I then reminded my DMiL by way of a story I told to my DSiL that my DW, took a trip to Ireland on a 2 hour notice about a year after we were married to meet up with a college friend of ours. When finishing up the story I looked at my DMiL and smiled. My DMiL said, "We did manage to get her on a plane to Ireland pretty quickly." And I responded with, "Yes you did." She's not dumb, my DMiL, so she caught what I did and, don't want to say "backed off" because that would indicate she was really mad, but she relaxed her position and said, "Make sure you come back with something for DD." I told her I had ideas. So now the family knows, well, I don't think the DFiL knows, but that bridge will be crossed when it needs to be.

Well, I'm off to get ready for work. Have a good day, guys.


Close. We use to sniff the ink from the mimeograph machine. Lol
That should explain a lot. Lol

That really does explain a lot. My mom was a school teacher and I got to help her print sheets. :teeth: :crazy:

These kids are amateurs, you have to sniff it out of the container the ink comes in. Lol.
Here’s one that looks like the one we had.
View attachment 792569


wait, 10 channels???

I had 13.

Aahhhhhh. I can smell it now. Lol

Oh you're not the only one.
Yes! We had cable! As far back as I can remember anyway.
I may have head that it got an earlier start in the northeast, but I never really looked into the history of cable.

Interesting and lucky, then.

3. One in French, two in English.
Also interesting.
No surprise, multilingual options weren't a thing south of the 49th.

When we were in Pennsylvania there were 2; upgraded to 3 when we got down to Florida.
Public Television showed up in the very late 60's and finally an independent station somewhere around my teens. Cable Tele didn't show up in my folks house until I was in college and working (so I didn't really have time to watch much of it anyway).
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I told my DMiL and DSiL about my upcoming trip to Disney World in January for the DDCC. Figured the DMiL was going to find out anyways, so might as well tell her. My DMiL and DSiL were both obviously surprised, and I could tell that my DMiL, while not upset, didn't approve of it. DSiL was happy for me. She was like, "A solo trip, nice." I told them both that I had talked to the DW about it first and got approval for the trip. I then reminded my DMiL by way of a story I told to my DSiL that my DW, took a trip to Ireland on a 2 hour notice about a year after we were married to meet up with a college friend of ours. When finishing up the story I looked at my DMiL and smiled. My DMiL said, "We did manage to get her on a plane to Ireland pretty quickly." And I responded with, "Yes you did." She's not dumb, my DMiL, so she caught what I did and, don't want to say "backed off" because that would indicate she was really mad, but she relaxed her position
Nicely played.
I may have head that it got an earlier start in the northeast, but I never really looked into the history of cable.

Interesting and lucky, then.

Also interesting.
No surprise, multilingual options weren't a thing south of the 48th.

When we were in Pennsylvania there were 2; upgraded to 3 when we got down to Florida.
Public Television showed up in the very late 60's and finally an independent station somewhere around my teens. Cable Tele didn't show up in my folks house until I was in collage and working (so I didn't really have time to watch much of it anyway).
Whats funny is, all the channel’s were basically all the same thing. Lol. Some came out of Scranton Pa and some came out of Philadelphia Pa.
I love Lucy, The honeymooners, The Brady bunch. Lol
The biggest difference was no adjusting the rabbit ears or the antenna. You still had to get up to change the channel, run to the bathroom or get a snack during commercials and had to get up to give the tv a wack when the vertical hold started moving. ( all the yougins are googling “vertical hold” ) lol
This weekend, we went over to the MK on Saturday, we had reservations at Crystal Palace for breakfast. Also got to say high to a few long time Disdads. We really haven’t been in the MK that much this summer. It was nice to hit some rides etc….
Sunday, we had lunch reservations at nine dragons. Our reservation was at noon but we got there around nine thirty. Epcot had quite a few people in it. We headed over to work, DW got to shop and I was talking to some cms I work with. I was talking to one of the managers and I asked her, are they giving something away today, there are mobs of people trying to get in.
FIGMENT!!! It was the first day of the Figment meet and great. By ten am, it was a two and a half hour wait to meet Figment.
We ate and came back home. Not only it was nap time but it was hot out and we wanted to go swimming. Lol. We had a pretty good time this weekend. That was the most time we spent on property all summer together.
It’s hard to get to the parks, even though you live right up the street, life gets in the way.
Close. We use to sniff the ink from the mimeograph machine. Lol
That should explain a lot. Lol
The mimeograph was good, but my nose still burns from the ammonia in the old blue line copier. Dont remember if its a Cyanotype or heliograph, its been too long and i couldn't find a pic of the giant machine we had at school.

We also had a machine, looked like a wood jointer, that you use slide the erasers over and it would get the chalk dust out of them. They had it pointed towards the door. We would leave the door open, wait for someone to come down the hall and shot the eraser at them. Lol Not a real good idea but when you’re 10, most ideas weren’t good ideas. Lol.
For the youngins on here, we grew up with 10 tv channels and no computers or internet. You had to entertain yourself.
10?? WTH? We had 3, 4 if the weather was just right. I was in my teens before I found out that some people actually got channels on these big numbers on the bottom knob.
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Morning All.

