DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

Are both within 60 days of the April trip? The May trip should be fine but if the June trip is further out you still would have needed to re-register even under the old rules.
I registered in April for a May trip and a June trip. Yes, the second trip was within 60 days of registering.
Right. There is a bit of a mish-mash of old and new right now. To my knowledge the new limit of 4 is now in place, despite the old rules of DAS eligibility and Advanced Selections. But if you are a family of 2 parents + 3 minor children, I do believe that will be accepted even under the new limited.
Wondering about a situation with two parents and two grandparents ... in the past we could "register" more than 6 total for his DAS but he could only pick up to 5 to accompany him.... is that what the limit of 4 means, or is it just 4 registered? Wondering if he could choose rides to go on with grandparents and one of us could sit that one out .... probably just speculation for now I guess?
Right. There is a bit of a mish-mash of old and new right now. To my knowledge the new limit of 4 is now in place, despite the old rules of DAS eligibility and Advanced Selections. But if you are a family of 2 parents + 3 minor children, I do believe that will be accepted even under the new limited.
Hmmm...ok, I was thinking the only "new" change we've seen was the 10 min. in between scanning/booking. I thought it was looking like all other rules were the "old". I know it's all very new and we have limited info./specific reports. Certainly appreciate all those reporting and we'll do the same when we call in. The 5th person is my mom and honestly I'm not sure she'll go if she's not going to be allowed to ride with us (none of us will want to sit out or miss rides). To us, this is what really separates Disney over your run of the mill theme park. For the most part all ages can ride the vast majority together. She's only going to spend time with her grandkids and in the past it hasn't been an issue. I get why etc. just trying to figure out logistics for our trip next month. If we go again next summer, we'll have more time to ponder and wrap our heads around if it makes sense to travel with anyone other than oyr immediate family. For this trip though, all the plans/flights/time off work have been confirmed so the short notice and i
possible big changes is a lot.
Yeah, that’s what I’m posing. I agree that it doesnt’ help Disney on net, however I swear I read some verbiage somewhere, maybe it was WDW Magic Forums, where Disney seemed to be suggesting rider swap as an alternative to DAS and/or as a solution for larger parties than 4. I can’t wrap my head around why they would do that though.
What was explained to me was that I’m parties larger than 4 they would suggest RS … allowing one person to stay with the DAS holder and wait outside the line and then the others to go through the standby line and the DAS person entering the LL after their party had gone through the standby line…

At first, I sort of didn’t get it (and I’m not totally sure I get it now) because in theory the same amount of people are still going to be waiting for the same amount of time…

But what I’ve been told is that it makes a difference in what line people are in.
That’s where I get confused 🤷🏼‍♀️

but the thinking is that the ride has a set capacity and the CMS pull from a ratio (ideally letting in about 80% of LL and 20% of standby line per ride cycle)..

So since there is a set amount it ride return times for Genie per hour … the idea is to have fewer people in the LL at any given time to keep both lines flowing in max efficiency.

My understanding is that it is the larger DAS groups of like 6,8 or 10 that can really set the ratio off because of course an entire group in the LL all together need to ride together (which I totally understand why they would want to) but the reality is some rides have such small capacity that then that entire DAS group might be the only one pulled from the LL for that ride cycle…

which throws things off because the Genie plus system counts on at least a few of the genie guests that have returned to ride be included in every ride cycle.

I probably totally did not explain that correctly as it was explained to me lol … but that’s the general idea behind getting more people from the LL into the standby and would supposedly be the idea behind using RS for some larger groups needing accommodations .
Wondering about a situation with two parents and two grandparents ... in the past we could "register" more than 6 total for his DAS but he could only pick up to 5 to accompany him.... is that what the limit of 4 means, or is it just 4 registered? Wondering if he could choose rides to go on with grandparents and one of us could sit that one out .... probably just speculation for now I guess?
I would hope that they could do that. I don’t see why it would be an issue… I mean 4 people in the LL is 4 people … it shouldn’t have a negative affect on anything to have more registered (just not riding all together wt once )
Looks like it. And the 10 minute rule is that you cannot get another das return time until 10 minutes after you've redeemed your previous one.
And i think that is a really big deal… I know it’s just 10 minutes, but the DAS guest is already waiting the standby time, and then waiting in the LL and then has to wait an additional 10 min to choose a new attraction…

