DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

Were you using DAS?
The DAS registered person scans first and the Mickey head in the scanner turns blue. That alerts the Cast Member to look at their screen to see what the alert was. The Cast Member looks at the picture of the DAS registered guest to make sure it matches the person entering the line. Then the Cast Member clears the alert and the rest of the group can scan.
Yes, I was. I do remember a couple of times, my grandchild scanned their bands before I did. I mean they did scan quickly and I was right behind them. I really never noticed a CM taking note. This was in mid November 2023.
One major difference: a developmentally disabled person doesn’t have the faculties to handle the situation. And you’re trying to equate this to that.

Still curious as to how one can’t hop out of line for a bathroom break but they can hold out when on a 15 minute attraction during an urgency.
They don't. They don't ride the 15 minute attractions if it is an issue. Many of Disney's rides are much shorter than that, a few minutes at most. Most longer attractions are shows that you could leave if needed.
Yes, it does. Taking out your frustrations on Autistic people because we still explicitly qualify under Disney's new rules (which haven't even been fully explained yet) and your disability does not is not cool. It's not fair, but that's not Autistic people's fault. We didn't make or ask for the change, and comparing everything to Autism in a way that belittles its associated struggles just because it's become Disney's 'chosen disability' is unfair.

So, not directed at you specifically - but I think I have been hearing a lot of "just leave and use the bathroom" statements along with "being very in favor of this policy" that ignores the fact that many people in this thread are worried. Disney has not done a good job of explaining exactly what will be done for non-developmental disabilities.

I think everyone needs to try to put themselves in the other's shoes. Not necessarily to try to understand their disability because I get that it may not be easy or possible to fully appreciate someone else's disability. But what I mean is, there are a large number of people who have depended on DAS for their Disney trips and now this change is calling that into jeopardy. There are other non-developmental disabilities where people have genuine concerns and some don't just have a "bathroom problem" as I've seen mentioned multiple times - it goes beyond that.

People currently are left with insufficient information on how their disability will be accommodated other than it likely won't be DAS if it is a non-developmental disability.

IMHO It feels very dismissive to hear people constantly say "just exit the line and use the bathroom".

Consider if you were on the other side of this and DAS was only for people with GI issues and developmental disorders were not included and Disney just said, stay tuned for more information.

On the other hand, I agree taking out frustrations on someone with a developmental disability is not constructive.

This is a tough time for a lot of people who are currently left in the dark on how they will be able to have a successful trip. Trips that may already have been planned and paid for and they run the risk of not being able to get a refund or have an enjoyable vacation.

I think at the very least, we can all agree that we want everyone to have an enjoyable vacation (or maybe in some cases, for their children to have one) right? Right now there are some who are worried they won't be able to have one being left with insufficient information on how things will work.

I hope everyone can try and take a breath and step back and be supportive of each other instead of trying to create a divide.
They don't. They don't ride the 15 minute attractions if it is an issue. Many of Disney's rides are much shorter than that, a few minutes at most. Most longer attractions are shows that you could leave if needed.
They do. DAS has grown 3x in 5 years. There are literally more people using it that don’t qualify than who do qualify.

I guess this is all a moot debate anyhow. DAS is going to be for developmentally disabled people and families, as it should be. For everyone else, there are alternative accommodations. Those who are ungrateful for those accommodations likely don’t have legitimate claims. Because anyone with disabilities who are offered accommodations are naturally grateful for it. It’s the ones who turn up their noses who are the problem.
So, not directed at you specifically - but I think I have been hearing a lot of "just leave and use the bathroom" statements along with "being very in favor of this policy" that ignores the fact that many people in this thread are worried. Disney has not done a good job of explaining exactly what will be done for non-developmental disabilities.

I think everyone needs to try to put themselves in the other's shoes. Not necessarily to try to understand their disability because I get that it may not be easy or possible to fully appreciate someone else's disability. But what I mean is, there are a large number of people who have depended on DAS for their Disney trips and now this change is calling that into jeopardy. There are other non-developmental disabilities where people have genuine concerns and some don't just have a "bathroom problem" as I've seen mentioned multiple times - it goes beyond that.

People currently are left with insufficient information on how their disability will be accommodated other than it likely won't be DAS if it is a non-developmental disability.

IMHO It feels very dismissive to hear people constantly say "just exit the line and use the bathroom".

Consider if you were on the other side of this and DAS was only for people with GI issues and developmental disorders were not included and Disney just said, stay tuned for more information.

On the other hand, I agree taking out frustrations on someone with a developmental disability is not constructive.