Good luck today! ;)

Morning, Fellas! Back to the work week we go. Keeping an eye on Hurricane Lee, and while most predictions show it staying out to sea, there was one weather forecast shows at least two of the spaghettis strings hitting Rhode Island. Back in 1991 Hurricane Bob hit Rhode Island and did a lot of damage to Cape Cod because Cape Cod was on the northeast side of the storm, where the strongest winds are. So we'll see what happens. I'm confident this will stay out to sea. If it does, I suspect we'll get some winds and rain out of it along with some strong surf.

Right now it looks like Lee may be heading towards us. Should lose some steam before it gets here though.
Evening, Fellas!

Hope everyone's doing well today. Made it through another day without needing bail money. Still keeping an eye on the storm, and while it may not hit Cape Cod directly, one model shows it hitting Maine, which would give us some tropical storm force winds. I guess it's better than hitting us directly.

Well, gotta run and head to rehearsal for Matilda. Have a good day.

Nicely played.

Thanks! I saw my opening and took it.

Whats funny is, all the channel’s were basically all the same thing. Lol. Some came out of Scranton Pa and some came out of Philadelphia Pa.
I love Lucy, The honeymooners, The Brady bunch. Lol
The biggest difference was no adjusting the rabbit ears or the antenna. You still had to get up to change the channel, run to the bathroom or get a snack during commercials and had to get up to give the tv a wack when the vertical hold started moving. ( all the yougins are googling “vertical hold” ) lol

How about this:

Right now it looks like Lee may be heading towards us. Should lose some steam before it gets here though.

Depending on the model yes, but one of the models shows it hitting Maine, which I guess would still give you a lot of grief as well, but either way the storm is/will be big enough to give us some tropical storm force winds. As I've already said, better than hitting us directly, I guess. As long as nothing falls on or through the roof of my house, or onto my car, I'll be ok with it.
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Depending on the model yes, but one of the models shows it hitting Maine, which I guess would still give you a lot of grief as well, but either way the storm is/will be big enough to give us some tropical storm force winds. As I've already said, better than hitting us directly, I guess. As long as nothing falls on or through the roof of my house, or onto my car, I'll be ok with it.

South Eastern Maine is on the edge, The center of the tracking models are showing Lee coming across western Nova Scotia and South Eastern New Brunswick.

Regardless, it's going to be wet and windy on Saturday.
The mimeograph was good, but my nose still burns from the ammonia in the old blue line copier. Dont remember if its a Cyanotype or heliograph, its been too long and i couldn't find a pic of the giant machine we had at school.

10?? WTH? We had 3, 4 if the weather was just right. I was in my teens before I found out that some people actually got channels on these big numbers on the bottom knob.
We had an antenna on the roof for a few years along with cable. If we wanted to watch the antenna, we would set the top dial to UF and use the bottom dial to try to get the channel. The only channel I recall was WFMZ 69 that we would watch on the antenna.
On the top, 2 was Service Electric channel, 3,6 and 10 were the big three and they came out of Philadelphia. 5 and 13 were out of New York and I don’t remember what was on and 12 was PBS. The rest, I don’t recall.
How I remember that, I have no idea. Lol.
So Thursdays are my first of three Saturdays of a week and I just do a few chores around the house, I always make it my pool deck hosing off day. Not sure what we got going on this weekend, hopefully just hanging out. We had a pretty nice Florida rain storm this afternoon which is always a good time to take a nap. Lol
We were in the Magic Kingdom last Saturday and Epcot last Sunday. Had some meal reservations. On the boat ride back to the TTC, we were looking at the bungalows at the Poly. We always wanted to stay there but the price was way out of our range and way to many points. Since we live here, we don’t use our DVC points and had to bank our points. So we decided for our daughters birthday, we made the reservation, we are staying in a bungalow!! Just two nights, three days. We are making no park plans, just going to hang out in the bungalow. May even make some meals there.
So for tonight, just sitting by the pool watching the sun set.
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On the top, 2 was Service Electric channel, 3,6 and 10 were the big three and they came out of Philadelphia. 5 and 13 were out of New York and I don’t remember what was on and 12 was PBS. The rest, I don’t recall.
How I remember that, I have no idea. Lol.
Funny... I remember our channels too.
2 was CBC, 3 was CBC French and 5 or 7 (it changed somewhere in there) was CTV.
On the top, 2 was Service Electric channel, 3,6 and 10 were the big three and they came out of Philadelphia
3, 6, and 10 were the major networks from Philly for me too. And channel 29 had the Phillies games.

We were in the Magic Kingdom last Saturday and Epcot last Sunday. Had some meal reservations. On the boat ride back to the TTC, we were looking at the bungalows at the Poly. We always wanted to stay there but the price was way out of our range and way to many points. Since we live here, we don’t use our DVC points and had to bank our points. So we decided for our daughters birthday, we made the reservation, we are staying in a bungalow!! Just two nights, three days. We are making no park plans, just going to hang out in the bungalow. May even make some meals there.
Sounds awesome. Bet your daughter will love it!
Do you remember
I do!

We were too cheap to pay for it, though.
South Eastern Maine is on the edge, The center of the tracking models are showing Lee coming across western Nova Scotia and South Eastern New Brunswick.

Regardless, it's going to be wet and windy on Saturday.
You guys up north keep your heads down. Wont be any worse than a good ole nor’easter. ( I hated those things) You just won’t have to shovel or snow blow anything at least. Worse part down here is we are to far inland for storm surge and we live in concrete bunkers for the most part but we do get the wind and rain and it takes the power out and we have no A/C.
Stay safe up there!


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