DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

As an aside, I’m not the only one surprised by how tightly lidded this still is, am I? I haven’t followed DAS news until now, but I stay up to date on most WDW news and rumors and can’t think of another time in years that a big change was coming and there weren’t leaks ahead of it. Not a peep about details for non-DAS alternative accommodations at almost 2 days out is wild.
Technically, we have heard a lot of rumors that may turn out to be leaks (though have generally been dismissed)…and we have seen at least some of the alternative accommodations that can be offered listed on the Disney sites.

I hope that we start getting better (accurate!) information on Sunday, but one way to slow down people abusing the system would be to require NDAs for everybody getting accommodations and if I was Disney I would seriously consider implementing a policy that discourages sharing accommodations on social media (1) to stop/slow fakers and prevent legitimate DAS-using influencers from jeopardizing the sustainability of the system to earn social media clout, (2) to reduce anti-DAS backlash from non-DAS busybodies, and (3) to stop some DAS guests for shrieking about “discrimination” if they don’t qualify for the accommodation they prefer but a different condition/guest does.
Technically, we have heard a lot of rumors that may turn out to be leaks (though have generally been dismissed)…and we have seen at least some of the alternative accommodations that can be offered listed on the Disney sites.

I hope that we start getting better (accurate!) information on Sunday, but one way to slow down people abusing the system would be to require NDAs for everybody getting accommodations and if I was Disney I would seriously consider implementing a policy that discourages sharing accommodations on social media (1) to stop/slow fakers and prevent legitimate DAS-using influencers from jeopardizing the sustainability of the system to earn social media clout, (2) to reduce anti-DAS backlash from non-DAS busybodies, and (3) to stop some DAS guests for shrieking about “discrimination” if they don’t qualify for the accommodation they prefer but a different condition/guest does.
I would imagine there would be significant issues with the ADA if Disney required disabled people to sign an NDA in order to receive accessibility accommodations.

We've been asked so much by the mods to stop statements like this.
I would imagine there would be significant issues with the ADA if Disney required disabled people to sign an NDA in order to receive accessibility accommodations.

We've been asked so much by the mods to stop statements like this.
Which statement specifically do you think violates the request not to speculate about accommodations? Or did you think me pointing out that there are significant upsides to telling people they can’t discuss the details of their specific accommodations was in conflict with another request?

I’m not aware of any provision of the ADA that requires anyone going above and beyond the minimum required by the ADA from sharing about it on social media, are you?
I’m not aware of any provision of the ADA that requires anyone going above and beyond the minimum required by the ADA from sharing about it on social media, are you?
We as guests aren't requesting an "above and beyond the ADA" accommodation. Guests wirh developmental disabilities under this new program who are requesting *accommodations* are told to do a video call ahead of time, and Disney determines whether or not to provide an accommodation. Non-disabled guests are not required to sign an NDA in order to access the park. It would be discriminatory for WDW to tell disabled people that qualify for the accommodation that *disney* has determined is appropriate for their needs that they are required to sign an NDA because of Disney's decision for how to accommodate them when no other park guests are required to sign an NDA to go to Disney Parks.
As an aside, I’m not the only one surprised by how tightly lidded this still is, am I? I haven’t followed DAS news until now, but I stay up to date on most WDW news and rumors and can’t think of another time in years that a big change was coming and there weren’t leaks ahead of it. Not a peep about details for non-DAS alternative accommodations at almost 2 days out is wild.
There's been so much bad info out there we wouldn't know good info if we heard it, so we wait on the Mouse.
Did my WDW chat this morning, took about 20 mins and was offered but didn't book pre-selects as I just wanted off the chat, will try in a bit for those.

AP holder, I have an active DAS but it would expire before my trip, approved for 30 days from first day of trip.

The chat was weird this time. I'm not autistic, not developmentally disabled. Maybe I've been lucky with all my CMs in the past. No mention of my current DAS or my previous approvals. Today she heard the whole thing and then asked why standard lines are an issue as if she hadn't literally just asked me that. I know how to do this explanation (most CMs in the past cut me off before I even get through the whole thing to approve me) and I didn't use diagnosis or technical terms. Going over all of it again, I tried to say it differently but there isn't much to change in what I say. She just seemed to have trouble understanding me, I do tend towards bigger words and colloquialisms, so maybe I need to simplify them in the future? I can't think of an colloquialisms I could have said in this description though. She then asked me a couple other q's I hadn't been asked before but I will not disclose them. They were a bit personal but not by much considering how much personal stuff I had already discussed. I feel they are quite practical for this approval process and should have been asked all along. I was a bit flustered by that time as I thought this was careening towards a denial but I stammered my way though the answers and was told I was approved for 30 days. After a couple moments of silence while I panicked on the inside she asked when was my first park date again and then said it will be 30 days from then and told me the date. Phew.