This is a tough time for a lot of people who are currently left in the dark on how they will be able to have a successful trip. Trips that may already have been planned and paid for and they run the risk of not being able to get a refund or have an enjoyable vacation.

I think at the very least, we can all agree that we want everyone to have an enjoyable vacation (or maybe in some cases, for their children to have one) right? Right now there are some who are worried they won't be able to have one being left with insufficient information on how things will work.

I hope everyone can try and take a breath and step back and be supportive of each other instead of trying to create a divide.
I am not in favor in the slightest of belittling anyone's disability, and fully agree that I don't deserve a DAS pass any more than someone with bathroom issues just because my brain is wired in a way that makes me insufferable to be around. In fact, I'd happily give mine up to many of the people in this thread, who need it far more than I do.

That being said, if the shoe was on the other foot, I wouldn't feel it fair to take it out on the people who were still being accommodated. Attacking each other is not acceptable and is unproductive - the finger should be pointed firmly where it belongs: at Disney. They had to know that being vague with the descriptions of the policy changes, and subsequently funneling scared & despairing people with questions into several-hours-long virtual queues (with servers that already had trouble handling the volume), was going to cause chaos & was a cruel thing to do.
Can we please stop referring to all those with developmental disabilities as lacking in "mental faculties"? lanejudy said it best in acknowledging that it depends on the individual. Developmental disability does not equal intellectual disability. They are different sets of conditions and diagnoses - and while they can be co-occurring, they are not always co-occurring.

As one example, a person who is being overstimulated and overwhelmed from noise and having a meltdown - and thus unable to reason *during the moment of meltdown* - does not mean the child is incapable of reason *all the time.* it means that when that meltdown is happening, their ability to reason is shut down.

The seeming need to stereotype or cramming certain disabilities into specific little boxes is not helpful to the discussion of these changes. All it does it pit people against each other
It seems like Disney originally designed DAS to be a replacement for GAC and help with all different kinds of disabilities, not just Developmental ones.

I get that Disney has now stated that they have decided DAS is now only for developmental disabilities, but I don't think that was the only intention when they created DAS as the GAC replacement.
No, DAS was NOT intended as a GAC replacement for all kinds of disabilities. It was originally intended to be for those individuals who needed certain GAC stamps -- GAC provided various accommodations, probably 6 or 8 different "stamps" were available to note which was needed. MOST of those accommodations are not covered by DAS. During that changeover, the disABILITIES Forum had very similar discussions as this thread, with posters worried they would never be able to visit Disney again because they were going to lose their accommodations. Maybe some decided they were done with Disney and have not returned. But the vast majority found the "new system" ("new" at that time) was workable and not the end of accommodations.

In fact, until the past couple of years or so, most posters with "bathroom needs" (for lack of a better broad encompassing term) were denied DAS.

I do think there may be some misunderstanding of Disney's wording:
...intended to accommodate those Guests who, due to a developmental disability like autism or similar, are unable to wait in a conventional queue for an extended period of time.
I read this sentence with a PAUSE between the words autism and similar - as if there was a comma. "Developmental disability like autism" is one potential target group, "or similar" is other diagnoses/needs requiring similar accommodations. I do believe it may be more inclusive than most fear. But Disney is obviously trying to limit DAS to more restrictive needs. They may well require a guest to try another accommodation before agreeing to DAS for certain needs.
I am not in favor in the slightest of belittling anyone's disability, and fully agree that I don't deserve a DAS pass any more than someone with bathroom issues just because my brain is wired in a way that makes me insufferable to be around. In fact, I'd happily give mine up to many of the people in this thread, who need it far more than I do.

That being said, if the shoe was on the other foot, I wouldn't feel it fair to take it out on the people who were still being accommodated. Attacking each other is not acceptable and is unproductive - the finger should be pointed firmly where it belongs: at Disney. They had to know that being vague with the descriptions of the policy changes, and subsequently funneling scared & despairing people with questions into several-hours-long virtual queues (with servers that already had trouble handling the volume), was going to cause chaos & was a cruel thing to do.

The reality is there are alternative accommodations Disney is offering. The problem is a gravy train is coming to an end, and they aren’t happy with the alternative accommodations. They much prefer a free trip of Lightning Lanes.

But if Disney is offering an accommodation and the vitriol and frustration I’m reading makes me think it’s more of a spoiled person having a thing taken away than it is a grateful person being appreciative Disney is still providing accommodation—-they’re just not giving every Tom/Rich/Larry free lightning lanes. Those are reserved for people who genuinely cannot wait in queues at all.
I’m confused why so my people are on this thread bragging how they don’t need DAS. Why are you here? Why are you poking and antagonizing those with disabilities? Telling us what we deserve and how we feel. How sad that you are in the Disabilities group picking fights with people. What does that say about you?
I encourage everyone to stop engaging with these people and just hit the ignore button next to their profile so they no longer get the attention they so desperately want.
They do. DAS has grown 3x in 5 years. There are literally more people using it that don’t qualify than who do qualify.

