Cruise 10/11/2003 Part 2

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Originally posted by papa
Sorry we missed the chat this morning. Slept right through it as I didn't get in the bed till 1-am cdt.

Congratulations on the camera Mary Jo and thank you for the card. Also want to thank Cathy for her card. Wish that we were going with you back to the inner harbor in Baltimore.

Eric and Anja hope that you have a safe flight to our sunny shores.

Has anyone thought about any contingency excursions if we are diverted due to hurricanes? Last year we wound up in San Juan instead of doing the western route. Just something to think about.

Don't think about it and it won't happen!!;)

since last week I have subscribed to a Hurricane warning service and already regretted it: Yesterday I received more than 20 mails due to Hurricane Fabian and some tropical depressions :(
I have to remember to unsuscribe before we depart or my mailbox is bound to explode :eek:
Originally posted by Silentshot
Hi all,

Sorry We could not make the chat but due to the Hessen Schau and the kid downstairs we did not get much done today...

hope u are all having a great weekend..

we will probably meet at the Hyatt at 0930am. Peter wants to be very early at the Port to negotiate a better stateroom. If Chris and you also don't have problems with the earlier departure, it is OK with us.
Peter will contact Chris and you.

Say Hi to Gaby and let's talk on the phone next week
Mike, Loved your grandmothers quote about the Christmas tree. Maybe Andy should wear a star on his head.:jester:
Glad to hear you've been spending quaility time with Mike Jr. which one of you was clocked going the fastest? :p

Hurricane Advise from a 20 year Fl Resident.
#1 Most tropical storms are a big nothing. If it weren't for the Weather Channel we would just think of it as a rainy day.
#2 Most hurricanes are really very small. The "eye" and the surrounding bad weather is usually only about 100 miles across.
#3 The Gulf of Mexico is HUGE!!!!
#4 With the tracking abilities on the ship, there is no reason for us to hit any bad weather.
#5 As a passenger on the "Mystery Cruise" of Sept 28th 2002, I can tell you, the Capt did a wonderful job of keeping us in calm seas and BEAUTIFUL weather.
#6 MOST IMPORTANT: Worrying about it will not change a thing. Just deside that no matter what happens, you are going to have a great time and you will.:smooth:
5 weeks today at this time I will be putting away my lifejacket and heading upstairs to the SAIL-AWAY PARTY!!!!!!
Sooner rather than later, Ave'
a 930 am pick up will get us to the port at 10:30
and bye the time u check in at the counter and all
should get u a pretty good spot in the line we like to be at the front
Ave since my son is younger, he was going faster than I was. We had a lady instructor from Guatemala teaching our class.

If we do go the eastern route instead of the western, I would like to do the 12 meter regatta again.

Mary aren't you and Ave going to hilton head or have you already been there done that.

Peter, we are also going to be getting to the port early. We were 1st on line last year and the kids thought it was the coolest thing EVER!

Mike we went to HH in Feb! I am going again in Feb but Ave can't make it this year:(

Ave, I could not agree more about the hurricaine stuff. I refuse to worry about it. I WILL look at the weather channel a few days before we sail, and if a storm is heading our way, I will do some quick research on alternate ports.
Okay, the race is on to see who will be the first in line this year!!
My dd thinks we will be. She has a deck of cards packed and is ready to wait!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Just bought some more clothes for the cruise. It was 60% off plus an additional 15% if you are over 55..........I took my mom and she made my purchases for me :p

Going shopping again tomorrow!! Can't wait.

Five weeks and we will be heading for Key West!!

Nope, no "racing" for me! As long as the 1st 20 or so people on line are Cruisetoberfesters(and I'm among them), it's fine with me:cool:

I've done a Baaaaaad thing:o . I reminded IGTD about the active hurricaine season we are having.
Peter...I saw you having some fun with her also:p
Hello all,

Just got caught up on my reading. I don't care where we go in the Gulf. I just wanna be on the ship! However, the first time we sailed on Magic and we got caught in the north edge of "Tropical Depression 12". That was pretty exciting. We pitched and listened to the closet door 'bump' all night. At one point we were nearly rolled out of the bed. The Captain came on the speakers the next morning to apologize for the rough seas. I never felt we were in danger but it was rough.

I am at work tonight and thank goodness it has quitened down a little. Last night we had to send a baby to Vanderbilt which left us with 7 (a lot for us) and then this afternoon when I came back in we were back up to 8 babies and only 2 nurses! Waaaa:( The new kid on the block is on a ventilator to boot! Well, at least we
aren't getting pulled to who knows where. :p

Yes, it must have been quite a sight in the driving school with father and son together. (Thank goodness it wasn't me this time.)I asked Mikey what did he learn in the school and he told me that he didn't learn anything. I bet he doesn't speed again.;)

Only 3 more 12 hour shifts and I can be off from the hospital for 5 nights.

