conspiracy theories

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I have a dear friend - she's smart, funny, rationale, a usually very level headed. She just will not believe that we actually landed on the moon. It's so very bizarre to me. She doesn't really go for any other conspiracies or anything... not sure why that one has stuck for her.
I forgot to add ... conspiracies about JFK, UFOs/Area 51, and the secret group - The Illuminati - who apparently control everything in the world.

Do you mean the JFK assassination conspiracy that the United States House Committee on Assassinations found to be true?
"...a hole of powerlessness..." describes it better than anything I've seen. A way to revenge that middle school science teacher, to get back at the kids who were smart in math class. Maybe that's why their rants include personal attacks on scientists and blanket dismissal of those who trust them. Their posts always read like a 3-year old's temper tantrum.
Yup. All it took to start the anti-vaccination movement was one paper. By the time it was discredited the damage was done.
Yup. All it took to start the anti-vaccination movement was one paper. By the time it was discredited the damage was done.
Oh it didn't even take that. The anti vax movement actually predated the first vaccine. Even during the 19th century, George Bernard Shaw was an anti vaxxer.
Does this look familiar It was the anti Smallpox vaccine movement in the 19th century.
  • said that vaccines would make you sick
  • blamed medical despotism, “a hard, materialistic, infidel thing” for creating the vaccination acts
  • warned about poisonous chemicals in vaccines, namely carbolic acid in the smallpox vaccine
  • said that Jenner’s smallpox vaccine didn’t work
  • pushed alternative medical practices, including herbalists, homeopaths, and hydropaths, etc.
  • used their own literature to scare people away from vaccines
Well as we know the Smallpox vaccine was the most successful vaccine ever eradicating the disease.
Today is just lather, rinse, repeat.

Now if we could only find a vaccine for stupid.
Why blindly believe everything the government or health officials are telling you? Didn't they once say smoking was good for you? That lobotomies were helpful? That thalidomide was ok during pregnancy? Why are we told mercury is extremly dangerous but we must switch to household LED bulbs and have vaccines with mercury in them? Can't you feel in your gut something is wrong with this Covid situation? Why is it that information about Covid or vaccine "conspiracy theories" are being censored by Twitter and Youtube but they don't censor conspiracy theories about Bigfoot, fake moon landing, or the many quack cures for other diseases? With the Covid lockdown, why is it that you could go to a liquor store but could not go to a dentist? That women could get abortions but not a hip replacement? That your pet can get groomed but you can't get a haircut? That you can be in a crowded subway car, Walmart, Target, but can't go to the beach, park or to a small mom and pop boutique or library? If Covid is so contagious and deadly, why aren't the homeless and front line workers like cashiers and postal workers dying by the thousands? Majority of deaths from Covid are elderly in nursing homes and they have poor health to begin with. We have been told for years that older adults must have socialization, fresh air and exercise for their physical and mental health but now they must remain locked down in their homes or assisted living bedrooms and not see their families at all? Why aren't the Covid health officials talking about ways to build up the immune system like good nutrition, Vitamin D/sunshine (studies have come out indicating people dying with Covid have low Vitamin D levels), spirituality, and exercise? Instead they tell us we can't go to gyms, church, yoga classes or to the beach? I am not denying that Covid is a serious problem but it is also important to step back and do some critical thinking when some things just don't make sense.
Why blindly believe everything the government or health officials are telling you? Didn't they once say smoking was good for you? That lobotomies were helpful? That thalidomide was ok during pregnancy? Why are we told mercury is extremly dangerous but we must switch to household LED bulbs and have vaccines with mercury in them? Can't you feel in your gut something is wrong with this Covid situation? Why is it that information about Covid or vaccine "conspiracy theories" are being censored by Twitter and Youtube but they don't censor conspiracy theories about Bigfoot, fake moon landing, or the many quack cures for other diseases? With the Covid lockdown, why is it that you could go to a liquor store but could not go to a dentist? That women could get abortions but not a hip replacement? That your pet can get groomed but you can't get a haircut? That you can be in a crowded subway car, Walmart, Target, but can't go to the beach, park or to a small mom and pop boutique or library? If Covid is so contagious and deadly, why aren't the homeless and front line workers like cashiers and postal workers dying by the thousands? Majority of deaths from Covid are elderly in nursing homes and they have poor health to begin with. We have been told for years that older adults must have socialization, fresh air and exercise for their physical and mental health but now they must remain locked down in their homes or assisted living bedrooms and not see their families at all? Why aren't the Covid health officials talking about ways to build up the immune system like good nutrition, Vitamin D/sunshine (studies have come out indicating people dying with Covid have low Vitamin D levels), spirituality, and exercise? Instead they tell us we can't go to gyms, church, yoga classes or to the beach? I am not denying that Covid is a serious problem but it is also important to step back and do some critical thinking when some things just don't make sense.
So what do you think it’s all about then? What’s the End Game for the governments across the globe with this?
Good gravy. Yes, Americans should be more responsible for their own health and well-being and we should be doing things to improve our health. But for the person who has an immune disorder (though no fault of their own) or who has asthma, COVID can be deadly.

