Cool/Different things to have signed?

Keep in mind that if you have cloth items like Tshirts or pillowcases signed, you will want to wrap it around something sturdy, like a clipboard or a book, so that they can get the leverage they need to sign. It isn't such a big deal with "face" characters, but it is with others. Also, make sure you only have one layer of cloth where they are signing, because sharpie can bleed through if you aren't careful.
We saw the Golden Book version of Frozen at the store before our trip and picked up one of those to have them sign. I have some other Disney Golden Books and might start throwing in one or two for each trip to have signed.
Keep in mind that if you have cloth items like Tshirts or pillowcases signed, you will want to wrap it around something sturdy, like a clipboard or a book, so that they can get the leverage they need to sign. It isn't such a big deal with "face" characters, but it is with others. Also, make sure you only have one layer of cloth where they are signing, because sharpie can bleed through if you aren't careful.

We did the Pillowcase! Took a clipboard and sharpies. Before we went we printed a Princess collage on it! 6 years later, it is a well loved souvenier!

It is worn from years of sleepy heads! Absolutely one of our favs!

We also have the autograph book with room for Pictures and it is also a fav!
We took a Mickey Mouse tshirts with us along with different colored sharpies. When we got home I stuck it to a bulletin board along with all the pins from our trip and displayed it in the living room. It makes me smile every day!
I love these ideas! We have a traditional autograph book, photo books that I made, and a photo mat. Was thinking of doing a photo mat again, but I like the idea of a pillowcase or just a plain canvas. So many choices!
Keep in mind that if you have cloth items like Tshirts or pillowcases signed, you will want to wrap it around something sturdy, like a clipboard or a book, so that they can get the leverage they need to sign. It isn't such a big deal with "face" characters, but it is with others. Also, make sure you only have one layer of cloth where they are signing, because sharpie can bleed through if you aren't careful.

When we did DDs pillowcases we used a painting hoop. It's very similar to an embroidery hoop, just has a solid back instead of another hoop. It worked out perfectly. It held the fabric tight and we basically just told the character to fill it in. We had a multi color pack of clicky sharpies for each character to choose from. They were a big hit!
A few years ago we did drawstring bags (one girl had Ariel, the other Tink) purchased on Amazon. Each girl carried her own with a few different colored sharpies and a piece of cardboard for stability & to prevent bleeding color. Now they are their park bags. The only character who needed help was Mickey, and his handler held the bag while Mickey signed.
The last time we went down, in December (we were supposed to be there right now, but ended up with the flu and cancelled), we started having the characters sign in a Disney children's story book that our daughter has. We try to get them to sign on pages where that character's picture is, but if there isn't a story with said character we just have them sign someone else in the book... kinda like a high school year book!
Mickey apron. Love it, hangs on a hook in my kitchen, and I use it most days. Sooooo much better than an autograph book on a shelf!
Last trip, my kids had the characters sign their SoTMK cards. The characters got a kick out of it too. At the Incredibles meet n greet we had FroZone's card but not Mr, incredible (as it is much more rare) and they really played it up/super cute memory. I'm going to make the "character photo album through the years" for our next trip-that will be great! Thanks for the suggestion!
We have had the boy's backpacks signed the past few trips. We used an opaque metallic pen. DH9 is too old now but DH7 loves having his. We actually use last year's backpack for our park bag. We bring a hard board and place it inside to make it easier for the characters to sign. We also had a photo book made from past character meets. We brought it with us in August and December and had the characters sign their page.
I started sketching in a sketchbook and have had characters sign their pictures. It was great for Anna and Elsa as it gave me something to do while waiting in line. I also had them sign an Olaf sketch that I gave my student teacher when I got home. :)
Last year I brought some disney quote cards with characters on them and had those signed for a scrapbook.
We've had characters sign a set of pillowcases. They are still my daughters favorite souvenir. Everyone who saw them while at the parks absolutely loved them.

We did this on a Disney Cruise. Make sure you bring fabric markers for the characters to sign with or you'll lose the autographs in the laundry :)
We did a signature quilt on our "babymoon" It is the centerpiece of my son's nursery :) I took along quilt squares and a small clipboard and fabric markers. It has washed well and was a great convo starter when I told the characters my plan :)
I saw someone the other day getting a bigger white Mickey Vinylmation signed. I thought that was pretty cool.

This is what we did. I will say some of the characters were not aware of how much space they took up with their LARGE signatures.
We saw a lot of characters and we ran out of room! I would bring 2 to be safe!


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