I'm hopeful the new methods work for me, but if they don't I'm grateful for one last trip where I don't have to buy G+ every day.
We as guests aren't requesting an "above and beyond the ADA" accommodation. Guests wirh developmental disabilities under this new program who are requesting *accommodations* are told to do a video call ahead of time, and Disney determines whether or not to provide an accommodation. Non-disabled guests are not required to sign an NDA in order to access the park. It would be discriminatory for WDW to tell disabled people that qualify for the accommodation that *disney* has determined is appropriate for their needs that they are required to sign an NDA because of Disney's decision for how to accommodate them when no other park guests are required to sign an NDA to go to Disney Parks.
Non disabled guests don’t have to do a video call either. There are things you have to do to be able to access the accommodation.
I just remembered when I did the chat yesterday that he ended up asking me if we had applied for/used DAS before? I responded yes. (We have used it 4 or 5 times in the last 2 years.) Then he asked how I registered for it before? Online or in person? I told him I have always done it online. I haven’t been asked these questions before so I’m wondering if they are collecting data? I thought they could see past DAS but he didn’t act like he could. Maybe because it is my account but my daughter is the DAS holder? Or because they tie it to individual tickets since we don’t have APs. Or I’m probably just reading too much into it and he was trying to see how much info he needed to give me on how to use it.
There is also the fact that a lot of children do use DAS for their disabilities, and NDAs and contracts aren't exactly airtight around people under 18.

This is beyond the fact that asking someone to video call is a simple ask versus signing a contract. No matter how legal it is to do so, that's a huge thing to ask of someone to gain an accomodation that Disney offered - and so Disney implementing something like that is highly unlikely.
There's a huge difference between an internet video call to request the anccommodation and being required to sign a legal document to *receive* an already offered accommodation.
An NDA makes no sense and would never be used, but for reasons other than what you stated i.e, that it doesn’t apply to non-disabled guests. That’s not the test for determining whether an accommodation is accessible.
Couldn’t they simply include something in the “contract” / agreement they have you (or the guardian) sign when registering for DAS? I know that wouldn’t be as official as an NDA but I agree that having a NDA for accommodations would be taking things too far.

The current agreement already has you stating that you’re not lying about the reason you need DAS which makes it possible for them to revoke a pass/ticket if it’s proven that you did lie.

Couldn’t they easily include something to the affect of not sharing about accommodations on social media that would allow them to revoke a pass/ticket if someone proceeds to do so?

I think if they were going to adjust/add anything to this agreement it would be now alongside the changes to DAS.
Good morning all! Last of the old DAS. Had my call this AM- took 8 minutes.
More questions than in the past and was told they cannot see that I had qualified many times previously (I call bologna slices!)
Non developmental disability and was approved.
He was def in a call center (had weird "wings" behind him that did not completely hide the view of his coworkers bustling about).
I wished him good luck tomorrow and we chatted a few seconds about how at least people will have some answers finally. He did say more information will come out tomorrow but I don't know if he meant official Disney info or just people going through the process and reporting back.
I don't have another trip until December so the dust will have settled by then and I can see if I qualify or if there are alternates for me!
Good morning all! Last of the old DAS. Had my call this AM- took 8 minutes.
More questions than in the past and was told they cannot see that I had qualified many times previously (I call bologna slices!)
Non developmental disability and was approved.
He was def in a call center (had weird "wings" behind him that did not completely hide the view of his coworkers bustling about).
I wished him good luck tomorrow and we chatted a few seconds about how at least people will have some answers finally. He did say more information will come out tomorrow but I don't know if he meant official Disney info or just people going through the process and reporting back.
I don't have another trip until December so the dust will have settled by then and I can see if I qualify or if there are alternates for me!
Was your camera angle all different? Mine had the camera in the upper corner looking down on her so you could see other background drops but not people. Weird how it made it feel less personal vs the old looking right at you set up. Suspect they had to revamp/move the setup when they brought on so many more agents.

With your CM saying they can’t see prior approvals and mine not mentioning it once yesterday it sounds like they cleared the application system of the old history of approvals. Which would be logical so CMs can’t use that as a shortcut for the new system. If this is so it will be a few months before we know if they’re starting a new history this team can see or if they’re not gonna allow these CMs to see that part.

ETA: they didn’t. Report from last night of a CM being able to see prior approvals
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