It all adds up and I think that is a big step in the right direction.. making the DAS less attractive to those who want to be dishonest to get one.
And i think that is a really big deal… I know it’s just 10 minutes, but the DAS guest is already waiting the standby time, and then waiting in the LL and then has to wait an additional 10 min to choose a new attraction…

It all adds up and I think that is a big step in the right direction.. making the DAS less attractive to those who want to be dishonest to get one.
It adds up and it matters, but most of the appeal is still there. Anyone who could get their hands on a DAS pass would still love to have it.
I probably totally did not explain that correctly as it was explained to me lol … but that’s the general idea behind getting more people from the LL into the standby and would supposedly be the idea behind using RS for some larger groups needing accommodations .
I get what you are saying. And I think that fits with what Disneyland notes in their Guide (snips of which have been posted previously), but the same wording isn't currently listed on the WDW Guide book (which is dated 4/5/2024 and clearly an updated from a previous version I downloaded). Currently WDW Rider Switch requires someone to not ride. So I guess it remains to be seen if that change comes to WDW.
Hmmm...ok, I was thinking the only "new" change we've seen was the 10 min. in between scanning/booking. I thought it was looking like all other rules were the "old". ... just trying to figure out logistics for our trip next month. If we go again next summer, we'll have more time to ponder and wrap our heads around if it makes sense to travel with anyone other than oyr immediate family. For this trip though, all the plans/flights/time off work have been confirmed so the short notice and i
possible big changes is a lot.
There is alot we don't know. If your trip is before the changeover dates in Disney's announcement, things are more likely to be closer to what was than what will be.

If the accommodation provided is DAS and is the newer rule, my guess given the current wording is Disney is going to try limiting the group eligible for linking and DAS use to an individual, their parents, spouse, or siblings, and up to 4 people, with rare exceptions. The group would be defined during the video chat. People could not be changed out easily. One aspect of this is that there will be a reduction of related work on CMs working the LL que.

There may be other grouping options for other accommodations.

I don't know if a) that's what Disney is planning or b) it will work well. That approach doesn't seem to work too well for the way many visit the parks. Grandparents and non-family friends are both issues in this scenario, both in terms of limiting who the disabled individual can ride with but also affecting non-disabled riders choices about who to ride with, especially if the disabled individual requires assistance from one of their party.
Yeah but that was before ppl were planning their lawsuits...
Seems like they will still refuse to look at them but have planned on what to do if folks get pushy.
As I mentioned a few pages back, I have real diagnoses, one being a neurological disorder. I would have no issue qualifying for DAS, however I have never used it. I do not get any easier access anywhere else, so I just do Disney like everyday life. So thankful I personally can. I am sorry for those who struggle so hard in this life. I wish it on nobody!

Having said that, most any lawsuit would be tossed out. Like the lady who sued because of her abuse of GAC/DAS for Tower of Terror. What ADA Standards require is accessibility and certain laws for employment. ADA.gov has everything the law requires. Disney is not required by law to accommodate by giving anything beyond accessibility and following law for employees. Disney is not required to give front of the line access, the ability to skip lines, any number of reservations, etc. So, anybody suing Disney for refusing to accept a doctor's note, such as the aforementioned ToT lady, really does not have a legal leg to stand on.
I would have no issue qualifying for DAS, however I have never used it.
So I saw your post earlier, and just to clarify -- you may have a diagnosis that fits into the "autism or similar" category, but if you are currently able to do the parks without DAS then you most likely don't have the "need" aspect of qualifying for DAS. Many people with the same diagnosis will have different needs, and even further some may have developed their own coping mechanisms to help them with their needs. I'm not asking you to expand further, but it is very important that the public realize DAS is not simply a blanket accommodation available to anybody with a certain diagnosis. Individuals must still present the need.
@lanejudy . Exactly this. Disney is embracing the spirit of ADA with addressing needs and trying to match an accommodation to that need. It appears to be going back to that tiered approach over the one size firs all DAS.

Let's see how this goes.

The current situation with LL reaching over 30minutes consistently helps Noone. The revamp of accommodations is part of the solution to this.
All of these new changes are making me over anxious and nauseous. I keep reading through things but I'm getting so over whelmed. Our trip is June 10-17. Am I able to contact via the video chat 30 days prior or because we are leaving after may 20th do I have to wait until may 20th? Im sorry if this has been answered already.

