DCL ? Anything for 9 and 11yr old Boys ?


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2000
We are thinking of trading some of our precious points for a DCL Cruise March of 2003. We are worried that our 9 and 11 yr old boys may be bored with swimming after a few days. Has anyone travled with their boys of similar age ? Did they have fun ?

How about transportation ? Does DCL pick you up at the airport ? or do you have to drive yourself to Port Canaveral ?
No first-hand experience but any kid I've talked to ranging from 8-16 has raved about the cruise. The parents say they didn't see them most of the trip. I believe there are "clubs" with activities for all ages. The kids about the ages of your boys feel very independent.

Found this link with a description of some the activities.

We will be going on our second cruise in June, and my DS9 and DS11 are VERY excited. They were 8 & 10 when we took our first cruise, the 4-day. Sadly, I'm a working Mom, so they have both been in day care all their lives, so they took to the Oceaneer's Lab fine. They participated in a variety of the planned programs there, but especially enjoyed the free time when they could play on the video games and computers. Their favorite thing was staying until the lab closed when they were just about the only ones there.

When they weren't in the Lab, they also enjoyed swimming, although I think the Mickey pool was a little too baby-ish (other than a few trips down the slide) and the Goofy pool a little too boring, playing in the arcade, playing ping-pong, going to the shows, and being able to eat whatever they wanted. I don't recall them ever being bored!

There is also a sports deck/basketball court and movies both on TV and in the theater. Of course, you will probably be doing some stuff at the islands too.

Check out one of the great websites that has the kids navigators posted for your boys ages. I think it would help if you review them together to see if any of the activities sound like fun to them, although some of the descriptions do not always describe the activity too accurately.

Regarding transportation - there are DCL transfers available from the airport to port and back. We used them last time for the convenience (they collect and transport your luggage too!). I've read quite a few posts of cheaper ways to go (i.e. car rental), but we will probably use the DCL transfers again.

Hope this helps!


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