Arlene, just get Andy onto those people behind the desk. I agree with Mary Jo if you get the Suite, expect visitors.:smooth:

Baby is crying, (WILL IT EVER END?????????) got to go feed the little crumb snatchers. Take care, Kathy with a K
Good morning everyone!!! Well, I have exciting news this morning. I'm an aunt again. My sister just had her 3rd little girl, Riley Angeline born last night at 11:30pm, 6 lbs. 7 oz., 19 1/2 inches long. I can't wait to see her, but unfortunately, they live in Norfolk, so it may be a while.
Hey guys!

Just wanted to say hello and that we have made it so far. Apparently the carribean is quite right now and we should have no problems! Had some rain this morning but now is clearing up.

Can't wait to see you all in 5 weeks!

I had to cancel my disney credit card this AM!! I ordered something off the internet and this company keeps charging my card and not sending me anything! I hope my new card gets here before we sail!!!

Mom and I are going shopping this morning.......more cruise wear!!!

Hope everyone had a great day!!

Hope:Pinkbounc :bounce:
Amy..congrats on your new neice! Here's an idea, Hilton Head is halfway between Fl and Va. Meet your sis and her family and spend the weekend at Disney's Hilton Head Island Resort. AND if you go on the long weekend in Feb. (Feb 14th weekend) then you'll get to see us!LOL!

Hope, that's terrible. What company was it? Have fun shopping today!

Dan...glad you and Scott are storm free!You two will be our good-luck charms when we sail in......34DAYS! DD and DS love to play cards. Perhaps we can get a card game going with the kids while we wait?
The card game sounds great!! I will bring a couple of different card games with us......UNO, Skip-BO and regular cards. That way maybe all four of them will know at least one game!!
(I'm going right now to put them with my stash or i'll forget!)

DD's are fighting AGAIN........must go tell the 9 yr old she ISN'T the parent!!

Good morning all. Glad to see that Dan and Scott have smooth seas. Take care guys and we are looking forward to seeing you soon. Dan do not throw Scott overboard with his lotions from the spa as the EPA will fine you. Plus you are supposed to respect your elders. Also you will have to do all of your own cooking.

Eric hope that you and all of our friends that are flying to Florida have smooth and safe journeys. Everyone that is driving please take plenty of rest stops, buckle up and drive defensively.

Just a few ideas for items to include in your travel bags. Hand sanitizer, clorox wipes for doorknobs, imodium , sunscreen, air freshener, and some type of pain reliever and moleskin for blisters on the feet if you are not use to walking a lot. Mike
Amy, Congrats on your Aunthood!
Hope, DD also loves cards. Last year there was a group of about 10 kids right behind us in line. They all came prepared with Game-Boys, Cards, ect. Unforturtantly my two kids, and Rellingtwins kids were too wound up and excited to do anything but make me crazy. Mary, maybe this year we can drop the guys off with the kids, and go back to the Raddison to park the cars. What do you think? :p
Eric, IGTD is I'mgoingtodisney, a fellow poster. She was one of the cruisers that got their trip cancelled last year because of the Norwalk Virus thing. She posts quite often.
Worked all weekend, now back to work tomorrow.
5 weeks from today we will be hunting for Pinky! I can't wait!
Sooner, rather than later. Ave'
Just back from taking the kids to see "Pirates of the Caribbean". Wonderful movie! I delayed taking them to see it because I knew it would be showing on board the Magic, but there was nothing else to take them to see. They loved it and have advised me they will be seeing it at every showing on board:crazy:

Mike, thanks for the reminder about the hand sanitizer.

Ave...LOVE the idea of dropping off the hubbys and kids!!!LOL!Kids hold the place in line, Hubbys do all the paper work, then sit on the kids for a few hours, while you and I have a Bloody Mary at the hotel pool bar!!!!Then we hop the shuttle back to the port, sign up just ourselves and walk to the start of the line where our families are waiting for us with all the carry on stuff!!!!
OMG we made it WAY too easy for them last year!WHAT WERE WE THINKING?????:eek:
Mary, I don't know what we were thinking last year. Of course the mess-up with your DH birth certificate did take our minds off other thing. So, do you think the guys would go for it? I'll ask DH tonight.

PALO UPDATE!!!!!!:bounce: :bounce:

We now have 52 diners. Anyone else out there who wants to join us, or had desided not to join us, please let me know by next Sat. (9/13)
Next Sunday I will e-mail, PM and post the Host/Hostess names and table mates. That way if there are any questions or problems we have time to take care of them. I will also have index cards at the Raddison and the port with all the info.
Thanks to all of you who have help me or offered to help. I hope that Brunch will be a good time for everyone.
Sooner, rather than later, Ave'
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