Custom Tipping envelopes


Earning My Ears
Nov 3, 1999
We have found that the housekeeping crew got a kick out of our tipping envelopes that were decorated with Disney figures. It added a little wimsie.
Thanks for the great site. I just printed out enough envelopes for each day we will be at WDW plus a couple extra. Now I'm going to look for clipart on the net so I can make some for tipping valet, bellhop and even wait staff. They are so cute I think we'll use them everywhere. I printed them on the quarter fold size envelope. I love them and I'm sure the service personnel will too. Thanks a bunch!!!! :D
Thanks for the website Buzz. They didn't have that when I went down in October. I just made up my own.

I'm bumping this up because it was one of many posts about the Tipping Envelopes and how much to tip and I didn't want to start a new thread on it but I have a question.

I finally figured out how to print them on #6 envelopes and I'm all set. Now I'm wondering....

If I'm going to be there 4 full days, and leaving very early the last day (staying 4 nights) when do I leave the first tip envelope? AFTER the first full day? That is the day I will be getting my room around 3:00 p.m. so I don't think a maid will even be in our room that day, except the one who turns down our bed as we're staying at the GF, is this correct? So do I start that night with her? Then for the next 3 day/nights leave one for the day person and one for the night person and then on the day I leave early morning, what do I do? Leave just one for the day maid?

I'm a bit confused as you can see.

Thanks for any help/advice.

Ps....if you are interested in these envelopes and don't want to search for the link, here you go Mousekeeping Envelopes
Thanks for the website tip. The graphics are really cute. These should go over really well with the housekeeping (or mousekeeping) staff.

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