Why in world would anyone make any of this up??? I know someone who says Dr. Fauci is in it for the money. Really??? He's 79 years old. That has never been an issue before and he's been at this through 6 other government administrations.

Now I'm not saying that every government official has make sound decisions--like opening liquor stores but closing dental offices. However, I certainly don't think that's part of some greater conspiracy.

Why blindly believe everything the government or health officials are telling you? Didn't they once say smoking was good for you? That lobotomies were helpful? That thalidomide was ok during pregnancy? Why are we told mercury is extremly dangerous but we must switch to household LED bulbs and have vaccines with mercury in them? Can't you feel in your gut something is wrong with this Covid situation? Why is it that information about Covid or vaccine "conspiracy theories" are being censored by Twitter and Youtube but they don't censor conspiracy theories about Bigfoot, fake moon landing, or the many quack cures for other diseases? With the Covid lockdown, why is it that you could go to a liquor store but could not go to a dentist? That women could get abortions but not a hip replacement? That your pet can get groomed but you can't get a haircut? That you can be in a crowded subway car, Walmart, Target, but can't go to the beach, park or to a small mom and pop boutique or library? If Covid is so contagious and deadly, why aren't the homeless and front line workers like cashiers and postal workers dying by the thousands? Majority of deaths from Covid are elderly in nursing homes and they have poor health to begin with. We have been told for years that older adults must have socialization, fresh air and exercise for their physical and mental health but now they must remain locked down in their homes or assisted living bedrooms and not see their families at all? Why aren't the Covid health officials talking about ways to build up the immune system like good nutrition, Vitamin D/sunshine (studies have come out indicating people dying with Covid have low Vitamin D levels), spirituality, and exercise? Instead they tell us we can't go to gyms, church, yoga classes or to the beach? I am not denying that Covid is a serious problem but it is also important to step back and do some critical thinking when some things just don't make sense.
Why blindly believe everything the government or health officials are telling you? Didn't they once say smoking was good for you? That lobotomies were helpful? That thalidomide was ok during pregnancy? Why are we told mercury is extremly dangerous but we must switch to household LED bulbs and have vaccines with mercury in them? Can't you feel in your gut something is wrong with this Covid situation? Why is it that information about Covid or vaccine "conspiracy theories" are being censored by Twitter and Youtube but they don't censor conspiracy theories about Bigfoot, fake moon landing, or the many quack cures for other diseases? With the Covid lockdown, why is it that you could go to a liquor store but could not go to a dentist? That women could get abortions but not a hip replacement? That your pet can get groomed but you can't get a haircut? That you can be in a crowded subway car, Walmart, Target, but can't go to the beach, park or to a small mom and pop boutique or library? If Covid is so contagious and deadly, why aren't the homeless and front line workers like cashiers and postal workers dying by the thousands? Majority of deaths from Covid are elderly in nursing homes and they have poor health to begin with. We have been told for years that older adults must have socialization, fresh air and exercise for their physical and mental health but now they must remain locked down in their homes or assisted living bedrooms and not see their families at all? Why aren't the Covid health officials talking about ways to build up the immune system like good nutrition, Vitamin D/sunshine (studies have come out indicating people dying with Covid have low Vitamin D levels), spirituality, and exercise? Instead they tell us we can't go to gyms, church, yoga classes or to the beach? I am not denying that Covid is a serious problem but it is also important to step back and do some critical thinking when some things just don't make sense.

