Days to visit?


Earning My Ears
Mar 31, 2001
We are visiting USF & IOA on Fri & Sat. May 11 &12. Which would be the better day at each park? Crowds, etc.
Either one of those will be great...mid may usually has low crowds and great weather. Enjoy! :)
Saturdays do tend to get crowded, though.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Hi Barry,
Our family is really happy that I discovered this forum. There is so much good info here, thanks and keep up the great work.

We're driving down from Western NY this April and we'll be in Tampa from the 9th to the 12th and in Orlando from the 13th to 21st. We bought the 5 park flex passes online and we have 2 days left on a 5 day disney parkhopper from 2 yrs. ago.

We've never gone to the parks during this kind of peak season and we expect long lines, but we are very glad to hear about the express pass thing.

My question is when do you think the parks will be the most crowded? What are better days to see what? since we have the flexibility of the 14 day passes we have alot of leeway to be fluid and changable.
Even if there are no choice times or days we are going to have fun as this has been one heck of a winter up here. Like I said to my two daughters and wife, I can hardly wait to stop shoveling snow and be waiting in a line in wonderful Florida.

Thanks and have a great day


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