I guess this is all a moot debate anyhow. DAS is going to be for developmentally disabled people and families, as it should be. For everyone else, there are alternative accommodations. Those who are ungrateful for those accommodations likely don’t have legitimate claims. Because anyone with disabilities who are offered accommodations are naturally grateful for it. It’s the ones who turn up their noses who are the problem.
Not sure how to take this. My comment was only about people who might not be able to hold it more than 5 or 10 minutes generally not riding attractions that would trap them for more than a few minutes to plan for that.

I do agree that DAS has grown, but no one ever said it was because too many people are using it who need bathroom access.

It would be interesting to see statistics of exactly who is using DAS in what proportion because honestly I would not think that people with GI problems make up a huge percentage, but who knows.

I will also say again that I am not against the concept of leaving and returning if it can be done to work well.

What I am against is people trying to diminish that people with GI issues have real documented disabilities that affect their lives as much as anyone on the spectrum. The anxiety, stress, pain, fatigue and general impact these diseases have on their lives are just as valid as they are to someone on the spectrum.

People can talk about vacations ruined by meltdowns, and I can talk about them being ruined by children hemorrhaging, crying, hysterical, for hours. I saw the argument earlier that autism stress is more vaild because the child doesn't understand, and we think the child hemorraging understands what is happening or it is somehow less traumatic if they do?

I just want everyone to respect everyon's disibilties. I have family with Autisim. I have family with Crohns'. They are both equally valid and neither is a better or worse disease. They are both a spectrum and everyone's experiences are different.
Yes, I was. I do remember a couple of times, my grandchild scanned their bands before I did. I mean they did scan quickly and I was right behind them. I really never noticed a CM taking note. This was in mid November 2023.
You may just not have noticed. The CM doesn't necessarily say anything. They just clear the alert after checking.
The reality is there are alternative accommodations Disney is offering. The problem is a gravy train is coming to an end, and they aren’t happy with the alternative accommodations. They much prefer a free trip of Lightning Lanes.

But if Disney is offering an accommodation and the vitriol and frustration I’m reading makes me think it’s more of a spoiled person having a thing taken away than it is a grateful person being appreciative Disney is still providing accommodation—-they’re just not giving every Tom/Rich/Larry free lightning lanes. Those are reserved for people who genuinely cannot wait in queues at all.

Disney hasn't done a good job explaining the alternative accommodations. So how can someone possibly know if they are happy with them or not?

Also, just because an alternative accommodation is offered does not mean is actually will accommodate that person's need. You're assuming that Disney has thought of everything and there will be an alternative accommodation to meet everyone's need. The Disney I've experienced rarely seems to get it right on the first try.

What you're reading is people who are worried because the accommodation they had is potentially being taken away but no good explanation has been provided on what the alternative is.
Not sure how to take this. My comment was only about people who might not be able to hold it more than 5 or 10 minutes generally not riding attractions that would trap them for more than a few minutes to plan for that.

I do agree that DAS has grown, but no one ever said it was because too many people are using it who need bathroom access.

It would be interesting to see statistics of exactly who is using DAS in what proportion because honestly I would not think that people with GI problems make up a huge percentage, but who knows.

I will also say again that I am not against the concept of leaving and returning if it can be done to work well.

What I am against is people trying to diminish that people with GI issues have real documented disabilities that affect their lives as much as anyone on the spectrum. The anxiety, stress, pain, fatigue and general impact these diseases have on their lives are just as valid as they are to someone on the spectrum.

People can talk about vacations ruined by meltdowns, and I can talk about them being ruined by children hemorrhaging, crying, hysterical, for hours. I saw the argument earlier that autism stress is more vaild because the child doesn't understand, and we think the child hemorraging understands what is happening or it is somehow less traumatic if they do?

I just want everyone to respect everyon's disibilties. I have family with Autisim. I have family with Crohns'. They are both equally valid and neither is a better or worse disease. They are both a spectrum and everyone's experiences are different.
No, DAS is a reasonable accommodation for autism, not Crohn’s.

There are alternative accommodations for Crohn’s that Disney already offers. The problem is many people don’t want that accommodation; they want what comes with a DAS pass.