So to avoid believing anything government officials say, you're going to believe a bunch of stuff somebody on the net pulled out of his rump? Not a good plan.
On Smoking. Yes, some doctors endorsed it wrongly for about 20 years but for the next 70, they've been correct on the issue. And it wasn't all doctors. It just seemed like a lot because the tobacco companies plastered what few doctors they had in their camp all over the place in their commercials.
On Mercury. Vaccines that do not contain Thimerosal as a preservative are available. LED bulbs do not contain mercury. It was CFL's that contained it. So you're wrong on facts already. And unless you decide to eat the CFL or smash it all over yourself, you're not going to get anything. The mercury was contained and had less than 1/1000th the mercury that old mercury thermometers did.
Bigfoot is allowed to remain on twitter and facebook because everyone knows it's a hoax. And a fun one too. That is not the case with Covid. So you have nothing there.
A dentists works in your mouth and stands over you to do it. Hence it's a lot more of a risk of spread than is grabbing a liquor bottle. BTW, dentists are allowed emergency treatment. Nothing there. Why aren't front line workers dying? Uh they are. At greater rates than those that were able to isolate.
Why aren't people being told to practice supplements and homeopathy? They are. But doing that alone wouldn't help enough.
Yes. You are denying Covid is a serious problem.

We need an eyeroll emoji in the 'like' menu for certain responses in this thread.
I have your eyeroll right here.
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So what do you think it’s all about then? What’s the End Game for the governments across the globe with this?
It doesn’t matter what I think, everyone should use critical thinking to do the research and draw their own conclusions if something in the political world doesn’t quite seem right to them. What new policies are our elected representatives pushing? Do they truly benefit the American people or, big business or one political party? How is it that senators make less than $200,000 a year yet end up amassing 200 million dollars or more? Who decides what is an “essential business”? Why can someone buy clothes at Target during lockdown while a mom and pop clothing boutique goes out of business? Do any Covid orders infringe on any civil liberties? Can states pass policies that go against the constitution? Who profits from certain Covid therapeutics? Who funds the research? Is research unbiased? Can widespread mail in voting lead to voting fraud? Why is there a push to release criminals from prisons yet people are arrested for going to the park or operate their business?
Dr Fauci said today that the majority of people will recover so why are we continuing lockdown for months? Why did the goal posts change for lockdown from slowing the spread (as to not overwhelm hospitals)
to now maintaining lockdown until a therapeutic or vaccine even though hospitals are furloughing staff due to low patient admissions?
It doesn’t matter what I think, everyone should use critical thinking to do the research and draw their own conclusions if something in the political world doesn’t quite seem right to them. What new policies are our elected representatives pushing? Do they truly benefit the American people or, big business or one political party? How is it that senators make less than $200,000 a year yet end up amassing 200 million dollars or more? Who decides what is an “essential business”? Why can someone buy clothes at Target during lockdown while a mom and pop clothing boutique goes out of business? Do any Covid orders infringe on any civil liberties? Can states pass policies that go against the constitution? Who profits from certain Covid therapeutics? Who funds the research? Is research unbiased? Can widespread mail in voting lead to voting fraud? Why is there a push to release criminals from prisons yet people are arrested for going to the park or operate their business?
Dr Fauci said today that the majority of people will recover so why are we continuing lockdown for months? Why did the goal posts change for lockdown from slowing the spread (as to not overwhelm hospitals)
to now maintaining lockdown until a therapeutic or vaccine even though hospitals are furloughing staff due to low patient admissions?
I love when people with conspiracy theories tell me to do my own research. That translates to: I got nothin.
It doesn’t matter what I think, everyone should use critical thinking to do the research and draw their own conclusions if something in the political world doesn’t quite seem right to them. What new policies are our elected representatives pushing? Do they truly benefit the American people or, big business or one political party? How is it that senators make less than $200,000 a year yet end up amassing 200 million dollars or more? Who decides what is an “essential business”? Why can someone buy clothes at Target during lockdown while a mom and pop clothing boutique goes out of business? Do any Covid orders infringe on any civil liberties? Can states pass policies that go against the constitution? Who profits from certain Covid therapeutics? Who funds the research? Is research unbiased? Can widespread mail in voting lead to voting fraud? Why is there a push to release criminals from prisons yet people are arrested for going to the park or operate their business?
Dr Fauci said today that the majority of people will recover so why are we continuing lockdown for months? Why did the goal posts change for lockdown from slowing the spread (as to not overwhelm hospitals)
to now maintaining lockdown until a therapeutic or vaccine even though hospitals are furloughing staff due to low patient admissions?