I get what you are saying. And I think that fits with what Disneyland notes in their Guide (snips of which have been posted previously), but the same wording isn't currently listed on the WDW Guide book (which is dated 4/5/2024 and clearly an updated from a previous version I downloaded). Currently WDW Rider Switch requires someone to not ride. So I guess it remains to be seen if that change comes to WDW.
I’m not trying to be argumentative or anything.. but I just took a look at the WDW website to see if the information I was getting (and then sharing ) was valid..

And I didn’t know if maybe they have updated it recently …but it now lists Rider Swap as a program that can be used by those with disabilities to access the line


Below is a list of options to assist guests in accessing attraction queues.

Rider Switch
Single Rider
Disney Genie Service
Disability Access Service
Stroller as a Wheelchair Tag
Navigating Queues with Service Animals

Rider Switch​

Rider switch is a program available to all Guests. With Rider Switch, Guests can wait with member(s) of their party who aren’t riding due to any of the reasons listed below. Once the first Guest returns the waiting Guest can board the attraction without having to wait in the regular line again!

Rider Switch is available for Guests who meet one of the following:
  • Does not meet the boarding requirements
  • Has a service animal that cannot board the attraction or does not want to use a provided kennel
  • Meets boarding requirement and does not want to ride but cannot wait outside queue on their own
Rider Switch is available at most attractions throughout Walt Disney World Resort.
How to Use Rider Switch

And I don’t remember who was asking about this… but they do say that even if the person meets the hight requirement, but just doesn’t want to ride… they can now use RS for those scenarios …

I hope it’s helpful ( I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to post the link to the disability page for WDW and I apologize if I broke a rule)
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My guess is that Cosmic Rewind's virtual queue will finally come to an end on around exactly May 20.

And that the entire reason it's remained on virtual queue so long is to keep DAS people from riding it more than once in a day.
What? DAS definitely isn't "the entire reason" GotG is still virtual queue. It's still virtual queue because it's still so popular that the VQ fills up seconds after opening.

Disney wants people walking around Epcot spending money, not waiting in line for 5+ hours when the queue definitely doesn't have the space for it (especially since 80% of Epcot's most popular rides are tucked into that little area).

I can only imagine how long the waits for that would be, especially after Test Track closes. FoP still routinely has 3+ hour waits, even without any of the other big rides being down for refurb.
Since I had heard rider swap was an option they definitely plan to use at WDW… I took a quick look.

Yes, I realize the Accessing Attraction Queues page of the Guests with Disabilities lists Rider Switch as an option to access queues. But it doesn't indicate a person with a disability can be part of a swap without a non-rider. The same is shown in the WDW Accessibility Planning Guide & Recommendations dated April 5, 2024:

By comparison, the DLR/DCA Guide states this, which clearly indicates someone can use Rider Switch and have a member of their party do the waiting [in the queue]:

So... I'm not saying WDW won't make a change that allows a disabled guest to use Rider Swap, but current documentation is different at WDW than at DLR.
All of these new changes are making me over anxious and nauseous. I keep reading through things but I'm getting so over whelmed. Our trip is June 10-17. Am I able to contact via the video chat 30 days prior or because we are leaving after may 20th do I have to wait until may 20th? Im sorry if this has been answered already.
I'd still call on May 10th unless Disney updates their disabilities page. If it is updated, I'm sure it will be stickied on the Disabilities home page.

Hugs- I feel pretty certain that Disney will help all of us with disabilities. May be different that what we had before but I've been through this with my niece who had the GAC card. Then Disney changed the GAC card. Then GAC poofed. We have DAS and now it is changing. It's been okay before and it will be okay this time too.
Just finished with the chat.
Logged on at 6:00a PST / 9:00a EST
Waited about 30 mins for the chat
See below for details.

Take aways: we were able to still reserve 2 advance rides for the length of the trip. The DAS expires when the tickets do.
She informed us that the new 10 min rules will be in effect while we are there.
  • Does your trip start before or after the 'new rules' date? If before, are all the days of your trip before?
  • 5/21-5/24 (new rules)
  • What kind of tickets? Did your ticket type require park reservations? Only date based tickets don't require reservations
  • Date based tickets
  • Does the person you did registration for fit into the category of developmental disability (autism or similar) that is listed on the website or some other issues/concerns with waiting in the regular lines? REMINDER: don't post specific diagnosis, symptoms or conditions, just 'yes' or 'other'
  • Not a developmental disability.
  • Did the person end up registered for DAS or other accommodations? If other accommodations, do they sound like they will meet the needs?
  • Standard das
Thank you for sharing! We'll be there that same week. This makes me feel a little better.


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