That’s not how federal law works. And I agree with Disney taking a much more intentional stance on a program that has tripled in 5 years resulting is diminished accommodations for those with disabilities Disney is attempting to accommodate.
Disney hasn't done a good job explaining the alternative accommodations. So how can someone possibly know if they are happy with them or not?

Also, just because an alternative accommodation is offered does not mean is actually will accommodate that person's need. You're assuming that Disney has thought of everything and there will be an alternative accommodation to meet everyone's need. The Disney I've experienced rarely seems to get it right on the first try.

What you're reading is people who are worried because the accommodation they had is potentially being taken away but no good explanation has been provided on what the alternative is.

The reality is the reasonable accommodations exist; people just don’t want them. They want the accommodations that come with free lightning passes.

Disney is saying no, we will give you reasonable accommodation. But you’re no longer getting the free lightning lanes. That’s a reasonable accommodation for another disability.

The problem is everyone wants the reasonable accommodation that comes with lightning lanes. That’s not how reasonable accommodation works. And that’s not the attitude people should have. If you’re not grateful for an accommodation, then that speaks to the person than it does for the one offering support.
No, DAS is a reasonable accommodation for autism, not Crohn’s.

There are alternative accommodations for Crohn’s that Disney already offers. The problem is many people don’t want that accommodation; they want what comes with a DAS pass.

That’s not how federal law works. And I agree with Disney taking a much more intentional stance on a program that has tripled in 5 years resulting is diminished accommodations for those with disabilities Disney is attempting to accommodate.
I don’t think it’s right to say that DAS isn’t a reasonable accommodation for Chron’s or any other similar disability…IMO, it’s more accurate to say it’s not the ONLY reasonable accommodation. It seems that Disney agrees. And is looking to offer a different accommodation.
No, DAS is a reasonable accommodation for autism, not Crohn’s.

There are alternative accommodations for Crohn’s that Disney already offers. The problem is many people don’t want that accommodation; they want what comes with a DAS pass.

That’s not how federal law works. And I agree with Disney taking a much more intentional stance on a program that has tripled in 5 years resulting is diminished accommodations for those with disabilities Disney is attempting to accommodate.

If they make reasonable accommodations. I am fine with that. What people here are saying is that no one is giving us information on these reasonable accommodations or how they will work.
The reality is the reasonable accommodations exist; people just don’t want them. They want the accommodations that come with free lightning passes.

Disney is saying no, we will give you reasonable accommodation. But you’re no longer getting the free lightning lanes. That’s a reasonable accommodation for another disability.

The problem is everyone wants the reasonable accommodation that comes with lightning lanes. That’s not how reasonable accommodation works. And that’s not the attitude people should have. If you’re not grateful for an accommodation, then that speaks to the person than it does for the one offering support.

Please explain the existing reasonable accommodations to me because so far all I have seen is speculation (some of my own actually) on what it might look like.

We know there is Rider Switch which already exists, but that wouldn't work for a person on their own or a person traveling with 1 other person who depends on that person as a care giver.

The "bathroom pass" is potentially another, which again has issues for solo travelers and 2 people where one is the care giver.

Also - can you explain on a ride with a very long standby line, how will you be able to find a CM to escort you to an emergency exit or try to traverse your way out of the queue back towards the entrance. If lets say someone is having a panic attack because they are claustrophobic - that potentially sounds like something that doesn't qualify for DAS anymore- what is their reasonable accommodation that exists today?
Please explain the existing reasonable accommodations to me because so far all I have seen is speculation (some of my own actually) on what it might look like.

We know there is Rider Switch which already exists, but that wouldn't work for a person on their own or a person traveling with 1 other person who depends on that person as a care giver.

The "bathroom pass" is potentially another, which again has issues for solo travelers and 2 people where one is the care giver.

Also - can you explain on a ride with a very long standby line, how will you be able to find a CM to escort you to an emergency exit or try to traverse your way out of the queue back towards the entrance. If let’s say someone is having a panic attack because they are claustrophobic - that potentially sounds like something that doesn't qualify for DAS anymore- what is their reasonable accommodation that exists today?
At the end of the day, having to go to the bathroom isn’t going to be a DAS-qualifying disability.

They have other accommodations called notifying a cast member who will promptly escort you through an emergency exit that takes 30-45 seconds.

I did it half a dozen times with my kids on my last trip. That’s the accommodation. Waiting in line isn’t the problem; having to go to the bathroom is. So, the accommodation is to get you expeditiously to a restroom, which is what Disney does every hour in every ride for people.

The problem is most people getting DAS for bathroom urgencies don’t like that. They want the faster line with free lightning lanes. But that’s not the reasonable accommodation. Getting you to a bathroom is.

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