DCL Summer 2017 Megathread - Itineraries are out!

Many September sailings are listed - is there something in particular you are searching for? You may be a good candidate to use a travel agent this time, they can book the cruise for you if you contact one before you head off! :)
I was just thinking that... so a travel agent can get me prices tomorrow?
We are interested in Eastern Caribbean on the Fantasy or 4-5 day Bahamas (if there is a 5 day) on the Dream late September 2017.
I want to do Alaska so badly but it would probably cost us £5000 in flights getting to Vancouver
I was just thinking that... so a travel agent can get me prices tomorrow?
We are interested in Eastern Caribbean on the Fantasy or 4-5 day Bahamas (if there is a 5 day) on the Dream late September 2017.
If you're Gold or Platinum your TA can get you prices tomorrow. If you are not, your best bet is to check the pricing threads here for info and then decide what you're interested in and have your TA get you a quote on Thursday.
I was just thinking that... so a travel agent can get me prices tomorrow?
We are interested in Eastern Caribbean on the Fantasy or 4-5 day Bahamas (if there is a 5 day) on the Dream late September 2017.

They absolutely can get you prices - whether it is tomorrow or Thursday depends on your Castaway status. If you are Platinum or Gold they would call in for you tomorrow, if you are silver or new they would get you the quotes on Thursday (though at that point you can also check all the prices online yourself if you are able to).

Couldn't tell if this had been posted. I just received an email from DCL that regular (newbie, Silver CC) can book 8am EST on Thursday, 4/14.

It was, but it can be repeated as I am sure people are looking for it! ;)
I was just thinking that... so a travel agent can get me prices tomorrow?
We are interested in Eastern Caribbean on the Fantasy or 4-5 day Bahamas (if there is a 5 day) on the Dream late September 2017.

If you are Gold or Platinum, a TA can place a hold and get you a quote tomorrow. If you are Silver or new to DCL, a TA *may* be able to share quotes s/he got for others but will not be able to secure a specific rate for you until Thursday. (I say *may* because it depends what other client's might be looking for and also how much time the TA has to compile extra information to share.)

Enjoy your cruise and your more immediate travels!
I have only one placeholder that can be used as late as summer 2017. Can my TA put two cruises on hold for us tomorrow (I'm gold) and then apply the placeholder to the one we choose in a couple of days? or does the placeholder OBB have to be designated to only one hold? Does that make sense? Thanks!
We are silver.. so I guess not, hoping there will be some pricing info available here tomorrow :) We will be at the airport by 6 am on Thursday so unfortunately unlikely I will be able to check on anything.
We are silver.. so I guess not, hoping there will be some pricing info available here tomorrow :) We will be at the airport by 6 am on Thursday so unfortunately unlikely I will be able to check on anything.

Fingers crossed! We'll certainly have threads for you to look through to get an idea. As time goes on prices continue to rise, so they won't be as exact as they would be if you have an actual quote from a TA. That said, typically late September is a low time to cruise, so the increase for you could be much slower or even non existent!
Fingers crossed! We'll certainly have threads for you to look through to get an idea. As time goes on prices continue to rise, so they won't be as exact as they would be if you have an actual quote from a TA.
Sigh.... Keeping fingers crossed for sure! I will be disappointed if prices are already higher when we come back.


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