Sounds exhausting...
It doesn’t matter what I think, everyone should use critical thinking to do the research and draw their own conclusions if something in the political world doesn’t quite seem right to them. What new policies are our elected representatives pushing? Do they truly benefit the American people or, big business or one political party? How is it that senators make less than $200,000 a year yet end up amassing 200 million dollars or more? Who decides what is an “essential business”? Why can someone buy clothes at Target during lockdown while a mom and pop clothing boutique goes out of business? Do any Covid orders infringe on any civil liberties? Can states pass policies that go against the constitution? Who profits from certain Covid therapeutics? Who funds the research? Is research unbiased? Can widespread mail in voting lead to voting fraud? Why is there a push to release criminals from prisons yet people are arrested for going to the park or operate their business?
Dr Fauci said today that the majority of people will recover so why are we continuing lockdown for months? Why did the goal posts change for lockdown from slowing the spread (as to not overwhelm hospitals)
to now maintaining lockdown until a therapeutic or vaccine even though hospitals are furloughing staff due to low patient admissions?
All I can think of reading your posts:
So to avoid believing anything government officials say, you're going to believe a bunch of stuff somebody on the net pulled out of his rump? Not a good plan.
On Smoking. Yes, some doctors endorsed it wrongly for about 20 years but for the next 70, they've been correct on the issue. It just seemed like a lot because the tobacco companies plastered what few doctors they had in their camp all over the place in their commercials.
On Mercury. Vaccines that do not contain Thimerosal as a preservative are available. LED bulbs do not contain mercury. It was CFL's that contained it. So you're wrong on facts already. And unless you decide to eat the CFL or smash it all over yourself, you're not going to get anything. The mercury was contained and had less than 1/1000th the mercury that old mercury thermometers did.
Bigfoot is allowed to remain on twitter and facebook because everyone knows it's a hoax. And a fun one too. That is not the case with Covid. So you have nothing there.
A dentists works in your mouth and stands over you to do it. Hence it's a lot more of a risk of spread than is grabbing a liquor bottle. BTW, dentists are allowed emergency treatment. Nothing there. Why aren't front line workers dying? Uh they are. At greater rates than those that were able to isolate.
Why aren't people being told to practice supplements and homeopathy? They are. But doing that alone wouldn't help enough.
Yes. You are denying Covid is a serious problem.

I am not denying Covid is serious. I am saying some things don’t make sense. BTW For the light bulbs with mercury you are not supposed to throw them away in the garbage but take them to a hazardous waste center for disposal. The research shows that the large majority of deaths are people in nursing homes or people with serious underlying conditions. Where did you get your statistics that cashiers and front line workers are dying in droves more than the rest of the population?. Last I heard in the news the people in NY who were dying lately were those staying at home.
I have your eyeroll right here.
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You are missing the bigger picture. If you think it is completely normal that people are driving alone in their car with masks on or that snopes or someone like Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey is the final arbitor of what information is "truthful" and has the power to censor what they don't agree with, then I cannot help you.
You are missing the bigger picture. If you think it is completely normal that people are driving alone in their car with masks on or that snopes or someone like Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey is the final arbitor of what information is "truthful" and has the power to censor what they don't agree with, then I cannot help you.

Curious what you meant about this part, or what that might have to do with a conspiracy theory? I have left my mask on in the car when driving between two close stores, because the ties on my mask get tangled in my hair when I try to put it on. It's a huge pain to take the mask on and off for a 5 minute drive between stores, especially when I've just been to another store touching the carts, the groceries, and the credit card machine, so I don't want to take my now contaminated hands and put them all over my face trying to mess with the mask
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