DC Discount and WL


<font color=deeppink>I enjoy being tagged!<br><fon
May 16, 2000
Has anyone been able to get the DC Discount for the WL? If so, for what dates? I'm trying for Dec. and a CM said they are already all gone. Hoping this isn't the case. Any ideas?

I got the DC discount for our stay 2/10 - 2/14; 20% off because it was off-peak season.
I got a DC discount at WL for 1/15 til 1/20.(TWO MORE WEEKS!!!!!OMG!!!!). However, I called on 10/14 (the first day of the new DC), at 7:00 am, and already had an existing reservation at full price. We only saved about $250.00 off the whole package price, but every little bit helps. All I can say is keep trying, they could always have a cancellation. Or try AAA or Dreams Unlimited. Sometimes they can do better!! Good luck!!! 313 hours to go!!!
We love the WL and have stayed there the last 2 Novembers (value season) and have been unable to get the DC discount after multiple calls. They always seem to have discounts for the other deluxe hotels, but they are few and far between at the Lodge!

I just need to add, I think there are too few DC discounts available. They keep reducing value season and the number of discounts to the point where you need to call at least 9 months in advance to get a discount at many of the hotels in the off season. The uninitiated who think the DC guarantees a discount must get very frustrated.
Please, how did you get WL rooms cheaper? the Disney Card, PLZ HELP!

Travel agents such as AAA have blocks of rooms set aside. It is worth checking with them - their discount for Dec 2000 at WL was the same as MKC and may be worth joining AAA.

Hoosll Do It
Cont -'84
Poly - '90
WL - Dec '00 - Big 5-0


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